[RD/TB02] Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact remaining reprints – YGOrganization

Nothing terribly surprising considering the content of the set to be found here.RD/TB02-JP004 – Black Skull Dragon
RD/TB02-JP008 – Meteor Black Mars Dragon
RD/TB02-JP009 – Meteor Black Drake
RD/TB02-JP010 – Meteor Swarm Dragon
RD/TB02-JP014 – Rocket Satellite Medic
RD/TB02-JP015 – Red-Eyes Moon Dragon
RD/TB02-JP018 – Meteorite Dragon’s Chick
RD/TB02-JP019 – Cul-de-sac the Faceless
RD/TB02-JP020 – Archfiend Warrior
RD/TB02-JP024 – Class-Change Mirror
RD/TB02-JP027 – Inferno Fire Blast
RD/TB02-JP040 – Ritzy King Rex
RD/TB02-JP044 – Rage Wrecker Dragon Angerogue
RD/TB02-JP045 – Dino Skeleton Pushcera
RD/TB02-JP070 – Animagica Witch
RD/TB02-JP071 – Deep Sea Dragon Bat Eel
RD/TB02-JP072 – Star Replacer
RD/TB02-JP073 – Star Restart
RD/TB02-JP075 – Fusion
RD/TB02-JP079 – Mirage Dragon
RD/TB02-JP081 – Upstart GoblinSource: Konami.comOne of Yugipedia’s anime and manga experts. I usually cover merchandise and TCG set spoilers. I enjoy all the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and have a passion for anything dinosaur-related.🙁Some reprints here were expected and others were necessary due to demand.– Summoned Skull has almost all of its independent support useful for the arrival of Summoned Skull support for Galactica of Eternity.
– It’s sad that we haven’t gotten any additional Dinosaur-related Upstart Goblin support. It was the main trick to Dinosaur as was Metarion’s Monster Type Counter.
– The Animagica Witch reprint is not only for Animagica Deck, but it also pairs well with Delirium. The rare reprint here is Deep Sea Dragon Bat Eel. While I understand that it pairs well with Red-Eyes’s Maximum, I doubt you’d want to run Sea Serpents in your Red-Eyes Deck.Meteor is already a Multitype deck, Bat Eel isn’t a bad tech option.People won’t run maximums in red-eyes decks, it doest fitAs for how the three Decks ended up, my Ranking is as follows: Delirium >= Red-Eyes > Dinosaur.– Delirium has the potential to be the most competent and the Meta favors its Super Poly Strategy (LIGHT Decks). However, I feel that its Boss Monsters are somewhat weak and its Main Monsters are somewhat vulnerable to many things.
– Red-Eyes has the potential to rise in the Meta since it received decent tools for its Fusion Strategy. I have doubts if the Maximum strategy will take off, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a Japanese player creates a craze and makes that strategy work.
– Dinosaur is the most disappointing in the end: I don’t think the tools for Maximum Strategy are enough, but also the Fusion and Normal Strategy are outdated or bad since it didn’t receive good things.Only Japanese can play rush, so of course its going to be a japanese player to create itWow this pack was underwhelmingI’m surprised we didn’t get a Dead End or Alligator’s Black Knight reprint in here.hi
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Source: https://ygorganization.com/redeyeddinosaurmothwomen/