Skeleton Crew: Was the Force Strong With That Finale? Plus, the Story Behind Jod’s Jedi Powers Revealed – TVLine

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We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.The following contains spoilers for the season finale of Disney+’s Skeleton Crew.Disney+’s Skeleton Crew came to a close this Tuesday night, with a rollicking 34 minutes that showed just how clever, brave and bold the kids became during their whirlwind round trip aboard the Onyx Cinder. Picking up right where last week left off, Jod continued to pass himself off as an Emissary to Wim, Fern, KB and Neel’s parents, there outside the vault door. Flaunting his stolen valor, Jod urged the grown-ups to take the troublesome, security protocol-breaking kids home and “confine them to quarters,” with security droids keeping a watchful eye on each. Jod insisted that crafty Fern and her mom Fara, though, accompany him to see the Supervisor.
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Meanwhile inside the tower, things were super intense, with the lever that destroys the barrier needing to be pulled. Wim made the first try, but was scared off by Jod holding the saber to Wendle’s neck. Jod used the moment to share his hardscrabble beginnings, saying that at Wim’s age all he thought about was where he’d find his next meal, while “living in a hole in the ground.” Then one day, a woman Jedi, “desperate and ragged like me,” saw “potential” in Jod and took him under her wing. Alas, she had only taught him “a little” before she was hunted down, and Jod was made to watch “while they killed her.”As Jod remained contemplative/distracted, Wendle balled his fist, George McFly-like, rose up and slugged the pirate. Wendle then lunged for the lever, but couldn’t quite reach it, all while Jod kept the others at bay with Force pushes. Wim grabbed the dropped saber and powered it up properly this time, and when Jod tried to reclaim it with the Force, Fern helped Wim hold tight. Upon being swatted down by Jod, Fern nudged her mom to help with the lever, and between her and Wendle, they yanked it down, allowing the arriving X-wings and other Republic ships to safely get to At Attin. As the X-wings descended on the scene to carpet-bomb the frigate, it was Jod who could only look on as his ship, his grand plan, went belly-up. But hey, he lived! Even if one of the arriving Republic cruisers is probably about to scoop him up and throw him into a proper brig.Wim, Fern and Neel rushed to the site of the Cinder‘s crash, to find the ship hammocked in a building’s crumbled roof. The ramp opened, loads of credits cascaded down… and so did a a dazed, but alive, KB, asking: “Did we win?” SM-33 meanwhile trotted out, toting his own head, to boast, “One of my better landings, that is!”
And as the X-wings who saved the day flew off into At Attin’s actually starry, Great Barrier-free sky, Wim looked up, smiling….Want scoop on Skeleton Crew, or for any other TV show? Shoot an email to, and your question may be answered via Matt’s Inside Line!Comments are monitored, so don’t forkin’ curse and don’t bore us with how much your coworker’s sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV! Comment * Name * Email * Your email address will not be published. We will notify you when someone replies.
ΔI need Season 2 to be announced!The recap is not correct. KB could go through the barrier as she was in the Onyx Cinder. The reason the barrier had to go down was so that the X-Wings and New Republic could reach the planet as they were the ones who couldn’t go through while barrier was up.This has been corrected, thanks for the catch.I need more skeleton crew,
More, of what now for ataton,
More time for jod to redeem himself,
More 13
More back story on the pirates
More future for the kidsHope it gets renewed.I like that it doesn’t NEED a season 2 so if Disney Plus cancels it, no cliffhangerThey hit the landing as apposed to so many other Star Wars series before it.
If this was the end of the series (which hopefully it’s not) than they at least gave us the answers we were looking for and an enjoyable adventure.
What I really enjoyed about this series is that it was completely fateful to those Amblin Entertainment films from the ‘80s. The kids were front and center of the action.
I also loved that they didn’t shy away from letting it get dark or having the kids be in real danger. They spotlighted each kid in an episode and by the end of the season each of them had learned valuable lessons about friendship, trust, courage and growing up.
Had this been made in the ‘80s, every kid that loved Star Wars would have lost their minds at how good this was.
I’d definitely love it to continue in some way or shape. What happens to At Attin now that they are freed from their oppression? What does the planet look like? Where would a S2 go? Did we really see the end of Jod?There’s an “animated” Jedi story going on whilst the end credits roll, but what’s the story and the implications of it? It feels like an easter egg as a Jedi is killed in the painting-like graphics under the end credits of the finale. Someone speculated that it tells the whole story of Jude Law’s origin, but it doesn’t seem to match what he told. Any thoughts?I, too, thought it was summing up Jod’s backstory, until the ponytailed guy wound up dead. We shall see!Quick question: so, if a if a young Jod was a Force-sensitive, then how come he wasn’t killed along with his master during Order 66 (but instead was forced to watch)?
That said, Season 2, please!Not all Jedi were killed off. We’ve seen a few random show up here or there (including Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Cal Kestis, Kanan Jarrus etc).Why can’t these star wars shows simply be better? They have all sorts of source material to fall back on and they either ignore it or go away from it. I want them to be better and they could be with just a few changes to the stories. This like most of the other star wars shows will likely be cancelled for low viewership. This has lower numbers than acolyte did. The only thing that “could” get it renewed is that it was viewed better by critics.Spoiled bratty kids leave planet….ok. Kids run into pirates right away…I guess ok, could be a goonies adventure as the kids fight pirates and get away but the pirates follow kids home. Pirates do what pirates do but the rebel Xwing fighters save the day. That’s the story and it really wasn’t told well. How can it feel that it took too long and feel rushed at the same time?I get this wasn’t a Jedi story but they tried to shoehorn jedi in whenever it could in the episodes and then rushed a 30 second monologue at the end explaining why the jedi pirate was such a horrible person to justify his actions. I’m sure there are people who would watch this again but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot more that would not. I wont be surprised when this is cancelled. I hope that this is just the end of them making bad shows and actually focus on making better stories. But based on their track record at this point I am just assuming they wont be doing so.A satisfying season finale more shows should follow. If it’s one and done, the ending works. But, if renewed, there are more stories to tell.By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
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