Rumour: God of War Is Taking a ‘Younger’ Kratos Back to Greece – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpMy life is yours!Apparently, the next God of War game is going back to the series’ Greek origins, and will star a “younger” Kratos.That’s according to reliable insider Tom Henderson, speaking on his weekly Insider Gaming podcast.Rumours have been swirling around a new God of War title for ages, with the most recent whispers suggesting that the franchise is going to jump over to Egyptian mythology. However, Henderson mentions that he received information from an unnamed source after those rumours had taken off.”What I’ve been told, [the God of War game] isn’t set in Egypt, it’s actually set in Greece,” he reveals. “And it’s gonna be a younger Kratos this time,” he adds.Henderson then speculates over what this project could actually be. He’s unsure whether it has anything to do with potential remakes or remasters of the original trilogy — which have also been rumoured previously — and there’s a chance that it could be some sort of reboot, or even a prequel.Anubis-ginningHaving said all of this, Henderson doesn’t sound fully convinced with regards to this new rumour’s legitimacy. “So yeah, that’s what I’m hearing at the moment, but like I said, don’t run with it,” he clarifies.Does this article count as running with it? We apologise to Tom if so — but it was just too juicy not to write about!What do you make of this? Would you like to see God of War return to Greece? Wrap those chains around your arms in the comments section below.[source]About Robert RamseyRobert (or Rob if you’re lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he’s played ’em all. A little too much, some might say.Comments 56YES I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO DOWN FOR THIS!!!!I’m not really into this unless it’s a remake of the first game(s). Generally, I’m not into prequels unless they’re exceptional and turn the series on its head a little like Yakuza 0 or Metal Gear Solid 3. But I’m also willing to give it a go and will be happy to be pleasantly surprised.The only way I’d want to go back to Greece is if they remade the original trilogy in the new style. Otherwise,would just prefer they went somewhere new.Absolutely no more prequels set in Greece, ascension was considered the worse gow because they’ve done all they can do in Greece. Now if it’s a remake/remaster of the older games that’s perfectly fineKratos Kidz Greek Mystery Week™I just want to be able to play the whole series on PS5. Either the PS2/PSP originals, or remastered versions (which would likely be necessary for PS3 games).The most entertaining thing i saw set in Greece was Pierce Brosnan singing in Mamma Mia 🤣God of war Ascension was a failure so going back to Greece might not be the best course of action.I’mma huge fan if the original trilogy but I don’t wanna go back to then unless it’s a remaster let’s move forward with the Egyptian narrativeThere were six GoW games set in ancient Greece. Maybe enough is enough?I don’t think there’s still much left to do in the Greek mythology, it already showed in Ascension they were running out of things to do and story to tell, I’d honestly prefer having remasters for the Greek saga (with PSP games please) and set the new entry for a new direction entirely.While i’d prefer a new pantheon of Gods – the Greek deities were thoroughly pillaged already – at the end of the day I have faith in SMS to make a great game, so it doesn’t matter much.a remastered collection of the 6 Greece games yes i can see a reason for that. but frankly we dont need any morePrefer remakes of the original trilogy and also a new one set somewhere else after the events of RagnarokMan I hope not. I hate when games just decide to go the prequel route. Keep going forward but I also feel like God of War should just be out to rest. 2018 and Ragnarok were incredible and ended on a great note. Or just move forward with Atreus as the new lead. Let Kratos rest, man deserves it.God of war 3 is probably still the most epic game intro of all timeIf its true i will welcome that.god of war is amazing.word up sonI don’t want remakes of the older games because I know they would erase all of the cool visual stuff from the original trilogy in favor of their pretentious one-shot camera nonsense.Why go backwards in the timeline now after establishing characters in 2 games?Im fine with taking a breather before Kratos heads to Egypt. But I’d rather see him tackle Christian mythology and watch him punch God in the face.This sounds like it could’ve been whatever Bluepoint’s live service offering was if this isn’t a remake somehow, idk.Im not sure about a game set between the original games and GOW2018.But, its hard to see where they go after GOWR, at least in terms of Kratos.Personally, I would like to see them follow about a year after Ragnarok, with Atreus taking lead as I think there is still a really good story to tell there – and to be honest GOWR felt like a passing of the torch anyway.But, Atreus can always go back to his dad as part of the story, because he is running into difficulties he needs help with, and again there is a story there.Ahh the ole reboot for more $$$ idea. Hard pass. GoW already did it to death, stomped on it, then buried it. Plenty of other mythologies to conquer.Yeah, I dunno about that one. I’m sure it’ll be good, but where do you go with GoW after Ragnarok unless you continue with Atreus? I guess going back in time is the safest thing they could do.Where do you even go with that? That story is told us he’s killed all the noteworthy Greek Myth characters. Nah give me a remaster of the Greek Saga for this year and a Egypt based game for a new direction.Is there even more to tell in Greece after those six games? Maybe a more compact remake featuring the story of the 3 mainline God of War games.Let me punch Jesus Christ or go away.Please also bring back T..C. Carson (No diss to Chris Judge) and the old style gameplay! I’d love classic GOW gameplay on a PS5 game! I beseech thee!!!@Mikey856 Kratos knows how to make an entrance lol.This could actually bring me back to GoW after skipping the last two.I prefer they cover the gap between Greece and the North, and set that in Egypt, as implied by the scene in God Of War 2018.But if they are fixed on Greece as glue on paper, then I hope it’s a Reboot. Played the OG games at least a dozen times each, Remakes/Remasters of those titles are last on my “GoW wish list”.Yes, that sounds perfect God of War can be back. (Million times better than God of Kindergarden)This rumor doesn’t sound convincing at all. And there’s already 7 games and 5 remaster with Greek myth. I rather see Kratos in Egypt, China, or even Japan.God of War stands or falls with Kratos.Atreus, Freya, Thrud…….no one except the modern audience wants a GoW with these characters.and Kratos going back to Greece without Atreus with the gameplay of the new games is a guaranteed successJust lose the RPG elements and make it a proper action game againWouldn’t shock me if they had two titles in development.A return of the old Kratos would be great, but I agree with most comments that it would be hard to do anything interesting with the Greek pantheon after 6 games and the masterpiece GoW3 was.Could we get something like a young Kratos sent by Ares to conquer Egypt? That could be nice…Answer G: I want more God of War, but not sure what setting, or if I even care. I just want more God of War.We had 6 games set in Greece I mean what more can we doHow about no ? His younger self wasn’t that interesting amd we’ve already seen the greek pantheon get killed .With the quality we’ve come to expect from every GoW game, I’m personally fine with whatever direction they decide on, as I know it’ll be a top-notch game and experience. But I’d personally like to see them go in a new direction and maybe tackle Egyptian mythology. I think there’s a LOT of potential there.Greece had it’s time to shine in GoW. We all loved Greece, we all wanted to see Greece’s remnants or a snippet of Greece in the Norse saga (kinda got it with the DLC) but do we really need to tread more ground in the history of a character who is no longer allowing himself to be held back by his past? Remake/remaster what’s come before, sure. It’d be great to play the old stories with a new coat of paint, but I think the more interesting direction for a new game is what comes next for either Kratos or Atreus post-Ragnarok. I genuinely don’t think there’s anything to add to the mythos/Kratos as a character by going back to Greece. It’d feel like, “But did you guys know about this other awful thing that happened while Kratos was in Greece? Spoiler, he killed it.”considering most of the GoW fanbase today didn’t even like the series until they made it an RPG – bad idea. Those of us that liked the originals & the hack n slash gameplay of cut throat kratos are a dying breed. Is there even any of us left at this pointFinally!I just hope we don’t have to drag along a companion, that can’t shut up. And that the camera position and the platforming, is a return to the old style. More focus on fun gameplay, than boring melodrama.@nomither6 I much prefer the originals to the Norse duology in everyway besides story-telling.God of War is probably the only PS franchise that’s been around enough and redefined enough (…once) to achieve Nintendo-esque fan in-fighting over when the series was best.Why not both? There was a lot of crossover between Greek and Egyptian gods, particularly in the wake of Alexander’s conquest of Egypt. Parallel gods were frequently merged together, and I could see that as fertile ground for an entry that explored wars/negotiations between the Greek and Egyptian pantheons. There’s some metaphysical meat on the bone regarding gods with overlapping domains vying for control of the population in the wake of newly porous cultures. My understanding is that the original GoW probably precedes Alexander, so it’s also possible you could wedge a story in between the first and second trilogy where the Egyptian gods are trying to make in-roads into Greece by masquerading as the now dead gods that used to live there.I’m not fluent enough in GoW canon to know for sure, but I’d guess that it might necessitate a reboot to make the timeline work.But my elevator pitch would be to wedge it in between the two existing sagas. The gods haven’t answered the prayers of the Greek for a century or more, but the lack of their petty interference in the drama of humanity has allowed Greece to expand make in-roads into Egypt and elsewhere. With that comes an opportunity for Egyptian deities to expand their reach. In parts of Greece, certain Egyptian gods have been adopted wholesale. Elsewhere, Egyptian gods are posing as their Greek counterparts to expand their base of followers. And obviously given his reputation, a wandering Kratos would be seen as a potential threat. I could see a full game taking place in the outskirts of Greece and the Persian empire before having later entries spill into Egypt and potentially parts of Asia. I think there’s something to play with regarding the understanding that Greece is subsuming these cultures, which are adapting in kind. There’s the opportunity for nuance here. Gods and culture trying to survive and adapt in the wake of conquest, the notion that imperialism changes the inherent DNA of the conquering party, and the question of what people turn to when their native gods are dead. The first two GoW series played with isolated pantheons, but what happens when different faiths are forced to reconcile with one another?I’m all for it, but if they’re going back to the OG Setting I also want them to return to the good old DMC style Hack ‘N Slash gameplay as well (and also set cameras for those beautiful wide shots… Something I was annoyed they removed in Silent Hill 2 Remake btw)unless it’s a remake or remakes of one of the older ones, I don’t see the point. Ascension already proved without a doubt that they’d milked that era dry, and after 5 really good games I can’t even complain about it. If Sony can get their eggs in order, making a Remake trilogy like Crash and Spyro got, where the OG games are brought up to modern visual standards I’d pay for it. Given the PS3 games still look very acceptable to this day, I’d prioritize the PS2 and PSP games for remakes.@KoopaTheGamer there’s already a remastered version of gow 3 on PS4 and holds up pretty well playing it on ps5Can it go back to being a hack and slash like Devil May Cry? I prefer when Kratos was able to Jump, we had a nice story focused fighting system for GOW and Ragnarok but it’s time to go back to fast actionI could only see this happening if it were an FF7R style remake. Alternative timeline were Kratos returns to his younger body and relives the events of the first game, but with the ability to alter how it all plays out.By younger… does he mean younger than in the reboot? Or younger than that? Cause we have had Ascencion and chains of Olympus predating the first game already.I think I would prefer a story with the Egyptian gods in between the original trilogy and the reboot. But whatever. I’m sure they will sort it out.I mean, if they really did that, that would make the reboot games even more pointless than they already are.I get the feeling that the next game will be a sequel in-line with the previous two, but the story will explore young Kratos in Greece. Time travel played a role in the first series.I’d really like remasters of the first trilogy and PSP games. After that, a shorter GoW game about the adventures of Atreus, taking place after Ragnarök. And only then… a HUGE sequel and finale, with Kratos and adult Atreus defeating all of the biggest Egyptian gods. At the very end, I’d like Kratos to become mortal again and find eternal rest. So a satisfying finale of the GoW saga. Atreus could still go on after that though.I would definitely prefer that new games move to a new setting, and I think Egypt would be great. Ancient Latin America (Aztec, Mayan, or Inca) would also be cool.I’d be happy to ALSO get remasters or remakes of the original Greek trilogy (and PSP games). But I definitely wouldn’t want them instead of new games in a new setting. 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