Random: Geez, PS5 Game ‘Anime Life Sim’ Sure Looks Familiar – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpIt’s a wild word out thereThis year marks five years since the last mainline Animal Crossing game launched. Animal Crossing: New Horizons came out at the perfect time and made an absolutely huge splash worldwide. But with its fifth anniversary fast approaching, we’re sure lots of fans are champing at the bit for a new game.So, if you were browsing the PlayStation Store over the weekend and thought you spotted an Animal Crossing gamer, no, your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you. As our friends over at Good Vibes Gaming have pointed out, there’s a game that looks an awful lot like Animal Crossing on there.Anime Life Sim, which is apparently launching in February 2026, isn’t even trying to hide the similarities it shares with Nintendo’s popular life sim series. It promises to let you “Create your perfect anime life” by building “your dream home” befriending animals, and going on adventures. You can go fishing, collect fossils, catch bugs, plant flowers, and craft items. You can even run your own shop and organise town events.Okay, so there are some differences there — after all, Animal Crossing didn’t invent the life sim genre. But we’re not talking about gameplay, for the most part; one glance at the screenshots should tell you everything you need to know.The grass texture and character eye shapes take a heck of a lot of notes from Animal Crossing, as do some of the animal residents. The wolf, bear, and moose villagers are incredibly evocative of their AC equivalents — even if the moose has huge antlers. How does it fit through the doors?But, as GVG highlights, there are other red flags in a few of the screenshots. Namely, some of the images and characters look like they’re AI-generated.Take the image on the left, below — on the right it looks like there’s a grill or an oven, but there are things on the “appliance” that absolutely do not line up with our idea of an oven. The table in the background, too, is also completely misshapen, with chairs and wood that overlap one another.Then, the image on the right — we have no idea what that is on the shelf on the right, but the most glaring thing to notice is the character’s eyes. They’re completely different shapes.Publisher and developer Maksym Vysochanskyy trading as IndieGames3000 (yep, that’s the name) has a bit of a reputation for this kind of “asset flipping”. Just a few months ago, a Monster Hunter clone popped up on the PlayStation store. And if you search for them on PS Deals, you’ll spot other gems like TCG Card Shop Manager, Anime Girls Military Strike, and City Bus Driving Simulator.In fact, we recognised a few of the games in the list above, and it just so happens that a few of them are also on the Switch eShop, albeit under different publisher names.Rainbow Ascend: Anime Girls Go Up is published by BurleaGamesStudio. World War II City Rebirth Tycoon and Cyberpunk Speed Assassin are both available thanks to Tashlik. And SimulaMaker has brought us delights such as Pet Clinic Simulator and the aforementioned Anime Girls Military Strike.We’re only scratching the surface here — Restaurant Tycoon Simulator uses different thumbnails but the screenshots are identical between the PSN page and the eShop one, for example. The sheer number of them is still surprising to us.We’re sure Anime Life Sim won’t make its projected 2026 release date — that Monster Hunter clone was pulled from PSN, after all, and other examples such as that Last of Us copycat and the Unpacking clone have all been taken down. But, as a warning, just be careful out there folks.Thank you again to Good Vibes Gaming for bringing this to our attention!Sea of low-qualityWhat’s in the boooox?[source store.playstation.com, via youtu.be]About Alana HaguesAlana has been with Nintendo Life since 2022, and while RPGs are her first love, Nintendo is a close second. She enjoys nothing more than overthinking battle strategies, characters, and stories. She also wishes she was a Sega air pirate.Comments 88Haha wow. If nintendo goes after pallworld i expect this will followSeems like another lawsuit approachingAlso that side-by-side picture makes me think this could be partially made by AI, but I’m no expert at telling that kind of stuff 😆Animal Crossing: At HomeI haven’t played much Animal Crossing so if you’d tell me that this is Animal Crossing I’d 100% believe itAnimal Crossing: AI Edition.PS fans: “We have ACNH at home!”
The ACNH at home:EDIT: @LadyCharlie beat me to that joke lolMy main takeaway from this is that I’d kind of like Animal Crossing to adopt a slightly darker palette. The slightly moodier colors here fit the general look nicely.Okay, unlike Palworld I fully understand if Nintendo wants to sue over this.Hmm, I think I’ve seen this somewhere before…Skyrim?It’s so depressing seeing ripoffs like this get made. Make something unique rather than trying to trick people for a few bucks.Donno if this would be it but Animal Crossing could use some competition, they kinda dropped the ball with the latest one.Again, I wish people were more careful before making purchases first and foremost (although I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo eventually took action in this case just like The Pokémon Company did against several Chinese companies) – this coming to PS5 alone should tell you that this isn’t Animal Crossing…@Expa0 No they didn’t. It was fantastic.All the competitors, or lack there of, want to be like Nintendo.but the most glaring thing to notice is the character’s eyes. They’re completely different shapes.I regret my decision of zooming in on said image. Now those eyes are gonna be on my nightmares tonight.Animal Crossing: Temu EditionTo all the people saying Nintendo will/should sue, how? Does Nintendo own the exclusive rights to the fonts, themes and type of gameplay featured in Animal Crossing?@Keegsy Not really. Are there some blatant obvious ones? Yes, but this is true for every popular franchise.However, every game dev, including Nintendo borrows ideas from other popular franchises.This is 100% AI generatedAaaand lawsuit in 3, 2, 1….I was going to make a joke about it being Hello Kitty Island Adventure that releases in 2 weeks but nah, it’s just AC.This is just sad…Lawsuit in 3, 2, 1…How blatantly do you want your homework copied? LmaoPeople are really just begging Nintendo for a fight lately. Do they think their lawyers have gone soft or something?@YunoboCo Agreed! The items on display in the homes and outside are really hard to make sense of 😥Sony doesn’t even try to moderate or look at whatever slop people want to put up on their store. It’s wild.OH YUP THATS A LAWSUIT SEE YA IN COURT 💀@CooCooKaChoo Honestly 😭Could have atleast called it “Anime Crossing”Animal Crossing: Doubutsu no Mercy from NintendoThe Nintendo Ninjas are on the attack!An anime inspired life sim sounds like it could be interesting but this looks nothing like that. Just a rip off. Anime shouldn’t be in the title.I dont understand why companies or people have the need to copy the game source of a succesful game🤷Then they will cry foul and their mother when the project is shutdown🤦 This is a ripoff and the chance that Nintendo will say something about it is quite high. They better prepare for trouble and make it double.Yikes. I know people love to bring up how these clone games are “competition” for Nintendo’s games, but this isn’t it. Just a straight rip off at this point.Given all the copy & paste slop on the Switch eshop already, I assume there won’t be any issue with this!Oh no, not something inspired by Nintendo’s second least exciting franchise, whatever will we do.@Joeynator3000 is that ur cat?The graphics look like what Animal Crossing would look like if it were developed by GameFreak. LOL.Are you kidding me? They barely tried to make it different.I literally thought this was a picture from animal crossing when I saw it… This is rather blatant, innit?This is just Animal Crossing. Where’s the game where I can play as a girl who is late to school, running with a slice of buttered toast in her mouth?Ngl, I wouldn’t mind playing this.This isn’t even TRYING to hide it.This is just blatantly copying ACNHIn a few months time, the ruthless Nintendo Ninjas will rise… so will it be copyright or patent infringement for this one? I can’t wait for all the crying in the future because Temu’s Animal Crossing is done.I don’t think they will even bother suing this as it’s clearly not a game that actually exists, just a bunch of surprisingly convincing AI junk.And here come the nintendo ninjas in 3,2,1 and boom instant lawsuit ….Nintendo innovates while snoy- oops I mean sony immitates.@burninmylight Yawn. This is scummy cheap and lazy game design, If you even wanna call it that. If you don’t make an example of it, you’ll get 10 more.They should have called it a mod it would have got a much better reception.People worried about AI taking over and they can’t even get cartoon eyes correct. We’ll spot their attempted takeover in seconds unless they up their game.Nintendoes what playsta-sucks at.@axelhanderfrom one AC hater to another: what is your personal “least interesting” nintendo franchise?@Expa0 dropped the ball how? The game did amazingly well, and from someone whose played every AC game it was by far the best one and the regular updates and expansion were all good. So please exain how they apparently “dropped the ball”?That aside and back to the article, this is one instance where I hope Nintendo sues these Devs kif we can call them that since it does appear very much ai generated) because this is an absolute blatant rip off/plagiarismof Animal Crossing.@-wc- “AC hater”? Do you really let a mundane game get to you that badly? What did it do, make you realize that you have the creativity of a tube sock? Like, I don’t like Fortnite, but I don’t go out of my way to actively hate it. That’s just a super weird thing to waste energy on.@BloodWolfe The amount of customization and player control takes away from the life sim aspect, you never have to deal with villagers leaving or anything like that since they always need to have your permission first, that just totally misses the point of what Animal Crossing is. The villager dialogue is super repetive and just way too nice, the earlier games had bit more of an edge to them.And then the customization and terraforming features themselves are still limited and cumbersome to use, so it fails in that side too.It just hits this awful middle ground that doesn’t really satisfy either side, but for me personally the series has just lost its identity with this entry and they really need to rehaul the entire villager dialogue system, it’s pretty telling that the game itself treats talking to the villagers as a “chore” from which you gain points from.Another Russian scam. I hope Nintendo slaps him with a lawsuit.@Expa0
But, I like the ACNH features when the villagers never moving out by themselves, the game emphasizes more designing like The Sims, the villagers have less yada yada yada, no freaking Mr resetti, that’s why I have played ACNH for more than 1055 hours and will keep playing ACNH.
I don’t even like the antics from Animal Crossing GameCube version with punishment and penalty for not playing the game everyday.Also, the audacity from the developer who blatantly copycat Animal Crossing game with AI style. They will face with the consequences for their action.@Expa0 So in a shooter, when you gain points from getting headshots or whatever, that also means it’s pretty telling that it treats this aspect as a “chore”? That honestly makes zero sense to me and seems like you’re just grasping at straws..@CooCooKaChoo Animal Crossing: You ThiefThis is somehow more blatant than Palworld.Pre-neutered Resetti would have been furious.Now he’s just a sorry, passionless husk of a man… 😞Hopefully Nintendo can file a lawsuit against this without everybody acting like they’re being a bunch of jerks.This gets me so irritated. It’s not the copying in itself, it’s the use of AI and the trickery trying to deceive folks, and the sheer cluttering of the shops with literal trash. I have no respect for these people.@Expa0 Fair points, and the first paragraph ya you’re right I forgot about the whole needing our permission to leave part, which was weird.I liked the terraforming and customization aspects enough, but too each their own.Dialogue I can agree needs to be better too. I just didn’t bother talking to villagers too often and went about my own business with everything else lol.I see it’s more when you say “dropped the ball” is more your personal opinion, which is fine as everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I guess I just misunderstood the original statement. I get you now.I can’t help but wonder if this is a kind of side-gig hackers toy around with when they’re not busy stealing data and holding up businesses, schools, and hospitals for ransom?It’s high time for the eshop and its peers to get with the times and CURATE and remove this ripoff AI schlock.@JoomI was being a bit tongue-in-cheek, frankly. I don’t actually hate AC, but I have a complicated and lengthy history with it and I don’t feel compelled to play it anymore. ✌️ it’s a fine game though.(I do realize that’s impossible to get from my words as written 😂 thanks for taking the time to ask.)Animal CrossplatformEven the title seems AI generated. If you only keep the A as a capital letter, the acronym reads “Als”.As if the 2020-2021 period of the game isn’t relevant anymore like why a ripoff now of all times? It’s just stupid.Better store curation just doesn’t happen it seems, sigh. Why act like the Play/App store, be better console makers. Or is it once Last of Us clone was on Switch, oh when it suits them. XDA lot is very similar and probably crosses some line of Nintendo’s for sure or like with others the licensing/patent edges to not be crossed not just Nintendo pushing for things as the lines for a ripoff yeah it’s pretty clear here.Some features seem odd too, some games are strictly that way for challenge or immersion or balance. They can be annoying but sometimes they make a game/series what it is. You can get used to it over time or just find others that are ‘better’ instead besides their theme differences, mechanically differences. Or a different entry as well.Palworld was just Ark with tweaks and a survival game so it was different, the mechanic sure even if mods have done similar in other games like Minecraft and the Zelda BOTW/TOTKT style climbing/Pokemon looking creatures is something. But I respect what Palworld could do when it took inspiration but still did so much of it’s own thing I respect it for sure as a survival game fan that isn’t really into them that much anymore.I dislike how nostalgic Indies can be and audiences eat it up and I want more originality then the inspiration given and focus on them but ripoffs like this are just disgustingly stupid.They are too lazy to make their own, cut corners to even try and think oh we will fool people that don’t understand licensing or go ‘but I want this on other platforms’ well make your own and a valid one not a garbage one.It really isn’t that hard to understand how licensing works (the artstyle/models and more sure it’s convincing, I’ve never played Animal Crossing [eventually I may but not right now, I may get New Leaf or something, maybe New Horizons eventually, I’ve done research at least to know what the series is like and each entry] but I can still tell the difference in some details) but people are so stupid in their normal minds they deserve to be fooled if they can’t understand the simplest things.We gamers can because we use our brains, pay attention to things and it doesn’t require much brainpower for licensing or other things to work it out and ‘why’ Animal Crossing is only on a Nintendo platform since N64/GameCube.I don’t complain going ‘but but but Cruis’n is only on Nintendo’ I go yeah and that’s totally fine. Besides I’m interested in Cruis’n Blast when I get the chance but otherwise there are plenty of other arcade racers just not in the same way it is and that’s totally fine.Nah you gotta sue emNintendo lawyers are in position!
Wonder Twin powers activate, form of a lawsuit!This is insane… it’s literally animal crossing XD Even the text bubble is the same this is a pure copyThis crime must be punished@The-Chosen-one It’ll probably be even worse for this thing. Palworld only really copies some aspects from Pokemon, while this thing just straight up looks like a one-to-one ripoff of Animal Crossing.Inspiration is one thing. Look at Astro bot, clearly inspired by Mario, especially Galaxy but it did its own thing. This is just pure copying.Sony does what Nintendid.If it does Animal Crossing better than Animal Crossing then cool but if it doesn’t this doesn’t interest me much.Whoa whoa whoa lol. I literally thought it was animal crossing in the article photo.I at least think palworld tried to be somewhat distinct rather then, at least the gameplay is different and some of its systems. But this looks exactly like animal crossing. A they would have been much better off choosing a different inspired artstyle and just used people or whatever creature they wanted that wasn’t animals lol.You have to wonder how the developers explain to themselves that this is not a rip-off, or how do they convince themselves to work on a copy of a well known franchise instead of creating something original.Will a sit on your ass PS in one room audience go for this in enough numbers though? I’m surprised they took this long to have a go at an Animal Crossing “copy”.Would you like Animal Crossing but darker, uglier, with less charm and featuring some very wonky and almost certainly AI generated textures? Then do we have the product for you!The PlayStation already had its own Animal Crossing-esque life sim game.Nintendo lawyers: “Ha *****, here we go again.”They’re not even trying to do something original. Please Nintendo, sue them.GETTEM NINTENDO NINJA’s!!!I am all for competition and borrowing ideas to make something different. But this is just blatant. They could have went with a Voxel graphics design and they would have been fine. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Random: Geez, PS5 Game ‘Anime Life Sim’ Sure Looks FamiliarIt’s a wild word out thereRandom: Let’s Be Thankful The ‘Switch 2’ Won’t Be As Big As Acer’s Ridiculous New HandheldC’mon, what is that?Random: Metroid Prime 4 ‘OG’ Amazon Pre-Orders Are Being CancelledThe game was first announced in 2017Random: Switch Players Report Game Cards Being Swapped Out For Googly EyesGet a look at this!Review: LEGO Animal Crossing – Stargazing With Celeste – A Cute Little Set, Though Not Quite StellarStarry-eyed surprise 34News Lunar Remastered Collection Brings Classic JRPG Series To Switch This April 32Round Up The Reviews Are In For Donkey Kong Country Returns HD 13News Rusty Rabbit, From The Creator Of Psycho-Pass, Is The Most Bonkers Metroidvania Ever 23News Acclaimed Horror Hit ‘Soma’ Is Finally Coming To Switch 73News Retro Staff Credits Removed From Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, Forever Entertainment Confirmed As DevsNews Nintendo Breaks Silence On ‘Switch 2’ Image And Video LeaksNews Is This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?Random Geez, PS5 Game ‘Anime Life Sim’ Sure Looks FamiliarRumour ‘Switch 2’ Will Reportedly Be Officially Revealed This ThursdayNews Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Tops Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Games Of All TimeRumour Switch Virtual Console Was Apparently Nintendo’s “Original Plan”News Switch’s First ‘Rebootless Update’ Of 2025 Is Now Live, Here Are The Det…Feature 8 Games That Defined The Switch GenerationReview Freedom Wars Remastered (Switch) – A Fair Reprieve For One Of PS Vita’s …Rumour New ‘Switch 2’ Leak Suggests Console Will Require A 60W ChargerPopular Right NowShow More Join 1,469,216 people following Nintendo Life:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information
Source: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2025/01/random-geez-ps5-game-anime-life-sim-sure-looks-familiar