Sony apologises for global outage that took PlayStation Network offline for nearly 24 hours –

Five days’ additional time has been added to all PS Plus subscribers impacted by the outageSony has apologised to players after PlayStation Network was taken offline for almost a full 24 hours over the weekend.Whilst Sony has not revealed the cause of the problem – it only cited “an operational issue” when confirming the issue was resolved yesterday, February 10 – the global outage impacted almost all areas of PlayStation’s services, including account management, online play, PlayStation Video, the PlayStation Store, and PlayStation Direct.Some PS5 owners also reported issues whilst playing “offline”, as the ability to check game permissions and licenses was similarly compromised during the outage.The downtime also impacted Capcom’s Monster Hunter Wilds’ limited-time open play test, which ran the same weekend. The publisher/developer has now confirmed the second of February’s playtests will run an extra day.Sony has offered five additional days to all existing PlayStation Plus subscribers affected by the downtime. However, this will not reach everyone impacted by the outage as players of free-to-play games like Fortnite and Roblox do not require a PS subscription to get online.
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