PS Plus Essential Got 2 Flops in a Row, Members Unhappy – PlayStation LifeStyle

Zarmena Khan
PS Plus Essential users are criticizing Sony over its decision to include two widely-panned live service games in the lineup two months in a row. 2025 is off to an arguably poor start in terms of monthly offerings, with subscribers getting Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League in January followed by Payday 3 in February.February’s free games, which members can keep for good in their library, have been somewhat more well-received than January’s lineup. Earlier this month, players were treated to Suicide Squad, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. Although the latter two are great games, many weren’t happy about the inclusion of much older titles.In February, however, Essential users will have more recently released games with High on Life and Pac-Man World Re-Pac. It’s the inclusion of Payday 3 right after Suicide Squad that has caused concern.“PS+ leading January with Suicide Squad and February with Payday 3 is certainly a choice…,” wrote one player on the PS Blog. “At this rate, maybe March will finally give us Life of Black Tiger! Or how about one of those Jumping food [PS Store shovelware] games?” responded another.Others have expressed concern that we might be seeing a new trend of PS Plus getting panned live service games regularly in order to help breathe some life into them.What do our readers think?Zarmena is a senior editor at PSLS. She has been with the site since 2014.Share article