Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: January 21, 2025 – The Cut

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Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.
Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.
The sun and Pluto, planet of power and transformation, align in Aquarius this morning, creating prime conditions for drama and intensity. There are plenty of ways this could go badly — you might notice that your friends, or even yourself, are acting possessive or needlessly provocative — but it could also give you a dose of fresh courage. If you’re sick of letting others shape the future, you’ll now feel capable of stepping in and using what power you have.Your friendships are likely to be particularly intense now. This could feel exciting, an opportunity to connect on a deeper level. It also, however, has the potential to be stressful and dramatic. Ultimately, whether today’s intensity feels revitalizing or exhausting might come down to trust. Do your best to be honest and loyal, the sort of person your friends can depend on — and in return, put your trust in the people who have demonstrated that they have your back.You do your best not to compare yourself to others, but today it may be difficult. As hard as you try to focus on your own goals, you can’t seem to turn off the part of your brain that notices when someone else seems happier or more successful than you. It would be easy to allow your jealousy to fester, but try to resist growing bitter. Instead, let it motivate you. Maybe you’re not yet where you want to be in life, but you’re still on the right path, and as long as you don’t give up, you’ll get there eventually.With so much information swirling around you, it can be difficult to sift through it all and separate the true and important from the trivial or dishonest. The mental work gets exhausting, even for someone as sharp and perceptive as you. It can be tempting to assume that the person with the loudest or most authoritative voice must be correct, but today, dig deeper. Just because someone speaks quietly or expresses their ideas with uncertainty, that doesn’t mean their perspective is dispensable.When you’re stressed or confused, it can seem like the answer is to exert more control over your life — to stop relying on chance and instead make things go your way. Today, especially, you feel like you have the power to shape your own future — just remember that there will always be surprises along the way. No matter how hard you work or how carefully you strategize, you can’t always account for other people. Try not to get too set on a single desired outcome: You’ll be happiest if you leave space for the unexpected.You take great care to preserve the relationships in your life. You understand that it takes effort to build and maintain strong relationships, and you’re willing to put in the work. But be careful, especially today, not to do too much. It’s easy to come across as possessive or too intense, inadvertently making the people around you feel stifled. Make an extra effort to give others space to breathe; your friends have their own lives, but their independence doesn’t mean they don’t care deeply about you.You tend to be good at recognizing when someone’s not being entirely honest with you. It isn’t that you’re suspicious by nature, just that you can tell when things aren’t adding up. Today, especially, your inner lie detector is likely to be especially sharp. If something seems off, don’t hesitate to investigate. Ask the tough questions, even if it seems awkward. Sometimes, it’s worth putting aside your feelings for the sake of group harmony, but right now, it’s probably better to be discerning than polite.Sometimes you imagine that a big, impressive life simply isn’t in the cards for you — so you do your best to make the most of the one you have, finding beauty and meaning in the everyday. Maybe you’re perfectly happy with this; maybe excitement isn’t even something you particularly value. But if it is, today could be a great day to get back in touch with your old dreams. If you’re bored or unsatisfied, remember that it’s within your power to bring thrill back into your life. You don’t have to settle for less than you really want.If you aren’t careful today, you could end up making big promises you’re not equipped to follow through on, or taking on responsibilities you end up regretting. This comes from a good place — you want to be useful, to bring about meaningful change, or to solidify your important relationships — but if you take on more than you’re actually able or willing to handle, it’ll only have the opposite effect. There’s nothing wrong with making commitments today, just be thoughtful and don’t rush in.You’re not someone to worry too much about distractions: You recognize that some of your best ideas come when you let your mind wander, and your best work can happen when you’re procrastinating. But today, distractions are more likely to derail you than provide unexpected inspiration; it’s all too easy to tire yourself out dealing with issues that don’t truly matter. Do your best to stay calm and focused. You know what your priorities are, so don’t let anyone pull you away from them.It’s stressful to witness people lying to and manipulating each other. Seeing the worst in others activates your pessimistic side and makes you even more likely to put up walls. But today, remember that if you keep everyone at arms’ length, it’ll protect you from the bad in people — but also insulate you from the good. Let others in, but do it on your own terms. Some people might try to deceive you, but you can choose not to believe them. They can put pressure on you, and you can hold your ground. They can treat you unkindly, and you can demand better.As much as you might wish otherwise, you understand that you can’t change the hand you were dealt — all you can do is work with it. Sometimes, this knowledge makes you cynical, like there’s no use even trying to alter the course of your life. Today, though, it might do the opposite. Your power to change the world is limited, and that’s all the more reason to make the most of what you have. Plenty of choices aren’t available to you; rather than seeing that as a reason to give up, try instead to see it as a reason to do the best you can with the ones that are.It can feel like you’re constantly being given the message that you’re failing to live to the fullest, or you’re making the wrong choices, or your personality is irredeemably flawed. Even if you know intellectually that it isn’t true, there’s still a part of you that has your doubts. Today, especially, it’ll be easy to start spiraling as you think about all that might be wrong with you, but try to resist. You’ve got bigger, better things to spend your energy on.By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Notice and to receive email correspondence from us.Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.Things you buy through our links may earn Vox Media a commission