Your daily horoscope: February 12, 2025 – The Globe and Mail

Aquarius.iStockPhoto / Getty ImagesBecause yours is a full moon birthday you must expect a few emotional ups and downs over the coming year. Make the most of the good days and remind yourself on the less-than-good days that the sun is always there behind the clouds.The full moon could make you even more impulsive than you usually are but as it occurs in your fellow fire sign of Leo the consequences won’t be too bad. They could even be good if you make an effort to look ahead a little bit.You could find it harder than usual to control your emotions, especially if you have to deal with people whose outlook on life is at odds with your own. Don’t be too hard on them though – it takes all types to make such an interesting world.It’s a good thing you possess a sharp sense of humour as a number of things are likely to go wrong today and the best way to deal with them is by laughing in the face of misfortune. Looking back, it won’t seem like such a big deal.If you must take a risk with money, either your own or other people’s, make sure you do your homework first so you know what the odds are. It’s not wrong to take a chance now and again but you must never do so blindly.If you get irritated with someone you live or work with today try standing back from the situation so you can see it from both sides. Most likely you will recognize that what you most dislike about them is what you also dislike about yourself.Go where your passions take you over the next 24 hours and don’t let anyone tell you that you should be acting in a more responsible manner. Actually, they are probably right but even a Virgo needs to break free of restrictions once in a while.You will do your own thing in your own way today and if others don’t like it that’s too bad. The only downside is you could annoy someone who then goes out of their way to annoy you in return, so try to keep it on a friendly level.The planets warn if you are less than honest with your colleagues today they will discover the deception and hold it against you. You don’t have to bend the rules to make a good impression – just be who you already are, only better.You must not allow a minor difference of opinion over something trivial to develop into a war of words, or worse! Start the day the way you mean to go on, with a smile on your face, a song in your heart and offering goodwill to all men.Someone will say the wrong thing, the wrong way, to you today and the outcome could be unpleasant. Once you have let them know your feelings though just turn around and walk away. There’s no need to make a huge issue of it.If someone you are involved with in a joint venture refuses to see sense and carries on making the same mistakes then call it a day and end your partnership. If you don’t, it will probably be you who pays for their stupidity.You may not be getting the level of encouragement you deserve from partners and workmates but it’s really no big deal. You don’t actually need their support and might even be better off without it. You can achieve just as much on your own.Discover more about yourself at sallybrompton.comReport an editorial errorReport a technical issueEditorial code of conductAuthors and topics you follow will be added to your personal news feed in Following.© Copyright 2025 The Globe and Mail Inc. All rights reserved.Andrew Saunders, President and CEO