PSVR2 Misses Out on Civilization 7 VR – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpExclusive to Meta Quest 3 headsets2K has announced it’s developing a VR version of Civilization VII alongside PlaySide Studios, but you won’t get to play it on PSVR2. Instead, the virtual reality adaptation releases exclusively for Meta Quest 3 and 3S headsets in Spring 2025.Unlike the well-received Batman: Arkham Shadow, for example, the VR version of Civilization VII is not being developed in-house at Oculus Studios. A deal may have been put in place to keep it exclusive to the high-end Meta Quest headsets — though that’s unconfirmed — but either way, PSVR2 will not see this additional version of Civilization VII despite the base game releasing on PS5, PS4 next week.In the VR version, the map takes shape on a Command Table where you can peer down from above at the action. From this perspective, you’re able “to strategize your moves or lean all the way in to appreciate the finer details of your scouts, cities, armies, and Wonders. Watch your empire grow from your own museum looking out onto a vista personalized to your leader, or toggle to mixed reality at any time and the Command Table will adapt to its placement in your physical space.”At this point, it’s not uncommon for major VR titles to skip PSVR2 due to its small user base. Sony has never released sales numbers for the headset, and former PlayStation executive Shuhei Yoshida recently even apologised for how the device has flopped.Would you have wanted to play Civilization VII in PSVR2? Let us know in the comments below.[source]About Liam CroftLiam grew up with a PlayStation controller in his hands and a love for Metal Gear Solid. Nowadays, he’s found playing the latest and greatest PS5 games as well as supporting Derby County. That last detail is his downfall.Comments 70Hmmm, should we put our Civilization game on the popular VR headset with great third-party support and ok first-party support, or the VR headset that’s been considered abandoned by manufacturer that made it not even two years after it released? Hmmmm…Jokes and whining aside, I just feel like Sony brought this on themselves. A $550 VR headset with only two original VR titles from Sony Interactive? Really? Oculus Studios isn’t supporting the Quest headsets amazingly either, but at least the price and third-party support makes up for it, and when Oculus Studios does release a new game exclusive to Quest, it’s usually well received.But hey, can’t wait for the PlayStation VR3!we know that, it gets kinda annoying after a whilewe get it, sony should getting more games if the product is more appealing for developers to worth the price, but we don’t have to do this everytime psvr2 doesn’t get a game that quest gets@HotGoomba if you don’t have any hopes, why don’t you move on, or do you rubbing salt in the woundsI don’t know the reason, but I hope its not one of those paid for exclusives… VR is just to niche for that sort of gatekeeping.@Perturbator True, it could they might not think it’s worth the effort and that’s fine, but vr shouldn’t be gatekeeping, it’s a niche to begin withAlso, PSVR2 had a sales boost last year and games are being made for it, but it’s not like the psvr wasn’t as supported during it’s run@HotGoomba at least, you’re not trolling to just to trollalso it could be a dealWell was on the fence about buying this one. This made the decision much easier.@donv2135 the headset saw only a slight sales boost. Estimates still have it selling less than 1 million units worldwide. I bought it day one and feel really burned by Sony. Also notice how out of the 10 comments on this article you are 7 of them. Maybe take it a bit easyI’m not a Civ fan so it’s no big loss for me, but I am a PSVR2 fan.I’m sure this is all hidden behind some red tape but a very silly idea, especially when recently a number of indie developers are coming out and saying their titles are selling better on PSVR2 than they are on quest.@PloverNutter sorry, i’m just expressing my opinion@NieR_Dark Right@PloverNutter also, your opinion doesn’t mean it’s objectively bad, it’s just some of these comments are basically PSVR2 Bashing, even if the complaints are valid most of them are just trolls@PloverNutter also, maybe you shouldn’t have your expectations so high, if you burned out,personally the whole vr headset wars isn’t really necessary since vr is still niche to begin with@donv2135 You’re weirdly defensive about the PSVR2, my man. As a reformed Wii U stan, I respect that.But, also, let’s not mince words: PSVR2, like the Wii U before it, is a failure. Xbox Series has had a terrible run for 3rd-party support — especially from Japan — for the exact same reason CivVII isn’t coming to PSVR2. No amount of justification you can think of will change that.It’s too bad, too. PSVR2 is a nice bit of hardware. But without a strong supply of worthwhile software, and that supply seemingly dwindling by the year, it’s hard to consider it anything less than an abject failure.@RoomWithaMoose i’m not blind to it’s issues so don’t call me a stan, it’s just that if you feel that it’s a failure based on software it’s fine, but if people like it, i don’t want people’s opinions to be covered, besides vr is niche, and i rather wait until sony says so, to consider it a failure, and it’s a game that many people wouldn’t get anyway so, i’m not pressed about it, also i rather not make my opinions on assumptions@RoomWithaMoose and i think we shouldn’t be so negative about it especially for people who like it regardless because it seems you want them to feel unhappy because you are,it seems i’m am a stan but i get it, psvr2 had sold more, it would be more appealing towards developers but it seems weird considering there’s lot of developers saying the psvr2 verisons of their games are most sold, i understand that sony is pretty silent but i rather wait until we get official confirmation before we write off psvr2. but you want to write off as a failure based on the evidence so far, it’s your takebesides meta pratically owns meta so they can afford to sell headsets at a lossbesides we don’t know the future@donv2135 Mm…’kay.These five responses were even more defensive and self-reassuring than I anticipated.If you love PSVR2, that’s cool. It’s not like it’s a worthless product — I even said it was a nice piece of kit. And I will forever LOVE the Wii U, despite what anyone says about it (still was a failure, though). But just don’t hold your breath for Sony to abruptly announce a big 1st-party push for it. Or for 3rd-parties to come around and port all these Oculus exclusives to it.There are a lot of rumors that Valve is working on its own standalone headset. If that happens — I’m just saying — don’t expect PSVR2 for have the greatest legs to stand on in this hypothetically more competitive market. And, I mean, even besides Valve…those legs are pretty shaky.This looks super cool, my favourite part of VR and the bit that didn’t make me want to hurl at speeds previously unknown to man was the sort of diorama ones you could lean down and look at. Part of what made Dolphin VR so cool was playing Pikmin like that.PSVR2 is dead in the water now surelyI called PSVR2 a flop when it launched and got flamed for it.@tselliot not gonna lie I’m gutted. I was day one with this thing but ended up losing 250 sheets on it damnPicking up a Quest 3 was one of the best decisions I made, I was tired of missing out on games like Batman and the I Expect You To Die series on PSVR2. Plus with all the stuff I can do with it on PC and the mixed reality games, it’s been a great experienceI got my PSVR2 on launch day and really like it, my first VR system. And I understand the limited appeal to many people:It’s a totally isolated, unsocial experience, that’s its main problem.The second big problem are the games: Most of them are arcade style games, kind of stuff which was released on consoles in the early 90s. I didn’t need them back then, and today even less. So the catalog of great PSVR2 games is pretty small for me: GT7, RE4, RE9, Moss 1 and 2, soon Hitman.I don’t regret my purchase, there will be one or two gems for me in the future I‘m sure.Sounds like meta paid for exclusivity. Shows how supportive capcom really are putting psvr into their games.@carlos82I still have my vr2… I’ve played gt7 on it most days since launch. With my fanatec wheel, I’ve had a great time… so wouldnt call it wasted.Other games I tried briefly were ok, but generally not good enough to make me want to sit there with a headset on. Particularly when I have massive of backlog of top tier pancake games to catchup on.I bought meta 3 few months back. Much prefer the sharper/clearer lenses, I’ve started playing automobilista 2, and with vr and wheel… it puts gt7 to shame imo, for ffb, proper racing v AI, clarity, sound. It may not have career mode (not that gt7 truely does) but racing is so visceral and real, I can’t see me returning to gt7… or vr2. Gt7 ai is shamefully still like moving bollards, and it detracts massively from feeling generated Imo. I’m not interested in racing online on any platform, for various reasons.Not just meta games either, pretty much anything In steam that has vr… official or unofficial. Just feels like a totally different galaxy/stratosphere to what’s on offer in vr2, which is a shame really. So ill likely be selling mine soon.Is this a Meta sponsored article? Sorry, i forget clicks are king. Seems weird to report on stuff the headset is NOT getting, at least be consistent, Triangle Strategy came out last year exclusivly in VR for Quest, both were paid by Meta’s piggybanks, a privledge Sony cant afford at the moment. I get it, PSVR 2 isn’t selling like hot cakes, Sony isn’t supporting it via first party either (doesn’t help they have been hemorrhaging cash on a misguised GaaS intiative), but it’s still getting all the PC level third party games Quest 3 GPU can’t handle, and has also shown better sales from the dedicated userbase then that platform, meaning indie thirdparty actually wants to bring their titles over. Regardless, the big companies have zero interest in VR, it’s too niche, you have to have extra money to burn to get 2k or Square to bring something over, so let’s not act doom and gloom when they don’t. For third party, for example, Legendary Tales, Max Mastard, Metro, Into the Radius, Madison, Arken Age, all fantastic games from last year, the headset is the best place to play them due to haptics and FOV rendering.@tselliot I’d hazard a guess you didn’t put forward a particularly compelling argument in that case. Lots of people were desperate for it to fail from day one, but at that point nobody knew first party support would dry up so quickly. Sony seemingly forgot to promote the thing for the better part of the year and the Quest 3 got all the attention instead.@B80 yeah I’ve recently sold my PSVR2, I did really enjoy it and it does have some great games but it’s so limited in comparison. The clarity of the pancake lenses and lack of a cable make it more enjoyable to me and I love the mixed reality stuff.If you haven’t already and enjoy retro games, check out stuff like EmuVR and Arcade Time CapsuleTons of third party games are releasing constantly on PSV2, this writer, and indeed the whole of this site if the “releasing on PSVR2” article is any indication, just don’t pay attention.It’s most amusing how they have time to report on games not coming to PSVR2, but no time to report on or even list / learn about the games that ARE coming!Since when were paid for exclusives strange? Hopefully it’s just a timed exclusive and will release eventually.@Jswift56 Mark Zuckerberg is a well publicised Civ-head, there are countless interviews where he brings up epic 10 hour sessions after coding.I would have thought he probably lobbied for this personally, I cant see Firaxis thinking VR is big enough to bother with it otheriwiseAs a long-time Civ player I just don’t get the appeal of playing it in VR anyway. It’s a Sunday, under a blanket on the sofa, while I’ve got something else on the TV kind of a game. It’s immersive and addictive, sure – but it doesn’t require VR immersion.And yeah, Zuckerberg probably paid for exclusivity personally as he’s so into his Civ.People really can’t have any complaints given how poorly Sony have supported their own headset.Some call this vr abandoned, I call it an excellent ps5 and steam headset too. So if I want it in vr I shall buy on steam, probably for less.@Jswift56 Yes, Capcom is doing good job with their PSVR2 support. But I do think they should also release VR support for RE4 Remake & Village on PC and Meta Quest 3 (if they can make it run well on that hardware).Console exclusives in general are bad enough, and it’s even worse to make VR games exclusive since there are limited amount of them. Doesn’t matter if we’re talking Meta exclusives or PSVR exclusives.@KoopaTheGamer true half life alyx would be great to have on ps likewise put horizon on other platforms. Share the wealth as the user base is much lower anyway.But it seems to be a mixed reality game. Won’t work with PSVR2 anyway.”or lean all the way in to appreciate the finer details of your scouts, cities, arm-” tumbles over@Mikey856 games are still coming out for it@RoomWithaMoose Well, i rather for to see what sony says rather jumping to conclusions based on rumors@tselliot don’t like you actually predicted the future, it’s still early@carlos82 yes, but vr is niche, it’s seems hypocritical to say you don’t want xbox to quit making hardware but is okay with meta having a monopoly on vr, is choice is healthy?to be honest, i think most of these won’t care less, they seeing that they’re right so far, so their egos are getting big@carlos82 yes quest 3 is better because of the experience, i’m getting tired of the bragging, it’s just vr at the end of the dayAlso, it’s possible that meta bought exclusivity rights,@donv2135 yeah only third party though and half of them don’t even come. So very sad@donv2135 what are you babbling on about, I never said any of those things@donv2135 The only rumor I referenced was Valve’s Project Deckard. All the PSVR2 stuff is educated observation.@PloverNutter Absolute *****. Unless you have proof of these “estimates”, I refuse to believe that PSVR2 is still under 1 million sold. Sony reported about 600 to 700k within the first couple of months of its launch and it has recently had two sizeable moments of a sales boost from the $200 discount last summer and this previous holiday season. Even if they’re no longer reporting numbers doesn’t mean it hasn’t passed a million+ unit seller but it just isn’t hitting the same trajectory timeframe as PSVR1.@rollinggamer stop talking sense, this is where you say psvr is sh1te…@donv2135 you seem a bit hyper, maybe better to lay off the vr for a day or two…@Deljo Hahaha, touché. I myself do not like mixed reality. I wanna be enclosed in a full virtual world. Don’t care about playing games that take place in my living room.@rollinggamer yeah me too, I’m liking psvr2 but it’s not amazing. The resi games are great and so is gt7 but other than that it’s pretty slim pickings unless this your first headsetBummer. It would have been cool to try out. I like my PSVR2, but it is very specific in uses, so this would have been cool. TBH I use mine primarily as a 2nd screen while my wife is watching TV@HotGoomba Sony has been a joke this generation! The OG VR was incredible. They released BR2 no backwards compatibility, no games and a $600 process tag.This is my last PlayStation! Sony has been clowning themselves this entire generation!PSVR2 at $600 is an absolute no go and I have a PS5, PS5 pro and a Portal!Astrobot VR was one of the best games ever made.Idk what Sony is doing this generation, it’s been frustrating and disappointing !@Propaperpusher, you need to relax,i get you’re a unhappy fan but stopping like a karen@Propaperpusher and people are telling me i’m hyperthis looks it’s using mixed reality as a feature anyway, so i don’t think we’ll be missing muchAlso, don’t act like a karenVR sucks anyway@Deljo When it comes to first-party releases, Sony have dropped the ball. But all 3rd party games I prefer playing on the PS5 and PSVR2 over my Quest 3. The functions of the PSVR2 are amazing for immersiveness.@Perturbator “Paid for exclusives” often also means that the platform holder invested some money into a project which would otherwise not be realised at all. Exclusives “suck” if they are exclusive to a platform one does not have access to, but are better than if the game is not made at all. Also, exclusives are typically made specifically for a platform, thus better support the particular features of a platform.Psvr2 fans moan, if a game is exclusive to quest, and psvr2 fans moan if a game is also available on quest because it will not fully realise its potential. So, the only way out are psvr2 exclusives …@Propaperpusher Would it be better if psvr2 would not have eye tracking, the haptics and oled panels and cost 400 EUR? Foveated rendered games, the immersion due the haptics and adaptive triggers, and the colors are still the stand out features of psvr2 and make it so amazing.Anyway the data suggests, that too few people are willing to spend 600 EUR for this extra bit of immersion, and that the install base is considered to be too small for the majority of the developers. In that sense maybe a cheaper headset, stripped to the bare minimum set of features would be more successful, albeit also disappointing … Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…PSN Finally Back Online, But Some Problems Persist After Biggest Outage Since 2011In the greenMonster Hunter Wilds Beta 2: All Start Times, Preload, What’s New, and RewardsEvery detail covering Monster Hunter Wilds Beta 2 revealedFree PS Plus Extension for All Members Affected by PSN OutageSony will add five days of service to your current subSniper Elite Resistance Guide: 100% Collectibles WalkthroughThe ultimate Sniper Elite Resistance collectibles resourceSniper Elite Resistance: Dead Drop – All Collectibles: Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, WorkbenchesEvery collectible in Dead Drop revealedGame ProfileTitle:Sid Meier’s Civilization VIISystem:PlayStation 5Also Available For:PS4, SwitchPublisher:2KDeveloper:Firaxis GamesGenre:StrategyPlayers:1Release Date:PlayStation 5Where to buy:Buy on Amazon
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