With Love, Meghan Premiere Postponed Amid Ongoing Wildfires — Get New Netflix Release Date – TVLine

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We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.Meghan Markle is delaying her Netflix dinner parties in the wake of Los Angeles’ wildfires. Netflix announced on Sunday that the Duchess of Sussex has decided to postpone the premiere of With Love, Meghan, the lifestyle series that follows Markle as she entertains various guests. Originally set to release on Wednesday, Jan. 15, the eight, half-hour episodes will now debut on Tuesday, March 4.“I’m thankful to my partners at Netflix for supporting me in delaying the launch, as we focus on the needs of those impacted by the wildfires in my home state of California,” Markle said in a statement on Sunday.
The series follows Markle as she blends “practical how-tos and candid conversation with friends, new and old” in the series, per the official logline. She welcomes viewers in the kitchen, garden — and at the beehive?! — as she prepares to host guest stars like Mindy Kaling and chef Roy Choi. The Duchess also “shares personal tips and tricks, embracing playfulness over perfection and highlights how easy it can be to create beauty, even in the unexpected.” (And yep, the trailer even sees Prince Harry making a cameo!) Are you excited to head to Montecito to join Markle for her glamorous parties? Hit the comments with your thoughts!Comments are monitored, so don‚Äôt forkin’ curse and don‚Äôt bore us with how much your coworker‚Äôs sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV! Comment * Name * Email * Your email address will not be published. We will notify you when someone replies.
ΔNo. I am sure that this was a Netflix PR business decision because she is normally very tone deaf especially when it comes to reading the room.
JMO so no need to come after me ü§∑‚Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èYep. Bet she’s really upset that she went to all the trouble of bringing a camera crew and showing up for a half hour for a photo op for nothing. She even hugged a poor.You‚Äôre both wrong!! She‚Äôs upset because not every single person can watch the debut. It‚Äôs not gonna count in June. It only counts when Megan says so.Finally , someone shows some common sense , decency and empathy.If she had any of that, she wouldn’t have ghosted the father who gave her everything. Or brainwashed her husband into doing the same thing to his family.There is nothing authentic or genuine or kind about that woman. And he’s not much better.Nonsense. How can her father give her everything when he wasn’t even in most of her life. He appeared more in the British tabloids and news shows than in her life. Now he’s moving away to “escape drama” (that he created). Nice to know he’s not making a big deal about it all.He raised her and paid for her educationThe sold her out to British tabloids who anyone with a brain knows are not good people. The same British tabloids that chase Harry’s mother into thay tunnel where she died btw. But no, her dad is the innocent here.Just like they did to his family? They did the exact same thing. But expect an apology from the rfThe same press they court when they want to promote something? No one is innocent here but to say he wasnt a part of her life is false.I am always interested in the people who point out that he paid for her education as if a CHILD can decide to go to private school….and that other parents don’t do the same and not expect payback and or recognition. He himself has admitted that she gave him money and did things for him, BEFORE he sold her out. I am thankful my parents did not expect me to pay them back for raising me when it was their decision to bring me into the world…not mine.That trailer looks like all the mean girls in schoolThis anti-Meghan rhetoric is sad to read. I mean, how weak, in mind & spirit, does one have to be in order to feel compelled to constantly criticize a person on trivial things? Her work with Netflix has no bearing on my life or on anyone else‚Äôs, so all this hate she receives is unwarranted. I‚Äôm just left with this impression that anyone who has taken the time to attack her on this forum is a sad loser & is in need of serious psychological help.The hate comes from all the jealous girlies (and guys) who have nothing better to do with their sad pathetic lives.How does your call for respect and empathy ends with calling people sad losers in need of serious psychological help?The hate comes from her actions.
If she truly had empathy, then she would have requested that the Oprah interview be postponed as Prince Phillip lay dying. And if she doesn’t want to be part of the royal family, stop using the title.Same for Harry.It’s HIS family and HIS birth right. She is HIS wife. You are a random peasant on the internet telling them what to do about their birth and marriage rights ü§£ü§£ü§£I mean, the person you’re replying to is a rando claiming to be a rando, Meghan is a peasant cosplaying as a royal…lol.
They live in the US. We don’t have royalty here.
His birthright is Prince. He was gifted the title of Duke of Sussex by the queen.
If they want to be royalty, go back to the UK.Um the hate comes from the fact hey wasn‚Äôt the reason they left the royal family was because oh they didn‚Äôt get enough privacyI think she did this because she won’t be able to do any press or talk about it because no one really cares when their home has burned down. She wants maximum exposure for this and now is not that time. Have other shows on netflix been delayed because of this?[COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] As someone who couldn’t give a damn about royalty, titles or whatever I have no dog in this fight -team Sussex or team royal- pathetic race which makes grown adults act like toddlers over who’s the best
But I do have eyes and a brain and this is basic PR nobody is going to give a damn about this show with the wild fires so no press or coverage not to mention it’s core audience ( the rich)possibly not having homes, so obviously she wants to keep it till people will pay attention to her. The trailer was ripped apart, since then they’ve done basic good PR by turning up for pictures and hugs in what is ment to be a secured dangerous area most normies aren’t allowed to enter least of all with a camera crew. Now it will be released in march which gives them weeks to redo and make better a show that is going to still be ripped apart because people will still not have homes and throw away money so it will be seen as tone deaf. Either way just show the damn thing, the rest of the world ( with netflix) can still watch it, it’s only a small part of America affected by fire and I assure you very few people actually care about this show or any of it’s related drama, most people have much more important things to worry about like paying bills, cost of living or just trying to live[COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] [COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] [COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] It’s news because TVLine reports the television news. If someone was planning on watching it tomorrow and they go to Netflix, and it’s not on without explanation it saves Netflix from having an onslaught of tweets with people complaining about it, and that’s about it.[COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] [COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] Is it that this lady is that bad or is it that it is popular to be negative about her so everyone is just piling on the bandwagon? Why do we take so much pleasure in tearing down other people?I am not a fan of hers but I find the amount of hate she receives to be disproportionate to anything that she has done. Let’s try more positivity in 2025. The world needs it.The most obvious answer is that she‚Äôs not that bad. She‚Äôs just an easy target for trolls. We live in an upside down world where people who live deeply unhappy, unfilled lives take pleasure in criticizing others. Nothing she has ever said or done has impacted my life, yet people want to paint her as someone malevolent. It‚Äôs not like she‚Äôs selling bibles with her name on it.I think people forgot that she already has her bad and isn’t dependant of the post viewing numbers to get money rolling in. So it is essentially a pointless exercise to insult her online. She got her bad and isn’t sharing with nobody.
The girlies that are pressed will stay hating until they are thirsty.Exactly. She has her bag. She has her man. And she has her kids. They hate that she shook up the British Royal family and lived to tell the tale.She impacts on my life. The British royal family is the constitutional monarchy that I am supposed to be loyal to. It’s very hard to be loyal to the train wreck that Markle turned them into.Hating Meghan has become an industry. The British media write dozens of negative articles every day, whether Meghan has done anything or not. Recently, they went bananas for weeks over her wearing a red dress to a charity banquet. It spills over to us here in the US because the same owners of the British tabloids also own several of the media outlets in the US.[COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] [COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] [COMMENT REMOVED DUE TO SYSTEM-DETECTED USE OF MULTIPLE USER NAMES] A resounding NO from meI am worried about the mental state of many people. I really wonder how you can have so much vitriol for someone you don’t know. Get a damn life. I’m British and I really thought to psychotic obsession with tearing her down was a British thing. I guess not.The only way this woman can win is to stop existing for many of you. And even that wouldn’t be enough. She postpones and she is ripped apart. She doesn’t postpone and she would have been ripped apart. What is wrong with you. The royal family is not your family, you are literally lesser than to them. The royal family and her dodgy dad are HER and Harry’s family. No one is judging how you deal with your toxic family members…People want to see others fail. They rarely want to see anyone succeed.
I just don’t like the hypocrisy of it all, but I really don’t care either way. ü§∑ü誂Äç‚ôÄÔ∏èBy providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
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Source: https://tvline.com/news/meghan-markle-netflix-series-premiere-new-release-date-1235398445/