Supercars Should Be Scary As Hell To Drive – Jalopnik

Every new hypercar released has to be better, faster, and paradoxically quieter and more comfortable than the one that came before it. Ever since Bugatti dropped the Veyron, a four-thousand pound bank vault mounted on a rocket sled, the nuclear arms race of hypercars has continued apace. The wealthy, it seems, want cars that can go 300 miles per hour in perfect isolation. That isn’t what Guntherwerks is interested in building. The new 810-horsepower 2,800-pound Guntherwerks Turbo is all about peeling back the layers until you find the supercar underneath, then adding a ton more power. “This car is a goddamn monster, and it’s about feel, sensation, and fizz.” YouTube star and friend of Jalopnik, Matt Farah, has driven just about every fast car under the sun, so when he says something like that about a car, it’s got to be something damn special. I’ve said before, many times, that I can’t stand backdated 911s. I’m so happy that Guntherwerks isn’t trying to make this 993 into something that it never was. Instead of playing to the sleek strengths of the early 911 aesthetic, Guntherwerks is exaggerating the rounded-off 1990s bubble era of Porsche 993 beauty. There’s something more true about the visuals of a widebody 90s car than trying to make it an inauthentic facsimile. Sure the Southern California-built carbon fiber monster is going to run you over a million dollars, and there will be just 25 examples built, but “there are few wilder rides on Earth,” so what difference does a few bucks make between friends? This car is possibly the ultimate extension of Porsche goodness, the magnum opus of “reimaginings” that only SoCal hot rodders could produce. If you’re going to buy one car to exhilarate your senses for the rest of time, maybe this is the one you want.