Silent Hill 2 Has Been Massively Successful on PS5, PC – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpTops two million sales in three monthsKonami has announced that digital sales and physical shipments of Silent Hill 2 have now topped two million units, making the survival horror remake a big success.The game – brilliantly developed by Bloober Team – launched as a PS5 console exclusive, so these numbers also include PC purchases as well. They’re accurate as of 23rd January, 2025, meaning they represent a little over three months of sales, as the title launched on 8th October, 2024.The ultimate Silent Hill 2 resourceWe loved this pitch-perfect remake, describing it as a “horror great” in our review and voting it sixth in our Game of the Year countdown.“There were concerns in the lead-up to release, but Silent Hill 2 speaks for itself: a spectacular experience that once again represents survival horror at its best,” we wrote.[source]About Sammy BarkerAs the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.Comments 54Finally got around to playing it throughout January. My first Silent Hill and I loved it. The original is held aloft as a sacred cow so remaking it was no easy feat. Bloober Team did an excellent job preserving Team Silent’s secret sauce, modernising the recipe where necessary and putting their own stamp on it. The success is well earned and hopefully bodes well for Silent Hill and other Konami IP. Enemy variety could have been greater but I’ll live.2 millions in 3 months with only PS5 & PC means not just SH 2 remake is a solid remake but it shows how Silent Hill brand is alive and kicking. I hope SH f and the 3rd live act movie can continue this positive momentum.I’m happy for the devs. There’s been a lot of doubts about SH2 Remake before the release and when it did, there’s a lot of positive reception to it ever since which is amazing.Personally, I enjoyed it and I’m someone who wasn’t a big fan of the OG SH2 (I like it, don’t get me wrong but I prefer SH1). I got to say, I’m not that scared of horror games nowadays, not even modern RE games did it for me but SH2 Remake, while playing it around midnight, let’s just say I keep taking breaks once in a while because the dread this game gives can be too much sometimes and this isn’t even the kind of game that relies on cheap jumpscare and that’s saying a lot about the game’s atmosphereCongrats again to the team and I’m hoping this success would lead to a remake of the OG SH (I know Shattered memories exist but….shut up…)PlayTracker has it at 449k on Steam, so likely around 75% sales on PS5.I believe this is also the best selling Silent Hill game ever. I know the entire franchise had sold 8.4m by 2013.Great. Bravo. Well deserved. I enjoyed it a lot.Remaking SH2 was a very high risk-high reward scenario for any studio – do it perfectly right from the start, or fall – hard.
This time it worked brilliantly, to many ppl surprise BT managed to pull it off big time.
I loved the OG SH2 game back in the day, and really enjoyed playing the Remake from start to finish.Bloober’s next game will be equally risky, being a new IP and all, in a genre that’s very harsh and hard to make a successful entry in.
I hope it will also be equally as entertaining.Bravo BT, keep it up!Really an amazing remake. Bloober really outdid themselves.@Ashina Silent Hill manages to do horror like no other imo.@PuppetMaster Silent Hill f looks so promising, I really hope the gameplay looks as good as the cinematic CGI.If people are still on the fence about this game, I HIGHLY recommend you give it a go.Great game, only time I’ve ever had to take breaks from a game because it was so grim, quite the achievementEnjoyed every second of it when it got released back in October, definitely one of the greatest remakes ever and they did an amazing job sticking to the original, but the lack of a decent Pro update is terrible.Almost feels like ‘we already got your money and the game sold good on release and now f**k off’.Really want to replay the game on my Pro but waiting for the update since November.Congrats, Bloober Team! My personal GOTY 2024It’s superb. Loved the gameNow if Konami and fans can keep this going for the suikoden remasters I’ll be a happy manI’m very happy for team bloober. Many commenters here and generally online were super toxic and discouraging, but they pushed through and delivered. I hope people here take a lesson on not to prematurely pass judgment and even when doubtful give others the benefit of the doubt and be supportive.There were even some corners in the internet claiming that their toxic bashing is what spurred bloober to achieve their success. Next to cringing I just hope such people never run a company, go into politics or raise children.Great news, can they now fix the PSSR issues on the PS5 Pro Quality mode patch now?!@Nepp67 SH f is a mainline SH game right? Exclude SH 2 remake, i think it’s been years since we got a solid mainline SH game.But yeah hopefully SH f looks as good as the trailer and not end up like Homecoming and Downpour.Well deserved. Loved every minute of it and can’t wait to get my hands on Silent Hill f.And yet 1.5 million sales (in 1st 3 months) a week-or-so ago was seen as a complete failure…. this industry makes no sense sometimes!It’s an excellent remake of an all time classic so much rejoicing is to be had that Bloober truly pulled it off.@Rich33 yeah you’re talking about Dragon Age which sold 1.5 million and is a big failure, don’t understand aswell.Butbutbut people on Pure Xbox said it was a flopAre 2m copies enough to call it a huge success? We all know that these days development costs for this kind of games (somewhere between high AA and low AAA, correct me if I’m wrong) can be very significant.@Max_the_German exactly games are financial failures that do 5 million copies. it all depends upon how much it cost blooper to make.I highly doubt 2 million copies is enough to break even on development costs of the game@Max_the_German We don’t know the official cost. But my best guess is if open world superheroes like Miles Morales cost $90-100 million then SH 2 remake probably less than that considering it doesn’t have many characters and enemies while the town is pretty empty. So the game probably already break even and turn some profit for Konami / Bloober Team.I actually have no hope for this game at first, but it’s actually a good game, hope we’ll get the first and third silent hill remake too. Although I’m fine with silent hill 3 remaster instead, just add at least 2K, 60 fps, and widescreen. Good job, bloober team 😃@PuppetMaster I find Miles Morales a bad example. It is more like a long standalone DLC, with the world assets, NPC and enemy behaviour, all the engine finetuning etc. taken from SM1. SH2 is a smaller game, sure, but made from scratch, the old SH2 not being much more than an inspiration in many cases.I didn’t buy it cause it ain’t my style of game. But i am happy for Konami cause i want them to be healthy and making games again. Someday i want a new Castlevania. Good news hope it sells another million and half in its later days with discounts and continues to make them some money.This is great news!Some amazing news would be the announcement of some incoming pro patches Heck yeah Bloober. Deserved more and counting. Now give us another SH remake. 😆@Oram77 i highly recommend it too. But some people is having a weak of heart. I even read a reddit forum about how tons of people can’t keep playing after reach the brookhaven hospital because they too scared the dark and ambiance of the game( this is mild compared to toluca prison) lol@ButterySmooth30FPS Ah, the internet console warrior starting the flame wars. Be happy that it is a great game, be happy for the developer and be happy that many were able to enjoy it.@cburg Hardly a console warrior. Maybe a Hookshot console fan-site warrior!@amatmulisha 100% agree with you lol, and lowkey the apartments are incredibly atmospheric! Decent head set is a MUST while playing this game.@Rich33 Yeah 1.5M copies for Bioware/EA is very poor compared to plucky little Bloober team selling 2M is a huge win from them.Edit: Here’s something to keep in mind Anthem sold 5M and was also considered a failure by EA.@Oram77 1.5M in under 3 months vs 2M in 3 months, both for series that havent had a new game in many years – Neither is really a success or failure is it?.. just decent sales.It just comes back to a guess by the publishers at what their ‘expectations’ are.Unlike a number of insincere people in certain recent articles on Bioware, I really wish Bloober well (and unlike certain idiots out there I dont want to see another SP studio fail) – I just hope they can get their technical standards up a bit, then I might be able to buy their game(s).@Rich33 Just for the record I don’t want Bioware to shut down either, I’m merely saying between MEA, Anthem and DAV, they just haven’t been hitting their marks and that is just a fact, I want Bioware to learn from these mistakes and make Mass Effect 4 a 9/10 game that will put people back in the place.Hurry, let’s get someone on the phone to tell Konami and Bloober Team that Square Enix thinks their sales numbers aren’t impressive.@Max_the_German The Medium cost Bloober team around €7M, so you can probably extrapolate a budget out from that based on how much more ambitious this game is(not actually that much more, and the Medium actually looks really good). Pay in Poland is a world away from the big California studios.Another good comparison is Alan Wake II which seems to be of a similar size and quality(but made in a country with a higher average wage and by a company with a larger staff count) and that cost 50m for development.So I’d guess that Silent Hill 2 cost in the region of 30m euros to make. Generally people massively overstate how much an average game costs to make. Also, it would just be ludicrous to give a $100m budget to game series that averages around 1M units per mainline game.Well deserved! The remake is incredible. Coming from a huge Silent Hill 1-3 fan@ChrisDeku Your calculation sounds decent to me, so with an average revenue of 20 EUR per copy (net, without 30 % PSN/Steam fee), 2m could be enough for the break-even.@Max_the_German the majority of sales will be digital where they will be netting around $40 a unit I’d imagine, hard to say exactly with regional pricing, and different tax systems, also steam scales down to 20% over a certain level of sales@ChrisDeku I have no idea what the average price is, but for this initial 2m sales it will be quite high, and yes, higher than 20 EUR.Not surprised in the slightest due to its positive reception. But SH2R is not a good game and an even worse remake. I’ve made no secret of my hatred for this game in previous articles lol.Rest assured I am malding and seething over the inevitable botched remakes of SH3 and possibly SH1.@Roberto_Salseros @Rich33You have to take into account development costs, usually RPGs have a much higher budget compared to horror games (because horror is a niche genre, not mainstream), so yes since the Silent Hill games usually cost less to make than your standard more mainstream games then 2 million copies in a couple of months is a big success for a horror game like SH compared to other franchises.It’s a success but 2 million isn’t massive.@Shad361 It’s massive for SH series because none of SH game can sold 2 million copies in 3 months. The previous fastest selling was og SH 2 with 1 million copies in 1 month. Even SH 1 needs a year to sold 2 million copies.@Max_the_German Despite Miles Morales has reused assets from SM 1, the game still big open world with plenty of activities and NPC’s filling up the map. That’s why i used it as an example to measure SH 2 remake cost. If an open world like Miles Morales cost $100 million then SH 2 remake is cheaper. But i think @ChrisDeku already gave better explanation.@Rich33 DA Veilguard cost more than $250 million with 10 years in development. Selling 1.5 million copies in 3 months doesn’t cover the cost let alone making any profit. SH 2 remake on the other hand has smooth 3 years development time and big chance it doesn’t cost $250 million like Veilguard.@PuppetMaster Downpour was pretty good. I enjoyed it from start to finish, played on X360. Homecoming is not that good, but at least you can buy and play it officially today.My dream: a remake of SH3. I have a feeling of a ‘special bond’ with Heather every time I am replaying the game.@skaarj217 SH3 is without question is the goat, the only thing about the remake they would first need to do SH1 first for story reason as I’m sure you know.@skaarj217 I watched Downpour playthrough and it looks pretty mediocre to me especially the enemy design. But the technical problems pretty much the reason why i never bother to buy it, the same with SH HD collection.But i own a copy of Homecoming on PS3 and the only positive thing i found is the combat feels a bit fun and less clunky like previous SH games. The rest is just not good.@PuppetMaster To be fair though, the extended 10yr development cycle from what I know, was down to (repeat?) changes in direction for the game, due to bad decision making in what type of game it was going to be – theres no way the finished product, which was salvaged from that mess (and which is bloody good imo) could realistically be expected to ‘pay’ for all those mistakes. Also, I understand DA games go on to sell for years after launch.Sometimes, these sales expectations which ‘determine’ whether a game has succeeded or failed are just all over the place – I dont know how many copies RE Village or RE2 Remake shifted in its 1st 3 months, but if SH2’s expectations had been based around those, Im sure SH2 would have added to the list of ‘did not meet expectations’ .@Rich33 Bruh, Silent Hill is a farrrr more niche franchise than a juggernaut like Resident Evil who already sold 160 million copies. So I don’t think Konami is crazy enough to expect SH2 remake sales as good as RE games. I mean, RE2 remake sold 4 million copies in the 1st month and the current life time sales is 14 million copies, already surpass SH series total sales at 8.4 million copies. 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