These 39 Mind-Blowing Photos Are Shaking Up My Concept Of Time And History – BuzzFeed

TIL the first selfie was taken 186 years ago.BuzzFeed StaffHalley’s Comet won’t appear again until 2061.The long exposure time needed to take very early photos made it difficult to photograph people. Daguerre’s photo took seven minutes, but the man getting his shoes shined stood in place long enough to be captured by his photo.According to Christopher, it was actually his mother who created the Winnie-the-Pooh world, saying, “‘It was my mother who used to come and play in the nursery with me and tell him about the things I thought and did. It was she who provided most of the material for my father’s books.” Also, the name Hollywood Bowl has nothing to do with the shell. It’s called that because of the bowl-shaped hill area it’s in. BTW, the theater is still standing and has been used in many movies and music videos. And yes, television sets existed in the 1920s, but they were extremely rare and had very tiny screens.