Shocking: Square Enix Says Dragon Quest 3 Remake Sales Actually Exceeded Expectations – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpNo, reallySquare Enix, a publisher notorious for stating that its games underperform in terms of sales, has actually bucked the trend in its most recent financial report.In an utterly shocking twist, Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake sold better than expected — and the company has seen fit to highlight that fact. Are we living in some kind of alternate reality?The publisher reports an increase to its operating incoming in the digital entertainment sector thanks to “stronger sales of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake than initial assumptions”.Released in November of last year, the remake proved popular with both critics and fans. Commercially, it shipped over 2 million copies (digital sales included) in just under a month, with Japan counting for at least half of that total.Holding out for a heroNaturally, the revival would have been a ‘smaller’ project with regards to budget — especially when compared to the likes of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16 — and so sales expectations would have been more… reasonable.Still, it just goes to show that even Square Enix can be impressed. Maybe it’s time for the company to lean harder on its catalogue of classic RPGs? It’s clear that not every remake has to break the bank.And just to add more fuel to that particular fire, the same report shows a heavy downturn in profit for the publisher’s free-to-play, mobile-centric titles. This decline meant that, despite the success of Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, Square Enix’s overall net sales took a noticeable hit. Can’t win ’em all!Did you ever imagine a scenario where Square Enix would actually praise a game’s sales? Pick your jaw off the floor in the comments section below.[source, via]About Robert RamseyRobert (or Rob if you’re lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he’s played ’em all. A little too much, some might say.Comments 29Is that because they finally set realistic expectations to begin with?I also expect the majority of their games to come to Switch 2 and PC day one going forward, they can’t keep selling their games on one platform and expect huge sales.@UltimateOtaku91 I remember when some game sold 5 million and they said it failed to meet expectations. Think it was Tomb Raider game or something.Maybe this will get them to finally do something with Chrono Trigger in the HD-2D engine, but I won’t hold my breath.This is on my list to play but is a little bit more than I think it’s worth at the moment, price wiseFinally, something shocking in the news today!Fake news. Got to be an imposter.SE do need to realise not every game (especially when it’s on one platform) doesn’t need sell millions of copies.@The_Pixel_King This needs to happen.This was my reaction when I saw the info on NL earlier, shock and awe.And yes we are currently living in an alternate reality and I’d like to get back to a normal one, Squenix sales be damned.And this is exactly why they are going to be a completely platform neutral developer moving forward.Is it April Fools?Have I woken up in an alternative universe????@The_Pixel_King It makes too much sense so of course it won’t happen@The_Pixel_King last year chrono triggers director asked fans what they would like to see in a remake, I’d like to think that means it’s happening……hopefully.And I haven’t bought the game yet.Shows that games don’t need huge budget to make a profit.In fact it’s possible to make good games with less budget.Are you sure it’s not a type? Square Enix and exceeding expectations is an oxymoron.@TechaNinja People always remember the part where Square said Tomb Raider underperformed after a month. What people don’t remember is the context that it took a year just to break even.Being the fastest selling game in the series doesn’t mean much when you lose money on it for 11+ months. That said, I have never understood why it’s budget was so large that this was the case.This is what happens when someone adequately assessed the market and set the budget accordingly.Hope this breakthrough contributes to all their Switch-exclusive games coming to PS5 🤞Racing Lagoona remaster in english incoming!
/sTouch wood this makes them commit further to the HD-2D remakes and start getting the old FF titles into a similar fashion.Make it happen Enix.Great to hear!@UltimateOtaku91 that’s my opinion. For what it’s worth, their current leadership is far far more reasonable and efficient than their old guy who may well wind up in a Yuji Naka situation given his obsession with nfts. Even their response to FFXVI underperforming wasn’t the typical “people don’t like this” and instead was a very professional “competition was fierce and we released too many of our own titles in close proximity, resulting in cannibalism of the game’s sales”.I’m shocked, shocked!@The_Pixel_King shocking that Square never did anything with the Chrono series in general after Cross (apart from a few CT re-releases) Especially when they still pump out Saga and Mana games on the regular. Maybe them now having two blockbuster RPG franchises is enough…..@Coffeeglitch Sure, Matsuda was obsessed with NFT’s but Takashi Kiryu is hardly anti-NFT, if anything he recommitted to it.I’m super shocked. Did someone put a gun at Kiryu’s head to say DQ 3 sales exceeded the company target?I will always remember where I was when I saw this news.It’s almost as if they thought a turn based, traditional, rpg wouldn’t sell many copies… and it did. Who would’ve thought. And all this time, they keep pushing the narrative that only 3rd person action games sell well these days. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…PSN Down Worldwide as PS5, PS4 Players Can’t Log In or Play OnlineSony yet to make a statementMonster Hunter Wilds Beta 2: All Start Times, Preload, What’s New, and RewardsEvery detail covering Monster Hunter Wilds Beta 2 revealedSniper Elite Resistance Guide: 100% Collectibles WalkthroughThe ultimate Sniper Elite Resistance collectibles resourceSniper Elite Resistance: Dead Drop – All Collectibles: Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, WorkbenchesEvery collectible in Dead Drop revealedSniper Elite Resistance: Sonderzüge Sabotage – All Collectibles: Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, WorkbenchesEvery collectible in Sonderzüge Sabotage revealedGame ProfileTitle:Dragon Quest III HD-2D RemakeSystem:PlayStation 5Also Available For:SwitchPublisher:Square EnixDeveloper:Square EnixGenre:RPGPlayers:1Release Date:PlayStation 5Series:Dragon QuestAlso Known As:Dragon Quest III RemakeReviews:Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake (PS5) – A Timeless RPG, and a Gorgeous Nostalgia TripOfficial Site:dragonquest.square-…Where to buy:Buy on Amazon
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