Where to find Godzilla and Kong in Fortnite – ONE Esports

LoginTitans collide spectacularly.Everyone wants to know where to find Godzilla in Fortnite with the latest update, so let’s talk about it.The Fortnite universe continues to expand and this time, two legendary titans—Godzilla and Kong—have made their way onto the island. Surprisingly, you can even become Godzilla during the match and use its powerful abilities instead of the regular weapons to rule the battle royale island.In fact, you can also encounter Kong during your Fortnite battle royale match. We can understand that there are too many things to digest right now. So we’ll walk you through every detail about the Fortnite x Godzilla x Kong collaboration, including how to find these critters and how you can get the most out of them.As mentioned earlier, you have a chance to become Godzilla while this Fortnite crossover is underway. Occasionally, a special Godzilla portal also known as the Hollow Earth Rift Gate will appear during a match which allows you to transform into Godzilla for a limited time.The portal has a 20% chance of appearing between 3 and 3 minutes and 45 seconds into the match. This is much earlier compared to the Doom event which happened much later in the game. However, it’s worth noting that there’s no fixed spawn location for this portal as it randomly spawns across the map. Thankfully, the game will mark its exact location on the minimap for you. So all you have to do is keep an eye on it.The portal itself spawns around the first circle of the match. When it opens, a huge signal appears, letting everyone know it’s time to rush toward the portal. The first player to enter gets to become Godzilla. You can walk, roar, stomp, and unleash a devastating heat ray as Godzilla which can demolish entire areas but you move very slowly. There’s a timer attached to your transformation, but you won’t die unless you’re damaged.There’s a 25% chance that Kong will spawn during the match at a random location. You can’t fight Kong, but if you spot him while on the battle bus, it guarantees that the Godzilla portal will appear. Once you see Kong on the battle bus, you know the Godzilla portal is coming. If Kong doesn’t show up, you might still get the portal but it’s not a guarantee. Sadly, you can’t become Kong—he’s just part of the rift event.When Kong spawns, he drops supply crates and then disappears back into the rift. These crates contain useful items like railguns, which are helpful for fighting Godzilla.Sign up for a free ONE Esports account and start engaging with other fans!You’ll also receive a monthly newsletter and other goodies!
Source: https://www.oneesports.gg/fortnite/where-to-find-godzilla-in-fortnite-kong/