‘Teen Mom’ Star Catelynn Lowell Says Her Bio Daughter Carly’s Parents Told Her to Stop Sending Carly Gifts Because It’s “Inappropriate” – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup

Find Your ShowThe relationship between Catelynn Lowell and her biological daughter Carly’s adoptive parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, continues to go from bad to worse.In a new interview with E! News, the Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star revealed that– after months of non-existent communication with Brandon and Teresa (as well as 15-year-old Carly)— the couple did send a message to Cate– but it was certainly not the message she had hoped for. “They definitely have 100 percent closed the adoption,” Catelynn said. “I’m still blocked and they recently told me to quit sending gifts [to Carly] because it was inappropriate and uncalled for, just a whole bunch of things.” “There hasn’t been any improvement. We’re still blocked,” she said in an interview with TooFab. “I still have no way of communicating with them, even if I wanted to. So no, it’s still the same.”As The Ashley previously reported, Catelynn took to social media in May 2024 to express her frustration with Brandon and Teresa for failing to make time for an annual visit so Catelynn and her husband Tyler Baltierra and their kids could see Carly. Things between Cate and Ty, and Brandon and Teresa seemed to spiral downward from there, and by August, Catelynn and Tyler were frequently speaking out about the adoption, Carly’s parents and what could happen when Carly turns 18 and can decide for herself if she wants a relationship with her biological parents. Cate and Ty insisted they were only posting about it online so that Carly could see (one day) that they always tried to contact her.“One day Carly will be around to see our side and have all the facts from our side and make her choice,” Catelynn wrote. “Ask questions, etc. Whatever choice that is I will always support. But she also will see the texts [between us and her parents] and everything from over the years… I will NEVER bash her parents. I will ONLY share the ways I have always tried etc. and how many times I have been shut down etc… ”By September, Catelynn revealed that she and Tyler had been officially blocked by Teresa and no longer had any way to communicate with Carly. In her new interview with E! News, Catelynn said that she and Tyler will accept being cut out of Carly’s life, if it’s what Carly wants. However, if it’s not Carly’s choice to give Cate and Ty the boot from her life, Catelynn says she will continue to fight to be in Carly’s life.“If it’s just her parents acting out of fear, it’s my duty as a birth mom to show this child that I’m continuously fighting for communication, because that’s what’s ultimately the best for her, if that’s what she wants,” Catelynn said. A post shared by Tyler Baltierra (@tylerbaltierramtv)Catelynn said that being cut off from Carly has been a struggle.“I’ve been down some major black holes the past few months,” she said, adding that she feels like she was not informed about a lot of things at the time she and Tyler placed Carly for adoption in 2009. “There was so much about adoptees, the statistics of adoptees, statistics of birth parents, and things that I was not educated about or even told about. And I think that’s what upset me the most was, nobody fully educated me on the whole scope of the decision that I was making.“People need to know, if you’re making a decision for your child [to be adopted], these are things that they can struggle with,” Catelynn said. “And I wasn’t told any of that, so I feel blindsided by a lot of it as I’m getting older. It’s just really hard.”The upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ will cover Cate and Ty’s struggles with Carly’s parents, as well as the premise of adoption in general.“I think that culturally, adoption is only talked about in a positive light,” Catelynn said. “And so when we started talking about the hardships that we have and the emotions that we go through that are hard, people came at us and they were like, well, ‘What do you mean? You should be grateful.’ And it’s like, well, adoption isn’t just all cupcakes and rainbows. There’s trauma, there is hurt, there’s sadness, there’s what ifs, there’s so many hard sides of it too.”Over the years, fans have seen Ty and Cate struggle with the boundaries created by Brandon and Teresa regarding Carly.While many have suggested that the couple being on ‘Teen Mom’ has added to the rift between the families, Catelynn denied this in her interview with TooFab.RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Stars Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Announce Their New Podcast “Cate & Ty Break It Down” on Kail Lowry’s Podcast NetworkThey just want her back since they’ve been financially stable since giving her up. They never respected the whole adoption thing in the first place as they keep dragging the story and daughter through the mud.At this point I feel all Cate and Tyler want is praise. Either from media, from producers of the show, from their minions…ANYONE, because they want to BELIEVE they are doing the right thing. Yet, Carly might be seeing these news once in a while and is like “Why can’t these two just shut up about me?!” Like YOU HAD A BUNCH OF OTHER KIDS BECAUSE YOU WANTED ANOTHER CARLY! There. I said it. (And let’s not forget how annoying Tyler used to be about wanting a boy) Those girls (so called Non-Carlys) will resent you one day…if they don’t already.Go to therapy and get off socials, interviews, podcasts etc.Good grief Cate needs to leave that family alone. At this point, they only seem to want to use Carly as a further funding/talking point. No matter how many mental health horses and onlyfans pr0n you have, there is always room for more when your house is being foreclosed on lol.They asked you to stop contacting them. They asked you for space. So you sent a bunch of crap to their house for their child? Gee, I wonder why they don’t want anything to do with you.Oh look Cate is getting paid to do another interview about Carly. She’s exploiting that kid again, while claiming it’s love. She’s talks about trauma to adopted kids as if she knows anything about how Carly feels. Meanwhile, she is the one inflicting trauma by waging this one-sided battle in the public eye. Brandon and Theresa asked them keep Carly out of their storylines and the public and these two outright refused. Their “right” to say what they wanted and act however they want cost them a relationship with their bio-daughter. And now they want to play the victim and act as if Brandon and Theresa haven’t been incredibly gracious and accommodating. Gee, Cate, how come their son’s bio-mom is still in their life if they’re so threatened?These two morons literally make their entire personalities about their “trauma” whilst simultaneously traumatizing their bio kid from afar by pursuing an imaginary relationship with her and borderline stalking her.“I will not bash her parents,” she says as she continues to bash her parents.C&T acting like B&T are really blocking contact is laughable. Let’s be for real, Carly is a teenager and if she really wanted to secretly contact C&T she could. She can easily gain access to a computer/dummy email account via a friend’s computer, the computer in the library or even the school library. Teens are sneaky and savvy as hell. She could find a way to contact these two idiots if she really wanted to. Do they have regrets, yes. They are allowed to have that. But at the end of the day, the just need to shut the f up already. Let things simmer down and let Carly come to them if/when she wants. Take your constant whining to therapy, get yourselves right, find some way to support yourselves and the children that you do have in your custody. I think B&T were more than fair in their contact with C&T. If they had acted like they had sense C&T would still be having annual visits/contact with Carly. I can’t imagine the embarrassment that Carly must feel to constantly hear/see the mud slinging that C&T go on and on about. Like it or not B&T have given that young lady a good life, one that she definitely wouldn’t have had with C&T. If it wasn’t for this reality shit dragging on, those two would be out here just scraping by. Neither have gone on to do anything that would help them prepare for real adulting. When they finally take this show off the air I would like to see how they intend to support themselves. OF can only provide so long and neither have gone on to get any sort of education or learned a skilled trade to support themselves and the minor children they do actually have in their care. Just a hot mess.If C&T continue to put Carly’s name out in public, as they have been doing her whole life, for money, I can guarantee that Carly’s first action as a legal adult will be to go NO CONTACT with these two. Do C&T know any real-life 15-year-old girls in 2025?? They are vicious about THEIR PRIVACY, and the fact that THEY control EVERY ASPECT of THEIR NARRATIVE!! No one posts ANYTHING online about them without their direct order! (My own 15-year-old daughter also said having any bio-parent on OF would be grounds ENOUGH to be No Contact!! 😳😱🔥)I sincerely hope you’re wrong.Anyone with two eyes and half a brain can see that Cate and Ty regret their choice because they managed to “trailer trash who hit the lottery” their way to more money than they ever thought possible. Catelynn, especially, regrets her choice to trade her baby for a relationship with Tyler. Since neither one of them wants to look in a mirror to see who actually made these choices, they would much rather blame B&T and hope that Carly will, too.Yes, this whole thing is super complicated, due to their public life and the reality tv windfall. If only they would allow themselves to focus on how they saved their baby from an impoverished life of misery with Butch and April. That choice is what got them on MTV. They most likely wouldn’t have made it on the show otherwise. Carly’s life is astronomically better than what it would have been if Cate and Ty did not choose adoption.Catelynn claiming B+T only kept in contact for as long as they did because of the show is hilarious given the fact that, by all accounts, they have a good relationship with their son’s birth mother who hasn’t been on TV.This thought just came to me, if Catelyn doesn’t bring up Brandon and Teresa blocking her on social media, WHAT IS HER STORY LINE ON TEEN MOM, BINGO, SHE HAS NONE, ZERO,ZILCH.Exactly. Not only that, Cate especially craves everyone’s pity and attention.I’m so seriously bored with these two morons playing victims. I hope the 3 remaining not-Carlys have some serious therapy to cope with their parents obsession with Carly.“No one educated us about adoption” my sister in Christ, you had at least 4 months to do your own research. 2009 was not that long ago. Things have not changed that much. If you really wanted to do what’s best for Carly, you would’ve been finding all this info for yourself. Even if you had chosen to parent, you talk to your doctor, ask questions, look up info on things like diapers and food to see what’s the best option for you. Instead, they relied on all these very unreliable adults around them who already weren’t in their corner to begin with. It’s so easy to say “they were just kids” or “the adults took advantage of them” but that takes the responsibility away from Cate & Ty. This all comes back to THEM and THEIR choices. But they’re forever trying to put it off on everyone else. On top of that, the kids they have at home seem to be lost in Cate & Ty’s obsession with Carly. They really make it sound like she was kidnapped or something.Aka the School of Jenelle-thinking: my kid was stolen from me (I didn’t willingly sign them over)i think alot of pressure was applied to Cate from Tyler at the time to put they baby up for adoption and he manipulated her emotions at the time, i do think Cate has lived to regret choosing Tyler over her Carly!They should have thought that before they did the deed. They put themselves in an adult situation when they were kids. You can’t blame that on anyone except for them.Their own parents told them to NOT put the baby up for adoption and they acted as if they knew better than Butch & April (which in some aspects they did) and put the baby up for adoption anyway. And now it’s everyone else’s fault?!!Two teens living in a toxic environment decided to have their child adopted, they did open adoption so they could still be in their child’s life.
The adults told them that open adoption means they can get information on their child, see their child and send gifts to their child.
These two teens did what they thought was best for the child and imo with the childhood these two teens had they’ve done quite well, they are great parents to the children they have in their homes and have always made sure Carly knew about her biological siblings.
I think the adoptive parents have took all communication away cause now Carly is older she wants to see her siblings more and possibly wants to sleep over sometimes.
They now see c&t as a threat and are scared Carly chooses her biological parents over her adoptive parents.
I’ve never liked the adoptive parents I’ve always got a weird sense about them and imo I wouldn’t be surprised if the adoptive parents have lied to Carly and said c&t don’t want anything to do with her.Cause people adopt it don’t always mean they’re good people.You are so full of sh*t. B and T are the best thing to happen to Carly. Yep, Catelyn is a great parent, she makes her husband go on Only Fans so she doesn’t have to get up off her fat ass and get a real job. She has never held down a real job, she will be a great influence on the kids she does have. NOT!How old are you? Because your comment shows immaturity. C&T had YEARS to send gifts and cards to Carly, and they chose not too. How is that B&T’s fault? Catelynn and Tyler continue to overstep their boundaries, and after years of that, are finally facing the consequences. You think that Carly is this shiny toy that C&T lent to B&T. Carly hardly know them, she saw them once a year. She’s not yearning for sleepovers and to run off into the sunset with her bio parents. Go back to real world. Did you know that Carly’s adoptive brother still has his bio mom in his life? You know why? Because that mom respects the boundaries. Catelynn and Tyler feel they can do and say whatever they want, and that’s not the case at all. Welcome to being an adultRemember when they MISSED OUT on “Carly time” becuase Cate was still fumbling around making a photo album for her? (Lord only knows what was in it, pics of Butch getting out of jail and other such heartwarming family moments?(ThisEvery time I see a story about C&T calling out B&T and how they don’t get to see her, I think of that visit. They were late leaving their home to go to the rental house, and then late to leave the rental house to get to the meet up. I remember Dawn (I think that’s the adoption councilor being annoyed with them and telling them they could ship the scrapbook to her later. How many months did she have to make that thing and she waited till the very last minute.I also remember the visit when as they were driving away, Tyler said Carly was crying and he knew Carly didn’t want them to leave. She was still very young during that visit. I remember thinking that poor girl was probably crying because she was confused about all the emotional adults around her when you all said goodbye.You truly cannot see that this is all C&T have to make a living: bitch about th kid they gave up. If they had STFU about any issues between themselves and Carly’s parents, they’d not be in the position Course they might have to get off their lazy entitled asses and get OH MY GOD NO NOT JOBS! as a result so here Cate is blabbering away, And as usual, no mention of Tyler saying if she wanted to keep the kid, fine, but HE was outta there.OMG, thank you for this! Exactly everything you said. They were pushed / nudged into the adoption, being told they would still have contact, pictures, visits etc. Now the adoptive parents have made the decision to cut them off! It’s entirely unfair. Not just for C and T but for Carly! She has sisters who i’m sure she hasn’t decided she wants nothing to do with, as she loved spending time with them.It’s so hurtful.But that’s not what happened. They were told they would get 5 years of updates. Carly is 15. Brandon and Theresa never promised indefinite access. Cate and Tyler got way more than what they were told they would get. They just totally blew it by being disrespectful jerks to the adoptive parents and stomping.Only some of the things you said are remotely truthful.C&T did what was best for Carly by giving her a better home. That part is very true, because it was and remains, best for Carly.
They were told an open style adoption (because, again, open adoption is not a legal thing) would allow for *some* information to be made available to them. That part is also very true, if you add the caveat that the paperwork, which they fully understood at the time as it was explained numerous ways, said “for the first five years” and also add that B&T allowed for many years beyond that. The rest, nah, you’re way the hell off the mark on it all. If they were such great parents to the girls they have, their entire lives would not revolve around Carly not wanting contact with them. Or did you forget the part where Carly herself cut ties with them and no longer wanted to communicate after Cate kept berating her with constant messages and pictures (specifically stating what she was missing out on) when Carly decided she didn’t want to have a visit with them? You did forget that part, didn’t you? You also seem to conveniently forget the part where Carly is her own person, an individual, not an appendage of C&T, not property, and is perfectly capable of choosing who she wants in her life and who she doesn’t. Also, she’s a teen who is navigating life in the same way any other teen would and has all of that to go along with it. She doesn’t deserve to be saddled with whatever emotions and feelings C&T have about it all. She didn’t make the decision to have a better life in another family, it was made for her (and it was the best decision). She doesn’t need to be forced to live with another person’s guilt. That’s something people often don’t think about. It’s perfectly okay that C&T have the feelings they do, including regret if that is how they are feeling. What’s not okay, is trying to have Carly, of all people (or her parents B&T) shoulder those feelings and emotions. There is nothing wrong with C&T expressing themselves or sharing their experience. There is something wrong with making their entire existence revolve around it, allowing their daily lives and children they do have suffer because of or revolve around it or generally use it as an attempt to “get at” someone else. In this case the someone else is Carly, and her family, and none of them deserve that, because none of them have done anything wrong. Sure not everyone adopts is a good person, not everyone who gives birth is a good person either, but that doesn’t mean we lump everyone together in the same sack, now does it?Stop with the nonsense already. because your take is absolutely ridiculous. You do know that B&T have another child whose biological family doesn’t behave the way C&T do, right? In fact, they have a fantastic relationship with their other child’s biological family.Please stop, you are embarrassing yourselfThese comments are absolutely disgusting, nobody realizes that these grown adults took advantage of these 2 kids, selling them a dream and making them believe that they would stay in communication and always welcome them to be apart of the child’s life! I don’t care what anyone says God doesn’t like ugly and B&T are threatened and jealous of Cate and Tyler. That biological bond and love will always be there no matter what! If you guys honestly think that Carly is going to watch this story and watch how difficult it was for them to give her up, how much they struggled, how misinformed they were about the entire adoption, how they had no support, and the promises her Adoptive Parents made to her Birth Parents and didn’t keep, she will just automatically hate Cate and Tyler and not want to deal with them is delusional. Brandon and Teresa are awful humans that took advantage of a young couple that were naive and uneducated, making promises they know they wouldn’t keep just to take their baby because God didn’t bless them to be able to have their own children!!! They should have chosen a closed adoption!!!Your REMARK IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING.Oh please.Its not on Brandon and Teresa that Catelynn and Tyler didn’t comprehend what they were getting into with the adoption. It’s on C&T for not doing their research, the adoption agency and their own neglectful parents.
Brandon and Teresa stuck to the signed agreement, Catelynn and Tyler didn’t. This was a semi open adoption that allowed them regular updates and pictures and visits up to when Carly was five. And the really sad thing is C&T have made this whole thing more about them and THEIR feelings than any concerns for Carly and what they have dragged her into publicly.What part of Carly cut contact (which Cate herself has said, countless times now) herself do you not get? Carly literally had to block Cate. After she blocked Cate, Cate started sending messages to Theresa because Carly wasn’t responding and had blocked her. Wtf part of that is so difficult to grasp? It’s really not that complicated, at all.Also, they were *never* told they would always be welcome, or always be in communication. Even though they were teens at the time, it was explained as many ways as possible that any open nature in the adoption (because open adoption is not an actually legally binding thing anywhere in the world) would be limited to the first five years and at the sole discretion of the parents (that would be B&T) and Carly when she was old enough to decide. B&T allowed communication far beyond the first five years, until it became detrimental to Carly and eventually Carly-the actual child in this scenario-cut ties on her own.But, they were welcome to be a part of Carly’s life! This was their opportunity to blow and that’s exactly what they did. B&T allowed open contact for years, sharing their cell phone number, sending pictures, sharing updates, letting Carly be their flower girl. That’s way more than originally agreed to. Cate and Tyler were not misinformed about anything. They just think that the rules don’t apply to them. That they “have the right” to share pictures of Carly online, make her their main storyline, reveal private discussions on air, and give a big old middle finger to Carly’s parents. Brandon was asked years ago if he felt like cutting Cate and Tyler off for refusing to respect their boundaries. He said it would take a lot for them to reach that point. Clearly, the years of respect have brought them here. Why do you think B&T have a good relationship with their son’s bio mom? It’s clearly not about them being threatened. It’s about receiving basic respect.Oof the typo in the first caption! 100% love The Ashley and am assuming this is an autocorrect gone wrong. Also willing to get all the downvotes for pointing it out. I just think The Ashley would prefer to have her snark be typo-less.These two are delusional if they think Carly wants anything to do with them. B&T are protecting THEIR child from you two. You guys are the problem, not B&T. Take a good long look in the mirror, get a psychiatrist, and leave that poor family alone.first of all, c&t as they said themselves “suck at sending presents” anyway so why would sending presents now make a difference? they also act like they’re coparenting with them like jen & larry act with maci. i don’t blame b&t for doing this if they keep taking their business to the media when they asked for privacy along with texting them everyday when b&t have made it clear they don’t want communication like thatYep, Catelyn even sold this bullshit lie to TMZCate is comparing those statistics on adoption against statistics on kids raised by bio parents. She needs to be looking at statistics for kids raised by teen parents without any stability to give her a more accurate picture of what Carly missed out on.Surely this is enough for B&T to finally get a restraining order on Cate at the very least. Absolutely unhinged behavior at this point. Y’all are pushing 40 and are still acting with the mentality of a 14 year old. GROW UPI don’t know if you guys remember the Baby M case years ago. The surrogate mother (who was the bio mother) made all these unhinged statements too to the press. In a recorded call she threatened to kill the child and herself if the Sterns got her. This is how this is starting to feel.I remember this!!!!So they closed the adoption and Cate decides she JUST HAS TO do a big interview to get their attention. This is desperate and it’s unwell.
She needs serious help.I don’t know if ya’ll noticed or not, buy Cate is not playing with a full deck, or she is just dumb as hell.Or the ever-popular answer, “Both of the above.”I’m so tired of the same shit coming out of Cate & Ty on repeat. Absolutely no reflection or self awareness. They have 3 daughters at home that could use this extra attention instead of them going on social media and doing interviews. Carly does not see this and think “Wow my birth parents must really love me.” She thinks “I didn’t ask to be your storyline on teen mom. I didn’t ask for you to make the choice to put me up for adoption. I didn’t ask for you to disparage my parents incessantly for not bending to your will.”Carly deserves privacy. She deserves as much anonymity as possible. (also why B & T did not want her on this train wreck of a show) Cate and Ty are two of the most egotistical and selfish people I have ever seen.B and T have, as far as we know, continued to have a relationship with their son’s birth mother. So I find it hard to believe that they would have closed it 11 years ago. C and T are delusional and doing whatever they can to avoid self reflection. They’re crossing the line into stalking. Asking them for not contact does not mean send gifts! It means back off. B and T should document everything in case they need a restraining order to protect Carly.At this point I’m concerned about Catelyn’s IQ and/or mental health. To let the child she gave up for adoption know that she never stopped trying to contact her? This is an obsession not healthySo basically she’s stalking a child. Is that even legal?? That right there should call in to question the mental stability of both of them. Are the 3 children they have even growing up in a safe environment? Does Cate take out her loss of Carly on the kids she has at home? I mean this in all seriousness.Cate and Ty are lucky they are only blocked and don’t have court orders against them!! I’d be petrified and embarrassed at 15 that these people you barely know are hassling parents and do OF and get on SM the way they do!!It’s been obvious for a long time that Catelynn and Tyler have seen Brandon and Teresa as Carly’s babysitters rather than her her parents who have the right to make decisions based on what they they think is best for Carly.When she turns 18, and I hope she chooses no contact because THAT is what is best for her, I wonder if they will continue the social tirade against Carly herself. Having your birth parents act this way is NOT what’s best for a child of adoption. It’s truly disgusting behavior. I’m sorry but in the most blunt way, you guys GAVE HER AWAY. Now let the girl get on her with life in peace.Wasn’t the adoption supposed to close when Carly was 5? That was 11 years ago. C&T need to move on. I’m sure B&T are doing everything they’re supposedly doing because Carly more than likely doesn’t want anything to do with C&T and I mean, who would? The things C&T do and say online are beyond crazy. They’re both adults and they act like teenagers who throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. C’s mental illness drama & fighting with her family & T’s OF are just disgusting. I’m sure Carly is probably humiliated by them. She’s a teenager who I’m sure can access the internet & has friends who watch TV. C&T need serious help. B&T are making a smart decision by cutting them off. In no way, shape or form would I force any child to have anything to do with C&T and their drama. They think Carly will come running to them when she turns 18? Carly is probably thanking B&T for not forcing her to continue seeing them!B’nT along with Carly are probably cursing that C&T were on TM and that damn show won’t go away, allowing C&T to continue to go after them in a very public way. I’m not legal expert, but I’m surprised B’nT haven’t issued a cease and desist order. B’nT probably just want a normal, quiet life with their children and not have their names dragged through the mud regularly. How aggravating it must be for them. And if not for the TM money, had they kept Carly, she would’ve been raised in chaos and possibly poverty. If they want to blame anyone, blame Dawn.I caught a quick listen to a recent NPR segment about adoption regret and Cate was included. I felt sorry for her as I listened, then I read about their ongoing shenanigans against B’nT who don’t deserve that. Focus on the three non-Carly’s. Even without jobs, keeping up with three kids should keep two adults plenty busy.“it’s my duty as a birth mom” You have no duty, you quite literally signed them away. They’re not babysitting and paying all her expenses until it suits you. They are her parents. And at 15 if she wanted to contact you…she would. And they’re still harping on about how they weren’t told. You were, we all watched. Perhaps you were/are too stupid to understand. It’s stalking at this point!This right here. She placed her child for adoption, absolving herself of any duty. And it was done for the right reasons. She needs to seek deep, deep therapy to come to terms with this and appreciation B&T for giving Carly a life she could have only dreamt of giving her. Regardless of her regret, she knows damn well had they kept Carly the cycle of chaos and dysfunction would have continued.Gee, maybe it’s because 16 years later, these two still haven’t learned a thing and will not stop talking about Carly, despite her parents asking them numerous times to let her be. It’s hard to have the smallest amount of sympathy for these two, because they are just beyond disrespectful of Teresa and Brandon. Good grief.Maybe because these two morons have been nothing but inappropriate in regards to this adoption? These two have no shame or self-awareness.Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of new posts by email.
ΔIt’s been over a year since David Eason was charged with felony “Assault by Strangulation” for allegedly assaulting Jenelle Evans’ son, Jace, and now the fired ‘Teen Mom 2’ dad is about to head to court to face a judge! The Ashley has all the details.‘Teen Mom’ star Maci Bookout praised her baby daddy Ryan Edwards for choosing Amanda Conner as his partner, as well as for improving their coparenting relationship for their son Bentley. I write what you’re thinking! News and snark about your favorite guilty pleasure reality TV shows!Buy the Ashley’s Book: Inside AGTBuy The Ashley’s Teen Mom Secrets & Scandals BookPrivacy Policy Get your reality TV news and gossip sent right to your email inbox!