March 6, 2025

Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: March 5, 2025 – The Cut

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Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.

Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.
This morning, Mercury in Aries and Pluto in Aquarius amplify your curiosity. You want to get to the truth — about your relationships, the world around you, even your own personality — and you won’t be satisfied by easy answers or vague platitudes. Ask questions today, and if it feels like you’re not getting the full picture, keep digging. You’ll be surprised how much you can learn with a little persistence.You’re probably the sort of person who can strike up a conversation with almost anyone, which means you’re constantly forming new relationships — from the casual and fleeting to the lasting and profound. Today, you may learn information that causes you to see some of your relationships differently. You may discover you’re not as close as you had imagined you were, yet other friendships may deepen. People you thought were just acquaintances may prove themselves to be trustworthy and loyal friends.Most of the time, you try to live in the present rather than dwelling on all the things you could have done differently and all the different lives you could be living now. Today, though, it may be easy to get caught up in regret; you can’t help but wonder whether an alternate path would have made you happier. But try to focus on your future instead. If you aren’t happy with the direction you’re headed in, it’s within your power to change it.You pride yourself on your ability to change your mind. While some people close their ears to anything that might threaten their worldview, you would rather learn and grow. But even for someone as curious and adaptable as you are, it can sometimes be scary to take in new information that challenges everything you thought you knew. Today, your friends may ask you to look at the world from a different perspective — you don’t have to agree with them, but do your best to keep an open mind.In general, you don’t see the point in trying to convince others to see things your way. You’ve got limited energy, and it seems wiser to use it working alongside the people who are already on your side, rather than fruitlessly trying to win over your adversaries. But don’t underestimate your ability to influence those around you — today in particular, you can express yourself with clarity, and people will be drawn to your aura of wisdom and warmth. Don’t give up on the possibility of changing minds.It’s easy enough to disagree with your friends about the small stuff; arguing about minor matters of taste can be fun. When it comes to the serious issues, though, the stakes are higher — and so is the stress. If you and someone you love differ in your core beliefs, it can seem as if ignoring those differences entirely is the only way to preserve the relationship. Today, though, it may be impossible to avoid talking about it — so dive in. It may bring you closer, and even if it doesn’t, it’ll be clarifying.While some people can be overly trusting, even gullible, you can’t help noticing when things don’t add up. If a story your friend tells is filled with inconsistencies, you want to dig deeper; if something doesn’t pass the smell test, you won’t typically let it slide. You don’t mean to nitpick, but you want to know the truth. Today, this impulse can be a valuable tool — just make sure you’re using it in ways that actually make a difference. You don’t have time to get to the bottom of everything, so focus on the questions that matter to your life.You’re frustrated by highly competitive people — you just want to connect with others, and it’s almost impossible to do that with someone who cares only about winning. Today, though, your own hidden competitive streak may come to the surface. You’re tired of downplaying your gifts for the sake of everyone else’s ego; for once, you want your brilliance to be recognized. Just try not to get drawn into any pointless power struggles. Putting energy into outdoing anyone else is a distraction only if your goal is to shine in your own right.You sometimes feel trapped by your past. The choices you made before you knew any better, and even those that others made on your behalf, seem to determine everything about what’s possible for you in the present. There’s some truth to this — we’re all shaped by our background — but that doesn’t mean your fate is set in stone. Your life is still unfolding, and the choices you make today will help shape what comes next, so make the most of the power you have.You tend to be honest — sometimes to a fault — and you generally assume others operate in the same way. When somebody shares information or a piece of gossip, you trust that it’s probably reliable; when you ask a friend how they’re feeling, you accept their answer at face value. But today, consider there might always be more to the story than you’re being told. Keeping a bit of critical distance and being willing to ask follow-up questions could help you see the world a little more clearly.Normally, you’re determined and ambitious, ready to work hard and fight for what you want. Lately, though, you may not have the energy to dream big — you’re too nervous about losing what you have. But while there are times when it’s smart to play defense, you might miss out on big opportunities today if you’re only thinking about what you have to lose. Don’t get reckless, but have faith in yourself; you’re strong and resourceful enough to keep pushing forward.Sometimes it feels like you’re at the mercy of a chaotic world and the best you can hope for is to keep your head above water. But today, remember that while you don’t have absolute control over your future, you aren’t completely powerless, either. Every small step you take is an opportunity to assert yourself, to live out your values, or to build the world you want to live in. Don’t imagine that the little moments are too insignificant to count: Treat them like they matter, and before long you’ll see results.Everyone has unkind thoughts on occasion — but you still imagine you should be different, wiser, less prone to jumping to conclusions. You feel guilty when you judge someone unfairly. You berate yourself when ungenerous thoughts creep in. Today, stop beating yourself up over it. You’re only human; you can’t be totally unbiased in every moment of your life. What matters most isn’t your immediate emotional reactions but what you do with them and how you treat people.By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us.Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commissionHave an account?


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