Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Tops Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Games Of All Time – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpOf course it does!Rolling Stone has published its list of the top 50 video games of all time, compiling every title that it believes was not only significantly influential upon release, but remains great to play this very day.Naturally, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has claimed the top spot, and while there are no doubt some Zelda purists who would scoff at its lofty position, we’re honestly not that surprised. It’s a phenomenal game through and through, and it deserves its place on the throne.Honestly, it’s a pretty safe list overall, and the only major omission that we’ve been able to glean is that there’s no 3D Mario title represented. Super Mario World is sitting pretty at number four, but we find it kind of baffling that not even the incredible Super Mario Galaxy made the cut.We’re also a little bemused at the inclusion of Mario Kart 64 over the infinitely more accomplished Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but we’re not going to lose sleep over this one. 64 is still an exceptional racing game, but it’s not the very best in the series, in our eyes.It’s worth checking out the full list, but here’s a look at Rolling Stone’s top ten games of all time:10. Super Metroid
9. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
8. Final Fantasy VII
7. Metal Gear Solid
6. Half-Life 2
5. The Last of Us
4. Super Mario World
3. Grand Theft Auto V
2. Tetris
1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildOver 40 years of Nintendo games, as ranked by youWhat are your thoughts on Rolling Stone’s list? Are there any games you think are missing? What about that top spot? What belongs there? Let us know with a comment.[source rollingstone.com]About Ollie ReynoldsNintendo Life’s resident horror fanatic, when he’s not knee-deep in Resident Evil and Silent Hill lore, Ollie likes to dive into a good horror book while nursing a lovely cup of tea. He also enjoys long walks and listens to everything from TOOL to Chuck Berry.Comments 83Yeah no.
Over Tetris? Over Super Mario Bros? Absolutely not.Honestly even when it comes to 3D Zelda games the only ones I’d put it over are Tears of the Kingdom and maybe Skyward Sword. I like it but I’m not in love with it.On the one hand I like it when videogames get decent broader coverage… but on the other hand why would anyone care what Rolling Stone thinks are the best videogames? Could not care less what they think!Rolling Stone MUSIC magazine covering Computer Games? Wow shows there is no good music anymore if they have to branch outSuper Metroid at #10 is respectable given the reviewers. And I personally enjoy Mario Kart 64 over Mk8. But yeah who cares about RS video game listsThis list is quite a trip, but I think any “Best Video Games of All Time” list is going to be a wild smorgasbord of “timeless,” “historically significant,” and “genre-defining” entries. I love lists as much as the next person, but “all-time” lists are getting a little too random for me.Plus, “Hey You, Pikachu!” didn’t make the cut, so we know the whole list is objectively garbage.As much as I agree that at least one 3D Mario should’ve been included, at the same time I’m glad that its lack allowed Super Metroid to be in this.Anyway, overall I’d say that this is far from a genuinely bad list and even more so considering it’s from Rolling Stone (like others here not sure why they made one in the first place, though)!Sorry but E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial for the Atari 2600 should be number 1.Not that I’d consider them any authority in anything least of all music, but they did get it right. Maybe they can give us a top 10 on magazines who run fake defamatory stories about college students.I agree. The genius in Breath of the Wild is that its so subtle, so fine tuned, that people often think it didnt do anything new. But in fact there is still no game to this day that achieved that level of freedom and cohesion, where you can basically do whatever you want and the game will deliver a great adventure all the same. Absolutely immersive and beautiful.the Rolling Stone article says “From ‘Super Mario’ to ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ these are the titles that have defined the culture”You need to see it then in that perspective. It’s not about if MK8 is better than MK64, but what it meant. I do agree a lot with the list like that. But that Ocarina or Mario64 is not on it is crazy, but I think they just wanted to have one entry for each IP.No one gets satisfaction with that Rolling Stone’s list.No Manic Miner?! …@Urso I never heard of anyone complaining it didn’t do anything new. The complaints I did hear is story wise it’s the weakest of all titles. To be fair Zelda was always light on story, but the problem lies with open world games in general. By giving player total freedom it disrupts the flow of story and makes the urgency that less important.That is why linear games will always succeed into telling a better story.See Breath of the Wild has two problems here. It wants the emotional impact, but at the same let players do what they wish. One of these must be sacrificed for the other. It’s trying to have it’s cake and eat it too.It’s really hard to care about Zelda and the fate of Hyrule when you can goof off for 100 hours. It’s quite easy to forget there’s even a plot story there simply because of that total freedom.To me, the best story is the one that happens prior to Link awakening. Like, the past is more interesting than the present. Simply because the present’s story is fragmented and scattered due to the open world.@LadyCharlie depends who you ask. Maybe Zelda fans rate those games over Mario and Tetris.It’s a solid list of great games, but I don’t know, this list should probably be longer and not in a placement order. Maybe in the order or release date instead of trying to give a game a meaningless placement over others since ALL of these games are worth playing today.@Tober .. until you notice that Wipeout’s not on.If any game “defined a culture”, it’s Wipeout.No arguments from me. It’s not really comparable to a game like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which is why I tend to say MK8D is my favourite arcade-type game of all time, but Breath of the Wild is undoubtedly the best non-arcade-type game I’ve ever played.@Tober the culture-defining aspect is definitely why New Horizons made the list but no other Animal Crossing did. Still, I feel like if a game was big enough in that way, it could break the multiple entires rule (Metroid Prime and Super Metroid). No Ocarina of Time based on that metric is unhinged, though.Whoever made this list put Madden NFL 2004 ahead of Balder’s Gate 3.I used to care about these kinds of list, but now I see no reason to praise or criticize best/worst of lists. BOTW is the best game of all time in their eyes? That’s fine. I don’t agree, but at the end of the day, why bother caring to any extent about these lists?It’s just one person’s or organization’s taste in something, nothing more.@Urso : Well put. BotW is an exquisite crash course in open world game design. When Skyrim was released on Switch a few months later, I just couldn’t get into it as BotW rewards the player’s intuitiveness without subjecting them to endless tutorials and cutscenes, which is where I think the genre tends to suffer. The joy of these sorts of games is in being able to effectively tell/experience your own story and explore the world at your leisure. If I wanted to watch a film instead, then I could do so in 1.5 to 3 hours without having to punctuate that story with 50+ hours of tedious grinding to reach its conclusion.I strongly disagree with those who whine about BotW’s supposed “lack of story”. There’s plenty of story and “lore” (hate the term) for those into that kind of thing, and I think it’s an ingenious design choice to make the final boss accessible from almost the beginning, so the game can essentially be as long or as brief as the player chooses.My Super Metroid gets the love it deserves!I mean a Link To the Past JUST SITTING THERERolling Stones doesn’t even know music, what do they know about games. I love Breath of The Wild but it wouldn’t be my #1 game.GTAV made this list? Really?@SillyG I strongly disagree with those that throw out dismissive words to quiet down any criticism of anything. In your case “whine” as if to say nothing about Zelda BOTW can be criticized otherwise it’s just complaining for the sake of complaining. Thus defeating the purpose of critiquing any work.BOTW has plenty of things worth talking about be it positive or negative. If you don’t agree that’s fine, but don’t use words that are designed to quiet someones opinion.I very rarely agree on those “best of all time” lists, but this one is really spot on.@Pho It also wouldn’t be my personal number one but I still think it’s the best game of all time. I think just design wise there is nothing that comes close, even now 7 years later (not even tears of the kingdom which I think has worse game design).No Street Fighter 2 or Final Fantasy Tactics or even Suikoden 2? This is in my top 10 list.@Potimarron cause they try, and they try, and they try@SillyG It would make more sense to say theres a lack of cutscenes, but theres no lack of story. Just remember how people talked about their own unique experience with the game, about what was the first divine beast they saw, how they discovery a new city, how they discovery the yiga clan etc. Thats the story unfolding and no other game can do that.Including Madden and Fortnite but no OOT demonstrates levels of casual not seen since neolithic times.. 😩It’s always impossible to make these top ten lists.BOTW and not OOT? weird. I personally think that Super Mario 3 had a bigger impact than Super Mario World. I also believe that Super Mario 64 had a much bigger impact in terms of genre.I was there 3000 years ago.I still remember how mind-blowing 2D to 3D era was, and one the games that captured and showcased the possibilities of 3D were both SM64 and OOT.And I would keep BOTW on that list, but we shouldn’t have 2 Zeldas. Since this is a nintendo site, we can make an exception.No offense, but I am guessing the people that compiled this list weren’t born before the Playstation was made and are basing it on fond memories.BOTW? lmao@rta It’s Rolling Stone. They’ve been laughing stock for years with their lists. They fail at music, so it’s not surprising with games too.”Best of” lists will always be subjective, but this one reeks of non-gamer journalist doing a Google search. Madden 2004? NBA 2K11? Really?It seems like there’s one game per franchise in this list (looking at the full 50) which is a combination of how good and influential the games were. I’d personally put Zelda OOT as the Zelda rep over (still #1). Also GTA III over GTA V due to the transition to 3D and how the game basically defined the PS2.It wouldn’t even make a top 1,000 for me, let alone land in first place.Most overrated game ever.Surprisingly solid top 10.The Last of Us? Not even in my top 100.@LadyCharlie Tetris I agree with but Mario 1 has not aged well at all. It’s influential, yes, but too clunky and primitive to be that high.Two SNES games in the Rolling Stone’s top ten of the 50 Best Games Of All Time list–and a couple others through the rest of the list too–class.Sonic 2 above Chrono Trigger, or even on this list at all really–LOL IMO@shiftbarackyeaugh I would say Super Mario Bros. has aged exceptionally well. In fact, I actually think it’s nigh on perfect. Now, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to play to its particular type of physics and stuff, but absolutely none of that is broken or whatever and is really just its own implementation and a deliberate design choice. But once you get into it, the game is just zen. And it’s so perfect for that quick pick up and play kind of gaming session. It’s simple though. But then, so is Tetris, and that game really is as perfect as any game has ever been imo, specifically on Game Boy. So simple most definitely isn’t a negative when it’s executed basically flawlessly.This list is stupid. C’mon man, I love Tetris as much as the next guy, but second best game ever? Really? Also Skyrim, which is an overrated broken buggy mess of a game. Stay in your lane Rolling stone.In a list of significantly influential games, it’s very strange to not see Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time.I suppose they only wanted to highlight one entry per game franchise, which resulted in some odd choices.It is an incredible achievement in open world video game design. Only Elden Ring came close to its sense of discovery. I would have still had Ocarina of Time on this list however as the impact it had on 3D gaming was like no other in history.Top 50 of all time??! Who cares 😂 I just changed one configuration setting in FF9 on my switch and now it plays like the game I always wanted it to🥰Set ‘skip battle camera’ to ‘on’ and it eliminated the load time for battles completely.Omg this, this is better 😂✌️Not sure why MK64 is there, which has aged horribly, but OOT doesn’t make it. If we’re factoring in how groundbreaking there games were. Can’t be that Zelda can only be represented once on the list, ALTTP is there too@Frailbay30 : Awfully rich of you to accuse me of silencing speech while attempting to police mine because you seem to be triggered by my use of a single word. Not quite the sort of whining I was talking about, but boy, talk about whining indeed.At no point did I suggest that the game was beyond criticism, so, please, if you had anything to critique about it, then you could have just gone ahead and done so and spared us the indignant diatribe.But to be fair to me, I had no idea that the word-that-must-not-be-mentioned had magical opinion-silencing powers.We got magical opinion-silencing words before GTA VI.”Mortal Kombat, on the SEGA Genesis, is the greatest game ever”I like 6 of the games on the list: Ms. Pac-Man, Doom, Resident Evil 4, Fallout 3, Batman Arkham City and TES: Skyrim.
And the 2 newest of them are from 2011. Just shows how much out of touch I am with contemporary gaming generally.Edit: Oh, forgot Street Fighter II so that makes it 7.I’m sorry, but as much as I did love BotW and Tears of the Kingdom, there are countless games that are better.@JorissUmmm, an eleven year old game that is still making money hand over fist, sells like crazy on every platform it’s released on, is still fully supported by Rockstar? It’s one of my all-time favorite games, and I’ve been gaming since the 2600. It definitely belongs.@Bunkerneath Honestly, I’d argue that 2024 was a great year for music, but also a year with poor music. That might just be because I’m a younger R&B and Hip-hop enjoyer though.Kanye West’s Vultures albums are complete garbage though, and music made specifically for TikTok generally sucks, so that probably scared Rolling Stone to making a video game list.I do think TotK is ultimately the better game but BotW is my favourite game of all time. The sense of discovery in that first playthrough is unmatched.who are those guys anywayOne of funnier lists I’ve seen
Parts are legit, like Sims 1, HL2, etcUntil you see no Morrowind, no Myst, no Tekken, no Wipeout or Okami, but… Madden 20044/10 at least they saw a couple of other bad lists and merged them togetherI’d simply make a top 1 god tier game and place BOTW in it. With a got tier nostalgia including former perfectest games, like Super Mario world, ALTTP, mario 64, ocarina of time, chrono trigger and mass effect. And even Bahamut Lagoon to give the bird to the idiots who decided not to translate it.Here’s a Top/Best 100 Games of All Time list I Grok’d the hell out of multiple times to get to the final result:1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time – 1998 (N64)
2. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 2015 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
3. Super Mario 64 – 1996 (N64)
4. Tetris – 1984 (Multiple)
5. Minecraft – 2011 (Multiple
6. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – 2017 (Switch, Wii U)
7. Half-Life 2 – 2004 (PC)
8. Red Dead Redemption 2 – 2018 (PS4, Xbox One)
9. Portal – 2007 (PC, Xbox 360)
10. Final Fantasy VII – 1997 (PlayStation)
11. Super Mario World – 1990 (SNES)
12. Chrono Trigger – 1995 (SNES)
13. Super Mario Bros. – 1985 (NES)
14. Mass Effect 2 – 2010 (Xbox 360, PC, PS3)
15. Doom – 1993 (PC)
16. Grand Theft Auto V – 2013 (Multiple)
17. Dark Souls – 2011 (PS3, Xbox 360, PC)
18. Metal Gear Solid – 1998 (PlayStation)
19. Bioshock – 2007 (PC, Xbox 360, PS3)
20. Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls V) – 2011 (Multiple)
21. Street Fighter II – 1991 (Arcade, Multiple)
22. Super Metroid – 1994 (SNES)
23. The Last of Us – 2013 (PS3, PS4)
24. Portal 2 – 2011 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
25. Resident Evil 4 – 2005 (GameCube, PS2, PC)
26. Halo: Combat Evolved – 2001 (Xbox)
27. Civilization IV – 2005 (PC)
28. Deus Ex – 2000 (PC)
29. Fallout: New Vegas – 2010 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
30. Starcraft – 1998 (PC)
31. Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn – 2000 (PC)
32. Final Fantasy VI – 1994 (SNES)
33. Diablo II – 2000 (PC)
34. World of Warcraft – 2004 (PC)
35. Bioshock Infinite – 2013 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
36. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – 1997 (PlayStation)
37. Shadow of the Colossus – 2005 (PS2, PS3, PS4)
38. Metroid Prime – 2002 (GameCube)
39. Grand Theft Auto III – 2001 (PS2, PC, Xbox)
40. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past – 1992 (SNES)
41. System Shock 2 – 1999 (PC)
42. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater – 2004 (Multiple)
43. Persona 4 Golden – 2009/2012 (Multiple)
44. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 – 2000 (Multiple)
45. Half-Life – 1998 (PC)
46. Deus Ex: Human Revolution – 2011 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
47. XCOM: Enemy Unknown – 2012 (Multiple)
48. Planescape: Torment – 1999 (PC)
49. Super Mario Galaxy – 2007 (Wii)
50. GoldenEye 007 – 1997 (N64)cont.51. Silent Hill 2 – 2001 (PS2, Xbox, PC)
52. Sid Meier’s Civilization II – 1996 (PC)
53. EarthBound – 1994 (SNES)
54. Mega Man 2 – 1988 (NES)
55. Diablo – 1996 (PC)
56. Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – 1993 (Game Boy, Switch)
57. Journey – 2012 (PS3, PS4, PC)
58. Katamari Damacy – 2004 (PS2)
59. The Oregon Trail – 1971/1985 (Multiple)
60. Braid – 2008 (Multiple)
61. Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 2010 (Wii)
62. SimCity 2000 – 1993 (Multiple)
63. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey Cursed King – 2004 (PS2, 3DS)
64. Thief: The Dark Project – 1998 (PC)
65. Rayman Legends – 2013 (Multiple)
66. Beyond Good & Evil – 2003 (Multiple)
67. Grim Fandango – 1998 (PC, PS4, Switch)
68. Elite – 1984 (Multiple)
69. Myst – 1993 (Multiple)
70. Left 4 Dead 2 – 2009 (PC, Xbox 360)
71. Disco Elysium – 2019 (Multiple)
72. Final Fantasy IX – 2000 (Multiple)
73. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind – 2002 (PC, Xbox)
74. Wipeout 2097/XL – 1996 (PS1)
75. Banjo-Kazooie – 1998 (N64)
76. Quake – 1996 (PC)
77. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds – 2013 (3DS)
78. Punch-Out!! – 1987 (NES)
79. Spelunky – 2008/2012 (Multiple)
80. Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines – 2004 (PC)
81. Rez – 2001 (Multiple)
82. X-COM: UFO Defense – 1994 (Multiple)
83. Fallout 2 – 1998 (PC)
84. Super Smash Bros. Melee – 2001 (GameCube)
85. Jet Set Radio – 2000 (Multiple)
86. F-Zero – 1990 (SNES)
87. Inside – 2016 (Multiple)
88. Chrono Cross – 1999 (PS1)
89. Rogue – 1980 (Multiple)
90. Deus Ex: Invisible War – 2003 (PC, Xbox)
91. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty – 2001 (Multiple)
92. Castlevania – 1986 (NES)
93. Donkey Kong Country – 1994 (SNES)
94. The Curse of Monkey Island – 1997 (PC)
95. Freespace 2 – 1999 (PC)
96. Panzer Dragoon Saga – 1998 (Sega Saturn)
97. System Shock – 1994 (PC, Mac)
98. Pac-Man – 1980 (Arcade, Multiple)
99. The Secret of Monkey Island – 1990 (PC, Amiga)
100. Space Invaders – 1978 (Arcade, Multiple)cont.And, note, this list has been adjusted to reflect a balance between historical significance, critical acclaim, and influence within their respective genres and platforms, considering both individual console rankings and aggregate scores, and it also combines results of countless other such Top/Best 100 Games of All Time lists that already exist online along with a few tries Grok came up with initially and then refined by putting it all together ultimately.I think it’s a pretty good list actually.And nine SNES games made it on there, which I think sounds just about right. @RetroGames Thanks for the list (I know it takes a lot of time to make such a list – but then again it’s also quite fun).Such lists are very subjective though (personal preferences and so on) and there’s only 3 out of the 40 some games on your list I’ve actually played, that I still want to play; Street Fighter II (series); Resident Evil 4 and Fallout: New Vegas.But still interesting to see what other peoples favorites are (and you DO know gaming that’s for sure – but again.. personal preferences and so on).BotW always seems to top these lists, and it always makes people angry, and it’s always extremely funny.I don’t know about it being the best game of all time (what does that even mean?), but I do think is one of the five most important releases of the 2010s alongside Dark Souls, Skyrim, Minecraft, and sigh Fortnite.I love Breath of the Wild!Criminal that Mario World was put ahead of Mario 3Great game. It’s in my personal Top 10. Of the rest of their top 10 games, I’ve played 8, and maybe a couple of them would be in my personal top 100.I mean considering how impactful BoTW was for the industry that it inspired big names like Genshin, ER, etc. and it wasn’t a game from 20+ years ago it’s honestly deserved.People like to hate on BoTW (often enough ironically from the Zelda fanbase itself because they fear BoTW means no more OoT style Zelda), but I mean are you gonna deny the results the game produced whether it’s large sales, positive reception, or as I mentioned inspired several games since dropping?Love you guys but rolling stoner can take a flying leap.Zelda at 1 is the only thing they got right with this top 10. Pure garbage click bait.I’ve read the full list now. I thought it was pretty decent overall and I don’t recall seeing any that made me say ‘Nah’ (well, maybe Ms. Pac-Man. And Mario Kart 64 over 8D? Pah!).It’s not my Top 50, but it’s got a good spread of the most significant franchises in modern gaming history. But yes, Ocarina of Time mustn’t ever be omitted just because Breath of the Wild knocked it off its perch, and I’d to see Mario Galaxy in there too (despite the swimming controls). And I think I’d choose Goldeneye over Metal Gear Solid.@LadyCharlie Tetris will forever be the only true answer to this question. It is the perfect video game and will forever be that. It’s the definition of what makes video games what they are.I think we all need to chill.None of these would be in my top ten.It’s a very safe list, but have they played some of those recently? They haven’t all aged well.To me, TotK made BotW unplayable. The same goes with THPS 2. THPS 2 is superior in every way to 1.BotW and TotK should be combined as one game though in lists like these. That would make the most sense.Ocarina of Time still should be on the list somewhere. Especially if FF7 is – Ocarina of Time is literally a masterpiece work of art. If they’re going to do Mario Kart 64 over Mario Kart 8 because of cultural significance and innovation for the franchise, and the same for FF7 over other more modern FF games (or heck, its remakes), they really should be including Ocarina of Time.Breath of the Wild vs Tears of the Kingdom is a hard choice. I prefer Tears of the Kingdom in nearly every way, but Breath of the Wild innovated a new Zelda formula in a way that hadn’t been done since Ocarina of Time, and furthermore cracked the code on how to make a working Open-world game where enemies don’t just obviate your adventure advancements.I’m not surprised they chose Skyrim over Morrowind (its combat and dungeoneering is just more fun), but Morrowind is by far the better game in terms of exploration, innovation, world-design, quest-design… Skyrim just was more critically and popularly acclaimed.No issue with that. The game redefined open world games that were stuck in stereotypical formulas for decades. There’s personally better games gameplay wise (Odyssey, Portal 2, Metroid Dread) but the impact BoTW had is extreme.Where is ocarina of time? Is it safe? Is it alright?This list is a joke, I agree with BOTW in the top 10 but not number 1 and no Witcher 3, Elden Ring or Ocarina of time? Dumb list. Can’t take this dribble seriously 😂.Awesome number 1, first time in years that Rolling Stone magazine does a great list, will check the rest of the top 50, solid top 10.What? No Donkey Kong, Kirby, Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, Lemmings, Commander Keen, Wonder Boy, Alex Kidd, Banjo Kazooie, Worms or Star Wars games is disgraceful. Not to mention no classic PC games like Chess, Checkers, Solitaire or Fatty Bear’s Birthday Surprise….Disgraceful.BOTW is the most overrated game of all time. And that’s coming from a Zelda fan Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Rumour: New ‘Switch 2’ Photos Show Off A Very Legit-Looking Joy-ConBlack and blue, not white and goldNintendo Highlights Multiple Switch Games Launching In 2025It’s going to be an action-packed yearIs This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?Update: Genki’s website now shows a new videoDigital Foundry Weighs In On ‘Switch 2’ Motherboard – Just How Powerful Is It?Expect lots of PS4 portsSwitch’s First ‘Rebootless Update’ Of 2025 Is Now Live, Here Are The DetailsFollowing Version 19.0.1’s rollout last OctoberFeatured Games 63Talking Point Everyone Else Is Busy Revealing Switch 2 – What Gives, Nintendo? 9News Wacky Exploration Game ‘Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip’ Blasts Onto Switch Next Month 2News Arcade Shmup ‘Strania -The Stella Machina- EX’ Makes The Jump To Switch This Month 6News Ex-Annapurna Interactive Staff Reportedly Pick Up Private Division Portfolio Under New Studio 5News Feast Your Eyes On Some Of The Exclusive Merch Coming To London’s Pop-Up Pokémon CenterRumour New ‘Switch 2’ Photos Show Off A Very Legit-Looking Joy-ConNews Nintendo Highlights Multiple Switch Games Launching In 2025News Is This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?News New Patent Seemingly Confirms Nvidia 4K AI Upscaling For Switch 2News Digital Foundry Weighs In On ‘Switch 2’ Motherboard – Just How Powerful …News Switch’s First ‘Rebootless Update’ Of 2025 Is Now Live, Here Are The Det…Guide 126 Games You Should Pick Up In The Nintendo Switch eShop Holiday Sale (…News Nintendo’s Punch-Out!! 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