February 18, 2025

PS5 Fans Are Pondering the Point of Days Gone Remastered After Graphics Comparison Emerges – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpSeeing doubleHorizon Zero Dawn’s rumoured remaster was roundly criticised until gameplay footage emerged. While the upgrade may have seemed unnecessary prior to it being revealed, developer Nixxes did an outstanding job upgrading the PS4 original, and it ended up attracting very strong reviews.Days Gone doesn’t look like it’ll enjoy the same reception, however, as one early comparison video has left fans squinting to see improvements.Writing on the PS Blog, creative lead Kevin McAllister says the title will benefit from “improved graphical fidelity, increased foliage draw distance, improved shadow and lighting quality, Tempest 3D Audio, VRR support, and more” on the PS5. There’ll also be support for the PS5 Pro.But the original game already looked outstanding using backwards compatibility on the PS5, offering a silky smooth 60fps with very good image quality. And while the following comparison focuses entirely on cutscenes from the Remastered version’s trailer and the original PC release, it is admittedly difficult to see any real meaningful differences.To be fair, you’re more likely to see the benefits of the remaster during gameplay, as that’s when the increased foliage draw distance et al will come into play. But it’s easy to see why fans are miffed, considering many feel the remaster isn’t necessary to begin with.In Bend Studio’s defence, it’s using the remaster to add more than just improved graphics. The new accessibility features will ensure more people are able to effectively enjoy the game, while the additional modes like Horde Assault sound like legitimate fun.While we do understand the criticism, we sometimes think fans misunderstand why these remasters exist. Typically, they’re small-scale projects to help keep teams employed while they prototype new ideas, although obviously Bend Studio finds itself in a situation where its primary project has been cancelled. It also looks like support studio Climax has done a lot of heavy lifting here.PS4 owners can upgrade to PS5 version for $10A wheel shameCruisin’ for a bruisin’Nevertheless, it’s unlikely this project has taken resources away from something else, as many so often assume. Bend Studio was never going to work on a remaster for a game like, say, Bloodborne, so it isn’t an either/or situation. Furthermore, it’s not like this project is preventing the creation of a new game either.So, while we completely understand the concerns, the reality is that Days Gone Remastered is a pretty harmless project, even if it may seem fairly unnecessary. With a $10 upgrade fee, we’re not overly fussed about it, but it is a bit of a shame that despite the existence of the remaster, we know Sony’s not interested in ever making a sequel.[source youtube.com, via x.com]About Sammy BarkerAs the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.Comments 120It’s just so they can put the white PS5 bar on the box. It was probably worked on by about 3 people at the cost of like $76 and a pack of cigarettes. So people can stop worrying about resources being taken away from new games for these ports.Soon to be removed from PS Plus, I’m sure…I will leave it to digital foundry before I make any decisions.The remaster looks like how I remember the OG looking when I played it 5 minutes ago.Should’ve called it the definitive editionDepends on if they add more hordes or roving hordes in the base game.If enough people buy this remaster sony might change their mind and make a sequelWhat are they talking about? One guy has a cap instead of a beenie, that’s a clear improvement.Seriously though, why show cut scenes and stills? There is always limited improvement there, once we see open areas, with (hopefully) increased density and clarity in movement, then we can judge.”fans misunderstand why these remasters exist. Typically, they’re small-scale projects to help keep teams employed while they prototype new ideas.”Shouldn’t the prototyping of new ideas be what facilitates employment…? That’s still actively working towards releasing a project; it’s not like these things come out of the ether, after all.Also pretty sure teams are often prototyping post-gold, pre-release — if not earlier. Or, perhaps more frequently these days, during post-launch support. That’s not to say it’s impossible for a studio to prototype long enough to remake a game (“remake”), but all the stories I’ve ever heard about game development tended to insist teams jump into new projects almost immediately after shipping the last. Unless Sony just wasn’t greenlighting anything…Either that line’s fundamentally incorrect, or Sony has the most asinine sense of management.Ill buy it for 20 bucks, just to have another ps5 box in my collection. Yeah,Im part of the problem i knowI was thinking about how if they’re going to do remasters then I’d rather have older stuff that got flawed HD versions years ago like Killzone, Ratchet and Clank etc and then I remember the key fact – this requires little effort and remastering games from further back than last Tuesday would be too much effort for Sony to give a f**k about.I’ve been meaning to replay it, so I’ll get the 10$ upgrade.
It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s a good game overall, better than other titles that fancy themselves AAA’s.It’s so it will seem like the PS5 actually has games from 1st party studios.This feels like this could’ve been an update instead of an upgrade.The other thing I want to add, is will first party PS4 games ever look dated to the casual gamer? I don’t think so. GTA 5 dates from 2014, and looks much closer to games now than a 2004 game would look to 2014. As so on ever 20 years etc.These sort of shots dont really show what the actual gameplay looks like – I will reserve judgement until we see that.Plus the main intention of the remaster may be to add (PS5) Pro support.So they took PS4 version, changed few graphic settings to High to match PC version and they are charging 10€ for it It explains why there will be no “remaster” on PC. Because PC already have a remaster.@Fyz306903 I think there’s a clear gulf between early PS4 titles and the late PS4 ones that I could pinpoint a certain ‘look’ the early Sony PS4 efforts have with regards to their texture quality and lighting. Apart from The Order 1888 which looks incredible still from what I’ve seen (still need to actually play it). Thinking about it, Infamous Second Son is old enough to actually warrant a PS5 remaster and would massively benefit from it.I discussed with friend several months ago, a remastered version of any game like Days Gone is not worth my money, especially if a sequel was not happening. I did however, buy the $10 upgrade to Horizon Zero Dawn because I have Forbidden West and because this game will be a complete trilogy. Days Gone though, no, I will not be wasting my money and time on it……unless a sequel happens, I will probably get the remaster then.This would be a free patch on any other game, it was obvious there was no real upgrade when on PC there isn’t a seperate version or mention of improved fidelity.Instead they are charging you £10 to use your PS5 controller and TV’s own features and its a jokeAnything from PS4 ain’t gonna see a difference for a remaster those games already looked to good so I’m glad they added different modes and accessibility options etc to spice it up@UltimateOtaku91 Isn’t DF comprimised?I need context. Is Kevin McAlister the dev that basically said ‘***** off’ to the creative dev behind Days Gone?Whoever is at Bend is getting free paychecks and nothing is materializing. If this release is for me to provide for them, I cannot express my disdain enough. I can read that they made a support studio touch up the old game, so I cannot with any credibility hope for a sequel to come out and so I have no incentive to act.Sony…. you ruined Bend by turning down Days Gone 2 and we would have had it now.Something just irks me about something that could’ve easily been an update to the previous game, with a big selling point of having more accessibility features, costing extra money regardless of if you have the original or not. Does that not weird anyone else out?@EfYI You know the pitch that got rejected(by local management btw, not Sony) was a multiplayer co-op shared world game, right? I feel like most people wanting Days Gone 2 don’t really get what the Days Gone 2 pitch actually was.@RoomWithaMoose you’re missing that prototyping new games is usually done by a small core team, not the whole studio. This can take anything from months to years it’s very hard to plan for, as it really depends how long it takes to make something compelling they think will make a great full game, often this core team will restart again and again, trying new ideas until they are happy.In the past many developers would be hired on a per game basis and often most of them would be out of work in between. Working on remasters, as well as providing support to other studios on their games (e.g. you often see Sony studios assisting on each others games to get them over the line) is a way to keep most of those devs employed when it’s quieter. It’s smart business that doesn’t have to take away from new games, it can be additive.Very disingenuous to only compare cutscenes which typically see the least boost, I seem to remember the same was shown for Horizon and that ended up being a huge change. We’ll have to wait and see.@EfYI FYi Sony didn’t turn down Days Gone 2, that’s outdated misinformation, Bend themselves never pitched the sequel to Sony. There were initially incorrect articles about this, so I can understand the mistake, but it’s false information. We’ve known this for a while since it was clarified by several leads.@nessisonett I agree with you on Infamous, both Second Son and First Light would be great remasters. I think The Order 1886 looks amazing as it is and would truly benefit from a PS5 update patch to allow 4K at 60fps (or 120fps if you have the screen for it) and maybe updated textures. I personally would love to see the original Killzone Trilogy from PS2/PS3 completely rebuilt and I would pay £60+ for it.@ChrisDeku I‘d be happy if there were a box with a white bar. According to the PS Blog, DGR will be digital-only. But these remasters are the games which a „complete, patched and polished“ and therefore deserve a physical release the most!Feels like some easy filler for the 1st party line up.Nintendo used this tactic pretty well throughout the Switch life cycle albeit that was helped by the Wii U failure.I don’t have a problem with it existing, I’m not very interested though.@ChrisDeku @Max_the_German I think an aspect a lot of hardcore gamers underestimate is this is a second chance for the game to find an audience. We all know about Days Gone, but do more casual players? How many actually bought and played it. If the remasters didn’t sell and make a profit they would stop making them, the consumers vote for them with their wallets. It’s comparatively minimal effort for a decent return and will help fund new games.And even as a more engaged player personally I missed Days Gone first time around and this new marketing cycle and glow up will make me play it. That’s sensible business imo.@themightyant I’d say this though it’s notable that PC doesn’t get a seperate version like HZD did, instead just a “dlc” pack for full Dualsense support (sorry but that’s ridiculous) and its photo and other horde modes@Medic_alert there is a huge difference between Switch’s remasters of Wii U games that only 4 people played (great games, but overlooked because Wii U) and a remaster (or in ND’s case, a remake of a remaster) of games that millions of people enjoyed and can still play them (enhanced in some cases) by simply downloading/putting the PS4 disc in the PS5″While we do understand the criticism, we sometimes think fans misunderstand why these remasters exist.”Nope I am understanding perfectly why remasters exist and it’s to squeeze more blood (money) out of the stone.That is the only reason they exist as with most things in a commercial industry, money is the be all and end all of it. Any other justification is just smoke & mirrors to make you open your wallet.This is where I don’t think Xbox gets enough credit. Because of how their smart delivery is set up, developers can just push updates to current gen in a patch (unless they choose to release a brand new version, like Lego Harry Potter). The only gamers I see which are pissed off about this are Achievement hunters lol. Unfortunately the best which the PS5 can do for PS4 games is have patches that benefit from the console (Ubisofts current 60fps patches) but they are not true PS5 games.In this case, I am curious to see some game play as the PS5 patch for the game made it a far better experience than on the PS4 Pro@themightyant Fully agree, and never thought or said otherwise. And because of this „second chance“ I‘d wish there were a physical release, which creates more attention especially for the not die-hard PlayStationados, but more casual audience.Another remaster which looks worse than the original with ‘plastic’ character models.New accessibility features are always welcome but surely that’s just a patch not an upgrade?Was it Shuhei or Shawn who said these remasters is not just to fill the gap between big projects but also to gain some revenue that can be used to funding those big projects?I’m personally don’t have problem with remasters. For Days Gone case, it’s a second chance to grab the attention from people who never played the game. Although i prefer Sony to remaster games from PS1-3 era than PS4.Poll needs an ‘I would do the $10 upgrade if they allowed it on my PS Plus version” option.@carlos82 Why is it ‘ridiculous’? The PC horizon game was newer and already had a lot of these features. Each consumer can decide if they want to buy it or not. I guarantee you if these didn’t sell they would stop making them.Saying there’s no difference while comparing to the PC release is being purposely misleading as the PC version was a big step up from the PS4 version meaning there will be a jump from PS4 to PS5. That said i just don’t care for this remaster, maybe if Days Gone 2 was a thing i could be tempted to replay it under new paint but its not so i just don’t care enough to upgrade.@PuppetMaster Shuhei and others certainty said said it, not sure about Shawn.While I agree that i’d prefer remasters from PS1-3 era those usually involved a LOT more work that is often closer to remake territory than a remaster, often modernising the gameplay and making quality of life changes that require a more experienced team than a remaster of a later game. Much more expensive, time and staff intensive, but especially it’s the calibre of the staff that may be needed on older remake/remasters, you really want those team members working on prototyping new games and experiences.@0niguy it could if they actually put effort into itIt’s a shame because I modded this on PC and it’s genuinely better looking than any game I’ve ever played. If they put effort in the difference would be obvious@themightyant why is charging for controller support ridiculous? Personally I feel that question answers itselfAdded to my collection for free, and still never got round to playing it. Would/ might bite for the 10 quid update, just to show support to the devs, before finally giving it a go!@Balie3000 the ps+ version isn’t eligible for the ten dollar upgrade so u would need to buy it st full priceThis game even run acceptable good on steam deck ( played and finished the game on deck oled )This remastered is absolutely unnecessary 🥱why not remastered classic game like sly cooper etc2?@Andy22385 your right but is it gonna crazy difference still no… Demon souls on PS5 looked like completely different game because it was from way back on PS3I think I only paid £10 for it first time round (around 2020). I’ve happily chuck them another £10 to let them know I still like this kind of game. So much fun getting chased all over the map by massive hordes. Felt like Serious Sam at timesSimple answer to this question: if enough people buy it there is a point. If not, there isn’t and there won’t be any future such remasters.Assuming SIE is not blind to sales data, then it seems that enough people enjoy the ultimate versions of games, thus there seems to be a point in squeezing this likely easy source of revenue. Another reason might be that sony wants to future proof these games, So, maybe You will appreciate the existence of these remasters at some point … .Anyway I agree with pushsquare this permanent bickering about everything playstation related is becoming annoying.They likely adjusted some sliders on the build step and called it a remaster.@ChrisDekuI just read John Garvin and another guy pitched the sequel and wanted a trilogy.It is stated in an article here – what is your source?@themightyantYou think John Garvin is lying? I think he’s the only truthful actor in all of this.Edit: notice how Bend is now surviving from the scraps of John Garvin’s legacy. What do they have to show without him? They’ve let another studio make Deacon into a cure little mascot and that’s their entire contribution to us after five years of salaries.Happy to pay the 10 upgrade fee but just hope there’s some meaningful pro options.@themightyant @ChrisDekuBesides Push square’s articles I found:https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/01/11/what-playstations-days-gone-2-would-have-been-according-to-its-director/https://www.gamingbible.com/news/platform/playstation/days-gone-trilogy-plans-confirmed-developer-861000-20240626″I wrote a cliffhanger (…) with the full intention of there being a trilogy” – John Garvin.@Drago201 I’m well aware of that. I was implying that they would remove it from ps+ so that you have to buy the ps5 version if you still want the game. They can’t make any money off of anyone who is happy with the ps+ version.@EfYI the source is John Garvin(or the other clown) , they literally said that was the pitch. You can Google it@Cry_ZeroUnfortunately I don’t think it is getting a physical release.Another poor decision imo.@EfYI here is a quote from Jeff Ross, the game Director(the other guy that got let go with Garvin) from an ign articleWhen asked by Jaffe if the ideas for a co-op mode would have been implemented in a sequel, Ross said: “It’s one of the things that we had in our pitch, yeah. It was the idea of a shared universe with co-op play.”https://www.ign.com/articles/days-gone-2-was-pitched-as-a-shared-universe-game-with-co-op@carlos82 But that’s a VERY disingenuous way of phrasing their offering. DualSense already works on the PC version as a controller just fine, and it works on TV. What you are buying is new modes and new content including but not limited to:It’s up to you if that is worth $10. Perhaps it isn’t to you, in which case don’t buy it, but it isn’t a ‘ridiculous’ offering.Watched the the 4k trailer on my LG G4.Looked alot better by eye. Draw distance is better. The horizons are crisp and clean and high resolution.Looks alot better in motion.@ChrisDeku @EfYI As I said there is plenty of false information out there, so I don’t blame you for getting this wrong. It was what was initially reported that Sony rejected the sequel based on some of Garvin’s tweets and there’s plenty of older articles that say this.But more recently other leads stated it had never been pitched, and Garvin later confirmed this. (I think it was on a David Jaffe show) I’ll try and dig out that source if I can find it. Though he tried to make it sound like it was still Sony’s fault and they didn’t pitch it because they knew Sony would reject it.Garvin is a very unreliable imo, he seems very salty and stuck in his emotions over facts.The point of Days Gone Remastered is to piss off John Garvin.And honestly? I’m laughing. This is the kind of banter I wouldn’t expect from Sony.Sony will be interested in making a sequel of the remaster is a hit in terms of sales.To me the weirdest thing about this is the fact that they aren’t releasing it physically.Did the game need remastered? No. But surely more people would have been willing to buy it if it was shipped in a PS5 box.Lol because people can notice the difference in a compressed youtube video 🤣 Honestly today’s generation of gamers gives me anxiety just by reading their problems out loud in my head 🤣
I’ve paid my £10 and ill take my chances, guaranteed it’ll look better on a “decent” setup and not on a “crapatron 32incher” that half these whiners will play it on.@themightyant I probably explained myself poorly, but my point is that I do believe it’s ridiculous that controller support specifically is locked behind a paywall, by all means let them sell the rest as dlc (even if many others have offered way more as free extras) but I do not believe anyone should be charging you to use the hardware that you have already paid for, whether that be on PS5 or PC@themightyant Feels like we are the only ones who know the real reason about Days gone 2, also agree when you say false infomation, remember when everyone bought into that Black Myth Wukong was a “secret” PS5 exclusive, even Game science had to come out and say it wasn’t true.@Jrs1 Just like when people try and crap on the PS5 Pro, the difference to me is night and day, I guess poeple see what they want to see 🤷‍♂️Im leaning upgrade just for the horde mode really. $10 bucks will get me that or a dozen eggs(sadly).TheyAreTheSamePicture.gif@Oram77 Too true bud too true 👍@CaptD youre right. I hate sony these days :/. Maybe theyll change their ways. Alan wake 2 was also announced as digital only)@carlos82 You CAN use your DualSense without paying, you just don’t get haptics. I agree they should probably add haptic support to the OG version, and maybe they will, but that isn’t the real reason to be paying $10, it’s a nice value add, but the main proposition is more content, more modes.I was going to get this but they are being stingy about the ps plus owners. I did own the game but got rid of it when the ps plus version comes along so you did have my money XD@thefourfoldroot1 also the video above compares the remaster to the pc version that has a 4080, it should be the ps5 pro vs the ps4 version.@CaptD not really a poor decision , i’m sure if there was enough support they’d do a physical release , but if its something they know that won’t make money why would they print out discs in small batches?I would have considered upgrading $10 from the PS Plus version. That’s all.I’ll buy it again for full price. Only in the, probably, vain hope that if enough people do that they’ll start work on a sequel!!@SrpskaArtilerija no there isn’t. One gen difference in both cases, very little changes in either with maybe some minor new modes.Other than the Wii U selling appallingly which I mentioned in my og comment it is just the same.@Drago201 can’t call it definitive when you’re planning on another remaster for the ps6@ChrisDeku @EfYI I dug it out. This is the David Jaffe podcast with John Garvin and Jeff Ross, at 18:09David_Jaffe wrote:You also tweeted something that said: Upper management never even saw the pitch for Days Gone 2. The way you tweeted it makes it sound like, you went to YOUR upper management at Bend and they just didn’t even bothered showing it to anybody above them, they just killed it.Jeff_Ross wrote:Yep, that’s true. (Jaffe: “Why?”) I think it was dead on arrival, you know. It did get reviewed from a level right above the studio but I don’t think it went any further than that. The reviews went through the lens of the first one was a train wreck in so many ways and didn’t sell awesome, so lets keep these guys busy…They go on to say their management wanted them to work on another IP, maybe Syphon Filter, etc.Jaffe expands in the comments when someone said Sony never rejected a Days Gone 2 pitch and it was actually Bend’s decision to do a different game.David_Jaffe wrote:Sure but Jeff does imply that a likely reason his boss didn’t feel comfortable kicking it up to Playstation higher ups is because at the time Days Gone was still being viewed as a dud and he seemed to also suggest upper management prob would not be into the idea even if his boss HAD pitched it up the chain.”But the point is they never did pitch it to Sony. Hope that clears it up!@Oram77 Agreed. There is so much disinformation on this game. For example many people say the game released buggy (it did, in Garvin’s own words it was “Buggy as f***!”) but many gamers say Sony didn’t give the time they needed to fix this. Again that’s nonsense, Garvin’s own words are:John_Garvin wrote:They DID give us extra time, it was a six year slog, it was supposed to be a 4 year dev cycle, they gave us so much support, so much time, so many resources, we outsourced so much material. Dude, I can’t complain about everything we were given, we were a very small team making a very big game.Jeff_Ross wrote:I want to give Sony some props here. If Chris Reese (Studio Director) had gone to them and said we need 4 more months they would have given it to us.They go on to explain that marketing money “tens of million of dollars” had already been spent, so THEY felt it was basically too late to delay again. They also said they would have shipped it anyway because they were “at the end of their rope”, they were spent after 6 years. Game dev is hard. Respect to anyone that gets out a game.It’s an enlightening interview, if rambling at times, like most of Jaffe’s content, but still worth a listen imo. I think you’ve already heard it.Loved this game and the challenge mode was exceptionally brilliant! So I shall be dipping back in for a second platinum why not 👍. The new hordes sound insaniaRemoved – offensive remarksThey do stuff like this but will never remaster Infamous or Bloodborne. Things people have been wanting for years. I enjoyed days gone but this remaster is senseless.Another Sony remaster which would just be an update from other publishersThe point is so they can make more money from people and fill up the 1st party release schedule to stop it looking so barren.We need some PS3 remasters rather than PS4 games that can already be played on a PS5.I’m not a remaster support, but Days Gone is a different case in my opinion.I think it could be a way to show Sony people want a Days Gone 2, maybe I’m overthinking too much, but is how I see it.Removed – inappropriateI enjoyed Days Gone more than I expected, but don’t have any interest in revisiting it.This is exactly why I bought my Remastertation 5.Terrible comparison though considering it’s all of the close up scenes where you won’t see the improvements mentioned. The original PC version offered similar upgrades – it looked awesome – and I’m guessing this’ll push it further still in those particular areas, along with the additional modes.Obviously this remaster is a lot less visually ambitious than Horizon so I can understand the disappointment. As other people have said, I imagine the main purpose of this is to gauge the playerbase for a sequel. Would have been nice to see an engine overhaul but for a tenner I won’t say no – the Ghost of Tsushima upgrade offered far less and I bought that 😂the 60 fps patch was good enough !That this excellent game didn’t sell more than it did is a stain the reputation of gamers. Only had themselves to blame when Sony started pumping money into games as a service instead.If you want to undo the damage and send a message, I’d seriously consider your actions when this releases.Not interested in comparisons of cutscenes. That’s just ludicrous.Not defending and not seen anything, but sometimes a YouTube video is not going to show the difference that your decent TV will on the actual consoleThis should just have been a patch.They basically just raised the settings from mid to high. But greedy Sony gotta take every chance to sell an old game, at a higher price again. Hope those who haven’t played it yet, buys a used $10 PS4 copy, and upgrade that one instead.I genuinely see no difference between the comparison images.What a strange remaster.@EfYI If you are in fact “moderate and apolitical” i’d suggest getting news from a less biased source than That Park Place which is a pretty far right according to Media Bias.I don’t know that publication myself but I do know the source they are quoting “Smash JT” who is a YouTube Troll of the highest order (which is why I checked their media bias after). I had the displeasure of watching his recent hit piece on Alanah Pearce where he claims she is a ‘pathological liar’ but has very little evidence to back any of it up. Worse he was extremely disingenuous about any possible mitigation and made the sort of unfounded 1+1=3 leaps i’d expect of a ten year old.It is the absolute WORST sort of… well I don’t want to even call it ‘journalism’ as that would be an insult to journalists. It’s was a hit piece, nothing more, that sadly seems to have stirred up a hornets nest of malcontents who now stalk her around the web posting in great numbers every time she’s on a video. Truly hateful content, certainly not moderate or apolitical.Without watching this specific video (I really don’t want to give him anymore views, or start getting suggested similar videos) I can only assume it’s in a similar vein so I’ll give it little credence. A leopard never changes its spots. Furthermore if That Park Place is using him as a source then that says all I need to know about their journalistic integrity.I quite liked Days Gone and I’m super into buying all the games I already bought on PS4 again for PS5 for £10 so I can get all of the trophies again. So I’ll probably end up getting this.I love Days Gone. I’ve completed it a few times. For $10 I’m in, but I may not play through the entire game again. Depends on the Pro support and what gameplay is like.@ChrisDeku so 3 people and one packet of ciggies or 1 pack each? What does a decent packet of ciggies cost these days? £20? Could get expensive for a remaster that looks no different..FYI I was a Marlboro red guy..@themightyantI never heard of the That Park Place or any of the quoted sources before yesterday and I can’t say I agree with them, but it is clear there is a sort of culture war going on with needless casualties.It is obvious that the media bias that existed at that time of Days Gone’s release back in the day really hurt the game, as did the media bias hurt Concord.Pushsquare reports that Days Gone will never have a sequel and it is a damn shame. It truly deserves a sequel, but it needs to come from John Garvin and Jeff Ross.At the very least, I can upgrade for $10 and then trade in my physical copy of the PS4 version for $13 at GameStop.This game is so mid. Maybe 6.5/10 and the remaster will make it 6.7/10. A remaster is just stupid but they obviously think they’ll make $$$?@nessisonett exactly, they have many titles that they could “remaster” looking at my old Resistance games ….@Balie3000 gotcha 👌 they r stingy like thatLike Horizon it will be removed from Plus soon and I won’t be buying it i got for PS4 and it runs very well through PS5 and I also have it for PC and again very well it runs for that tooSo many amazing forgotten games that needs overhaul that it’s sad.A HUGE DIFFERENCE!!! There is no blood on his grey t-shirt when heli lift off! So pay ten bucks for one missing texture!On a huge sale years from now I’ll get it. Stopping my PS Plus subscription, so my PS4 copy will be gone.The problem with Days Gone on PS4 was never the graphics – it was the load screens / transitions. Cinematics would end at precisely the moment gameplay began, but they’d fade to black, load, and fade back in to gameplay that would begin precisely where the cinematic ended.If this was a true remaster they’d be implementing the Last of Us / God of War style gameplay-cinematic-gameplay seamless transitions they were so CLEARLY were gunning for on PS4 but ran out of either time or money to complete.It’s one of those changes that would be a lot of work for a small change; but a small change that’d make a gigantic difference to gamefeel and polish.That, and more stuff to do in the open world. Everyone is banging about more hordes in free-roam; it had that already, remember? It had plenty of hordes. Remember how hordes were actually the ONLY thing to do in free roam? There was exactly three other random events, and even though I haven’t played Days Gone in years but I remember them vividly because they happened so often; two raiders would go by on bikes you’d shoot them with the sniper rifle; or three copy-pasted wolves would run by the bike so you’d shoot them with the sawn-off; or a single deer would cross the road and Deek making the same, lame “deer crossing?” joke again and again and again. Rinse, repeat.That’s what needs fixing; don’t add more modes, just finish the single player. Sort the loadscreens / cinematic to gameplay transitions; add some actual stuff to the freeroam besides “extra hordes to go with your hordes” and do whatever the 4k / 60 fps patch is. Then you’ve got a remaster worth £10.@0niguy possibly, I’ve modded it and it’s honestly better looking than anything I’ve played so far on PS5. The tools are there for themI am willing to spend $10 to see if maybe it will be enough to convince them to make a sequel.The problem with the PS4 version was the terrible slowdown. I don’t know what “silky smooth 60 fps” felt like. To me, there were spots where the gameplay speed dipped down to, say, 20 fps. That said, I don’t have a PS4 Pro, and I played the game on my regular old PS4 (through PS+) prior to purchasing my PS5. If the new version is truly 60 FPS, wow. Forget about graphical improvements; the higher fps speed alone would make it worth re-experiencing…at the right price, that is.For tech enhancements sure….Otherwise it’s just to get money from casuals or die hards. That’s fine but I’d rather something else be remastered and it went to PC already so to me it’s also kind of pointless.I’d rather other IPs get the chance or money that’s more worthy to earn, not be lazy easy route as run out of others to offer.Sure it gives Days Gone a 2nd chance but does it really need one? What about other IPs, oh the engines, oh this and that. I seems a money excuse to me then genuinely necessary or tech reasons it’s always easy money reasons.If Bluepoint/Bend didn’t have their games cancelled and the State of Play showed them even like Concord/Astro then I can see why. Let alone other decisions Sony or PlayStation has made we don’t know yet. Besides the Bluepoint/Bend game cancelling period compared to when we happened to hear about them.To me I prefer Wii/PSP/PS2 versions to HD versions anyway and that’s no longer a thing so to me if it was a 3DS to HD like Castlevania or RE Revelations was or something I’d say sure.But it’s not it’s PS4 to PC back to PS5. I don’t see the point.The point is to make something, anything, since sony don’t have new 1st party games to announce because jim ryan told most ps studio to make (mostly cancelled) live service games.I skipped out on the HZD remaster as I’d recently played HZD. I bought Days Gone years ago in a sale and haven’t gotten around to playing it yet so paying £10 for an upgrade before I play it is reasonable to meIt’s a proper chalk and cheese game isn’t it. I got the game with my ps plus ps5 purchase and never played it. Bought it for 7 quid on steam and played it four or five times through on deck.It shows that ps plus games are often ignored over purchases for me. I have completed on ps5 now on a big screen and it’s a belter. Free roam instead of tlou handholding is for me a lot better. Controversial I know. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…35 PS5, PS4 Games You Should Grab in PS Store’s Planet of the Discounts SaleRecommended PS5 and PS4 games going cheap9 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for February 2025 AnnouncedStar Wars! Lost Records! 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23News Despite Strong Criticism, Days Gone PS5 Is Climbing Up the PS Store Pre-Order Charts 124News PS Plus Copies of Days Gone Won’t Offer Cheap $10 Upgrade to New PS5 Version 91News Days Gone Remastered Is Real, Out for PS5 This AprilGuide 35 PS5, PS4 Games You Should Grab in PS Store’s Planet of the Discounts …News 9 PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for February 2025 AnnouncedGuide Elden Ring Nightreign Beta Test: All Start Times and How to AccessRound Up What Was Announced During Sony’s State of Play Livestream for February 2…News PS5 Fans Are Pondering the Point of Days Gone Remastered After Graphics …News State of Play Confirmed for Wednesday, 40+ Minutes of PS5 News and UpdatesReaction The PS5 Discourse Around State of Plays Is Becoming DrainingNews PS Plus Copies of Days Gone Won’t Offer Cheap $10 Upgrade to New PS5 Ver…Guide Sniper Elite Resistance Guide: 100% Collectibles WalkthroughGuide What Time Is PlayStation’s State of Play for February 2025?Popular Right NowShow More Join 442,624 people following Push Square:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Source: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2025/02/ps5-fans-are-pondering-the-point-of-days-gone-remastered-after-graphics-comparison-emerges

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