‘Switch 2’ Replica Showcased By Accessory Maker Genki At CES 2025 – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpUpdate: Genki’s website now shows a new videoUpdate [Wed 8th Jan 2025, 8:25am]:Genki now has a website page live showing a video (animated renders) of accessories attached to “the next handheld,” which looks like a Switch 2.No huge surprises here – the console looks exactly the same as the previous leaked images and the ‘replica’ Genki’s showing off at CES, although it does showcase the new Joy-Con connections very nicely.No official word yet, of course. There’s still a small part of us hoping all these leaks and teases are cunning misdirection on Nintendo’s part and a console resembling a shower head will shortly be revealed. Watch this space.Original Story: Last week, accessory maker Genki announced it would be showcasing ‘Switch 2’ accessories at CES 2025 and it’s now delivered on this promise.These new products are reportedly being shown “behind closed doors” and the German outlet Netzwelt has now shared some photos online. Apart from a look at a docking station with Joy-Con controllers attached, there’s also a “Switch 2 replica” model on display.According to reports, attendees can supposedly “get a feel” for the Switch 2 with this replica model. The publication also goes into detail about the new Joy-Con – mentioning how there is now an extra button on the right controller.Some other outlets have also shared video footage of Genki’s ‘Switch 2′ replica and there are apparently claims from Genki’s representatives these accessories could be launching as soon as April.Nintendo has said it will announce the Switch “successor” at some point during the current fiscal year (ending March 2025).The floodgates have openedOG Switch dock requires 39WEverything about the “Switch successor”If we hear any significant updates or developments, we’ll let you know.[source netzwelt.de, via videogameschronicle.com]About Liam DoolanLiam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He’s been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief.Comments 167Great, but I’m still dissapointed the system is like the same thing as the switch xD I would have loved a spin in thisHow is that not breaking all the NDAs?Everyone but Nintendo will showcase the thing at this point lolI’m still kinda on the fence about all of this flood of switch 2 rumors because half of me wants to believe them and the other half of me doesn’t. Makes me kinda wish nintendo would just get ready to just officially reveal this switch successor already…..@Fulgor_Astral I guess that it might be boring for some considering that Nintendo can be quite creative, but I prefer that they stick to a great design unless there’s an actual way to innovate and not just some kind of gimmick. Hopefully, the specs will make the upgrade worth it.I’m with @Zeebor15. It feels like either nintendo forgot to get NDAs to ask these companies or the punishment wasnt severe enough or something.I do believe it’s going to be a DS – 3DS kinda transition for sure. Lots of similarities between the two generations where people who didn’t live through it in 20 years will be confused as to which was which.@Fulgor_Astral As much as I would’ve, I would rather Nintendo not be forced to innovate, as that can lead to terrible mistakes, i.e., Virtual Boy and Wii U, and instead improve upon the Switch itself. However, they may continue to innovate with the console in other ways. The DS and 3DS looked similar, but the 3DS was innovative in its way as well.Yeah, I now believe Nintendo has waited too long. They should’ve announced back in October, September, or even earlier. I admire Nintendo’s discipline and patience, but on this I believe they miscalculated. Maybe it’s just us in the Internet crowd getting in a tizzy over this, but this has gotten a bit out of hand.Personally, I’m hoping for the last week of January, if not any day now!I really wish Nintendo would just announce it already. All these half-baked leaks are really starting to deflate the mystery and excitement.The 3DS was WAY different from the DS, particularly the original one. No-glasses 3D screen, 3D photos/AR, cameras, circle pad, gyroscope, eShop.I’m on the fence as well. It would be incredible if Nintendo unveils it, and it’s totally different from anything we’ve seen. Just a complete 180. Probably pretty unlikely.My concern with using basically an upgraded model is that they will then have to lean on improved specs, which has been difficult for them in the past. Even if it is a jump up from the first Switch, they will be ultimately underwhelming, relative to other consoles. And that’s where comparisons always go. Plus, now there are loads of other devices like Switch on the market. And that creates more comparisons. So, I’m thinking (and hoping) they have some innovative features we don’t yet know about, maybe even in the interface and software side of things. Something that really sets them apart.I also don’t think they’re gonna reveal the console for a bit longer. DKCRHD is out on the 16th. I’ll bet we don’t hear about Switch 2 for at least 2 weeks after that release. Unless it’s a double release. But, come on. It isn’t. It doesn’t even look that impressive for a Switch 1 release.A Direct / Presentation is coming. I really like what they did in January 2017 for the original Switch, but that was a “make-or-break” situation after the WiiU did not hit. I feel like they could get away with a trailer or a “one more thing” in a standard Direct; especially if they don’t look at releasing it until Summer or Fall. Trailer at the end of January with a full reveal in late Spring for a September release??I really don’t see how people still expect Nintendo to come out with something drastically different (if different at all) at this point. These companies make actual money on these products, they don’t have any reason at all to make fake accessories that won’t go with the final device. There isn’t going to be a “whoaaa it’s totally different than what everything has led to!! 🫨”@canaryfarmer You’re right, obviously. But since we haven’t heard anything official, it’s fun to imagine funny scenarios.I always dismiss rumours in the like, but this thing is being showcased at an official industry event, so I’m actually inclined to believe it’s the real deal. I really wonder what Nintendo is thinking and doing about it.Well it wouldnt be the first betrayal from Nintendo, if it ends up looking different xDNintendo have just lost complete control of this whole thing. They’ve handed it so badly. 3rd party accessory companies revealing what the console looks like before them. Whoever is in charge of keeping this stuff getting out should be fired, frankly. Surely these companies had to sign NDAs to not disclose anything about the console until they’re allowed? And now we’re hearing a French journalist saying the release date is April. They may as well let someone else announce the launch games too. Don’t even bother with an official trailer, it’s all out in the open now anyway.@AussieMcBucket This is way different from the current switch. The joycon have mouse censors on the sides and there’s the C button that’ll probably lead to some new feature. Same with the USB C plug at the top, which could be used for possibly new attachments of some sort.The 3DS was basically a DS with more power behind it and the 3D slider.Not a chance that this is a real thing! Nintendo had then sued the balls off all those “leakers”.Just heads up… That like every of those “leakers” are just manufacturers for accessories for Switch. Many of them are struggling, so they needs a good publicity stunt now. Nothing is hotter than “Switch 2” in the tech world right now.
So they’ll getting some attention then.If everything had been real, so not a chance that those companies had still been partners to Nintendo now, if now they leaked Nintendo’s next console.That Nintendo is still silent yet now just tells that nothing has been real this far, otherwise….
Nintendo is quite draconic with protecting their IP’s. The same Nintendo who shoots down fanmade games with Nintendo’s IP’s.Not a chance in hell that Nintendo had allowed this, that they breaks the NDAs and officially mocking on Nintendo straight on their own heads, if now it had been the real thing.How do all of you think how Apple, Sony, Microsoft & co had reacted this… oh my…No a Direct won’t occur at tomorrow, nor this week, nor next week, nor…People are so incredibly easily gullible in nowadays, that’s a fact. There’re a lot research about it recently.
They’ll believe in everything without being critical by the slightest now, it was so different for just 10 years ago.Also why should Nintendo suddenly create a new Wii U situation that with confusing the majority of its customers? Why should this “Switch 2” looking to 99.8% exactly the same as the original Switch?On one hand I feel bad Nintendo is kinda getting the run around with doing a big reveal themselves (unless no leaks are accurate), on the other hand, free advertising for them for months now.N = Nintendo’s
D = Deadly
A = AssasinsReleased in
3, 2, 1 ………it still has the button d-pad that is all I need to be completely and utterly sold on this thing give me 50 units@Keman I don’t know how many times I have to say this to you- but the console is actually real. Like this is the form the next console is taking. The console shown off in all of these promotional materials and at events is a mock-up based off the actual schematics. The factory leaks though? That’s 100% real. The plastic is using a technique that only industrial plants use- which rules out any fan made mock-ups.ON top of this, you say Nintendo wouldn’t do the same concept twice, but I have news for you. Check out the DS and 3DS. Check out the Gameboy. Nintendo has done this before in the past- and it has been a success. The Switch is a handheld console, and the Switch 2 looks different enough for people to know that it isn’t just the same console again but slightly different.If Nintendo could get away with having a more powerful DS with one central gimmick (the 3D effect) then Nintendo can get away with reusing the Switch form-factor with it’s own gimmick (that probably being connected to the joycon censors and C-button).I hope there will be an official model with ergonomic handheld controllers with a real d-pad. However,I know this is very unlikely to happen.@obijuankanoobie My network admin at work thinks Sega is a division of Nintendo. Normies will not be able to tell the difference between the Super Nintendo Switch and the normal.When there’s smoke there’s fire.I suspect once they announce the Super Switch / Switch 2 / Swatch it will be available for purchase within the following month. There is no way this isn’t mass produced, there must be some 3-5 million units ready to go. Next leak will the retail box at this rate.Fun fact about NDAs: they pretty much always have an end date on them. With the fact that the Switch 2 announcement has been delayed, it’s more than likely that the NDA has already expired.Of course, 90% of companies are still going to be quiet because they don’t want Nintendo to keep them out of the next round (which they would be in their rights to do). But apparently Genki does not care.I have Wii U vibes about this, if it’s really Switch 2 design. It’s too similar to Switch which makes it very easy to be ignored by a non-hardcore audience as a new Switch variation.The controllers look cool, though.@VoidofLight Okay, I hope so.No way. Major differences. Clamshell designs, yes.Quick – who speaks French?!If this is legit, this is absolutely wild. They’re basically giving a demo of the hardware. Bananas.I think that the “Switch 2” is a great move for Nintendo. Everyone wanted the Switch Pro so badly and this console seems to be pro and then some. I don’t think people will be confused by the naming convention (if indeed it is “Switch 2”)… I don’t see people getting lost trying to figure out which is the newest iPhone when they just increment the number in it’s name. What exactly this iterative update entails is anyone’s guess (beyond better hardware specs), maybe the joycons will have better tracking for rail shooters, maybe finally we’ll get some VR games wearing the switch in a headset (if it has it’s own gyro) and streaming stuff to the updated dock… the possibilities are endless, so for now at least, I’ll try to keep an open mind, while hoping for cool new features (and the return of streetpass).@Fulgor_Astral In all fairness, what is the PlayStation but a hardware upgrade over the previous generation? Ditto with the Xbox. There’s really nothing new to either system beyond more power under the hood. And yet people still buy those consoles anyway.It’s really only Nintendo that tries something new when it comes to gameplay. I’d say let’s wait and see if they can pull off a repeat of the original Switch’s success with the new system. If they end up doing so, it could be a winning formula for them in the future.But if they end up with another Wii U on their hands, they may end up rethinking their strategy and going back to the drawing board, coming up with a new, innovative console (and hopefully one with beefier hardware inside so as to compete with Sony and Microsoft).@AussieMcBucket There’s as many major differences between Switch 2 and Switch as there are 3DS and DS.Worth saying every time. Nintendo is getting free marketing out the wazoo. These posts are flooding the Internet. They couldn’t buy this level of engagement. Someday marketing teams are going to study the buzz Nintendo can create by not announcing things, like with Directs.If it’s not a game changer system any announcement is just going to be met with apathetic responses so why not let the mystery consume people and keep the interest rolling. Everyone says oh I’m over it Nintendo blew it, yet can be found on all these articles no matter how pointless they are. Meanwhile they don’t even have to risk an official announcement eating into the Switch sales as that release pipeline empties. All they need is a new Mario. That’s what moves their hardware anyway. It’s always going to be some outdated tech.The majority of the general public who will buy Switch 2 are not even hearing about these leaks. The terminally online might shout the loudest but it’s an echo chamber.This is just downright embarrassing. Talk about Nintendo getting the wind taken out of thier sails. The Switch 2 is basically already completely unveiled. They better have some big surprises lined up for the official reveal or they might have some serious catch up work to do to get any kind of hype power back.
On the other hand…I’m glad it’s just a more powerful, backwards compatible Switch so I can just replace my OLED with it and not have to invest in a while new ecosystem.@Dev1024 Agreed. I feel like they are stubbornly sticking to whatever schedule they determined to do and at this point it was a fail on thier part. Waited way too long and now they are suffering the consequences.An NES to SNES type upgrade is exactly what I want. I’m so looking forward to the reveal. I do think folk are over playing these leaks. Video game conoles are about the games. No one here (or at least I hope no one here) is going to buy one purely because of what’s inside the case. You buy them because of what’s on the screen and how it plays.Pretty much what I expected. I don’t know why some people are so upset about the leaks and reveals by other companies. It’s not going to take away from any excitement/sales when Nintendo finally reveals this thing.😐 Take it easy and be patient.@invictus4000 What consequences are they suffering exactly by these leaks? I’m really curious about that. This system will more than likely sell very well when it’s officially released. These leaks will be a distant memory and the majority of people who will buy the system probably don’t even know about the months of rumors/leaks. They’ll first hear about the system when an ad pops up on TV and their mobile device. Besides, products have been revealed early for years and most never suffered because of it. Apple sells millions of iPhones on launch day despite some being out in the wild before officially being revealed. A lot of people are making a big deal about the Switch 2 leaks and it’s really not that serious in my opinion@RenanKJ Nintendo has to call it Switch 2 to not confuse the public and potentially hurt sales. That’ll let consumers know exactly that it’s a new console and not just a different version of the original Switch. Don’t get cute and call it Switch Pro, Super Switch, etc… Just keep it simplethe new button looks like another screenshot button, probably so both split screen players can take pictures on it rather than only whoever gets to use the left joy-con.@canaryfarmer I agree with you. It’s a glass slab with detachable controllers. I don’t know what people were expecting. Most people just want a more powerful console with better battery life and controllers. Seems like that’s what Nintendo is going to deliver and I personally don’t have a problem with that.@Vil That’s cause it doesn’t exist yet, Nintendo will show the real thing come this March and it won’t be like what we saw with these fakes.@AllBLK Exactly, this is pretty normal in the tech world. Every phone and tablet has nothing to surprise, except the look of the color options when unveiled, because by then we’ve seen every single technical detail leak months beforehand.The average person doesn’t care, nor hears about any of this. So it still hits big when Nintendo holds their Direct@Kalcheus Nintendo clearly says the thing won’t be announce until around the end of the fiscal year. If there are NDAs, it’s likely those are still in affect until after the system is reveal. People also had to realize that an announce date doesn’t mean it’s a launch date and since the Switch is not a failure like the Wii U, it’ll probably take even longer for Nintendo to actually launch the Switch 2 than how they originally launch the Switch. Likely the Switch 2 may get a late 2026 or early 2027 launch. I don’t think they are going to do a 2025 launch unless the Switch sale numbers are dwindling very fast.If it is true that the Switch 2 will look like this i am afraid that it will go the same route as the Wii U. Many will not differentiate it from the original design, what will eventually force Nintendo to abandon it in like 4 years from its initial release for another new console (As what happened to the Wii U) They will not repeat the same succes as the current Switch console since people will think that its a revision.@Serpenterror Nintendo clearly said that … after they were already expected to announce it. All indications are that the Switch successor was supposed to be revealed in 2024 but that Nintendo delayed it. As a result, it wouldn’t be surprising if the NDAs were written around that expectation.As for when it’s going to release, I suspect that the current Nintendo stock price is dictated by a 2025 release; delaying until 2026 will — without sufficient explanation — more than likely hurt the company.@Serpenterror Sorry, what?They will announce it and release it immediately, meaning in the following 1 to 3 months.Late 2026, early 2027 release? That does not make any sense. They are already manufacturing the thing, what’s the point of holding manufactured consoles for 1 or 2 years to keep selling a 8 year old console? 2 years??OG Switch will still sell until they sell out. Switch is still selling because the other consoles in the market are twice the price, and no everybody has a switch. Everybody in this thread does, but not in the real world.When S2 releases, S1 will remain the most affordable console with an impressive catalogue. Will still sell millions.Dude, come on…@Nintendomatt64 Surely at this point it has to be basically guaranteed that it looks pretty much identical to all the leaks if all these companies are making cases for it and such. I mean they can’t just be making entire product lines on pure guesswork with the chance the final thing won’t even fit, right. I have to imagine we’re all seeing basically the exact Switch “2” at this point. Now, whether that means there’s anything remotely more exciting about it than what we’re seeing externally is another question, but right now I’m totally underwhelmed if this is the Switch “2” to be honest. It’s the most by the numbers and least existing “next generation” of Nintendo console ever created based on what I’m seeing. In fact, it’s so safe to the point I think it might even flop, because I just don’t see where the new audience for this thing is, and I expect only a fraction of current Switch owners would give enough of a crap with the changes we’re seeing here to bother to upgrade to the newer model. How many people have bought a Switch OLED vs the original. I expect even less to get a Switch “2” at this point, or maybe a little more if Nintendo can really convince people it’s worth getting a model with a bit more power basically.Is there a chance Nintendo are behind the leaks and fooling us into thinking it looks exactly the same. But then looks radically different when it’s revealed.Would be funny if nintendo made it a little bit bigger so that it wont fit.It would be amazing if it has HD3D like 3DS. Not as it’s major gimmick, just there as an option for developers to use if they want.Right. Between credibility in the customers’ eyes and future access to any other unannounced hardware, which is Genki feeling adventurously allergic to? You decide. ¯(ツ)/¯EDIT: courtesy of my home feed suggestions (Reddit desu), even the local r/tomorrow successor’s comments note how the accessory booklet’s depicted console logo seems to come straight from fan mockups of the past.😅Yikes, that looks a bit too much like the OG Switch. I hope they will have some surprises up their sleeves in terms of functionality. Formwise it’s starting to look like it’s just a soft upgrade, akin to the “New” 3DS line.Not quite sure I understand the hypothesis that these leaks are somehow harming Nintendo or killing the hype surrounding this thing. Yes, it’s a shame Nintendo didn’t get to reveal the Switch 2 entirely on its own terms, but it won’t effect its sales. The hardcore crowd will lap it up on day one, and Nintendo will simply let the games do the talking to maintain early momentum. Like it always has.Nintendo so confident to keep it quietly there must be have something Never have before and Ready to showingITS ABOUT TO GET REAL!SWITCH 2 CONFIRMED!!!This stuff is totally out of control. This generation has been totally ruined. Why can’t people just have patience? I absolutely loathe leaks and leakers, it’s the mark of a reprobate to engage in such an illicit activity.@Dazman I feel like an accessory to crime.The Switch 2 leaks are coming through fast recently. Hopefully Nintendo will do a Direct this month 🤞🏻@Olliemar28 I will still drop for that on Day 1 and I’ll be happy I have it. I’ll forget all about the leaks eventually. But you only get one chance in life and the chance to see the announcement without preconceived notions has been ruined for some of us. It’ll definitely leave a sour taste in my mouth personally until something comes along to sweeten it: like a Pokemon game Nintendo already have my money and I’m a very patient man.Like a wise man once said ‘A wizard is never late, nor is he early…’Most interesting thing out of the GENKI stuff is the magnetic circular connector on the back of their case. They currently make an external USB-C ssd enclosure called Savepoint. That attaches to things with a circular magnet, like iPhone MagSafe. This implies that GENKI think that you can attach external hard drives.Missed opportunity for Nintendo to properly reveal this before anyone else did. They better market this well or else it’ll be like the wiiu.@Olliemar28 yeah im right there with you man. dont get me wrong, i would have loved it to be a surprise. But this was sort of bound to happen, given that pretty much everything over the past 8 years has been leaked before reveal. It stinks, but im excited to see what REALLY matters: if streetpass and badge arcade are back! And the games, i guess.@Kalcheus out of curiosity where did they say it was delayed? They said an announcement this fiscal year I believe…?@GrailUK people making out “we (there’s that “we” again) know everything already!!!”, does anybody know about the most important things like games, the UI, the feature set, what new trickery they bring to the table? They do like to surprise.@Olliemar28 I don’t know, I feel like timing and rhythm of revealing things matter. The OG Switch did the announcement thing really well, got us really excited, and then rode that wave quickly into a launch.They will ride an announcement quickly into a launch this time too. But the excitement for the reveal part is just not really there.If they really impress with the games and with the new mouse/IR feature the excitement comes right back for me.But if they don’t then I might wait and not get it day 1. I feel like this would have been different if the announcement timing thing and building hype would have been managed differently.I bet Nintendo is keeping quiet becauseA) Switch 2 has a surprise…the “c” button or something more.B) This Switch we are seeing is a dummy. The real Switch is going to be even more wackier/sleeker. 😂😂😂The video on Genki’s website is cool though.At this point, it’s not normal for Nintendo to remain silent about all of these leaks. At this point, we know everything about the device. It’s only a matter of time before someone finds the device on the black market and uploads a video of himself playing it. I hope to have a presentation before the end of this month.This is crazy. What is Nintendo thinking at this moment? Announce it already 😂@Keman Not remotely a Wii U situation. The 2 in the console’s apparent name will tell consumers all they need to know what this is. Never been a problem for all of the other products with a bigger number in their name. Most iPhones and Samsung Galaxies look 98% the same as their predecessors, nobody is confused by this and they always sell in the millions. Nobody was confused by the PlayStation 2.Wii U failed due to bad marketing, and frankly, a bad concept. Customers aren’t as stupid as you think.@VoidofLight agreed 100%Seeing all of this makes me wonder if Nintendo is doing this intentionally, but the longer they wait, the bigger the potential damage, if you ask me. Still, I’m excited for the Switch successor and can’t wait until they finally officially reveal it to the world. I just wish it were sooner, than later.Removed – trolling/baiting; user is banned@Serpenterror wow XD@punzai Pretty sure that is for the battery pack.I don’t buy the whole mouse thing. Why do that when the switch 1 is already compatible with real mice anyway so the switch 2 is already very susceptible to have the same feature, and also they have gyro and a whole legacy of pointer controls that amongst other things, emulate efficiently mouse controls. If they want to do the console equivalent of mouse controls, THAT should be their focus.And I mean OBVIOUSLY a mouse requires a freaking table. Now who in their right mind plays the switch in front of a desk? These guys are some of the top hardware and game designers out there, they have to have thought of this. It’s a feature that double dips on another feature, that they already have. It’s literally the opposite of that famous Miyamoto quote about a good solution solving several issues. It really seems like a very non-nintendo thing to do.@mlt I thought the laser was meant as a wiimote pointer again, but the position of it on the joy-con seems weird and unergonomic for that.@Dev1024 announcing a new console a few months before christmas without having its production ready for customers would have been a very bad decision as a business. They still had many switch 1 to sell…@JokerCK its a vicious cycle.nintendo gets too overprotective and secretive of their stuff, more leaks seem to occur the more overprotective they get and next thing you know their specs and files in a gamefreak admin’s account that where never meant to see the light of day are all over the internet. it’s like a pipe, too much pressure and its bound to crack@PillowpantsBy now I’m pretty sure it’s intentionalHaha Genki just said, f-this we’re not waiting any more.NS2 it is then?@WiltonRoots ‘we’ do like to gossip@geshemI agree, I don’t think it’s a pointer anymore. But I hope the idea is not to make it a mouse. At this point though chances are it is a mouse. And I regret it. It just seems like a feature made just to add a feature, thrown out there as an afterthought and a poorly made decision. It’s very non nintendo as I’ve said.The fact that they would be so bold to actually show it makes me skeptical@mlt M I’m hoping they’ll surprise us with the usage of it in some clever little way that we’re not expecting.@Hwatt sWaTCH. That is it! Time! Time is the new gimmick.
We started with Alarmo, and that pairs with the sWATCH.: O )I really hope all of these images are fake. If the switch 2 is going to be almost identical as the 1, I will be dissapointed. I wanted a new twist. I hope this console don’t flop like the wii u or we will have a new console again in 4, 5 years@GrailUK Could be the royal “we”. I want to know about the software same as you, I don’t buy consoles just to stare at them.@Dev1024 You not going to announce a new console in 2024, when you not going to release it until 2nd half of 2025.No company in their right mind would do such a thing and financial shoot them in the foot and destroy their 2024 holiday sales.
Just because some people and media are too impatient.Also, why are people upset if the Switch 2 is going to look nearly identical as the Switch 1. You not going to change an incredible successful design just for the sake of it.
When it works, it works.Nintendo will just iterate on the Switch 2 design, hopefully addressing some of the issues, like wobbly Joy-con connections and the stick drift issues (use Hall Effect already! ).
Just like they made improvements to the kickstand with the Switch OLED, which as a massive improvement over the OG Switch.It’s just like with Smart Phones today. You reach a point that a given design works, people are comfortable with and making further radical changes will be pointless, unless it makes sense.
Hence, why we just see iterative changes each year with new Phone models for the last 10-15 years.i am pleased others are leaking it. Nintendo have just took the p**s this time around. there is a kind of window of reasonable disclosure after you have announced something and Nintendo have this whole thing ready to roll but still wont unveil it.There is going to absolutely zero to reveal and no surprises now.Software is now the only exciting thing for Nintendo to reveal and let’s hope we get some big AAA in house studio games for release day.@smithyo Totally agree they have become Nintenslow with switch 2 for sure.That ‘2’ on the dock looks waaaaack.It’s quite startling how some people take Nintendo for granted. Dismissing more of the same whilst wanting something different is weird. Like…what exactly are they wanting??I want a screenless docked version but I dont think this will happen.Instead of posting stupid stuff on Twitter/X why doesn’t Nintendo of America just post the reveal?@Zeebor15 If the Switch successor is called the “Nintendo Switch 2” (which seems to be the case) then nobody will be confused.This is Nintendo we’re talking about about. The Switch successor will be named exactly that: Nintendo Switch Successor🙃Wasn’t the new Switch meant to be officially announced today? Maybe that’s Genki have just gone for it. 😅@RetroGames Yeah mabye you’re right, it’s just that some of the leaks I do believe like the 3d models of the switch 2 and the more recent dummy models it’s just that the hardware specs of the more recent leaks im still kinda on the fence about because would nintendo really make it a system that’s on par with the PS3 -PS4 I’m mean if the tech is old enough and cheap enough for them to use then sure that’s fine but I still feel like nintendo is going to throw us a curve ball on us …..My favorites are the people who are SOOO UPSET about these leaks, yet clearly choose to read the article to see the leaks 😆…… right now I only have questions about its thickness, somehow it looks thicker than what it was previously leaked, but maybe that’s just the accesory itself. Still, if only it was thick enough to support a strong battery… It would also be awesome if it truly shipped with those black-ish colors, they look cool.@Fulgor_Astral Same, very disappointed. Hardly any innovations and they’re extremely delayed (by 4 years). What a horrid underpowered machine the Switch is. I hardly use it. It’s really only for Nintendo games and even then, it is underpowered and slow.Not reading anything until Nintendo announces, in the past I managed a cell phone store. I wouldn’t even bother looking at rumors that the iPhone X would do so and so.Nintendo acts as if nothing has been happening Cmon you jokers, announce the system already!@Fulgor_Astral In all fairness when nintendo puts a spin on things (generally) it hasn’t worked. In the most recent years the Wii U was the poster child of that. However, they’ve dominated the handheld market since the gameboy was around.I think they’re hoping they can keep the success of the switch by not over complicating things. With all of the handheld PC’s out though it’ll be interesting if they can keep their hold on the market.if this is it, then it will fail to sell as well as the first time for various reasons, and is destined to be seen as a failure by Nintendo and the industry at large.I’ve enjoyed my switch but I’m in no hurry to pony up for “same but better.” especially since this is keeping everything I don’t like, seemingly, plus making the damn thing even more gigantic.WC is gettin’ upset!I believe nothing until it’s officially confirmed. Wouldn’t be the first time an elaborate hoax has taken everyone for fools.Very sceptical about the actual 2 on the stand and the default little splints to attach some grip periphery onto. The former seems too obvious, the latter would be really annoying, when you don’t attach thicker grips or whatnot. So, for now, I call this fake and continue to play my insane backlog, until something official is announced.@brookeobscura It most likely is not hardware, but on software level which is not ready yet.It could very well be, that they are waiting until NVidia DLSS 4 is ready. Which was just announced with the new RTX50xx GFX cards.Either way. Nintendo already said before Summer 2024 that they would announced the Switch successor before the end of the fiscal year. Which is end March 2025.
That is still more than 2 and half months until the end of Nintendo’s current fiscal year. So I don’t expect any announcement until late February or March.First of all – that is exactly how I imagined the thing would look. Second – I wouldn’t be surprised if this was just a publicity stunt to feed off of the hype for the Switch successor. If the posts suddenly disappear, though, then that could mean something. Unless, of course, they purposely remove them to make it look legit. Also, let Nintendo do Nintendo. They’re the creators, they’re the business, they’ll reveal the console when they think they should reveal the console. We already know the deadline (before April) so we should just be patient… is what a good consumer would say. WHERE IS IT, NINTENDO?!@StewdaMegaManNerd Yes, this company that lives and dies on their product fitting the main device they’re accessorizing just right went out of their way to design, market, produce, and show to the industry as a whole at CES a product that they just made up with no intention of making whatsoever, putting their entire reputation on the line all for fleeting Nintendo rumor points. Yes, okay, sure.@GrailUK Everybody expecting them to reinvent the wheel again are ignorant to the fact that for a long time their consoles have been a response to their previous generation. Wii was a response to them failing with GameCube despite it being powerful so they left that arms race. They saw how well a gimmicky controller helped sell the Wii so they doubled down and it blew up in their faces. Then they decided they couldn’t compete with a dedicated home console any more so they put everything into a handheld that could be played on the TV since the tech at the time was feasible to do so.When you look at the 3DS it was very much a straight up DS successor. The 3D screen was great but you could literally never turn it on if you didn’t want to and they later dropped it entirely for the 2DS models anyway- it was never necessary outside of maybe a few levels in Mario 3D Land. At that point it really was just a souped up DS with extra features, which is all they really needed after the mammoth success of the DS. So why everybody expects them to radically change things up every time is beyond me when they’ve already demonstrated that they’ll do “the same but better” when it makes sense to. In this case, doing anything but that would be a huge mistake.I think this will still sell incredibly well and it will overtake Xbox Series sales very quickly indeed. BUT, I do also believe that they need to launch on April. They’ve left it a long time now and with Xbox set to release their next gen console in 2026 (very likely) PS working on their next move, Nintendo need to gain traction asap.The key thing is going to be backwards compatibility and power – this time round, people will be less tolerant of power that means too many games don’t run well enough.Come on Nintendo – it’s time to stop playing games – irony intended – and get this thing going!!@-wc- Sorry to bring it to you, but this Switch 2 is exactly what most people are expecting and hoping for!A much more powerful Switch console, together with other iterative improvements. Like better joy-cons (hall effect), better joy-con connections to console. Faster and larger onboard storage.So many people and media have been screaming since the Switch launch, for Nintendo to release a Switch Pro with more powerful hardware.There are a lot of games on the Switch that I would love to replay on the Switch 2’s more powerful hardware, for a much better more smoother experience.Pokemon Scarlet/Violet comes immediately to mind, which would greatly benefit from this, but same goes for the Zelda games ( BOTW, TOTK ). While I greatly enjoyed these games, they were a bit blurry on a large 4K TV and suffered from inconsistent performance.
Not to mention to finally get the nextgen updates for Witcher 3 and Skyrim and have a more crisp, better performing handheld experience.
CyberPunk2077 is also almost certainly coming to the Switch 2, with much more powerful NVidia SoC and DLSS support.Or games that suffer from long loading screens between locations. Lego City Undercover and Hogwarts Legacy. With much faster m.2 storage. These long Loading screen times will be gone on Switch 2.The Nintendo Switch is hugely successful and people love the Hybrid nature of this console.
So why change something that is clearly working.People are also fed up and tired of each new Nintendo console not being backwards compatible and having to start all over again, losing their existing collection. Since a lot of people don’t want multiple consoles at home and had to trade in their old console and games in for the new one.
People want to bring their existing game collection over to a new console.So here it finally comes. Just not called the Switch Pro, but Switch 2.@Keman Sorry dude, but this is pretty much gonna be the final product.What’s more interesting than what subtle changes the main device body has in comparison to the Switch 1 will be the UI and what Nintendo has changed/updated/polished/made-more-fun-hopefully since the original Switch UI which is basically 10 years old now.The software has much more room to change and develop than a device form factor that still has to play all original Switch games.A stronger Switch that’s basically the same look as the original is all I need, so games from the last few years and into the near future don’t struggle to play and don’t have all their textures removed and knocked down to blurry smears.@DoubleDate But then it’s unlikely to go the same path the Wii U did. The Wii U had horrible marketing and a confusing name, and all new iPhones look like their predecessors, yet they don’t fail in sales. The name “Switch 2” makes it clear that this is another console.@AussieMcBucket I speak and read French and German and speak JapaneseI don’t think the white one is real, that back panel on a hinge looks like it’ll break and fall off sooner or later.The clip of the black and blue joycon looks more realistic to me.I like that the screen looks bigger.Removed – disrespecting others@Spider-Kev That’s impressive! Could you tell me what they are saying in that video?It took them long enough to reveal anything. Good luck with the proper marketing to sell this system now that everything leaked months ahead.@AussieMcBucket I can’t watch it.I only have 5gb of data per month@Spider-Kev Ah. Isn’t that always the way it goes.@DoubleDate They just need to market it properly. Sony gets away with iteration, so why not Nintendo? Just, for the love, call it Nintendo Switch 2 (a la, PS2, PS3, iPhone 12, iPhone 13). People understand iteration when they see numbers. I would love to see Nintendo release an upgraded console every few years like Apple does with their phones, similar form factor but more powerful. Plays the same games and more.It’s kinda funny that NintendoLife has done dozens (or hundreds?) of articles about the Switch 2… it’s basically been a never ending flood of “reveals”. So there’s nothing left for Nintendo to announce now except the date and any launch day games. Oddly, Nintendo has been sound asleep for nearly a year. Did they forget to set their Alarmo?@VoidofLight The 3D gimmick was extremely prominent and transformative, though. It changed the way games looked, and added depth to the image that was impossible on NDS. That made it feel VERY different.It’s not really the equivalent of some random extra buttons.We also got the AR games included, Street Pass, etc. Which also distinguished the system. And themes. And Virtual Console. etc.I guess it’s possible Switch 2 comes out with a massively different UI, but it’d have to work to be as different from Switch 1 as the 3DS was from its predecessor.@Jeronanyeah, at the risk of being “disrespected,” how many of the XX MILLION switch owners out there do you believe are hoping for and anticipating this product?ill give you a hint. it’s likely far less than half.Nintendo better bring the 1st party games in a way that it DIDN’T on switch (Wii U ports dont count) or there is no chance of repeat success to that level.(to be fair, I prefer an artful, struggling Nintendo to a rich, complacent one, so I say bring on whatever’s NEXT. ✌️)I’m so tired of all of the leaks and images of the thing. We know what it looks like already, so I want to know what it does that’s new or different!@rushiosan Everything? What’s the launch lineup and new features? Break it down please. What’s the new functionality and what are the new online additions?@brookeobscura don’t buy it then just yet…wait and see.@AussieMcBucket The French reporter isn’t saying much. He’s simply highlighting how the magnetic joycons are a main new feature. He mentions the new C button on the right joy con and that it may launch as soon as April. He notes how it’s noticeably bigger than Switch 1 but that’s about the gist of it. He’s not saying anything new that you can’t see with your eyes.@OorWullie I never understood why Nintendo didn’t get more credit for Glasses free 3D. 3D effect can be useful in gaming as Nintendo proved with the 3DS. I’d be all for it, kind of a nice feature when playing in portable. Pretty useless for those who play docked only tho.Well after each succesful console the big N drops the bomb on their next one for some odd reason. It’s a tradition at this point.I do think it’s time for a true reveal soon, this and all the wishful rumours about the games for the system can’t be good (except if all of is true) for it reception. It’s weird seeing Nintendo so quiet with this situation, they always seem to be the most in control of what they show and release.These leaks have brought out some passionate fans/trolls! I’m taking these leaks with a grain of salt, I’ll just wait for Nintendo to officially announce it. I’ll still be genuinely surprised when it’s revealed. It’s been entertaining seeing how emotional ppl are about these leaks tho 😂@Rainz I think some of these hot takes need to be quoted further down the line, it happened here pre-Switch, it was condemned from the get go! There was also the fantastic NeoGaf thread of predictions which I believe is still alive today. That was gold. @Rainz I’m docked only for the most part but I’d absolutely play handheld sometimes if it had 3D effect. It was very impressive on 3DS. I can only imagine how good it would look in HD or 4K You’re right, they did deserve more credit for it..@WiltonRoots Just remembered I never got back to you, sorry about that. I’ll update you when I get a chance.@WiltonRoots It would make for some interesting reading looking back on these predictions, “leaks” and just people’s general reactions. There’s an easy write up for you Nintendolife! I remember all the NX hype and mock ups. This time around the internet is even more obsessive!I’m sick of these publicity stunt leaks. From now on I am only consuming leaks if they come in a nice cheesy sauce@Rainz found it! It was actually a few months in…but they were as descriptive as everything I’m reading now…bigup @Gortsi wherever you are.https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/11/switch_and_nintendo_systems_dominated_us_hardware_sales_in_october#comment4222664@OorWullie No worries!@Rainz I reckon they’re deliberately throwing us off scent. There’s no way Nintendo would let accessory makers reveal their console and I’ll be very surprised if it looks almost identical. They’re playing games with us.@WiltonRoots Wow , I remember reading that post. Going to have a look to see what I was saying about irs chances. Pretty sure I was more positive.about it.I think these leaks quell expectations, IMO.If there’s any magic hidden, it’s in the dock. Home server? TV as a second screen (ala Wii U)?I assume the circle on the rear is for amiibo, and if so I imagine the nfc chips have been removed from the joycon as no longer required.Bottom line it’s the same switch with better hardware!
Perfect for fans but families will still just go for the cheaper switch 1.
Plus it the game cases look the same and just say switch 2 or S2 on them I can see families buying s2 games thinking they will work on s1 because they don’t realise there is 2 switches
This could be an interesting journey……..sales wise.@Rainz Okay, so nothing earth-shattering. Thank you!@-wc- People don’t want Nintendo to go back to traditional home console and dedicated handheld (like 3DS). Having to buy two consoles and double paying for games on both Home Console and handheld.Hybrid couldn’t be done earlier, due to technology not being ready yet.The WiiU was basically a stepping stone towards the idea of a Hybrid Console.
The WiiU was a fantastic console, but it should never have been named that way and it simply failed purely due to terrible Marketing mistakes.
It’s incredibly sad what happened to the WiiU, as I absolutely loved the console.
It’s just that the Gamepad had limited range and you couldn’t walk too far from the console. So most games I just played with a regular controller, unless the Gamepad was required as secondary screen.
But the seed was planted. The idea was there. Since it was incredibly convenient to be able to play WiiU games remotely on the GamePad, when the TV was in use.The Switch console is the future. That’s why it’s so immensively succesful. You can play it docked on TV as traditional console and take it with you anywhere and play handheld.But the Switch wasn’t perfect and the NVidia Tegra X1 SoC was a bit outdated already at the time of the Switch release.
So it’s quite underpowered and the SoC even had to be underclocked to not cause overheating issues within the slim console Chassis.
It also had disappointing little onboard storage and not high performing either.
Docked the max. resolution to TV was only 1080p, but a lot of games couldn’t even output it due to performance limitations (including some of Nintendo’s own first party games).So if the Switch 2 can solve the above issues, Nintendo will have a new winner in their hands.The Switch 2 will have a brand new custom NVidia SoC, which was developed solely for the Switch 2 via collaboration between Nintendo and NVidia.
It will support the latest DLSS tech. Especially if its going to use the just announced DLSS 4!
It will also have more and faster RAM and superfast m.2 storage onboard.This will be an incredible improvement from the Switch 1. Especially docked, the traditional console experience will be way better. As we can expect more consistent performance and 4K resolution due to NVidia DLSS upscaling tech.And if they managed to improve the Joy-con’s as well, by finally updating to Hall Effect sticks to eliminate the drift problems of the Switch 1 and better more firm connection to the console.
That would be another big improvement.The design philosophy of the Nintendo Switch is sound. It’s the future. It works and people like it. It’s why it’s been such an incredible success.Just like the smartphone revolution since the introduction of the first iPhone almost two decades ago. The core design and interface hasn’t changed much since then. Other than bigger sized models, improved screens and onboard tech, improved cameras and software.Why change something what works!The Switch 2 won’t be released to immediately replace the Switch 1. It will most likely exist alongside the Switch 2 for quite a few more years, as the cheaper alternative with a lower price.Like the PS5 and XBOX Series X/S. It will be mostly enthusiasts, people that want the latest and greatest, want the best performance, that will buy the Switch 2 at first and then slowly over the coming years the Switch 2 will finally replace the Switch 1, when more and more new games only come out for the Switch 2.To continue from previous post (was getting too long).
It also makes perfect business sense and Nintendo finally listening to their user base, that has been hammering Nintendo for the next console to be fully backwards compatible with existing Switch catalog.
As people are just tired having to lose everything again and starting all over, having to buy remakes/rereleases all over again.Now they can continue to sell the Switch 1, alongside the Switch 2, with the entire Switch 1 catalog compatible with the Switch 2.
This means Nintendo can continue to sell the entire Switch 1 game catalog also for the new Switch 2, for zero extra effort and make more profit!Win-Win for everyone.@Lord I am pretty sure The Switch 2 will have a completely different cartridge design, hopefully updated to existing tech that both performs better is also much cheaper to produce. As that is a problem with the current Switch 1 cartridges. The are custom design, expensive to produce and especially the large capacity ones are too expensive.
The 3DS supported both 2DS and 3DS cartridges, but 3DS cartridges didn’t fit in a 2DS console.I am also sure the Retail packaging will be completely different, to avoid buying mistakes.For example. Just look at Playstation. PS4 and PS5 games are placed together on the store shelves even today. Many new games still release for both PS4 and PS5.
So theoretically they don’t even have to change the shape of the current Switch cartridge at all. As long as they have clear distinct packaging.@canaryfarmer Yeah, I didn’t know that they weren’t doing pre-orders right now, so I spoke too soon.@WiltonRoots 😂 This is pure comedy!!! Thanks for retrieving this gem of a post. Nintendolife should host a “Where Are They Now?!” Forum. This just goes to show all these predictions and leaks are absolutely meaningless. We know nothing!@WiltonRoots wow, those comments are something else. Didn’t really read this site much back then, I always thought the switch announcement and release was well received.@1UP-HUSKY @Rainz It’s the way they speak with such absolute authority, proper expert analysis… @Ralizah I mean the mouse censors I’d argue will change how games can be played much akin to the 3D depth switch. It opens the door to touch screen controls in docked mode for example. There’s also speculation on what the top USB C-port could be, which could amount to attachments like a camera attachment or something.Where’s Nintendo’s creativity? We went from a fat Switch (Wii U) to the slim Switch (current) and now onto a I ate my Wheaties Switch. That’s basically the same console with minor differences.@-wc- what would be your ideal “Switch 2?”I don’t really get why folks seem more upset by this being an iterative upgrade — you know, like the SNES, the GBA, the 3DS, etc. (hardly unprecedented) — than the fact that the design is, apparently, so dreary and colorless.One could start to wonder if Nintendo is waiting on purpose, just to see how many lawsuits they can stack up first.@Keman There is no Wii U situation going on here. Nobody is going to be confused like that. This thing is called Switch 2 and not Switch U or Switch+ or Switch Pro or something else that might suggest it’s just an additional model or accessory.With the Wii U they focused everything on the controller, which made it look like an accessory or add on, with the name not being clear about it being a new console.How is “Switch 2” not a clear enough name? It’s obviously a new console. It’ll most likely say “Nintendo Switch 2” on the back of the thing. And it looks much more different from the Switch 1 than you think it does.@BTB20 Wii U comparisons are just concern trolling at this point. Everyone has forgotten why that console failed so they can’t even compare it to the Switch 2. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Rumour: New ‘Switch 2’ Photos Show Off A Very Legit-Looking Joy-ConBlack and blue, not white and goldNintendo Highlights Multiple Switch Games Launching In 2025It’s going to be an action-packed yearIs This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?Update: Genki’s website now shows a new videoDigital Foundry Weighs In On ‘Switch 2’ Motherboard – Just How Powerful Is It?Expect lots of PS4 portsSwitch’s First ‘Rebootless Update’ Of 2025 Is Now Live, Here Are The DetailsFollowing Version 19.0.1’s rollout last October 24News PS5 Will Sell More Than ‘Switch 2’ In The US This Year, Says Analyst 12News Oops! EVO 2025’s Lineup Has Accidentally Been Revealed 23News GameStop’s Internal Database Lists Multiple ‘Switch 2’ Accessory SKUs 20News Yes, We’re Getting Closer To Pokémon Day 23Video 15 Exciting New Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In January 2025Rumour New ‘Switch 2’ Photos Show Off A Very Legit-Looking Joy-ConNews Nintendo Highlights Multiple Switch Games Launching In 2025News Is This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?News Digital Foundry Weighs In On ‘Switch 2’ Motherboard – Just How Powerful …News Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Tops Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Games Of All TimeNews Switch’s First ‘Rebootless Update’ Of 2025 Is Now Live, Here Are The Det…News Nintendo’s Punch-Out!! Series May Be Dead And Buried For GoodTalking Point Our 2025 Nintendo Gaming PredictionsNews Tech Fans Have Gone Full ‘Layton’ In Analysing The ‘Switch 2’ MotherboardRumour New ‘Switch 2’ Leak Suggests Console Will Require A 60W ChargerPopular Right NowShow More Join 1,468,119 people following Nintendo Life:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information
Source: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2025/01/is-this-our-best-look-yet-at-switch-2