Poll: Are You Happy with Your PS Plus Extra, Premium Games for January 2025? – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpPlus or minus?The first batch of PS Plus Extra and Premium games for 2025 have been revealed, and as always, we want to know your thoughts.Extra, Sony’s middle subscription tier, had some great months in 2024, dishing out loads of highly rated releases across the year. Some would argue that it’s been the most consistent of the three PS Plus plans, and January’s offering is — in our opinion — pretty strong as well.God of War Ragnarok is the obvious showpiece, followed by Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. But we’d also give shoutouts to the addictive SD Gundam Battle Alliance, along with Sayonara Wild Hearts — a great little musical indie that you can play through in one sitting.Atlas Fallen might be worth a look as well. The action RPG received very lukewarm reviews when it launched in 2023, but it got a huge update last year that improved the experience to an impressive degree.Meanwhile, PS Plus Premium gets two oldies with the PS2 version of Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings — riding that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle hype — and MediEvil 2. The PS1 sequel has never been as beloved as the original MediEvil, but it’s still good fun.January lineup announcedAll PS5, PS4 games lists for PS Plus Essential, Extra, and PremiumSo, what do you make of January’s PS Plus Extra and Premium games? Vote in our polls, and then be completely honest in the comments section below.About Robert RamseyRobert (or Rob if you’re lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he’s played ’em all. A little too much, some might say.Comments 43Pretty lackluster as always. Ragnarok and Gaiden are the big ones.Most people who wanted to play Ragnarok probably did (or maybe not, maybe there were waiting Xbox user-style) and LADG: TMWEHN was on Game Pass since Day 1 so that one I already played (and found it pretty weak) so there’s nothing for me, at least.I tried Atlas Fallen in 2023 but never gave it a proper shot as voice acting was awful.Heard that the update improves this and other aspects so I’m looking forward to giving that a go as did like the look of it.I don’t know why anyone would look forward to playing Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings. It was terrible when it came out on PS2 in 2009!So many better options for older titles.Citizen Sleeper is what I’m most excited about. There’s some good stuff but I’ve played Ragna and Sayonora already. I might check out Atlas Fallen, but have enough large games already to play. Like a Dragon is cool, and I’m back into the series, but I think I’m only going to play mainline games.@Lup somehow I’ve not gotten around to either of the new GOW games. Now that their both on plus I should probably get that done. At some point.I’m gonna eat sand next week!Gaiden being added saved me a £25 purchase I had planned, I was considering trying out Atlas Fallen since the Reign of Sand update, plus Anno: Mutationem was on my list to play on Switch, so now I can play it without having to pay any more for it. A great month for me.Where’s the VR2 games(s)?! Sony may not support the headset, but for us owners… It’s been nice being thrown a bone here and there.Pretty solid month, Ragnarok and LAD are big games and I’m looking forward to playing Atlas Fallen and ANNO, will even try Orcs must Die 3 as it looks like a decent tower defence game. Got my money’s worth this month.I’ve been wanting to give Atlas Fallen a shot since it got that big update; will check it out at some point!Im glad to see people ready to give Atlas Fallen a fair shake. I’m a bit bias because it feels like a game made for me specifically, but I absolutely love it.I’m happy with this month’s offerings, I’m looking forward to give Atlas Fallen ago and I might revisit GowR. It’s a win for me.@Lup Just because you’ve played them doesn’t mean its lackluster.It’s a great lineup, I actully paid 60 quid over the holidays for Like A Dragon and God of War, and i’ve played and loved Sayonara Wild Hearts and Citizen Sleeper, so while theres nothing for me, it’s undeniably a great month. I’m a huge GOW fan and still haven’t played it. Not everyone needs everything day 1 and I find beinga patient gamer is a huge advantage overall. I;m not the only one.@RudeAnimat0r Gaiden might as well be a mainline game honestly. Its a bit smaller than most LAD games, but it’s still meaty. Take that from a series veteran.I’m one of the lucky ones who’ve never played Ragnarok, couldn’t get the fuss for the originals on PS3 but really enjoyed and actually finished the last one before this one .LaD and Ragnarok are two that passed me by, so pretty chuffed.I was one of the people waiting for Ragnarok. I had plenty of a backlog to keep me occupied. Interested in Anno as well.I have God of War. But there’s enough there for a thumbs up from me.I’m going to give Atlus Fallen a go, it looks a lot better than I expected. Also maybe that Orcs game, I haven’t tried a tower defense game yet.Removed – inappropriate@Deljo So these people are ***** and annoy you because they prioritized real life over videogames? You must live a charmed life with literally zero to worry about.And it’s a bit rich considering you said this…As digital slowly takes over I’ve no issue with subscriptions as there’s no way I’ll ever spend £70 on a digital copy… the other day.MediEvil 2 is worth it alone as this will be the first time it’s ever left PS1. It wasn’t re-released on PSP or PS3, so many people will be enjoying it for the first time. 😁Nothing for me as already played Ragnarock and Gaiden. Still looking for more rpgs outta premium to be brought back@MrPeanutbutterz I don’t get the relevance between my previous comment and this one, care to explain?Don’t sleep on ANNO Mutationem. It’s not perfect, however, it’s got that janky charm.@Deljo You’re calling people “*****” and getting “annoyed” at them because they let Ragnarok pass them by and happy to play it now on their sub while you also had a little p*ss and moan yourself about not buying games digitally for £70. Ever stop to think the people you are being sh*tty to here are doing exactly the same as you stated you would?Up or down, your comment in this thread is one of a petulant child, and I sincerely hope you’re no older than 14.Already own LaD Gaiden (and Orcs Must Die 3) and not really interested in Ragnarok since thought GoW 2018 was as boring as humanly possible, but I will try Atlas Fallen and Citizen Sleeper.Already finished God of War Ragnarok. The rest is moot.Ragnarok came with my PS5… PS+ literally has been such trash games every month ever since they raised the price!They raised the price and have had multiple months of Saints Row Reboot and Suicide Squad KTJL being the headliner games its sad. They really need to step it up and put some day one games more often.no knack 2 so its a stinker selection.Not a good month, but mostly because of the few I’d play, I’ve already played.Ragnarok and Gaiden are both great games for those who haven’t played them, and Sayonara Wilds Hearts is supposedly pretty good as well, so a good selection overall this month for Extra, just not much for me personally (though I’ve got a few games on my backlog atm, so it’s no problem).ANNO: Mutationem is the game I’m most excited to try and platinum. I’ve been trying to play as many games that I can, from the China Hero Project…It’s always great to play games from parts of the world that haven’t been the focus of console gaming in the past. I hope the China Hero Project continues to help more developers make games for the console market.As i get older i tend to be a lot less impulsive and wiser when it comes to buying brand new games at a premium, Ragnarok has always been on my radar since release but always waited for it to be on sale.I don’t have a major issue with the price of games at the minute but i do have an issue with the volume of good games i want to play, and the cost certainly racks up.I almost bought Ragnarok in the end of year sale but opted for Jedi Survivor instead because it was so cheap.I am really loving my old man patience at the minute, got Jedi Survivor for £7 and getting God of War Ragnarok for absolutely nothing. 😀I’ll be honest, I was waiting for GOW Ragnarok to hit PS+. Enjoyed the previous entry but not enough to warrant another purchase, and have a heap of games backlogged. Patience is a virtue. Atlas Fallen, Anno and Sayonara are also going to be queued up.9% voted crap selection.If this is crap, almost nothing will ever satisfy you on PS PlusExcited to try GoWR, those games aren’t quite my thing, but they’re close and the first one did a pretty good job at winning me over by the end of it. Playing them on a sub is a perfect match for me.MediEvil 2 is the thing I’ve wanted from Premium the most, aside from native Ratchet and Clank games. If people aren’t happy still with what they’ve added to Premium and built a good, not perfect, catalog, I’m not sure what else is wanted. Aside from R&C, most hit classics are accessible on Premium or remastered.I finally get to play ragnarok.Looking forward to itI’m playing through the Mafia trilogy right now for the first time and am going to play the Yakuza/Like a Dragon games for the first time ever next. So getting more Like a Dragon Content it great!Nothing much for me other than the Premium games. Already played Ragnarok when it came out and many of the others I played on GamePass when they came out. Still recognize that it’s a good month for many others though.God of War is one I’ve been keeping for ‘‘when it comes to PS+’’, but now it’s here I still can’t be too bothered.Played the first game and enjoyed it moderately. It takes itself way too seriously and the voice acting always cracks me up, as if George Lucas was in the recording studio saying “darker and more intense” at every line.ANNO and Citizen Sleeper are what I’m interested in. The latter doesn’t seem like my kind of thing, but I’ve heard very good things.I fear the ending of Gaiden won’t have much impact for anyone who hasn’t played most of the series and none of them are on the catalogue anymore, aside from Ishin. It’s a great game for fans of the series, though the story’s a bit iffy outside of a few key moments. Good soundtrack too. 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