March 16, 2025

Rumour: Oblivion PS5 Remake Releasing Next Month Appears More and More Likely – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpUpdate: Original leaker shares moreUpdate [Thu 13th Mar 2025, 9pm]:The possibility of the Oblivion remake from Bethesda being announced and released next month is gaining further traction, as original leaker NateTheHate has issued an update to his claim. On Twitter, he suggests the current plan is for a reveal and launch to both take place in April, next month. “The gap between the reveal and release will be minimal — a shadow drop is possible,” he adds.Original Story: A PS5 remake of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion from Bethesda appears to be an inevitability at this point, and according to leaker NateTheHate and VGC, we won’t have to wait long to play it. Rumours surrounding the project from earlier this year pointed towards a June 2025 launch, but in a new VGC report, it is suggested the release date may be even sooner.In fact, the outlet states the PS5, Xbox Series X|S remake “could arrive as soon as next month” after discussions with its sources. The claim was made after NateTheHate was asked on Twitter about the project, to which he responded the reveal is coming “either this month or next month”. The release date is “likely to be sooner than the original June target”, and now VGC suggests it could be out as soon as April.Should this be the case, it would mark a huge month for Microsoft-published games on PS5. Forza Horizon 5 is already confirmed for 29th April 2025, and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is also heavily rumoured to be releasing a couple of weeks prior on 17th April. Either way, it sounds like Bethesda is planning a quick turnaround from announcement to release for the Oblivion remake.It’s understood that Virtuos is handling the project, which is also working with Konami on Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. Rumours point towards this being an Unreal Engine 5 release featuring full gameplay overhauls to combat and stealth. While the game originally started life as an Xbox 360, PC exclusive, the RPG came to PS3 a year later in 2007.Are you looking forward to this inevitable Oblivion remake? Let us know in the comments below.[source]About Liam CroftLiam grew up with a PlayStation controller in his hands and a love for Metal Gear Solid. Nowadays, he’s found playing the latest and greatest PS5 games as well as supporting Derby County. That last detail is his downfall.Comments 76Woah I hope this is trueThis was my first big RPG game i ever played. Got it on Xbox 360 and really enjoyed it. Tho i love FPS games. Playing Avowed now and really enjoying it. This would be really cool to see it get revealed and quickly launched. Will be picking it up as long as they did good work on it.While that would be amazing, as oblivion is my favorite of the elder scrolls installments, I find it to be far fetched. May as well be a shadow drop, but given the extent of the work that is supposedly going into it I can’t imagine they’d do that.Fingers crossed they’ve fixed the broken levelling and enemy scaling systems. Hope they remake Morrowind, by far the best in the series.I have my doubts about the release dates, we literally haven’t seen/heard a pep about this from BGS, surely they would start showing trailers if it’s coming out next month?Switch 2 showcase reveal perhaps?@HonestHick it was my first proper rpg too… I really hope they don’t mess with it too much apart from the visuals. I still feel that the rpg elements in Skyrim (while great) were dumbed down a bit from its forbears.Must’ve sunk over 400 hours into this game… can’t wait to sink a couple hundred more.I alway hated that part of the main quest when you have to run around closing all those stupid gates.But will it be better than Skyblivion?Horse armour part 2?Stop. I can only get so hard!@somnambulance I think its pretty much a for sure thing oblivion and MCC will be announced for switch 2 and also be dropped for PS5Hmmm, if true I might rearrange my “playlist” at that point. But only if I like the changes of course.Morrowwind is the game that really should get remade using the Skyrim engine. Fantastic world but the combat is atrociousFor the love of god PLEEEEEASE… I just want the game in general, so many memories. Just come out and confirm it, even with a few months wait to go whatever (like with THPS 3+4, sucked that it isn’t till July but at least it was confirmed 👍)Pulls sword out, you shouldn’t have come here! Puts sword away, Hello traveler!My goodness, if this is true then this summer is going to be strangely stacked. Oblivion and Death Stranding 2, followed by MGS 3 Remake? What year am I even living in right now?Oblivion holds a special place in my heart in that it was my first introduction to that sort of RPG at a young age, watching my dad be atrocious at it. That being said, it’s probably the weakest of the 3 modern Elder Scrolls games, the setting is more generic and it’s insanely janky. This would be a nice surprise if leakers didn’t ruin everything but then they’ve been ‘leaking’ a Final Fantasy IX remake for about 6 years now too.@thefourfoldroot1 @PloverNutter100% agree that morrowind is best in the series.But can yoy guys imagine modern Bethesda remaking it? I guarantee you it wouldnt be as you imagine.Let morrowind rest imo.A huge month for Bethesda on PS5, as was usually the case before a trillion dollar corporation purchased them outright.Super, can i skip every single Oblivion gate please! I remember doing 90% of them in end game on a Sunday afternoon and it was a death march. Fantastic game though, just not a fan of the gates. Id love to see a Morrowind remaster. Those Ashlanders!Awesome! Definitely looking forward to playing this on GamePass when it launches. Absolutely my favorite Elder Scrolls game.Odd that Pure Xbox hasn’t covered this yet.I mean I loved oblivion but I really have no interest in going back to it or any old games they rarely age wellMy money would be on a shadow drop at Microsoft Summer Showcase in June. Probably launch day Switch 2 as well.I’m all for Microsoft games everywhere but if they put Indy, Forza Horizon 5 and Oblivion on PS5 weeks apart they will cannibalise sales.@species totally agree. I loved Morrowind back in the day for what it was, but damn has it aged poorly, and not just graphically. Would need a lot of QoL features to make it palatable to players now.This has AI gloss over “remaster,” masquerading as a remake written all over it.Oblivion was one of the first games I had on PS3, my dad ended up returning the game when no one at home could find their way around the game after leaving the dungeon you spawn in. I’ll be happy that Bethesda finally remembered Skyrim and Online aren’t the only 2 games in the franchise.I struggle to have any interest in western rpgs they just don’t do it for me except baldur’s gateI never played Oblivion heard good things about this gameI am getting very physically excited by the prospect of this. I grew up on Oblivion, and it is supremely special to me. Some of my most earnest memories are different times and places I played Oblivion. It was absolutely mind-blowing in 2006. This was the first time I had played a game and realized video games could take you to a different world, could be made on a whole different level than sports games like SSX or little pocket Gameboy Pokemon. Oblivion is a true outstanding achievement and mark in the sand for what video games could be. After Oblivion a game like Cyberpunk 2077 was something I began to daydream about, and before it I didn’t see a path to great games. It took almost a decade before I played another game that had the same perspective shifting power, opening up of my horizons. Those games were the Last of Us PS4 and Bloodborne. I would die happy with just a 4k re-release with trophy support- anything more than that, if handled well, is a dream! I just tend to agree with Todd Howard that this game captures a time & place, and doesn’t need an overhaul.Getting announced around the anniversary (March 20th) would feel realistic but April release sounds really odd considering what’s already coming that month from Microsoft, both on the Xbox side and the PS side so I don’t believe April release.I’m assuming Oblivion is pretty similar gameplay wise to Skyrim. I wanted to like Skyrim but I got too overwhelmed with the open world. Same with Fallout 4. These games are fun to watch (watched my ex beat Skyrim and a ton of PlayStation Access streams) but I’ve learnt I need some linearity. It’s a me problem and probably not an Elder Scrolls issue. I had the same issue with Hogwarts Legacy with the school overwhelming throwing everything at me all at onceRe-recorded dialog with more than 4-5 voice actors would be huge plus.I would be interested in both this title and Indiana Jones, but I don’t think they should be offered for peanuts via Game Pass whilst being priced at 60-100 dollars on PlayStation. So, I’d wait for deeeeeep sales or them hitting PS Plus on either essential or extra.I’ll start it and put it down another ten times then, lol.@graymamba i for sure hope it’s great. What a year this would be if that too is a must play. Time will tell. MS did say to watch GP closely for more shadow drops. Could this be the big one? That would be nuts. Tho i think they would prefer to give the game more time to be marketed and known. 😀@EfYI so millions of people paying $20 a month on GP is peanuts but you want to pay like what $40 for it or get it on a service and that’s different how? Sorry not trying to be rude, cause it’s your money and i respect that. But Xbox players shouldn’t get it for this but you want it for that. I played it on GP and it was great. MS get’s my $20 every month. It’s beyond a great service and more to come. Just wasn’t sure how you didn’t see the irony in that comment i suppose.@KundaliniRising333 the one thing it don’t have written all over it is a remake no one asked for that is hard to tell the difference in graphics. So that will be a nice change eh?@themightyant I would argue its the lack of modern QOL that makes it great.At least some of those, namely no fast travel and no map markers.@HonestHickHicah, we both know that Game Pass users stacked years of subs for literal peanuts.You did that too. Have you noticed the flood of new users ridiculing us for not paying full price? They did it too.A quick internet search shows game pass offers left and right (30 per cent off from looking at headlines) for those who didn’t stack for multiple years.Game Pass standard is 15 dollars, or 1 dollar for the 14 days you need to complete whatever game you wanted to play.The truth is that M$ had been bankrolling their fans for years.@EfYI i never did the stack thing. I know many in the beginning did. Such ways has been disable. But at the end of the day the service is wonderful. I pay my $20 and got to play Indiana Jones and Avowed and i am really enjoying them but certainly wouldn’t have bought them day and date. Only to find out i would have missed out cause i really had a great time with them.@HonestHickYou have a picture of a man that is renowned for lies and deceit and you’ve taken the ironic moniker of Honest, and you think I trust a single word you put to paper?Guys and gals of PushSquare – M$ has come to your neighborhood jivin’ for money. It is up to you if you are taking the bait, after all a fool and his money are easily departed.@EfYI by the looks for Forza Horizon 5 pre orders i think Push Square has given you your answer already. But don’t take my word for it. Just turn on your PS5 and go to the Pre order section. Bait taken it appears.I’d get this and play it again…NGL.I put together a completely new PC build for that game 🤩🤩🤩 a PC with a core2 duo 2,66ghz CPU btw. And 2gb ram. I don’t remeber the gpu, but it was 512mb. It kicked ass 😂Loved Oblivion, but I need to temper my hype level until it gets confirmed and I get to see the improvements made… @DonkeyFantasy Probably not, but at least it likely to be released for console@EfYI You don’t think that Microsoft should try to sell their games to their biggest competitor at a regular asking price? How did you think this was going to go?@HonestHick @SarcasmatworkI won’t be holding my breath for a large discount or appearance on some tier of PS Plus, that’s for sure. I’ll just go without, there’s plenty of games to play in the backlog. Plenty of Playstation titles I don’t own yet.People are pre-ordering like crazy, yes, but not me. I think it has to do with the quality of the games (or their rumoured quality, anyways) and the novelty of Xbox smashing the walls of their garden to flood the zone of their once-upon-a-time main competitor.Will it include both expansions right away? And will there be a version of the creation club like skyrim?i’m ready for another arrow to the kneeI know it says “remake” but does that really mean remaster? I consider a remake in the vein of FF7 Remake/Rebirth, whereas a remaster is TLoU Part 1 on PS5. I figured a remake would have garnered more attention and marketing at an earlier point. Just curious since those two terms are used interchangeably quite often.@EfYI I’m gonna go with sarcasm or a joke on this because I have never seen someone attribute a real persons personality (one they have never met no less) to that of a character in a videogame because said character is a liar and deceitful so the real world individual must be to 🤣@JuiceboxMeister FF7 is a sequel not a remakeNext-gen Crab Battles on the way!!!I may get this depending on the price, there’s no way I will be paying £60 for a remaster (not a remake). I usually struggle with Elder Scrolls games as I lose interest fast, I don’t know what it is maybe it’s the dungeon designs or the jank but I’ve never completed one. But, out of the ones I’ve played Oblivion was probably my favourite so with this in mind I’m hoping it’s around the £40 mark otherwise it’s a pass from me.If it does turn out to be a full on Remake built from the ground up with modern visuals and smooth performance then it may be a day one buy.Really odd choice if this is true – there’ll be demand for it, sure, but something about this whole things seems off.Either’s it’s nonsense, it’s a remaster that got out of hand, or there’s not enough confidence in it to start that hype train. Without hype might it fall a bit flat?Reveal on April 2?!I’ve commented my skepticism before, but just to be clear if this gets shadow dropped it’s an immediate buy. This game is very special to me. and yes, I always torture the adoring fan and ensure he stays with me…forever.@UltimateOtaku91 a remaster I’d only pay 50 CAD (35 usd about) with all the dlc. A remake in ue5? Yeah I’ll go up to 90 CAD. That being said, if they go the persona 3 remake route, no buy.@thefourfoldroot1 run to moth priest, sneak attack. Reflect amulet disenchant and enchant on everything, eschuteon of chorral. I win. But really, I’d set myself on fire constantly and watch the world burn.If this were to be an actual remake in which substantial changes were made, there is no way they would shadow drop it nor allow such a small window for marketing. This is likely more of what we have seen them milking as they’ve done with Skyrim for over a decade now.This is more an more likely to be a low effort gloss over in order to maximize revenue with a double dip. We’ve seen this so many times now. The writing is on the wall with this one.Never played it, I didn’t get into RPG’s til I was in my 40’s!!!Even a solid remaster, I’ll be happy to pay a good price forI smell a long con….April release? More like April Fool’s!@KundaliniRising333Unless they are doing the ‘early access’ nonsense. They can shadow drop it anytime (is it even a shadow drop if it’s leaked?!) because MS are releasing it onto a sub service primarily. So they don’t need to build up much fanfare.@pyrrhic_victory Yeah I’m gonna be honest, I have a feeling that if Sony bought Bethesda and making all of their games exclusive you’d be singing a different tune, I recall recently people cheerleading Sony potentially buying From Soft but could afford 10% of the company.I have no idea why anyone is still bitter about this? All of these acquisitions have only benefited Playstation gamers because not only did Microsoft go full multiplat, they’re footing the bill for all the game development and because of the “trillion dollar corporation” you referred to the games are not only coming out faster and more polished but Playstation gamers haven’t lost anything, not only did Doom, Tony Hawk, Crash and Elder Scrolls not go exclusive but franchises that were never on Playstation like Forza Horizon and Age of Mythology made their way over tooTLDR: people being bitter over something that’s only benefited themSuper pumped for this. Especially given that I’m running out of MH Wilds steam earlier than expected (please nerf the hunters, Capcom! lolsob)If true it will be the first MS title I’ll be interested in. I never really got around to finishing oblivion. Hope there are combat improvements to be more like Skyrim.I hope for Daggerfall remake…But, about Oblivion, can I use my PS3 saves?@batosaims I never said I was bitter about anything, I was just stating a fact. Much has been made about “Microsoft published” games releasing on PlayStation, but many of them are Bethesda and Activision games that would’ve been on the console anyway.Oh, I get it now. If Outer Worlds 2, Oblivion, Starfield and Avowed are all coming to PS5 by the end of September to avoid GTA6 then there has to be compromises on timings. For example a 1.5 month gap between each of the 4 RPGs would mean somerhing like:I only played the first few hours of Oblivion on PS3 over a decade ago and loved it as it was my first rpg. I’ve recently bought the GOTY edition for the PS3 and the strategy guide incase I get stuck. I’ll definitely be buying this whether it’s a remake or remaster on PS5, I can’t wait to see what I’ve been missing out on after hearing some stories and watching many YT videos. Skyrim is my number 1 rpg but will it be surpassed by Oblivion?I keep wondering about the reality of this and it just hit me. I think perhaps they’re remastering Oblivion because they need people to see what they’re cooking with and why ES6 is taking so long. Who can say, but I sincerely hope it’s real. It’s about the only thing I want more than Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD to be on Switch.@CWill97 honestly as I’ve got older I’ve found a similar issue unless I have time to really let go and immerse myself and not worry about how I’ll never 100% a game like that again.Yes… please! Would love to play thisOblivion was the first western RPG I had played in decades when it came out. I played 100% of the main story and completed 95% of the side quests – I played the game. It was wrong and I attributed its flaws to being big. How wrong I was…But, lets be blunt, Bethesda and ZeniMax are TERRIBLE companies. I mean irremeably bad – they are swindlers, thieves,…brigands. They do not know how to make a working games that isn’t bug rident and rushed. There is evident corporate greed and then there is ZeniMax. I would not touch their games with a 10′ pole anymore.Let’s hope this is real, and hope they fixed the leveling system. That was a good idea, badly executed, and Skyrim fixed it.No minimum and maximum level for enemies took any sense of progression.Anyway, I would buy it for PC, not for PS5. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…58 PS5, PS4 Games You Should Buy in PS Store’s Mega March SaleRecommended PS5 and PS4 games in the latest sale12 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for March 2025 AnnouncedPrince of Persia! Armored Core galore!GTA Online: All Cars and Vehicles Compatible with Hao’s Special Works Tuning UpgradesSupercharge your fleet with HSW’s new-gen upgradesRumour: Oblivion PS5 Remake Releasing Next Month Appears More and More LikelyUpdate: Original leaker shares moreSony Confirms PS Portal’s Status as ‘DadStation’ in Accurate AdA love that lasts a lifetimeGame ProfileTitle:The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionSystem:PlayStation 3Also Available For:Xbox 360Publisher:Bethesda SoftworksDeveloper:Bethesda Game StudiosGenre:RPGPlayers:1Release Date:PlayStation 3PlayStation Plus Premium (Subscription)Series:The Elder ScrollsWikipedia:en.wikipedia.orgWhere to buy:Buy on eBay
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