PS5 Pro Proves the Console of Choice for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign Up2160p + 60fps = best of both worldsIt shouldn’t come as a surprise given the upgraded internals, but the PS5 Pro is beginning to justify itself after a fairly rocky launch by way of considerable enhancements to critically acclaimed games like Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.Technical comparison videos have begun appearing online, as Warhorse Studios prepares to deploy the RPG later today onto PS5, PS5 Pro, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. While the latter will always have the capabilities to look and run better than any console version, it’s the PS5 Pro that offers the best experience for those without a capable PC.YouTube channel ElAnalistaDeBits has posted its findings comparing every version of the game across their visuals and frame rate benchmarks. While the base PS5 and Xbox Series X|S offer two modes (Quality and Performance) designed to optimise either the graphics or frame rate, the PS5 Pro streamlines everything in a single mode that you can’t actually revert from. It offers an upscaled 2160p resolution at 60 frames-per-second, with PSSR active.Here’s how the three versions compare:PS5 Pro essentially cuts the choice you make on the base PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, and combines the best resolution and frame rates available into one mode.Based on our own experiences, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is in very good shape also from a bugs and glitches standpoint. Having had access to the game for a month pre-release, even when review code first came through, the PS5 build was impressively sturdy, with the only issues we spotted being some long-range texture pop-in. Since then, a few patches have dropped in the double digits of gigabytes.Its impressive technical state was one factor in our 10/10-rated Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 PS5 review. “In daring to deliver its singular vision for a game, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 transports even the most grizzled genre veterans back to a time of truly immersive video game experiences,” we said. “Challenging, uncompromising, and thoroughly engrossing, it’s in a league almost entirely of its own.”Fortune favours the braveIf you don’t have one already, do these sorts of enhancements move you closer to upgrading to the PS5 Pro? Let us know in the comments below.[source]About Liam CroftLiam grew up with a PlayStation controller in his hands and a love for Metal Gear Solid. Nowadays, he’s found playing the latest and greatest PS5 games as well as supporting Derby County. That last detail is his downfall.Comments 51Wow, you have to admire how the devs knocked this one outta the park with taking their time, postponing the game and communicating why.It sounds like other devs can also achieve similar things if they don’t rush to market.Cool if you can afford one, personally I’m not spending £700 to have slightly better resolution on certain games lol. (That includes GTA6)PS5 Pro is obviously not for everyone, but so far I’ve been replaying my games that have a Pro enhanced option, and to me it’s night and day difference.@Reform it’s a game that needs to be played at 60fps , its not just resolution it offers on the pro at 60 , it offers the same level of detail as the quality modes, which adds to immersion.@Oram77 I agree , on certain games on the ps5 ,it does look blurry to me in comparison to the pro version.@Reform This same mentality should go for new GPUs, but for some reason the problem is always only the consoles….@lazarus11 So far the two best Pro enhanced games I’ve played are Rebirth and Stellar Blade.For what I’ve seen the game is pretty amazing on base PS5 too, you don’t really need a Pro to fully enjoy this game.Nice to see the Pro settling in….Should probably play something enhanced on mine rather than catching up on PS4 games.@lazarus11 60fps still isn’t worth paying £700 for if you already have the base PS5 model.This year is going to be so good for the Pro.@Reform I had the base PS5, spent £700 on a Pro, and am very happy with my purchase!Much better upgrade than PS4 Pro was in my opinion.@Oram77 Is it night and day if you’d see the images (PS5 and Pro) side to side? Or is the overall experience in itself a big difference. As in: does it truly feel like you have a new console if you come from base PS5?@Darude84 Just from playing the game, once I flipped the Pro settings on Stellar Blade I noticed straight away, when people do side by side photos it hard to tell but when it’s in motion you (in my opinion ofcourse.I upgraded to the Pro. With mixed results. It runs absurdly hot. Which always bothers me. But a chunk of plastic pulling 260w will do that. It is incredibly quiet tho. My biggest issue is the boot up. Which I noticed on my base PS5 also, I think it’s the system software rather than the Pro itself, you have to let it finish booting. I’ve tried this from Rest and Full stop. There’s this 30-40 second delay on the initial start. It also transitions from Media to Games with the same delay. My PS5 did that also.That said, I’m thrilled to have true 4k again. I haven’t been able to enjoy it since my Xbox One X.@Oram77 try God Of War: Ragnarok. It’s absolutely breathtaking on Pro!Most games have been upscales for Pro and not built from the ground up. I believe moving forward games will benefit more from the power of the console.@lazarus11 And this is very important – resolution bump with PSSR is very nice, but like a few other games that were patched, the upgrade for this game (at least according to DF) was much more than that.Thats not to say some games shouldn’t use all the extra GPU to boost resolution and add PSSR to get a decent image quality… but if you already have 60fps and a decent image quality boost, its good to see the approach taken here.@Reform It doesn’t have to be £700 though, I balked at that price. But if you already have a base PS5 Pro you can sell that for around £250+ brining it down to £450 net.Personally I sold my launch PS5 for a bit more and combined with the 20% off deal Very were doing at launch got a PS5 Pro for around £275 net which is much more palatable.@AhmadSumadi I still need to get that game!! Maybe once I’m done with KCD2 I’ll get around to it.@Oram77 absolutely! The games has no sharp edges (you know what I’m talking about) and zero pre-rendered cutscenes. I still do prefer the older GOW gameplay style. But the story and characters are superior in the newer games.@Reform Well I did just like what PC players are doing for years where they trade in there older GPU/ CPU or whatever. So I spent 270 Euros only when I got the PS5 Pro because I didn’t keep my older PS5 + some physical games that I was done with!!!”The console of choice” sounds like “the most used”.People keep banging on about the £700 price. I sold my original PS5 and a couple of games to a mate for for £320 I think it was. PS5 Pro therefore cost me £380 (plus another £100 for a rip-off disc drive).@Skippermonkey This is the way. With GameStop’s trade specials (base PS5 and select games and accessories I had laying around) I only had to spend $187 including tax.@ButterySmooth30FPS Nice work!@Xbox_Dashboard RE running hot – that sounds unusual.Please note I am comparing only to a launch model base PS5, as thats all I have used, and I always use in Horizontal position.The air flow from the reverse, and left side, of the Pro runs a little hotter than base, on some games.The left side is probably where I have noticed this slightly more.(As you say, thats normal given the slight additional electrical power useage – but Pro is pretty close to base PS5 (according to DF and others during testing under max load), probably due to Chip die size reduction – I think DF said approx 240W vs 220W).What I have personally found is that whilst this is true for a few games, other games that do not max out the pro, tend to have a somewhat cooler air flow out, than base console.The Pro console to the touch however feels significantly cooler than the base version, even given its much smaller size, with less hot spots, particularly during extended play.It also cools down much, much faster afterwards – eg I often spend about 5 mins on the home screen doing stuff after closing my game, before turning off – The Pro will have cooled significantly in this time, but my old base console would have only just started to cool down.NB both my old and Pro consoles have had the same WD Black SN850 installed.@Xbox_Dashboard Oh, and wild guess this, but your boot up delay might be internet related as PS5s download some info for game tiles, PSN sign in etc as they start up.@Rich33 I should have noted the heat off the console was while standing, I have since put it on its side and noticed lower surface temperature. The wattage hasn’t changed. Horizon Forbidden West and Space Marine 2 maxed out at 265w constant pull. Still, that is significantly lower than a medium-high range PC. But the base PS5 wasn’t much better. The Series S is still by far the most efficient of modern Gen 9 maxing at 83w. While the Switch destroys everything at 12w max pull.On the PS5 issues, I still think this is related to the current System software. They somehow partitioned the media use and game use. The system has to load into each portion now. This is several versions ago. Good call on the Delay. I’ll test this with an offline load up.Apparently the base PS5 has better performance than base Series X too, for anyone looking to decide but who doesn’t have Pro.@Oram77 stellar blade is fantastic,ive hit above 100fps on tlou2 ,which is astounding for a console with that graphical fidelity in my opinion.Maybe it’s because I’m watching a YouTube video on my phone but I can honestly say I can see no differences between PS5’s performance mode and PS5 Pro, they are both totally identical. For a £700 mid-gen upgraded console I’d expect there to be night and day differences.@Rich33 spot on, devs didn’t really bother with the ps4 pro, there’s been more meaningful upgrades now for the ps5 pro , than there ever was for the ps4 proMy ps5 pro lasted around a month before I splurged on a alienware setup (sadly decided to go PC exclusive just for the convenience) do miss the ps a little.I never got to really test it, but wonderful to see the pro settle in with incredible games like KCD2 and probably some proof the next console generation will be capable of just running games the way they were meant to run.@Reform People will make their own minds up on what’s worth it to them – they don’t need you to tell them.60 fps is a deal breaker for me, games that wont do it – I can’t play them any longer having recently updated my TV and this new one shows 30fps as judder fests.Delighted with my pro and it’s a big difference to me – we have an OG ps5 with its own LG oled Tv in the same room, so it’s easy to compare.This game is not for me, but nice to know the pro is best place to play it.Even on base PS5, it looks like the developers put others to shame. No excuse for the shambling releases we’ve been shovelled.I’d give the deservedly maligned Veilguard credit too in that regard.Veilguard and Kingdom show the type of optimisation that should be the default standard when asking £70. It’s not just people like Naughty Dog who can release good looking games that run well.@MaccaMUFC You have a couple of problems here:Firstly, using a phone will prevent you seeing much difference, particularly at higher image quality levels.1. The screen size is far too small unless your eyesight is well, well, above average (my eyesight is, but even I struggle). You might not even see differences in shadows/lighting/textures/foliage etc etc on such a small screen.2. Most phones max out at HD, or 1440 for expensive models – you really need 4k to be able to see a difference.Secondly, Youtube.Youtube comes with an inherently lower quality image – not to mention, you may not even be looking at a true 4k recording/output. The better the original image quality, the more this comes into effect.When comparing a youtube video of a good looking game on base PS5, the image would always look a bit better in game. Enhance that image quality with a decent Pro version, and in game the difference may look night and day, but look at a Youtube video and the difference will be much smaller due to the lower quality.Youtube also cannot give a true sense of framerate – I can see framerate fluctuations fairly easily in games up to about 90fps, and sub 60fps is a big no go, but Youtube doesnt really give me a good indication – only stuttering is visible clearly.I have played many Pro enhanced games that look night and day to me on my Pro coupled with a 4k 120hz TV, but Youtube videos (even on a 4k TV, but particularly on a Phone), will give you no real sense of the difference.This will likely be an even bigger issue come PS6.”60 fps is a deal breaker for me, games that wont do it – I can’t play them any longer”100% agree – all games should be designed around locked 60fps as a minimum (and I dont hold with all this CPU bottleneck rubbish – it just shows the game was badly designed if it cant run at 60fps on top spec current gen console).@Xbox_Dashboard Not a clue on the Vertical vs Horizontal (as I never use vertically), but my only guess is, its related to airflow out the left side (horizontal) travelling upwards more when held vertically.At least with warmer air coming out you know the cooling system is doing its job! (Something a lot of people fail to understand).@Darude84 depends on the game but a few are noticably better in person and that doesn’t always come across well in screenshots or YouTube. The Last of Us Part 2 is significantly sharper as well as running quite a bit above 60fps, FFVII goes from a blurry mess to looking really good.Overall I’d say its a bigger upgrade than the PS4 Pro was and at times is comparable to the difference between a Series S and X. As PSSR improves, that gap will only widen@carlos82 Good to know, FF7 Rebirth is on my wishlist, just as Stellar Blade, Elden Ring (dlc), Cyberpunk incl dlc, Callisto Protocol and a bunch of VR2 games such as RE 4&8 and Gran Turismo 7.If those games have a big gain on Pro I might dive into it.@Darude84 I can tell you that GT7 on PSVR2 is a massive upgrade with the Pro, all the blurriness and ghosting is gone and the image is very sharp. Sadly RE4 and Village don’t benefit for PSVR but they do outside of it@Titntin I’m seriously considering upgrading to the pro as I like what you have to say about it and we are quite similar in our way of thinking but I’ve just had new wooden flooring down and we are about to purchase a new sofa so it’s going to have to wait a bit longer..along with my new steering wheel 😟@Northern_munkey At least the disc drive will be available by then @Darude84 🤣Looking forward to playing KCD2 although waiting for mods first so I can save whenever, hopefully cut out alot of crafting and any resources needed for fast travel.Glad to a see a game launch that actually works on consoles and PC for once as well@Northern_munkey Worth the wait bro. I’ve just had a £1500 roof bill and a £550 dental bill…. I’m broke 🤣 Fortunately I bought my pro before the bills cropped up, or I’d be waiting too.Tbh, your eating good with a standard ps5 regardless… it’s only worth it when or if you have spare cash and can appreciate the difference. From what I know of you, I think you would appreciate it 😄👍@Titntin we had the gable end done a few years back so I can sympathise with you on roofing issues etc. Our new bouncing bundle of fun boz took a liking to the sofa when we were at work so that’s next on the list of things we didn’t need but now do..@themightyant exactly this. People just see the £700 but it isn’t. The vast majority aren’t keeping 2 PS5s. I sold my PS5 slim for £320 and had my Pro was £580 after cashback and discounts. So £260 instead of £700 for the Pro. Absolutely more than worth it and when it comes time to move to the PS6, my PS5 pro will probably sell for £150-200 more than my PS5 would have. So it’s barely cost anything@Andy22385 exactly that. With the future likely to bring far longer cross-gen periods than we saw in the past, residuals are going to be far better than previous generations.That far higher resale value has to be factored and significantly reduces the total cost of ownership.Then you need to divide that much reduced price you are paying for the Pro, by the number of hours you will spend using it.I always say that mobile phones, TV’s, games consoles, spectacles and watches can easily justify spending some serious cash on them. They are used for an absolutely ridiculous number of hours. Far more than any other possessions you own, bar your bed.Compare that to my car, that I only use for 2 hours a week since I work from home, but loses the entire cost of a PS5 Pro every few months in depreciation!@Northern_munkey Ouch! We lost our Fur baby last year, bless her. I have a pretty new (18 months) sofa that cost us 4K, so I’m cautious of getting a new bundle of joy in case ours suffers a similar fate. I tend to take older ones from a rescue center anyway, so hopefully I’ll be OK, but I do worry Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…PS Plus Essential Games for February 2025 Announced3 more PS5, PS4 titles incomingSniper Elite Resistance: Dead Drop – All Collectibles: Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, WorkbenchesEvery collectible in Dead Drop revealedClair Obscur: Expedition 33 Is So Popular the Dev Can’t Meet Collector’s Edition DemandSold outSniper Elite Resistance Guide: 100% Collectibles WalkthroughThe ultimate Sniper Elite Resistance collectibles resourceSniper Elite Resistance: Sonderzüge Sabotage – All Collectibles: Personal Letters, Classified Documents, Hidden Items, Stone Eagles, WorkbenchesEvery collectible in Sonderzüge Sabotage revealedGame ProfileTitle:Kingdom Come: Deliverance IISystem:PlayStation 5Publisher:Deep SilverDeveloper:Warhorse StudiosGenre:RPGPlayers:1Release Date:PlayStation 5Series:Kingdom Come: DeliveranceAlso Known As:Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2Reviews:Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (PS5) – Immersive Knight Sim Makes for a Peerless RPGOfficial Site:kingdomcomerpg.comWhere to buy:Buy on Amazon
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