March 19, 2025

Rumour: Metroid Prime 4 Will Apparently Make Quite The Splash At The Switch 2 Direct – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpBeyond expectationsIf you can believe it, we are a little over two weeks out from the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct. While we’re all ready and waiting for more news from Nintendo’s next console, some folks believe they already have an inkling of one of the showcase’s key players (thanks for the heads up, Notebook Check).Reece Reilly, the host of the Kiwi Talkz podcast, recently took to BlueSky with the heavy hint that Metroid Prime 4: Beyond will be making quite the splash at the Switch 2 Direct. “Nintendo & Retro were keeping their cards close to their chest with Metroid Prime 4 for this exact moment,” Reilly teased, “The true unveiling will blow everything else in the direct out of the water”.In the same thread on Twitter, the Kiwi Talkz host said he was “90% certain” that Prime 4 will be in the showcase, though he clarified that “Nintendo are constantly tweaking directs right down to the last minute,” leaving himself a little bit of wiggle room.In less than a month in the Switch 2 direct you’ll see that Nintendo & Retro were keeping their cards close to their chest with Metroid Prime 4 for this exact moment. The true unveiling will blow everything else in the direct out of the water.Ever since we got our first proper look at Beyond in the June 2024 Direct, Nintendo has made clear that it’s coming to Switch (or, ‘Switch 1’, as we’re all now apparently calling it). Of course, we always assumed that the title would be playable on Switch 2 thanks to the joys of backwards compatibility, but Reilly’s tease implies that Prime 4 will be a noteworthy title for the upcoming console.Might Beyond end up being in a BOTW situation, with Nintendo releasing two versions to bridge the console gap? Is there a chance that just a ‘Switch 1’ edition will be released, but Switch 2 owners can see a technical boost à la PS4-PS5? Is this just another Switch 2 rumour and we’re reading too much into it?As ever, this is nothing more than a rumour for the time being, so take any MP4 hopes with a pinch of salt for now. Hey, it’s only two weeks until we get to officially see what Nintendo has up its sleeve.Beyond the realmIt’s just a PhaazeDo you reckon we’ll see Metroid Prime 4: Beyond at the Switch 2 Direct? Let us know in the comments.[source, via]About Jim NormanJim came to Nintendo Life in 2022 and, despite his insistence that The Minish Cap is the best Zelda game and his unwavering love for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he has continued to write news and features on the site ever since.Comments 93Damn, the Direct can’t come soon enough…The true unveiling will blow everything else in the direct out of the water.1. 3D Mario will most likely be there
2. Switch 2 specs will be there
3. If you’re making up a rumor you would start spreading rumors of how people will react to itNintendo are constantly tweaking directs right down to the last minuteNot this big of a presentation, just trying to save reputation once the Direct airsIt’d also be nice to know who this person is, no reference to anything else this person ‘leaked’We just need free enhancements for Switch games on Switch 2, not this.I would be quite happy for this to be a Switch 2 exclusive, I suspect the main audience for Metroid Prime 4 will likely be Switch 2 early adopters anyway.If Switch 2 can enhance performance of Switch games (and really why wouldn’t it, Nintendo have done it with past handhelds) then Prime 4 makes perfect sense to take advantage of it. Especially if they get it out as a launch title- they still get to sell it to the massive Switch install base but then they also get a game that (hopefully) clearly shows the jump in power over last gen.A definitive version of Prime 4 and Mario Kart 9 at launch would be a belter of a combo honestly- Mario Kart for the mass audience and Prime 4 for the (ugh) “hardcore” crowd.Highly skeptical that this would blow everything else out of the water on the Direct as implied, but very interested in what happens with MP4. Hopefully 2 & 3 will get released before it comes out though, similar to the Pikmin 4 release timeline where 1&2 became available.Only a few weeks away now!Can’t wait! The only already-announced game that I’m looking forward to this year.Will likely play it on S1 first, then play it again in, hopefully, glorious enhanced form on S2. If it’s, indeed, a BOTW-like (or TP-like) scenario, then it means the release is sooner than I actually expected. Considering the near-silence since the original announcement, I was anticipating an autumn release, tbh.I only want to see Switch 2 games in the April Direct not Switch 1 gamesI have no doubt they would love for people to buy it twice.Therefore my strategy would be to announce it for Switch (1) and say nothing about Switch 2 other than it looks best on Switch 2. Then about 3-4 months later announce a Switch 2 version that is the “prime” version -very noticeably better graphics, bug fixes, and a little extra content.Sounds good. Also I bet on a better version of Pokemon Z-A too, with better textures and shading at the least.@larryisamansuper curious, what are some examples of this besides GBC adding colors to old GB games? ✌️RUMOUR: Prime 4 is exciting. No, really exciting.Still doubt Prime 4 will be a cross-gen release in the traditional sense but yeah, at the same time I’d be surprised if they didn’t show it during the Direct considering that it will be playable on Switch 2 thanks to backward compatibility first and foremost and that it could be used to showcase how Switch games run on the new system as is and/or through patches!if metroid prime 4 is the biggest nintendo game shown at the switch 2 direct i will be very disappointed..I’m very happy to see NintendoLife so active on Bluesky. My only gripe is how much anti trump/musk sentiment is on there. It’s like every second post – but that’s why people are on Bluesky in the first place!Anyone could guess pretty safely that prime 4 is going to feature in the switch direct. I’m worried I’m letting my expectations get too highcall me crazy but i think nintendo should announce a SWITCH 2 game at this direct and a long expected, beleaguered last-gen game, no matter how big of a release, should not be the biggest announcement this time.just my opinion. ✌️how long you think the switch 2 direct will be will it be 45 minutes or possibly a hour long?Removed – inappropriateLove that a switch 1 game is going to be the highlight of the Switch 2 Direct 😆I am excited for when Matt McMuscles puts out the inevitable “Wha Happun?” episode on this. Love his insights to the development process of certain games, and this is at the top of my wishlist.@larryisaman I agree. While I fully expect a new 3D Mario to come somewhere within the first year of the Switch 2 (a la Super Mario Odyssey), releasing it alongside Mario Kart 9 might be a bit too much Mario.Or, release all three. I’d be happy either way, lol.Would anyone cry if the game was fully optimised for Switch2 and not released on Switch1 ??The fact that this is be the showstopper makes me doubt the quality of the rest of the direct rather than get excited for Metroid Prime 4. To be fair, I am excited for this game, I just want more big game announcements.@Tibob Considering the promise that was made by Nintendo that it is DEFINITELY gonna be on Switch 1…yeah. People would riot. Not me personally, but yes. I think it would be a bad faith move on Nintendo’s part to do that.I love Metroid Prime (the series), but I think I’d be pretty disappointed if Metroid Prime 4 is the most exciting thing in the Direct. Mostly because we already know about it, as folks have said.Idk 🤷‍♂️. But I’ll be grabbing it either way. Doesn’t matter what system it comes to.”The true unveiling will blow everything else in the direct out of the water”Well I hope not because whilst I enjoy Metroid games I don’t consider them a system seller.But I guess it is likely this is just another Metroid fan getting over excited, which is fair enough. But in reality Metroid is one of the smaller Nintendo franchises and Nintendo knows that so won’t be betting the house on it.Sean Malstrom is suggesting MP 4 will be open world, as it’s the only thing that would make it this exciting and would explain why the game took 8 years to develop.One can hope!Prime 4 will be the system seller for me. I know everyone is anxious for the new Mario game—and I totally get that—but as a lifetime Metroid fan, THIS is what has me geeked and ready to preorder!I don’t know… I think if Silksong showed up, even if just for a few seconds, that might be what blows everyone’s socks offBut in all seriousness, unless everything else just isn’t good, I don’t think you can say Metroid will be the star of the show. It all comes down to what YOU specifically are excited about. Like I would be most excited for a new Smash game, or a new Donkey Kong game, that would steal the show for me. But for someone else, it might be Monster Hunter and Fire EmblemI guess only time will tell🤷🏻‍♂️@LastFootnote @canaryfarmerI mean, BOTW was probably the highlight of the initial Switch showcase and that was a long gestated Wii U game held back to launch a console with.Maybe it’s a testament to how big an impact Nintendo thinks this game could have rather than how underwhelming the rest is.@-wc- I think the hope/belief is that the Switch 2 will enhance Switch 1 games due to all the AI upscaling tech.If true makes sense to highlight this by comparing the difference with Metroid no?us metroid fans have come a long, long way…so excited for the direct though :]Haha the old ”should happen, but might not” clause.Doesn’t take much to act like an internet ITK in 2020s, does it? Waddledeeknows…@-wc- the NEW Nintendo 3DS decreased load times on 3DS games. I guess I don’t know if that affected DS games though!I’m just sitting here waiting on the XCX DE review embargo to lift.And so the rumor mill is out in full force.@Vegeta937 “promise” is a bit far fetched to describe a logo in a trailer. I’m sure there’d be complaints (as always), but we all know a game running on both consoles will never look as good on S2 than a game that is exclusive to the new plateform.I’ve been assuming MP4 would be a part of this Direct since it was announced. Wouldn’t surprise me if this is the game’s “real” debut, since what we saw last year wasn’t much more than “Yup, it’s Metroid Prime!”If they add a 3rd person perspective mode I’d be interested in Metroid Prime. Otherwise meh.Even if the fidelity level is “just” around the Prime Remaster, I will be good. Just kinda want more of that, but like more er.This is clown reporting. No one knows who this grifter is and it’s embarrassing linking to bluesky, especially as news.Maybe we’ll get the reveal that Metroid Prime 4 will be able to use the mouse functionality for aiming?It has no release date outside of sometime this year and it is not coming out before the direct. So being announced for switch 2 is a given now. Even last year it seemed like this is also coming to switch 2 with the vague 2025 and how clean the trailer looked. Can’t wait for next month.Remember what I said about keeping rumors vague and not ruining every surprise (surprising or otherwise) before we get to the direct?Yeah, keep that in mind. I can just go full 0-Nintendo Life for the next few weeks, but neither of us really want that.@Zaruboggan Same. As an adult, I can wait for Christmas. No need to peak at the presents. Please save the surprise and wonder for the Direct. 😊@NintendoByNature My exact same thought process. I dunno… Metroid or Mario Kart, hmm… Mario time, noobs!And if there’s a 3D Mario shown? Yeah…This could be a Breath of the Wild moment for Metroid. Shame it hasn’t gotten more marketing and hype beyond just a single trailer, I think Nintendo’s fumbling the bag with this game.I’d only expect it to get significant coverage in something NS2-themed if it were cross-gen like BotW in a similar situation years ago. Except the new system’s backward compatibility makes the long-in-development cross-gens that much more redundant in the first place.@StewdaMegaManNerd unless it’s another Peach or even Daisy/Rosalina entry of Odyssey proportions… shrug@PikminMarioKirby I highly doubt they’ll reveal specs, that’s not really the way they operate.I am hoping the Switch 2 has some mindblowing early game that really hooks me. Don’t really care about Metroid Prime and the likelihood of doing open world slop has me unlikely to bother with the new Mario Kart or 3D Mario so kind of going to need something past that.Honest question:If someone (not me, I’m not a huge Metroid dude) were to use Nintendo because of Metroid 4 not being on Switch as Nintendo kept advertising and promising since the Switch reveal, and that that game was the only reason they bought a switch and when it finally releases it’s also on switch 2 which is 8/9 years later, would they have a case against Nintendo for false advertising?@-wc- Game Boy advance unlocked some stuff in GNC games, most notably: Zelda: Oracle of X/X@MrGawain You’re in luck! Just spend all your time in Morph ball mode Who is this random person, and why should I care about, as he says “something may or may not happen?”@johnedwin What can be BIGGER than a brand new Metroid Prime?? Apart from a new Zelda (which won’t happen, it’s too soon), I can’t think of anything else.@StewdaMegaManNerd As much as I like Mario games, if Metroid Prime 4 is as good as the first one, it will overshadow everything else.@the_beaver a new mario game would have a much bigger impact then metroid prime 4.This random nobody went from saying MP4 would be the biggest thing in the Direct to maybe not being in the Direct in basically the same breath.🤣My prediction – The Switch 2 Direct will be the most exciting Direct that day. Unless Nintendo moves it to a different day.Look at me I’m a prophet.😎I’m actually worried that the Direct will somehow announce NO games, or at most just the launch lineup. I mean I’m probably crazy, but it’s conceivable that they just concentrate on showing off the hardware in more detail and we have to wait until e.g. June for a Direct that actually announces several games (for both Switch and Switch 2).@the_beaver Metroid isn’t anywhere near as popular as Mario. I can’t think of any situation in which a Metroid would overshadow a 2D/3D Mario or Mario Kart.@Tibob ‘Promise’ may be a bit of a strong word, sure. But, it definitely has been stated that it’s coming to Switch 1. And while I fully agree the game would benefit from being developed and optimized for Switch 2 hardware (I know I would be excited to find out that it was), I still feel there would be a huge backlash and outcry if it didn’t run on the system it was originally announced for.@StewdaMegaManNerd Completely agree. But, I think it would benefit Nintendo in the business sense to not have early adopters have to choose between two huge system sellers at launch. If anything, I see it going the Switch 1 route…with Mario Kart at launch, and a new 3D Mario as a holiday release. Of course, this only works if the system launches before the holidays, which I have a strong feeling it will. And it could be the opposite: a new 3D Mario at launch, and Mario Kart during the holidays to push those Christmas sales. Needless to say, I am excited either way.@PikminMarioKirby the Kiwi dude isn’t a leaker. He has a podcast thing on YouTube where he interviews most anyone related to Retro (and Rare and Valve and others). The Retro interviews are extensive. I’m not sure how that small of a channel gets those interview with Retro (from the early days to I’d say about Tropical Freeze time) so he is somehow well connected and it is totally possible he could be in the know for something Retro connected. The channel is actually great and this “leak” would be a first for him far as I know.@rjejr he’s a not a leaker, he’s just super connected to Retro and has a ton of interviews over the years from staff ranging from early Retro to Tropical Freeze (off the top of my head). He has nothing to really gain from this since he’s not a rumor leaker channel. It’s totally possible.Switch 2 mouse support confirmed?@LordDieALot what if Prime 4 was moved to switch 2 to showcase a new wave playing first person shooters using the analog stick on the mouth, like kind of a mishmash between controller movement and mouse look?@Danrenfroe2016 -You may be onto something. The closer we get I think Metorid Prime 4 will be like Breath of the Wild(wii U and Switch) and have a Switch and Switch 2 version.@Dang_69 Interesting! If he’s super connected to Retro and getting info from them, I think we can assume he is somewhat biased toward them and toward Metroid Prime 4. That’s good news as far as I’m concerned since it means that 1) Metroid Prime 4 will probably be in the Direct and also very cool, and 2) there’s probably other great stuff too, and I shouldn’t worry about it all being much less cool than Metroid Prime 4.@LordDieALot For one thing, the Switch technically has mouse support already. If you mean that the Switch 2’s Joy-Cons can be used as mice, then that’s also basically already been confirmed by the reveal trailer and various patents that have been made public.@Theghostofkeithmoon This would seem like an obvious gameplay option to include the mouse functionality. Nintendo could once again further evolve FPS gameplay (even though they consider the Prime series as First Person Adventure). From aiming, and looking around and solving puzzles, switch between weapons the mouse functionality makes complete sense for Metroid Prime 4 and with showcase using MP4 as a …Prime example ( couldn’t help myself!)@LastFootnote Yeah. I know. Refering to the JoyCon Mouse ‘gimmick’ – Metroid Prime 4 would be the perfect title to show it off. Also would not surprise to see 2 versions for this (Switch/Switch2). Just my gut. Could be wrong.I call BS on this, sorry. I’m a huge Metroid fan, but I’m sorry to say that I have absolutely zero faith in Retro or Nintendo producing a Metroid game that gets anywhere near the potential – and is ultimately, and fully, the same Metroid game all over again.If that blows everything else out of the water… then the Switch 2 mustn’t have any big games in the reveal. And thus it is BS, because we already know Mario Kart 9 is 99.9% likely to feature.Metroid Prime 4 making a bigger splash than Mario Kart 9? Everyone needs to calm down, take a deep breathe and accept, factually, this is never going to be true!I’ve always assumed that Prime 4 would be a cross platform game. One purchase, but added Switch 2 visual benefits if played on that console.@Tyranexx exactly it’ll be a great time.Hope they announce Pre-orders open that day. I will be getting mine in..Ive done a lot of thinking and Im confused why people would think MP4 and Mario Kart would be the switch 2 launch titles, the critical thing that will sell the system itself.Metroid is a very niche franchise with narrow appeal, not even an exclusive, and will NOT move units. Mario Kart is a multiplayer game with a large casual audience who will be like “but we have Mario Kart at home with more courses, why should I pay $460 for this one?” Launch titles also serve word of mouth marketing (like BOTW or SM64 hype) so big meaty single player games are the way to go, a multiplayer game will not do that because the only thing to say is “its more Marko Kart, come play with me!” but its so expensive and there are always availability issues at console launch so “come play with me” “Im frustrated that I cant” is BAD publicity. Better to release a couch Multiplayer game when more have had a chance to get the console and gather for holidays.And they would not launch together because Nintendo wants only one flagship release at a time. Theres no Zelda yet, it HAS to be 3D Mario, I see no way around itI am pretty sure Prime 4 will be there, but it will also be playable on the current Switch. And we might also see a new 3D Mario, solely for Switch 2. And the new Mariokart of course, also solely for Switch 2.Speaking of rumors: Strange that there aren’t any rumors on games we do not know about. I find that more interesting then all the rumors on special buttons and special features of the device. It all means nothing without games.@Tibob personally I wouldn’t care but I don’t think that would go over well. Even among gamers a small percentage are bleeding edge enthusiasts the rest are frugal. Most will hold a trailer like a wedding vow and scream “betrayal” at any deviation. Especially if it costs more money. That being said Nintendo does fine with making dual gen launch games (especially with zelda lol) so I suspect there will simply be two versions and then phase out the Switch run after a year on market.@johnedwin For you maybe. I expect MUCH more a new Metroid Prime than a new Mario. We’ve got a lot of 3D Marios in the last 20 years, but 3D Metroids…??@StewdaMegaManNerd I’m talking about my personal experience. In my case, Metroid will always be a priority over any Mario.For example, give me a Metroid Dread 2 any day before a Mario Wonder 2. And I liked Wonder a lot, mind you. It’s just… worse than Dread haha. In my opinion.@the_beaver Cyberpunk 2077, Starfield, Gears of War Collection, Silent Hill 2, Doom: The Dark Ages, Persona 6, Alan Wake 2, Fallout Collection, Dishonored Trilogy, Robocop: Rogue City@-wc- New 3DS enhanced tons of 3DS games. Sometimes it was just better load times but some games like Monster Hunter 4 had higher resolution textures and almost doubled the frame rate when playing on a New 3DS.As long as Switch 2 doesn’t force it to run at Switch clock speeds when playing OG titles we should see games with uncapped frame rates/dynamic resolutions see improvements without any work being done to them. Hopefully Nintendo will allow Switch 2 specific patches thoughI’m still surprised this wasn’t just pushed to switch 2. It would make the most sense as it can really shine as a launch title.@1UP-HUSKY I think they can have their cake and eat it too if this is Switch 2 enhanced and is a drastic improvement over playing it on Switch. They can show it as a clear improvement over the original, and since Switch 2 is so iterative it makes sense to have something they can point to visually that immediately shows why the new console is better.Plus Metroid isn’t the biggest seller historically so being able to sell to an install base of 150+ million makes sense, especially when Prime 4 is likely one of the most expensive games Nintendo has ever made (if not the most expensive).@larryisaman that will most likely be the case, best of both worlds. And like you said this is a expensive game because of it’s development cycle, so it needs to sell big. So having it on both will be best case.Wouldn’t want to see Metroid end up like f-zero and star fox.@Axecon”I think Nintendo’s fumbling the bag with this game.”Prime 4 shouldve come out a couple years after Prime 3. I feel like Nintendo forgot how to do sequels some point along the way 😆imo, we should be on prime 5 or 6 by now, and if they dont have enough ideas to put out prime games at that clip, then spin metroid off again, do something new (again.)waiting an entire generation (of PEOPLE, not game consoles) to release another game in a series is not how you do sequels #freeadvicefornintendo@-wc- We did get Metroid Other M relatively soon after Prime 3, that was supposed to be the next step in the franchise but everyone knows how much of a disaster it ended up being. It’s the game that almost killed the series. Thus began the long era of Nintendo not knowing what to do with Metroid. It’s a notoriously difficult series to develop for, considering it’s the progenitor and main staple of its own genre (just like Zelda is for puzzle/adventuring & Mario is for platforming). It’s really a miracle that we got Primes 2 & 3 as quickly as we did and the fact that they are really good games (Prime 2 being my personal favorite Metroid game). Hopefully Prime 4 really does bring a renaissance for Metroid, even if it’s not as big as BOTW was for Zelda it still has the potential to really push the series into the mainstream.Wouldn’t surprise me if this is the best game at the show, considering Retro’s track record of great games. Regardless, Switch 2 direct will be amazing and I’m so ready for it.Insert Total Recall quote:Two weeks. TWO WEEKS. twwwwOOOOOO WWWWwwwwEEEE3333eeeeKKkkksssssPrime 2 and Prime 3 better be making said splash too!!!The most obvious outcome is cross platform. I just hope we get 2 and 3 remastered as well too.I’m calling it:
Prime 4 will include Prime 2 and 3 (maybe even 1) remakes as a prequel option. Heck, maybe even give us an option to play all 4 in sequence as a massive overall game. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Rumour: Latest Switch 2 Theory Suggests Release Date Might Be Right Around The CornerSalt, pinchedNintendo Museum Launches Keychains That Play Your Favourite Console JinglePortable nostalgiaRumour: Xbox Expected To Join Switch 2 With A New Handheld This YearMicrosoft could be testing the waters…Switch 2 Predicted To Cost “$400 Or More”It could also be the “biggest console launch ever”PSA: Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition Has Reportedly Leaked OnlineSpoiler shields, activate!Game ProfileTitle:Metroid Prime 4: BeyondSystem:Nintendo SwitchPublisher:NintendoDeveloper:Retro StudiosGenre:Action, Adventure, FPSPlayers:1Release Date:Nintendo SwitchSeries:Metroid, Metroid PrimeGuide:Metroid Prime 4: Beyond – Release Date, News, Everything We Know About The New Metroid GameOfficial Site:nintendo.comWhere to buy:Pre Order on Amazon
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