Support For This Final Fantasy Game Has Suddenly Ended On iOS – GameSpot

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The Android, PS4, and Switch versions are unaffected.By
George Yang
on February 14, 2025 at 6:06AM PSTSquare Enix has announced that it is ending support for the iOS version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered due to a change in the version’s in-app purchase model.Back on January 24, players reported that they couldn’t access their paid additional content in the iOS version of the game. The issue impacted both the free and fully paid versions of the game on iOS.When Square Enix investigated the issue, it figured out that changes to the in-app purchase model caused it. However, Square Enix concluded that it could not completely fix the bug while simultaneously implement the new changes. As a result, Square Enix has decided to completely cease service of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered on iOS.Square Enix is also offering refunds for those who made in-app purchases in January 2024 or later for specific eligible content, which includes up to 15 items:While there doesn’t seem to be an explicit deadline for the refund requests, Square Enix stated to contact its support customer center with any questions regarding the game by August 31.Support for the game is only ending on iOS, so all other platforms are unaffected, including the Android, PS4, and Switch versions.This isn’t the only Final Fantasy mobile game to get its support cut off. Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, and Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier were all shut down in the past several years.Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.comUse your keyboard!Log in to comment