Spider-Man 2’s Looking Like Another PC Own Goal from Sony – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpTerrible reviews! Underwhelming player countsFor a firm hellbent on extracting as much profit as possible from PC users, Sony’s not exactly doing a great job of it.Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, already a PS5 best-seller, has really struggled since debuting on PC, attracting a peak player count of just 28k on Steam since its launch late last week. That’s less than half the original Marvel’s Spider-Man’s peak player count of 66k, and way down on the likes of Ghost of Tsushima and God of War.The game’s getting hammered in player reviews, too. Of the roughly 5k appraisals thus far, around half of them are negative, with many pointing to poor optimisation and performance. “[The] game runs like a fat kid through molasses,” said one user who requested a refund.Outside of the runaway success of Helldivers 2, which launched day and date on PC, the novelty of Sony’s PC ports appears to be declining. Sequels like Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok have struggled to match the peaks of their predecessors, and other recent day one releases like Until Dawn and LEGO Horizon Adventures have failed to have any impact at all.Let off some SteamNot so special anymoreYour ultimate Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 resourceThe Japanese giant, however, appears to be doubling down on the strategy. In response to ferocious feedback from PC players, it recently announced that it’ll make PSN logins optional in single player games, and incentivise the process by offering free content to those who connect their accounts.Meanwhile, the PS Blog is filled with disgruntled fans who feel the existence of PC ports is devaluing the PS5, as the system has far fewer “true” exclusive games now compared to previous PlayStation platforms.Sony, in response, has argued that in order to improve the reach of its titles, it needs to release them on PC. The theory is that it can continue to profit from costly software that’s already been successful on PS5, and hopefully pick up new fans along the way.But even with specialist studio Nixxes on deck, the quality of its conversions has been inconsistent at best, and it is starting to feel like the “sloppy seconds” being served up on Steam are no longer having the same impact they initially had – even with dramatically shrinking turnaround times.[source store.steampowered.com, via steamdb.info]About Sammy BarkerAs the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.Comments 108A strategy is only as good as its execution… Sony just got punched in the face. Again. And once again, it was the only one doing the punching.Very few bother buying these PC ports, because they don’t like Sony and would rather pirate these games instead. At some point Sony will realize it’s not worth devaluing their brand and focus on their home consoles.@naruball I saw people on social media say SM2 has already been pirated 300k times a day after release.Honestly, they should stop the PC initiative because the way they’ve gone about recently shows a lack of interest. Also, the number generally don’t seem great on PC even FF7 Rebirth got 40k which sounds great until you realise they launched the game 30% cheaper than RRP.The quality of these ports should match there console releases especially since they bought a studio to do literally that 👌 😌I always wonder why developers/publishers decide to launch their games in a poor state instead of just delaying it?I doubt that Sony is so short on money that they need to release the game now in a seemingly poor state instead of waiting for a few months@Drago201 Some of them have been good ports, but it’s been very hit or miss for sure.I agree with @mariomaster96, if Spider-Man 2 wasn’t ready to go they didn’t have to launch it last week.The game’s already out on console so they could have easily spent a few more months working on the port, and used that time to do a bit more advertising as it seemed to drop out of no where.As it stands, they’ve ruined their first impression now.most PC players do not care about Sony exclusives. or Sony MMO.all I care about is Ghost of Yotei and Death Stranding 2.They should release bloodborne remastered for PS5 only to teach these PC users some respect.Devaluing the band for a few more sales. If they keep this up with PS6 then I honestly don’t see a reason to get a PS6 when I can cover all games by having a PC + Nintendo Switch.Personally, I don’t think they should port their games, Just not worth the hassle, if PC players 1) don’t buy them 2) pirate them anyway 3) Proceed to trash talk about ports.Baffling that they have an entire support studio on this and it still launches in this state, they also have all the documentation generated by the maintenance team for the PS5 version to work from too. PC is in theory a no-brainer given every single third-party goes for it now but Sony are in a strange situation where there’s a million billion other games to play on PC and Sony games don’t get the leeway they receive from PlayStation owners. At this stage it feels like all they’re doing is devaluing the exclusives as a concept while also exposing their current crop of titles as nothing special when removed from the PlayStation ecosystem as they can’t guarantee a stable experience with all the features PS5 offers.Sometimes the best strategy is just sticking to what has worked so many years. Bulletproof.@DonkeyFantasy It’s not a lack of respect, you simply can’t launch a game in a messy state and expect glowing praise. There are great games out there that were held back by shoddy PC ports, Arkham Knight being a prime example that launched in a shocking state but is now perfectly playable thanks to the general outcry. Voicing your frustration is one of the few powers consumers have and the most effective way to demand change.PS5 sold. As a result, most people that love it’s exclusives have already played them in the interim between PS5 launch and PC launch.
If Sony wants to continue to make PC ports, they should bring them earlier (3-6 months tops from console launch), and with a better quality. If not, then they should give it up completely.
Not to mention the whole PSN account debacle, and Sony pulling it’s games from regions that don’t have PSN – worse decisions they’ve made for PC.
They went back now and made Log In optional at least, but there’s still no mention about resuming sales in regions sans PSN…Speaking of port quality – i’ve seen many in Steam comments blaming Nixxes.
How about this
Sony has launched a lot of PC ports lately (one every 3 months, is it?), and Nixxes was responsible for a lot of them.
I doubt the current Sony administration has even cared to increase the studio’s workforce…
Nixxes have already proved in the past that they can make good PC ports – so my guess is they are understaffed for the amount of work Sony has put on their back lately.
Rush, crunch and stress favor no one, no matter how experienced or gifted… and can certainly lead to mediocre results like this one.I think the PC port situation somewhat devalues the PS5. If you exclude retro re releases the only game I bought on PS5 last year was Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. I chose to play Silent Hill 2 in Steam at a better price than what Sony asked for. Same for the Remake of Horizon and for Spider-Man 2. If I wasn’t a huge Final Fantasy fan I would have waited for the PC port of Rebirth. By the way you now can earn trophies in Sony PC games.I guess it is only a matter of time before someone changes the models of Peter and MJ to the PS4 ones. The new are so comic inaccurate it hearts.Ok crazy idea here. How about people who actually give a damn about PS games … have a PS to play those games? lol.The kind of games PS makes right now are the result of 10 years of knowing what PS fans like and not everyone is or will be a PS fan. It’s pretty simple. Those games are pretty niche in a world where most people want an anime character with curves, a scary game with moppets or an rpg over hyped by content creators. To each their own.BTW if this site is going to use Helldivers as an example of success on pc you guys should say the main reason of that success. It’s a good online shooter. There is a reason why COD sells 20 million minimum even if it’s bad, there is a reason why Fortnite will never die. People like to shoot stuff, it’s part of our society.They need to demote Herman even further. This is probably not even his fault but still, something is funny to me about some suit shouting HERMAAAAAN whenever something fails to sell.When will Sony learn, the PC Pirate Race at it again.Nintendo will be the last standing, if you keep porting your games.Protect your IP, exclusives matter.I feel like my PS5 devalues more and more with every game being ported to PC (and I’m actually a PC gamer first). While I am not against PS games being ported to PC eventually, here’s an idea, I think it’s best to port a game to PC only after the next game in that franchise is released on PS. For example release Ghost of Tsushima on PC only after Ghost of Yotei is released on PS. This rule should only apply to 1st party games.Right now there is no Spider-Man game on PS that’s not also on PC, same for Horizon, soon it will be the case for TLOU, while for God of War there’s 2018 and Ragnarok on PC (while the Greek saga isn’t even available to buy on PS besides GoW 3). This is unacceptable imho.What are the remaining reasons to buy a PS5 right now when it comes to exclusives? 30 fps Bloodborne, Uncharted 1-3? I think that’s about it.They need to do ports of good games though, a Nathan Drake Trilogy, GOW trilogy, and Ratchet Trilogy are badly needed.No wonder the game is selling poorly when the port is so poor. They’ve done great job with some other ports, so this is pretty disappointing.@Sacrosanctus I never really understood why some people think PC ports “devalue” PS5 or Sony’s brand. It’s a positive thing that more people get to play these games. If a game has online component, it can benefit from larger amount of players.The reason to get a PS5 is that it’s much cheaper than a PC (at least as an initial purchase). Exclusives aren’t worth it for the developers, they can sell more games if they release it on more platforms. Sony (or Microsoft or Nintendo) is not making a lot of money with hardware anyway, they make most of their money with software.(Holds up big clock)IT’S TIME TO STOP!!!!!@KoopaTheGamer The reason i got a ps5 is simply as a working man i just wanna come home, switch ps5 on and play. Whilst i was pc gaming i spent half my time pissin about with drivers etc etc and sitting with a frame counter on screen and gettin paranoid about temps and frame rates, i just want an easy life lol@Jrs1 hope you’re enjoying the new Mogwai album (off topic). It’s a corker.Got to love the comments regarding a lack of respect for Sony when Sony are the ones releasing unoptimised games with poor performance.It’s no wonder folks don’t want to spend money & go the pirate route. That does devalue the brand but a lot of that is on Sony too it’s not just a one sided problem as some of you are trying your hardest to spin thisTldr release ***** get ***** in returnI still don’t understand why Sony keeps wasting resource to port their exclusives games to PC despite it doesn’t sold well. What’s the end goal here and who came up with the idea for PC port?Due to PC players hate towards Sony, the amount of people pirating their games and the poor PC sales I think Sony should stop porting their single player games to PC. That will add value to their console, and then just release live service games on PC.If Sony want to make more money with their exclusive titles they should sell them cheaper then more people would be able to afford them instead of being £70@Jrs1 all the power to you man, that’s a legit reason to have a PS.@KoopaTheGamer software and exclusive experiences matter a lot. Look no further than Xbox sales and how hard they’ve tanked now that they have no exclusives.I bought a PS5 in 2021, my first ever console, so I can branch out on the different franchises that I could not play on my PC, but now everything is on PC, so I could just, erm…not buy a PS5 to begin with? Of curse I feel like my purchase has been massively devalued.EDIT: I think I will sell the console after Wolverine and most probably won’t buy the PS6.Very interesting responses so far.@Papa_Emeritus Aye definitely bud, unbelievably the mogwai sub reddit stating its as low standard as rave tapes, madness, i really believe this is a further step ahead for them 👍The PS5 has nothing to “devalue”, it’s a DRM box with ads all over its UI.Did they advertise this heavily? I don’t recall seeing much about it. SM2 was, if we’re being fair, pretty underwhelming so I’m not surprised that PC players haven’t been super interestedObviously the poor launch state is rubbish so that will affect sales and reviews. But also the game has been out for over a year and, not sure what you have all seen, but I have seen a lot of negative opinions on it since. So this PC launch just isn’t as exciting as it would have been if it was a Day One. Up to Sony to decide what to do next.It is funny seeing the polls show a lot of people want everything to remain exclusive to Playstation but don’t have the same energy with Xbox.I got spiderman 2 on PC as got the plat on PS5 as the love game but it’s an absolute mess. Running on a 4080 super and amd ryzen 7 it struggles to keep a good framerate with constant drops, stuttering, a few crashes, some audio issues and bugs that weren’t there on the ps5 release it’s just crap.Luckily I manged to refund it in steam but not to Suprised being as other Sony PC releases have most definitely been of a lower quality compared to the PlayStation version.It’s a shame as well because PC is so far ahead of consoles at this point it should be the best way to play themUnless budgets come down, they will not stop the pc ports. Selling to one single console is not a big enough market anymore. I actually expect day and day in the next few years. They need a bigger market to sell their games to, they have been telling us this for years.Having been a purely PC player for the past 6 years now, I welcome PlayStation ports. I’ve bought most of them so far and if I’d known Returnal was so good and it didn’t come to PC, I would have bought a PS5 just for that. As it stands, there’s nothing Sony offers on the PS5 that I can’t get on PC and I don’t mind waiting a year or two for a port. It’s a shame Nixxes hasn’t delivered on this one as they’re usually top tier ports.@naruball their games and as a company themselves are getting a pretty bad rep when jt comes to PC games so that’s dosnt helpI didn’t know it was out until a pop up window came up when I logged onto steam, I got the first one and Miles Morles. I have 2 on my PS5 as my girlfriend loves them but even she said 2 was rather boring and hasn’t even finished it, me I can’t be bothered to even play it. I finished the first one on PS4 but can’t be bothered to do the DLC to it I only need 2 more costumes for it’s platinum but again had to do new game+ and can’t be bothered to get to the screwball challenges to get the tokens.@mariomaster96 moneyI dont care what anyone says, this is great news to me. I love how sony gets fkd every time they release a game on pc. Sony needs to be humbledI think they are better off keeping the big IPs exclusives on PS and release lower budget games on PC and Online games day and date. Some big titles that aren’t seen as much of a mascot should make their way to PC eventually, just not titles as big as Uncharted/God of War/etc.@Oram77 if the ports weren’t such a mix and as of late not very good those wouldn’t be as much of an issueIt is not just Sony’s. PC gamers are well known to pirate unless it is multiplayer. Hence GTA 6 would not be launched day and date despite the Rockstar is such a big developer. Even games that were launched day and date aren’t successful, like Indiana Jones. Yeah yeah there is gamepass but its number is much lower than other games.Days Gone actually thrives on PC with it getting a new lease of life. Plays amazing on Steam Deck too, so after been given it for free on ps5 I didn’t actually play and complete it until I got the PC version. Which I kick myself for because it’s such an amazing game.@breakneck yup. Makes perfect sense.@Stickleman I totally get it. It’s probably the reason why the previous installments did so much better.Removed – inappropriateUnlike Spidey 1 and Miles, I doubt people were hyped for Spidey 2.Add that on top of a underwhelming port and you get this result.I’m not against porting games to PC, but Sony should learn that trick PC gamers basically focus on performance! They paid way more money on heavy machine so they expect it will work way better than plastic box under TV.The second thing is Sony probably never seen Steam action sales and offers where you can grab AAA titles for a price of coffee.@djlard Sony shouldn’t bother porting anything end of. All they want is to pirate and mod games its patheticSO TRUE. Another flop single player PC game bites the dust. Not even the best selling PS game on PC is anything worth writing home about.I’ve said it time and time again, if FF16 and its 3 million in only 7 days on PS5 is considered a flop, then what do the SAME PEOPLE call the PC version that didn’t even sell 200,000 in 150 days???@Worlock_ed That’s just a lie. GT7. HUNDREDS of other games the past 2 decades. How many games were brought over like 9 lol? That’s all the PlayStation games yeah?Spider-Man 2 had an atrocious story and everyone knows it.A company that expects 10million sales for a game catering to a user base that provides under 100k sales seems a waste of time and money at this point.Port some old games onto switch and you’d get some big sales TLoU, Uncharted, old GoW etc.I’m not bothered with PS games going to PC, but i also don’t understand what the point is, since PC gamers don’t really seem to care about them. So why even bother?In this case, i really dont get how this got released so unoptimised, seems like that could’ve easily been avoided.They’re not really the kind of games most PC players are into, they’re still very much console games.@Zeldorf by all means, do speak for yourself.@commentlife but God of War (the ps4 one) and Spidey 1 did much better.The P in PC stands for Pirate 😉Is concurrent player count on a single player game really a benchmark? That’s my only question.@AhmadSumadi Not really, no. But it does give us a reference point. So we can certainly conclude that Spider-Man 1 PC had a stronger launch than Spider-Man 2 PC.Same with God of War vs God of War Ragnarok and Horizon Zero Dawn vs Horizon Forbidden West.But you’re quite right, it’s not telling us the full story.Crazy that most responses are: Please Sony, don’t keep doing this or my PS5 has no value.Damn.It’s no coincidence that the most buggy/unoptimised ports have been the games that had the shortest turnaround from PS5 to PC:And yet people are still adamant that going day and date is necessary when the results speak for themselves.Lol I guess if anything this makes owning a PS5 more valuable considering I can be more certain that Sony’s games will at least run decent compared to PC I guess lolIs way too late to fix this. They’ve ported nearly all the top tier First party titles. The Last Of Us 2 is April 3rd. Aside from possibly GT7 I can’t think of any that’s worth worrying about in this generation. (Excluding Bloodborne, that’s never gonna happen)@andrewsqual I’m talking PS5, not going back decades and if you want, you can comfortably emulate PS1-PS3 and some PS4 games.Just a few points I think are important to raise, as someone who urges you all to look at this objectively, and not as mindless fanboys of whatever console you have.1) Piracy on PC is nowhere near as big of a problem as you believe it to be. The reason it seems bad is because it’s a possibility on PC. Yes, players have no doubt pirated games. But a huge majority of players buy their games.
2) Players who pirated Sony games were players predominantly who could not access the games in their regions due to arbitrary PSN requirements that prevented legal ownership in their countries. Those of you who said “just use a VPN” would be telling them to further breach the EULA.
3) Most PC players, unless it’s something ridiculously huge (i.e – Black Myth Wukong, Cyberpunk 2077 etc) will wait for sale before purchasing a game. This is why using CCU as a way of measuring the market for a game on steam is disingenuous because half the time, you don’t understand how that slice of the player base folds itself into the total amount of players that bought the game but add it to their backlog OR those who will wait for a steam sale to get like 20% or more off.
4) You cannot tell PC players in this specific instance they are wrong to complain. They have waited over a year for a broken port of a game. If the game launched in this state for console, you would be demanding your money back. Sony PC ports as of late have been lazy, despite having been given more than enough time to cook. That’s nobody’s fault but Sony’s and Nixxes.The only complaint PC players legitimately have with this port is how broken it is. They’re not complaining about PSN here because Sony have finally fixed that problem. But they have to start making up ground and improve the reputation they have with the PC space. The PC player base, like any other player base, can be petty. But when it’s situations like this. Waiting for a whole year+ for a game that is probably only marginally better then TLOU Part I was at launch (in terms of stability, just in case that wasn’t clear) is not okay. Under any pretence.Some of you need to take the goggles off, look at it from a less biased perspective and admit there are bigger problems than just “I HATE PC BECAUSE MY PLASTIC BOX NOW FEELS USELESS”. Exclusives becoming less and less predominant is not the issue. Lazy craftsmanship is. Bad policies are. Lack of access is.Champion the players having a good experience. Not encouraging companies to kneecap their market size and increase the cost of games to make up for that because exclusive sales don’t meet expectation. Because that is what will happen.@KoopaTheGamer Because fanboys don’t like sharing and are entitled so for them how dare anyone else get to play sony titles, you should have seen last year here there was legitimately a guy claiming pc players should have to pay for ps plus to play helldivers 2 online.Lot of sofa jockey pc haters and just people ignorant of pc gaming, sony rightly getting lambasted releasing a doo doo cash grab port.@piratemajima well saidNow that Microsoft is basically going third party this is the time for Sony to reverse all this PC nonsense and double down on it’s console like Nintendo.Sony shouldn’t port any games to PC unless it’s a MMO. This is how they used to publish games where only MMO games were on PC first and came to PS5 later.I don’t mind PS5 games being on PC. As a former member of the PC master race, now exclusively a console guy (Mac for computer stuff) I am happy as long as my PS5 Pro and Nintendo Switch have games I want to play. To the point about complaints about game performance on PC, I see that as a testament to how well a console can perform, given the limits compared to a pricy PC with that awful Windows OS.I don’t care if PS5 games release on PC. I get them where I want to play them and others can enjoy the titles where they want to play. Doesn’t matter to me. I’m not out here defending a corporation that doesn’t care about me.However, AS A BUSINESS STRATEGY, I don’t understand how they think what they’re doing makes sense. They’re taking too long to release ports – after literally ALL the hype has died – AND they’re releasing poorly optimized/operating software. So they are actively shooting themselves in the foot in a big way, twice, and then not hitting good sales numbers. Like… yeah, no *****.The whole PSN and regional sales issues are also two HUGE factors/problems that are undeniably their own fault. And I separate them from the technical issues because they are very easy to solve, comparably speaking, and they have begun to, but I fear the damage is done. They misunderstood how much they pissed off PC players with their boneheaded PSN requirement. Sure, they walked it back, but the damage is done. Look at EA and Ubisoft and anyone else who had tried to strongarm PC players: it doesn’t work.I think Sony has a lot to learn. They need to really reflect on who they are and what they want to do, and above all else they need to look at HOW they’re doing it. Their execution is their biggest problem.I had to make an account just to comment, ugh. Really wish websites like these would just use Disqus.First off, the amount of people on here bashing PC players for this unfounded “pirating” of games is absurd. As a PC player who wants Sony games on the platform myself, if it’s easy to buy and play then its all good.HOWEVER, when Sony goes out of their way to block people with a PSN requirement for single player games and even produces lackluster ports when they bought a studio for them is just insane.Its not about the platform, it’s always about service. I think it was Gabe of Valve that said it best.Having Sony games on PC doesn’t devalue the PS5/PS5Pro/PS4, it’s a different market they’ve been ignoring.I bought every Yakuza/Like a Dragon game when they came to PC because i wanted to play the series on my $4,000+ gaming rig and to show my support of games coming to PC.Bought the Rachet & Clank game because, like the Yakuza series, I want to show there is interest for those games on the PC Market.I want it on PC because I am no longer interested in a console update every 5 or so years for limited game selections. I’d rather spend that money on my PC. I bought the PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, OG Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, Switch, so don’t hold not buying the newer overvalued next gen console over me. I’ve spoken with my wallet, as have many others.@Sacrosanctus The thing is, Microsoft has been for years building the narrative that “everything is Xbox”. Even back in the Xbox One days, they were already bringing more and more games to PC. Console sales don’t matter as they barely bring any money. Software sales (and Gamepass subscriptions) do matter. That said, it’s good to have Xbox console as an option for those that can’t afford a beefy PC.The way I see it, if a Sony exclusive game is released on PC, you don’t lose anything. You have your gaming system and just as many games as before. On the other hand, I think it’s fair to say that people are super happy to see Xbox games on PS5. Shouldn’t we be just as happy to see Sony exclusives on PC, or even Xbox (if the porting is cheap and makes financial sense)? Let’s not be hypocrites and petty fanboys.@get2sammyb On the second question on the survey, there’s no difference between “They should be exclusive to PS5 for at least a year” and “They should be exclusive to PS5 for longer than a year”. Both options would be satisfied with a hypothetical release on PC 366 days after a PS5 release.If Sony wants better numbers on pc, then they have to make better ports. Pc players know how to vote with their wallets, and when a game releases that has poor performance, they’re going to wait until it improves.@MasterOfLazyness couldn’t agree more. I want to enjoy these games on the platform I’m comfortable with, and will support them coming onto that platform.People conflate arguments against (piracy etc) and let pure tribalism rule their opinion, even if that ends up digressing from the point at hand.I’ll happily buy multiple copies of a game (I recently bought ragnarok as a gift for the missus) if the ports are solid. I’m lucky enough to be in a region where the games are playable and I’m so so happy they’ve done the rollback on psn requirements. The only obstacle now between me and purchasing a game is the quality of the port. And it will be the same for a lot of people now.But some cannot unfortunately see past their biases and misconstrue valid criticism for personal attacks on themselves. It’s very odd. But I guess that’s just… Human nature? Even if it’s baffling. All I want is for Sony to start making up for the damage they’ve done reputation wise and I think that the playstation users will see that they’re not all bad when more PC players are given genuine reason to spend money on the games they offer. Because… The thing is, in the current market with all the games coming out, every game is now fighting for your monthly budget. Like.. I just got Dynasty Warriors and FF Twin Pack and it’s hard to justify a third (technically 4th) AAA purchase – especially when the company is doing less and less to convince me the investment is worthwhile because the ports are getting lazy.Bad ports, technical issues etc. Are a huge issue regardless of platform. This is the same fanbase that demanded refunds for cyberpunk at launch, ya know? We are all in the same boat. I’d love to play more Sony made games, but I need to know that I’m paying for quality and I shouldn’t be bullied or forced or yelled at for wanting to play it on the system I want to@KoopaTheGamer games being available to more people means better games for everyone overall. I don’t see how it’s a negative for anyone unless the only reason you game is because of the platform and not the games themselves.I genuinely think we could, in an ideal world, lower the msrp of games if we ditched the tribalism and this whole exclusivity stuff. It would cut out so much toxicity in the player spaces. It creates way more opportunities for smaller, niche games to find a bigger market. It prioritises the quality of the games. Not the size of the market share for whatever box you’re on. Every console manufacturer should be going all in on making the best possible games and getting them out there. That’s competition. Not whatever this gatekeeping, ego centric, sports hooliganism stuff keeps taking over the conversation!I don’t understand how releasing on PC devalues the PS5.PC gamers don’t care about PlayStation. PlayStation gamers care about PlayStation.Having a game on PC won’t reduce the amount of people buying it on PlayStation.Clearly Sony cares about releasing games in a stable state on its consoles but doesn’t for PC.So…Sony values PlayStation over PC – which is why Sony is failing in the PC market.Why should gamers on PC support a publisher who releases buggy products with forced ecosystem logins for single player content for the sake of boosting corporate spreadsheets for shareholder meetings?How is that devaluing the PS5?It’s devaluing Sony’s reputation among the broader PC community, not the console. The console diehards treat the PlayStation like Gollum treats the One Ring. PC gamers just want the games to work and not be forced into Sony’s PlayStation ecosystem.It is kind of a shame Spider-Man 2 released in a buggy state, though. Insomniac does really great work and I hate to see that work get a black eye because QA for PC doesn’t appear to be as tight as it is for consoles.@piratemajima “Βut a huge majority of players buy their games”Any source, Mr. Pirate?@GamingFan4Lyf Can you genuinely not see why some people feel this way? Many of us ps players also own powerful enough PCs to play these games. If Sony releases all its games on PC, then our purchase was a waste of money. I could have saved space and money. On top of that, we paid for these exclusives, while hundreds of thousands of PC only gamers get them for free through piracy.At the same time, by releasing these awful ports, Sony is telling certain PC gamers who are interested in some ps franchises that they’re not all that. Literally devaluing their brand.It’s that simple of a concept. I wonder what’s so hard to get about it.@breakneck that pirated number is from the leaked build a year ago.The reality is that games ported later never sell amazing, regardless of the platform and I’d imagine that a lot of people with gaming PC’s probably have a PS5 anyway. We’ve seen from Helldivers, that good simultaneous releases can have great success on PC, I just don’t see late ports and buggy ones at that having any real impactSony have spent many years pulling the audience of the games they absolutely excel in over to their own console – we should not be even a tiny bit surprised these games dont do as well on PC.Sony studios are also masters of squeezing out every last bit of power in their consoles (which their top teams have a hand in designing) – something that they are finding isnt easy to do with multiple PC configurations they have no control over.Sony should not care about making huge money on games – they are there to attract and keep customers in their ecosystem where the big money is. Xbox have made this mistake, though it was probably forced on them by MS, and look where they are heading now!@carlos82 God of War 1 (ps4) did much better than God of War Ragnarok, despite both games not being simultaneous releases.@naruball do I need to remind you how many millions bought Baldur’s Gate 3 when it was in early access? When it was in PC only.Black Myth Wukong sales on PC were unbelievable, though a majority of that did come down to Chinese PC users.Hades II milestones are currently brilliant, that’s PC only at this time. Don’t know if you’ve heard of a little game called Ready or Not but that’s pushed millions. Then moving away from major releases… There are indie titles on PC like selaco which you’ve likely never even heard of which still sell 100,000 copies independently which is why using ccu as a measurement for how much a game has sold is stupid.And then using my username to imply I pirate games, completely overlooking the fact it’s a reference to… What’s that? Oh… An old PlayStation IP… Huh… Great one.Also… If you want to bring up sources, might I ask where you find all your “confirmed” PC information, as it seems to be empty, outdated and cherry picked to justify your own grudges. Where’s the proof that exclusives sell better than muktiplatform games? Because that’s seemingly what you want. Helldivers proved otherwise on that one and that was a simultaneous release.They should release it on Xbox!@naruball it’s not a case of not seeing why some people see it that way. It’s understanding that way of thinking is ridiculous.The likelihood of those who own both a PC and a playstation with the attitude specifically of complaining makes no sense. You just sell the one that’s not worth having if you feel that strongly about it. Because at that point you’re confirming that the only point you hate is that one is getting a better deal and in this case, that’s PC. I don’t understand why you’d be so tribal if you literally have the amenities to have a better experience.You’re only limiting yourself with that rhetoric and that’s a psychological thing because you’re outright refusing to push aside tribalism.It just flabbergasts me that Sony put in so much time cultivating a rhythm and relationship with PC players only to demolish that relationship in less than a year. Mandatory PSN accounts that shut out gamers that would otherwise have access to the Steam and Epic store, and now a really poorly optimized port. From what I’ve read, it doesn’t sound like an easy fix either. Why they wouldn’t just delay the release until they got it right is beyond me. For a company that keeps saying they need additional revenue to continue making stellar games, they sure have a funny way of trying to expand their business model.@naruball “Can you genuinely not see why some people feel this way? Many of us ps players also own powerful enough PCs to play these games.”We are a subset of a subset of console gamers. The vast majority only own a PC or only own a console. Most don’t have multiple platforms to choose from.How does owning both a PS5 and a PC nullify your PS5 if the games released on PS5 appear to be the best place to play? Buy the PS5 version, then, and don’t worry if a PC version exists. The PS5 version from Sony will still be the one Sony cares most about, anyways.It’s not as if the second it comes out on PC, the game on PS5 suddenly stops working or doesn’t matter anymore.The product itself, on a grand scale isn’t devalued.People inflate piracy. If it was such a rampant thing, then something like GOG.com would go completely bankrupt as only a few people would actually buy the DRM version of the game and just post it online for all to download.Most people who pirate on PC either pirate because a game is not available to them for one reason or another or to get around garbage business practices from the publisher.Yes, there are some out there just looking to get stuff for free, but I’d say that’s a subset of those who pirate.If you are so worried about Sony devaluing its brand, demand it makes better PC ports and do better with managing the consumer’s needs on platform that isn’t “locked in” to the closed-ecosystem mentality of consoles.The answer is not demanding that Sony stop making PC ports because it needs the extra money when it spends hundreds of millions of dollars on AAA games.@GamingFan4Lyf people don’t realise Piracy is a symptom and not a problem. The problem is availability and it goes well beyond people “not wanting to pay for a game”. Regional pricing. Tax hikes in countries. Region locking. Invasive DRM that objectively places their hardware at risk and no way of legally playing the game in a capacity that is safe to use. Mandatory account usage that is illegal in specific countries. Platform exclusivity.I think Sony are slowly moving to fix these issues but if the ports are going to be this bad now, then it doesn’t matter what good will they build. Make a product worth buying, don’t insult the people you expect to give you money and make sure the market can actually access it. Then people will flock to it.Access and availability is the biggest problem. I don’t condone Piracy. But if some people can’t legally access the game AND it runs terribly anyway… It’s hard for me to argue against why they’ve done it.I remember when people were screaming at people who complained about mandatory psn and that they should just use a vpn instead of pirating. They don’t realise that’s also breaking the law by breaching the eula and account regulations. Either one is a problem but as long as you boot lick then it’s fine in some people’s eyes. They don’t think about the bigger picture and what kind of horrible implications and messages we send to uncooperative publishers who think it’s okay to create needless problems.Games should be available. And the system for this should value the players. Tribalism devalues the console way more than a PC release does.Curious if it’s beneficial being released on PC a year later. Hear me out. In this hypothetical, for Sony 1st Party Game AIt’s announced and launched on PlayStation, there’s momentum for that game. Lot of copies being sold. People are talking about it. Then just as that momentum comes to a stop, you announce it on PC. It picks back up again. Look at all the PC enhancements! It’s a great port! New patch on PlayStation. GOTY edition coming. Sales pick up again.You would have a longer sale cycle instead of everything at once. The game is in the spotlight longer this way. I would think you would have a longer tail off then if both came out together.@KoopaTheGamer like I’ve said, I have no problem with games releasing to PC eventually, it’s the rate of games being released to PC compared to new 1st party games being released on PS that’s making me disappointed in PS this gen.Exclusive software matters, it’s why Nintendo is thriving.@naruball and if memory serves, Horizon Zero Dawn did better than that, it was a bit of a novelty at first and it’s been a steady decline ever sinceLol at the fanboys jumping to absurd conclusions about piracy and PC gamers hating Sony (what? 😂), when in reality people are simply calling out a badly optimized port.Also gotta love the lack of moderation when a people are called incels undeserving of Sony’s games, chapeau.I think Sony should only release their online games on PCGuys you ARE familiar with what ‘sloppy seconds’ actually means, right?!@Oram77 100% not worth it, entitled gamers with a master race mentality are never going to be happy. Just bin the ports. If they want to play the best version of these games they can just get a PS5. Plus a lot of people complaining are probably playing on a rig that just not capable of managing high quality games.@clvr they are designed from the ground up for the ps5. Can’t expect a port to be perfect…especially given the variety of performance capabilities of different peoples PC. I wouldn’t call people incels…but I would say slightly entitled.@Johnstonian2003 ah yes, entitled for wanting a €60 game to work properly.Nobody expects anything to be perfect, just to match the quality of previous PS ports.Stop being a fanboy, please, your arguments are beyond ridiculous.@naruball Exactly. The problem is that Sony shares this vision that consoles will eventually be replaced by ‘consolized PCs’. Which might the case, but it kind of feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Every platform holder starts porting their games to PC because they fear obsolescence, then eventually consumers start flocking to PC.Now, one justified reason I can see is the following: if Microsoft releases their games on every platform, they’ll naturally sell much better. Which in turn allows for bigger budgets and thus potentially better games, leaving Sony in an awkward position with comparatively weak exclusives.It’s a tough nut to crack, although I fully agree that they should stick to their guns like Nintendo.@Johnstonian2003 so you would like to completely ignore the major problem with the PC port is the fact Nixxes have left GPU decompression enabled? This is the root cause of the issue.This is something they have not done in any of their other PC ports. This is quite literally the only problem. Push your tribalism aside. Even the lower end rigs can run this game at better native quality and framerates than the consoles can. And this would be more evident had Nixxes not made this error.Unfortunately, the PlayStation is not “the best place to play” if you look solely at performance. But if it’s the way you are most comfortable playing it, that’s perfectly fine! Do you!But don’t gatekeep for such nonsensical reasons. The sad fact is, Sony bought a PC porting studio that, recently, hasn’t been hitting the mark. And Sony quite clearly want their games in more than one launcher on more than one platform. If they start valuing the prospect of being able to make more money by simply making better ports and encouraging natural growth in the market… Sony will have more money to be able to make games like this.On that note, if anyone does have the PC copy of Spiderman 2, there are some very good workarounds floating around to mitigate the direct storage decompression problems. Currently running the game on Ultra settings, 1440p 90fps on my rig and jesus… The movement in this game is phenomenal. Camera can be a bit wonky at times and the dialogue in quests can be hit or miss.But the traversal is BUTTERYOh, and to whoever modded in Spartacus from the kids show Lazy Town as a playable outfit… I don’t know who you are but that is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week“Sony, in response, has argued that in order to improve the reach of its titles, it needs to release them on PC.”….so then the PS5’s attach rate is horrible right? Because that’s the only reason they’d double down on bad PC ports while having a supposedly huge PS5 user base.First and foremost, the PlayStation brand needs great titles on their PlayStation console. At a steady clip too. Between Live Service games and cheaply porting things to PC, we’re missing development on actual games with variety.They need to stop catering to crowds that do not care about them and work on their actual players. All those scalped consoles really gave them a false sense of pedigree.They should only put their live service gass games on there. Everything else should stay exclusive.This just show why console exclusives will always be superior, look and play the best. PC:s quadzillion different configurations will always spell trouble. Please Sony, its time to stop this PC-nonsense and come home. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 Themes on PS5 Will Leave Tomorrow, But Sony Is Working to Bring Them BackThey’ll return “in the months ahead”New God of War Ragnarok PS5, PS4 Patch Unlocks New Game+ Armor SetAccess the Armor of the Black Bear set instantlyHermen Hulst No Longer PlayStation Co-CEO, Still in Charge of First-PartyHideaki Nishino takes sole controlSpider-Man 2’s Looking Like Another PC Own Goal from SonyTerrible reviews! 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