PS Plus Users Upset After 2025 Begins With Huge Downgrade –

PlayStation Plus subscribers are not happy.
By Tyler FischerPlayStation Plus subscribers on Reddit have been left frustrated and unhappy after being hit with a major downgrade to begin 2025. There are three tiers of PlayStation Plus: PS Plus Essential, PS Plus Extra, and PS Plus Premium. And the offering of all three is different. However, what all three do have in common is a selection of free game downloads dished out every month. These free PS4 and PS5 games are free to keep as long as an active subscription is maintained, which works differently than the additional free games library PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium subscribers have.For the month of January 2025, all PlayStation Plus subscribers are getting the following three games for free: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered, and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. The headline free PlayStation Plus game this month is Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The problem with this is it’s famously not very good. Meanwhile, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit is a 15-year-old game. And then Stanley Parable, while an acclaimed game, is 12-years-old itself and a smaller game. Not only is the first lineup of free PlayStation Plus games for 2025 disappointing, but it’s a noticeable downgrade from what was offered back in January of 2024: A Plague Tale: Requiem, Evil West, and Nobody Saves the World. Previous Januarys from even earlier have had games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Fallout 76, Deep Rock Galactic, Uncharted, Greedfall, and Tomb Raider. In other words, this is the worst PlayStation Plus January lineup in a while. As you would expect, PlayStation Plus subscribers are not happy with the January 2025 free games and are worried what this could mean for the rest of the year and future lineup of free games.“Easily the worst January of all those years listed in the image,” reads one popular comment. “What a crock of s***,” adds another comment. A third comment adds: “Unhappy but I got games on my backlog to play. And upcoming games coming out soon that I am ready to play so I don’t really care about this month at all.”Of course, the PS4 and PS5 users on the PlayStation Plus Reddit page don’t represent all PlayStation fans, but they are a good representative of hardcore PlayStation fans. It is quite possible PlayStation will see this reaction and remedy the backlash with an improved offering in the future, however, if this happens PlayStation fans will need to be patient to see the resulting fruit as these deals are done in advanced. In other words, February and potential more future months are presumably are locked in, and thus will not take this reaction into consideration. For more PlayStation Plus coverage — including all of the latest PlayStation Plus news, all of the latest PlayStation Plus rumors and leaks, and all of the latest PlayStation Plus deals — click here.Be the first to know about your favorite movies, shows, comics, anime, video games, and more! Sign up here and never miss a scoop.By signing up, you confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and acknowledge our Privacy Policy.