Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: March 17, 2025 – The Cut

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Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.
Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.
The moon enters Scorpio early this morning, igniting passions and stirring up drama. It’ll be especially easy to wound others’ egos (or to get your own feelings hurt), especially when the moon squares off with Pluto mid-morning. The answer isn’t to avoid conflict — it’s probably healthy to get everything out in the open — but to be discerning about where you direct it.You care about fairness in your relationships, but you’re probably not the sort of person to keep a mental tally of every little favor you’ve done for someone — or received in return. You’d rather operate from a place of generosity, trusting that it’ll even out in the end. Sometimes, though, you start to worry that you’re giving much more than you’ll ever get back. If you feel taken for granted today, tell your friends how you feel. Lashing out will only cause damage, but initiating an honest conversation might help you feel more valued.It might feel like everyone around you is unusually nitpicky today, pointing out all the flaws in your work and making you feel — intentionally or otherwise — that you’re somehow inadequate. It’s hard not to take this personally, but try your best to let it all roll off your back. If people are overly critical, it’s probably less about you than about them. Take their advice if it seems like it’s coming from a good place, but don’t let it affect your sense of self.It could be easy to be drawn into lofty, value-driven arguments today. If you and a friend have differing philosophies on life or if your principles aren’t perfectly aligned, it might seem like an insurmountable barrier. But for now, at least, try not to focus on the abstract — you’re too likely to muddle things that way. Instead, pay attention to the way people actually behave, the way they treat others, and the way they make you feel.For the most part, you have a good sense for what the people around you are thinking. While you aren’t a mind reader, you can pick up on general vibes. Every so often, though, your impressions get scrambled; you imagine others are upset, irritated, or looking down on you — when in reality, they might not be thinking of you at all. Today, try not to jump to conclusions about what’s going on in other people’s heads; if you’re worried, the best move is to simply ask.Although you recognize that trust is important, it can be difficult for you to actually put your faith in others. You fear that if you let down your guard, you might as well be giving people permission to take advantage of you. To an extent, you’re wise to be cautious — but at a certain point, your caginess will only damage otherwise good relationships. Your friends are imperfect, and they’ll sometimes disappoint you, but your challenge today is to figure out how to place your trust in them anyway.It frustrates you endlessly to see others going about their work in scatterbrained, inefficient ways. As much as you don’t want to be fussy, it’s still tempting to step in and help redirect them. But getting involved in other people’s business, no matter how good your intentions, is likely to rub them the wrong way. As much as possible, try to let it go: If you can let the small stuff slide, you’ll have more leeway to get involved when it does really matter.You aren’t normally worried about proving yourself to others — you figure that there are plenty of people who already recognize your worth, and you don’t need to worry about the rest. Today, though, it might be harder to be so complacent. It feels unbearable that people could underestimate you, and you badly want to preempt any notion that you might not be up to a task. But for now, at least, the louder you make your case, the more insecure you’ll seem. Sit back and trust that your actions speak for themselves.Today, you might feel tension between the person you are now, and the person you’re trying to become. You keep falling back on old habits you’re trying to break, playing into exactly the unhealthy dynamics you’re trying to end. Although it could be easy to get discouraged, don’t take this as a sign that you’re stalled — if anything, it’s the opposite. Freeing yourself from old cycles is one of the most difficult things you can do, and the tension you’re experiencing is a sign that you’re making progress, so keep trying.You’re full of ideas today — but you’re equally full of self-doubt. As soon as you come up with a new plan, you think up a reason why it could never work; the more your creative self comes alive, the more your inner critic works overtime to silence it. It might help to give yourself explicit permission to have foolish ideas: Tell yourself that you’re only brainstorming and you don’t need to settle on any answers yet.When you’re worried there isn’t enough to go around, you can get protective of what you have, reluctant to share resources or opportunities with the people around you. It seems smart to preserve what you’ve worked so hard for. Today, though, defensiveness won’t get you far. Your successes won’t feel rewarding unless you have a community to share them with, so prioritize your relationships. If you can be generous now, it’ll improve everyone’s lives, including your own.People often talk about the importance of authenticity, but you tend to doubt that they truly mean it. They want you to “be yourself” — but only as long as that self conforms to their expectations; once you start rebelling against their standards, they get uncomfortable. It might seem easier to give in to others’ ideas about how you “should” be living your life, but stay strong. You can navigate the world’s rules and limitations without giving up your idiosyncrasies.Sometimes it’s tempting to make bad choices — ones you know, even in the moment, won’t turn out well for you — simply because you’re restless. You figure that any kind of momentum, even in the wrong direction, is better than stagnation. But today, don’t be so quick to assume that those are the only options. You have the opportunity to channel your excess energy into useful risks, not pointless ones. You can take actions that’ll challenge you — not senselessly jeopardize your happiness out of boredom.By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us.Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commissionHave an account?