Rumour: Gears of War to Make PS5 Debut with Full Crossplay in Trilogy Collection – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpOrder of the FenixAnother day, another rumour of a tentpole Xbox exclusive coming to PS5.We appreciate these stories aren’t particularly surprising at this point, but this speculation comes courtesy of Spanish tipster eXtas1s, who previously revealed the PlayStation version of Forza Horizon 5, which was officially confirmed earlier this week.But it was never planned for Sony’s systemAccording to the snoopster, Gears of War Trilogy Collection will launch day one on PS5, alongside Xbox Series X|S and PC. There’ll be full crossplay between all three versions of the game.As the name implies, the package will feature the first three Gears of War titles, which originally launched on the Xbox 360. Funnily enough, a PS3 version of Gears of War 3 actually exists, as Epic owned the franchise and was considering taking it multiformat before eventually selling the intellectual property to Microsoft.As that port was never finished, however, this collection would mark the series’ PlayStation debut, assuming the information is correct. It’d also introduce PS5 owners to the franchise ahead of the release of new entry, Gears of War E-Day, which has also been rumoured for Sony’s system.[source]About Sammy BarkerAs the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.Comments 80More like Gears of BORE! Am I right?I’m sorry, just don’t like Gears and I saw the opportunity to be facetious and took it.its only 4 gamesThis collection has been rumoured for ages now, just announce and release the damn thing!I’d actually play these tbhI only liked the horde mode from Gears 2. Wasn’t much of a fan of any of the other games.This is the one series I think would be incredible on PlayStation. I’m looking forward to playing it soon.I wonder what an alternate reality where Epic continued with Gears of War instead of creating Fortnite would’ve looked like.It’s getting like Noah’s Ark this. Xbox exclusives coming in two by two.not sure how they will get xbox 360 games to run on ps5 because gears of war ultimate edition is an xbox one game but gears 2 and 3 are xbox 360 games running via backwards compatibilityI wonder how they will hold up in modern times because they are quintessentially of that 360 era, lots of grey and brown and when everything became a cover shooter!Having said that, if you can look past the dude bro presentation they are great to play and there is some real heart felt stuff in there too.@trev666 by natively porting them? Like that’s how you get a game to run on a new platform, through a native port.But even then they could just run in a 360 emulator. It’s not like the Switch and Xbox don’t have PlayStation emulators running some collections like Mega Man (8 and X4 to X8)@trev666 I think this trilogy will be a remake/remaster running on a new engine. Similar to the Gears of War ultimate edition.@UltimateOtaku91@darkswabber i think that they will port gears ultimate edition and emulate gears 2 and 3they arnt going to spend the money remaking them all in unreal engine 5Never been a fan of these games, but glad it’ll make its debut for Playstation players.Are these at all like Space Marine 2? If so, id definitely buy the collection lolI liked them on the 360, but probably not enough for me to replay them. I’d take a Fable trilogy remaster or remake in a heartbeat though.I’m waiting for more unique offerings. Gears and Halo I’ve played and have zero desire to revisit. They’ll likely be the big hits for most PlayStation users, though.really wasn’t a fan of the later gears games, but a polished up Marcus Fenix trilogy with a horde mode with maps from all 3 games with cross-play would be amazing. really hope this is true.@trev666 you can already get those games on gamepass and they also included them with gears 4. The only way to sell them to the xbox crowd would be to at least remake gears 2 and 3 and bundle with ultimate.Gotta speculate to accumulate.The nostalgia alone will be awesome. Shoot, I’ll even pony up for PS+ for a month to play some multiplayer.Gears of war is the first x box games back then i always wanted to play.word up sonI have a lot of fond memories of the Gears trilogy, specifically the multiplayer in 3. My friend and I spent countless hours playing split screen against bots and the horde mode. Good times.The original was atmospheric and had a bit of a horror tinge to it. Something that disappeared as the series went on.Really hope the new game returns to that vibe.It’s the series that pushed me back to playstation after jumping over to the X360. I just didn’t like it and it was absolutely huge, I just couldn’t see a future for Xbox where it wasn’t dominated by sci-fi shooters.If someone had tpld me 10 years ago that Gears would possibly release on PlayStation one day, I would’ve laughed at them.This is the one I’m waiting for@somnambulance no your not@trev666 maybe finally getting remastered versions or something.There’s been rumours of remakes of 2 and 3 for quite some time as well@Majin_Deicide Similar and yet very different. You can go in for the chainsaw bayonet kill but there isn’t any proper melee combat like in Space Marine. However the shooting is much better and it pretty much defined the cover shooter. I played them all on release and enjoyed the first 3, especially in coop. Whether they still hold up though, that would be personal preference as you don’t get any snap to cover shooters and on the harder difficulties with CPU’s… can get quite frustrating.I was pretty chuffed about finishing the first game alone on insane though 🤣My wallet is going to be hurting this year (if the rumours are true): Master Chief Collection, Gears Collection, Borderlands 4, GTA 6…crazy year. Gears and Halo were the two franchises I was saddest to ditch when I moved back to PlayStation, and I’m so glad that I’ll be able to play them on PS5 (hopefully). Microsoft will also make a mint if they release these. Win/win! I know some Xbox fans will be disappointed, but at least there’ll be a bigger pool of players for multiplayer.@cakeashi who they selling them to on xbox? way less users and xbox players hardly buy games they play them on gamepass.they are making a trilogy collection to sell to PlayStation and pc playersThis one I’m definitely looking forward toI have only played the clone Quantum Theory that was for PS3 but I definitely want to try the real thing now, sign me up if true!I am ready for thisAnother another article on Xbox games coming to PlayStation how about we just have one article every Xbox gaming to PlayStation done. Purexbox might as well merge with this one too@Medic_alert just like what happened to NGB2. The game was released on 360. Remaked with UE5 for current generation consoles.@trev666 They’re not getting a 360 emulator running on PS5. Occam’s razor, dude.But are Gears 2 and 3 remastered/remakes, or just ports of the old backwards compatible 360 versions?No Judgment? Odd. But yeah, this would be great.I don’t know much of Gears of War other than it being popular cover shooters if it gets a release on Ps5 I might check it out later unless its cheap@Dr_ENT sorry can’t work out NGB2. I’m sure it will be obvious once you tell me.I’ve told myself that I won’t buy any games this year as I have more than enough in the library however this is one of the exceptions to that rule.Would love to earn the platinum for all three but I do hope there’s no MP trophies. As much as I love the series I loathe the PvP MP.@Medic_alert Ninja Garden Black 2.@MrPeanutbutterz thank you, was never getting that one.@Dr_ENT I suspect your reply was to Trev rather than myself.@Medic_alert I wouldn’t either, only for the fact I had just finished watching a video about it!It’s quite telling that this is apparently just the first three games, combined with the new game being a prequel. It seems they’re moving away from the direction of Gears 4 and 5.Gears of War is amazing! Actually one of the last games that allow for proper split screen play (great for a gathering), with the split screen working in all modes (PVE, PVP, campaign). I have some of the beat gaming memories of my life playing Gears of War. The original trilogy is one of the highest rated trilogies of all time, don’t sleep on this absolute gem.I only played the first one as I still had a gaming PC back then and the other 2 only launched on Xbox. Loved it. Would definitely play the trilogy.Back in the day , I was a rather excellent GOW player, I made some great friends some of which I still talk to , I was known should we say , winner of competitions etc etc, as of now a ps player, I’d relish the chance to kick some xbox ass , give me gears now, frag out 😁@Alps_Stranger I don’t think anyone wants to play Judgement or wants to remember it. That game was such a disappointment.@AgentMantis Starting to feel the same way about playstation and constant gacha and rpg’s.this and the halo collection on the ps5 is going to sell a tonCompleted the first 2 via co op and they were amazing games to play. Defenately the xbox game i would consider buying if it made it to PS in an upscaled form. I wont be paying for straight ports.This is ridiculous, Microsoft lost the plot. This sucks for PlayStation gamers mostly though becuase now that Xbox is just an unofficial 3rd party developer, that means we’re stuck with Sony being lazy due to no competition. I pray to God that Steam and Nintendo REALLY start bringing the heat here.All that said, I’m going to buy a physical copy and possibly never open it, just to take in that we never thought we’d see the day of Gears on PlayStation.@trev666 it literally says for series x in the article@Medic_alert the gray and brown is the charm of this series , the original gears 1 and gears of war 2 are arguably still the best looking gears of war games because of its artstyle despite later games having higher resolution and pixelsi don’t know why every single game nowadays needs to be oversaturated fortnite looking garbage , but if they keep these games original looks it’ll be a breath of fresh air@JokerBoy322 i agree to an extent. if $ony actually shared games back then it wouldn’t be so bad , but they’re not. so they can just continue coasting off the ps4’s merits and watch the ps5 sell itself while they keep ignoring their own dormant exclusives because M$ has them covered…& the entire industry except only one (nintendo) .@TimelessJubilee I actually never got around to it so I was unaware.@Ralizah yes! It was definitely ground-breaking at the time too. A big leap forward in graphics and the third-person cover-to-cover movement.@trev666 They’re going to port them, yeah.@JokerBoy322 Sony has tons and tons of competition.@cakeashi Halo masterchief collection is an xbox one game that runs some xbox 360 versions of the games and that is the way i suspect they will do the Marcus fenix collectionWhen I had my 360 and even when I have my Xbox one I tried several times to get into Gears and never could.Not sure why but just never clicked with me.I’ll pass on this and get Halo and hope for Hellblade 2 and Ori. Looking forward to Indy tooGears of War Ultimate edition on PC via Microsoft store doesn’t even work I mean you just get a black screen that’s it when you hit play. It comes to steam I’ll be getting it again I haven’t played since it launched on 360 and played co op with my friend online the best years of Xbox 360 may I addNice, this was the rumour I was waiting for.On the one hand, these strategies of Microsoft’s will force a ceiling on Xbox and Game Pass sales (although I’m sure a non-3rd party games version of GP will eventually reach PS), but on the other hand, MS will make a lot of money from selling these famous Xbox/Activision/etc. games. It’s hard to tell if it’s a good move or not. God knows how it’ll affect the 10th gen.They are very old games but great in their own way, especially back in the day and really got me into xbox360. I’m not a go back and play type of gamer even if given a fresh lick of paint.I did enjoy gears 4 and 5 to a point. Gears E Day is the one I’m waiting for and will played on game pass.Never liked 3, but a decent remake/remaster of the campaign from 2 would be amazing to play again.
Fantastic gameplay, gunplay, level design, world-bulding – just a pity about the awful dudebro dialogue and characters – first time around I had to mute the dialgoue and put subtitles on instead.Having the actual dialogue/voice acting on is like being constatly hit over the head with a 13 year old boy’s idea of what gritty scifi is like.Cool. I enjoyed the first couple of Gears games. The controls and the weapons (tilts hat to the chainsaw gun) felt good and the graphics were great.@AdamNovice PS5 needs them, one AAA First Party exclusive a year is nowhere near enough.How about some actual platform exclusives sony/Microsoft? You know the reason we bought a ps5 and series x? Remember them ? This is the generation I worked out I will not be buying each platform next time, pointless.I’m more likely to try these games than the Halo games. Still, I don’t know for sure if I ever will.I’m just annoyed that it will mess with my ability to use the abbreviation of “GoW” without causing confusion between this franchise and the one with Kratos. 😅I remember playing gears of war 2 on my 360. I was not too impressed. For some reason, Judgement was intriguing me more. Same with Halo. Reach seems to be more interesting to me, but i don’t play FPS shooter games.Either way, nothing i would buy. Just judgement for curiosity if it was on the very cheap.@trev666 I know, i have it on xbox one.I still think they’ll remake 2 and 3 at leastIf true, I’m all over this. Gears Of War is one of the very few MS proprietary games I’ve ever really wanted to play. And while we’re at it, I’d like Halo and Sunset Overdrive as well please and thank you!You know what would be really cool, if they released that Dead Rising sequel, that never came out of Xbox. Maybe then I’d dive into that series.Maybe they can release remakes of the whole collection on PS5. That would be even more awesome.But do we get the OG Gears online experience of kids whining about people using the lancer chainsaw, and updates on how their relationship with my mum is going? It’d be 10/10 nostalgia for me if we do!@Rog-X I mean it’s about on average for what the PS4 has, besides Ghost of Yotei and Death Stranding 2 are already two big games coming.I’m honestly hoping we get Rare Replay because cross-platform online Perfect Dark 64 is the frikkin dream. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…PS Plus Essential Games for February 2025 Announced3 more PS5, PS4 titles incomingClair Obscur: Expedition 33 Is So Popular the Dev Can’t Meet Collector’s Edition DemandSold outPS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 Themes on PS5 Will Leave Tomorrow, But Sony Is Working to Bring Them BackThey’ll return “in the months ahead”Sniper Elite Resistance: Dead Drop – All Collectibles: Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, WorkbenchesEvery collectible in Dead Drop revealedForza Horizon 5 Confirmed for PS5, Out This SpringAnother one 19News Returnal Inspired Anime Shooter Scar-Lead Salvation Skipping PS5, PS4 in the West 23News Old But Not Forgotten, Far Cry New Dawn Gets 60fps Patch on PS5 33News Classic The Sims Launches on PC, But No Sign of the PS2 Versions 64Guide GTA 6: Everything We Know So Far 22Guide Upcoming PS5 Games for February and March 2025News PS Plus Essential Games for February 2025 AnnouncedNews Clair Obscur: Expedition 33 Is So Popular the Dev Can’t Meet Collector’s…Guide Sniper Elite Resistance: Dead Drop – All Collectibles: Personal Letters,…News PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 Themes on PS5 Will Leave Tomorrow, But Sony Is Workin…Guide Sniper Elite Resistance: All Workbenches LocationsNews Forza Horizon 5 Confirmed for PS5, Out This SpringGuide Sniper Elite Resistance: Sonderzüge Sabotage – All Collectibles: Person…News New God of War Ragnarok PS5, PS4 Patch Unlocks New Game+ Armor SetGuide Sniper Elite Resistance Guide: 100% Collectibles WalkthroughNews PS5 Remake Ninja Gaiden 2 Black to Get Even Better Next MonthPopular Right NowShow More Join 440,949 people following Push Square:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information