The Bachelor Grant – Episode 1 Recap, Latest on Fan Appreciation Party, Rachael Kirkconnell on Call Her Daddy Tonight, Jason Speaks on His Breakup with Kat Stickler & More – Reality Steve

We are back for yet another riveting, explosive, unbelievable, diabolical, hair raising season of the Bachelor! Ok, maybe a little hyperbole there since the show has done such a piss poor job of promoting their season, I figured I could maybe spice it up a bit. Did I? Are you enthused now? Do you have goosebumps? Yeah, me neither. But don’t say I didn’t try. Hell, ABC should be paying me considering all the free advertising I give them during their off-season. Say what you want about everyone already knowing almost every date and knowing every elimination down to the final 1 two weeks before the season even started airing, that should count for something, no? Whatever the case, Grant’s season is here and we’ve got a whole mess of stuff to get to before we dive into what we saw last night. So much stuff to talk about that I might spend more time on house cleaning stuff than I will with actually recapping a premiere episode that, lets face it, we’ve seen countless times. Not a whole hell of a lot you can change up on Night 1, so it is what it is. Next week, we can start diving in to topics like “Which woman will be the first to make an IG post about how she’s a real person and she shouldn’t be bullied?” Or “What’s the over/under on how long it takes ABC to copy and paste the message they put up every year about how there’s no room on the internet to attack contestants?” These are the most important topics to cover, surely. First off, the return of “Reader Emails” this week. Since I don’t have any right now, get in what you can and they’ll definitely be in tomorrow’s column. Email me at As you know, my YouTube Channel is still a thing and you can visit it at RealitySteve24 on YouTube. My latest video from this past Thursday sure got a lot of people riled up as Rachel Juarez from “Hot Bench” joined me to have a nuanced discussion about the Blake Lively/Justin Baldoni drama:Every Thursday interview is now on video at 9:15am EST Thursday mornings. You can join in the chat while it’s airing, but if you can’t, like, subscribe, and comment whenever you can as I try and grow this thing out. I know I need to put our more content videos and hopefully will be doing that more this season. If you missed the Episode-by-Episode spoilers that were posted last week, you can click here to see them.Here is today’s Daily Roundup where I also cover Rachael Kirkconnell going on Call Her Daddy tonight, Jason Tartick speaks on his breakup with Kat Stickler, and Ben Higgins speaks about his breakup with Lauren back in the day:With the new season starting, we’re back on the regular schedule. Recaps will be written here on Tuesdays (along with also on my Daily Roundup on Tuesdays), Reader Emails Wednesdays, and then my weekly podcast on Thursdays (which is also on my YouTube channel). I will also try and include the transcripts to all those daily and weekly podcasts here on the site as well. I’ve been pretty good at doing that, but I know I’ve forgotten a few days here and there. And when I go out of town, I usually don’t do the transcripts. On the days you don’t read the transcripts here on the site, Apple Podcasts and Spotify have them there if you wanna click on that. Here’s the lastest on my Fan Appreciation Party happening on my 50th birthday, May 31st of this year at House of Blues at Mandalay Bay. As of right now, I have very few spots left – if any. Just waiting on a few more returned emails. Once I get those back (or not), I will assess how many spots are still available, then go down my wait list of people who’ve emailed in and it’s done on a first come first serve basis. I really don’t have many spots left so wait list people could be out of luck. This is the biggest party I’ve ever had, more than double any of the previous 8 parties. Not only in size, but also in scope. There’s going to be a live show, a photo booth, a DJ, along with the standard open beer and wine bar and food. You only turn 50 once, so, why not? But I still have to limit it to 200 people since I might not have an arm and leg when this party is over. Whatever the case, should be a great time and thanks to all of those who already RSVP’d. I think I’m like at 190-195 RSVP’s right now. That’s why I say not a lot left. But some people still might cancel, so, there’s always a chance you could get in, albeit you might not find out til later. Anyway, if you’re still interested and want to take a shot of possibly getting on the wait list, just email me at and I can put you on there in case there are multiple cancellations. I’m gonna save some stories in Bachelor Nation for tomorrow to go along with your “Reader Emails.” So, lets get started with the greatest, most electrifying deep dive into a night 1 recap you’ve ever seen! (There’s that hyperbole again). Recap begins on Page 2…
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