PlatinumGames Wipes Several Games From Its Website’s Portfolio – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpIncluding Star Fox Zero and ‘Project G.G.’Developer and publisher PlatinumGames has wiped a bunch of games from the ‘all works’ section of its official website, including an in-development project (thanks, Eurogamer).No explanation has been provided regarding the change, but games such as Star Fox Zero, Transformers: Devastation, MadWorld, Sol Cresta, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan are now nowhere to be seen.Another title wiped from the page is ‘Project G.G.’, an in-development title that many believe to have now been cancelled following its removal. No official confirmation has been given at the time of writing, but if you were looking forward to this one in particular, then you might want to set your expectations.Former producer Jean-Pierre Kellams has taken to social media to accuse the company of “erasing its history” and notes that he feels “deeply insulted” by PlatinumGames’ decision.For reference, the games that now remain are:If you want to see what the page looked like prior to the change, this can be found via the Internet Archive.PlatinumGames has found itself in the news recently following the departure of key veterans, including Bayonetta Origins director Abebe Tinari and Astral Chain director Takahisa Taura (though the latter hasn’t been officially confirmed).Following the departure of Hideki Kamiya in 2023, many have been pondering the future of the studio, however PlatinumGames recently confirmed its involvement in the development for Ninja Gaiden 4 alongside Team Ninja and publisher Xbox Game Studios.Umbra-lievableHideki and seekWhat do you make of this move from PlatinumGames? Are you annoyed, or is it just not a big deal? Let us know your thoughts with a comment down below.[source, via]About Ollie ReynoldsNintendo Life’s resident horror fanatic, when he’s not knee-deep in Resident Evil and Silent Hill lore, Ollie likes to dive into a good horror book while nursing a lovely cup of tea. He also enjoys long walks and listens to everything from TOOL to Chuck Berry.Comments 78It’s too bad Star Fox zero pretty much doomed the series. It are the controls that killed the game for most. I still own the game but I just find it unplayable because of it. Hopefully the series will make a return on Switch 2.Why? are they ashamed of those games or something. Sol Cresta is a great SHMUP/shooter, even if it didnt sell too well. But i mean SHMUPS are rarely big selling games. Its certainly nothing to be embarrassed of.Underrated game, one of the few games I keep coming back to on my WiiU, easy to pick-up and play. If I were Platinum, I’d proudly show Star Fox Zero on the site.Star Fox Zero was fun, challenging, had a good style and felt fesh thanks to the controls. I would be happy to get a new Star Fox with a quality like that. And I think the studio can be proud about it. The title on the game cover certainly looks proud.I get removing the in-development title and even more so if it has been cancelled, but when it comes to the rest of the games it’s weird and worrying… and I agree with others here that they have nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to Sol Cresta, MadWorld and yes, even Star Fox Zero (don’t know the other two games, but they shouldn’t have been removed regardless) – you might not personally like its controls, it being yet another retread and/or whatever else, but those aspects certainly don’t make it a bad game, far from it!Star Fox Zero was an okay timepass playthrough. The thing is, you want more from that in what was a “new” Star Fox game.Madworld Wii was decent and so was Sol Cresta!Mystifying.🤔 Even Infinite Space is wiped?Star Fox Zero’s pretty much a testament to how sometimes when everyone is telling you something is a bad idea it’s because it’s a bad idea. Advertising the game around, “Well maybe you’ll get used to the controls on your second or third run of it!” doomed the thing even without getting into its other issues like being a completely pointless reboot.Though really I don’t think an audience exists for Star Fox anymore anyway. Every game in this series post-Adventures has flopped and I say that as someone who thinks Assault is the best one in the series.#StarFoxZeroWasGoodI don’t see any reason why they should erase their history, especially now when they are not even a 20 year old company.Historical revisionism is absolutely loathsome and should be illegal.@1UP-HUSKY maybe try learning the controls instead of complaining. There is a difference between bad controls and bad skills. If some players can achieve higher scores with original controls than modded version that is playable with regular controller, that says something. Lazy gamers kill games because they expect everything resolve around them instead of putting some effort it. I struggled for maybe 20min and then the game became a blast. Don’t forget that Platinum Games made it, and almost their every game is a polished treasure! If you don’t like it or can’t handle it, that’s fine, but don’t bash it if it’s not a game for you! Because it’s not a bad game and the controls are actually super precise with a ton of options if you learn it.Hmm… I was going to say it’s because they don’t own any of those IP’s. Obviously they don’t own Transformers or TMNT but Mad World is Sega, just like Bayonetta.Weird.@Lizuka if you don’t like it don’t play it and don’t judge it! I loved the game and loved the controls. It felt like a breeze of fresh air having a game that tries to accomplish something different, plus the controls were super precise and having plain controls like N64 would degrade the experience! That’s like saying some people hate Horrors-should they stop making horror films because the audience disliking the genre is loud and the ones who like it don’t bother replying? No, Star Fox Zero is one of the most unique games, and I dare say the best on-rail shooter! Starlink was a piece of horse junk, and not every game needs to sell 10-20milions. Many games like Sin and Punishment 1-2, Star Fox, Pikmin, are very unique and look what’s on Nintendo eshop? Far worse titles! Garbage truck games, petting animal games, farming games, well there is so much content that is utter garbage, that these on-rail shooters are game of the year in comparison and part of history which gamers should defend!@Znake maybe read the comment instead of throwing a tandrem and call everyone a lazy gamer because they don’t agree with your vision. I played games since the NES days and are used to difficult controls you need to learn.Nowhere did I say this was a bad game. I think it’s a good game, I just said that the controls killed the game for most, Wich is a fact and unfortunately the game sold less because of it.What about that awful Legend of Korra game?I mean, they could re-release Revengeance if they’re going to show off they made it, you know? For me, it’s easily their most fun to play game.MadWorld is a solid freaking game. Nothing like it out there.Seriously, what happen at platinum games? Why nearly everyone is quitting and making their own studio, and some even goes back to capcom. And making okami 2 which is very fine 😃Maybe the lead devs for the deleted games already left platinum so they delete their games from their website too.Huh. I got SF Zero relatively recently. It’s been in my Wii U for a bit now, waiting for me to start. But have been swamped with games, so it might be a bit longer.Interestingly enough, I’m just a couple chapters into Revengeance as well.I remember seeing MadWorld around. I can’t figure on why they’d remove these games.Anyway, for me, another reminder of the tragedy that was Wii U not having enough marketing effort put behind it for it to gain as much traction as it should have. (Among other things)Don’t tell me. Let me guess. The games that Platinum have struck from their record were mainly created by the people who have left them.@wiiware Except, the lead director for Bayo Origins was stated to have left, yet that game is still there, and similar deal with Astral Chain’s director, though that’s listed as a rumor.@1UP-HUSKY sorry if I didn’t formulate the reply correctly, I am not an angry gamer lol, and you also don’t need to take that so personally. I am more disappointed with some communities where people bash games and most of them haven’t later it:( I thanks for the reply anyway!Super sad. Shows that things aren’t going well with Platinum (Wich might be because of Tencent). I hope they make a glorious comeback with Ninja gaiden 4, but I doubt it. Maybe Kamiya can revive the company with his company called Clovers?@Znake thank for this reply as well. I did enjoy the game though and finished it. But because of the controls I haven’t played it after, that’s what I meant with unplayable for me. Should have added that in my first post.MadWorld is something to be proud of.Removing the license games is one thing (who onows what legal nonsense can happen with Hasbro or Paramount involved), and Zero might be foreshadowing, but it’s Sol Cresta thats the real head scratcher cause that’s they’re most recent release!How weird that Sol Cresta got wiped. Its a good game that they can still sell.@WadeMcG That was my first thought too.That’s so weird that they would do this. Sure, maybe the licensed games had to be taken down, and I know that SF Zero doesn’t have the best rep, but Sol Cresta is really weird since they published that game themselves basically besides Japan & was their newest release besides Babalon’s Fall, and MadWorld being erased should be a crime because that game is sooooooooo good, and is just flat out their first ever title. No reason why they would want to delete thatI like MadWorld!Wasn’t Star Fox ZERO just the same game as the 64 game, just slightly updated in graphics?I remember the opening stage or two being the same but those absolutely horrendous controls made the game unplayable for me.Being unable to get a refund or sell it is why I am strictly physical nowadays!Sad thing to see. Madworld was one of those games I heard about as a kid and went back to purchase as an adult because it stuck with me.Anarchy Reigns and Mad World were solid!P.S. Starfox Zero has one special message in the credits and it’s enough for me to consider the game more than just memorable!Project G.G…. RIP. 😔Absolutely adore Star Fox Zero and Sol Cresta and find it odd they’ve been scrubbed. But the real oddball move here is the removal of Madworld. It’s literally the first Platinum game! There’s some real historical significance thereStar Fox Zero had objectively awful controlsWishful thinking: the removed games are getting out-sourced remakes/remasters and Platinum are leaving it up to those studios to post it as their work on their own site. 🤷♂️If that were the case, BRING ON STAR FOX ZERO!!!The hell are the Jack Cayman games?!?! Madworld was a stylish game and Max Anarchy Reigns built on top of that by turning it into an arena fighter.I tried Star Fox zero and it just wasn’t for me. It’s cool some people liked it, there was definitely fun to be had. But I just wanted another on rails style game like 64. I think we can all agree we’d love to see more games with the series though.I don’t trust them with Ninja Gaiden 4. I wish Itagaki was still overseeing it.The removal of Sol Cresta is particularly weird; wasn’t this game recently remade/rereleased?Maybe Elon or one of his DOGE henchman didn’t like the games so they just deleted them? 🤷🏻♂️The problem with the controls in SF Zero is not that they are too hard or too different – both of those could be good things. The problem is that they encouraged a style of play that wasn’t much fun – going one way and shooting another. It feels awkward and deadens the pace. On top of that, the general level design etc wasn’t very good from what I remember. A big disappointment for someone who’s very first console game was Starwing.I think this is just them trying to frame themselves as a developer of a very specific kind of action game. Does kinda go against their original philosophy of doing different, unconventional games, but all of these supposedly lost pages that you need Internet Archive for still exist and can be accessed on their company profile page, which no one seems to be mentioning. Except Project G.G. So the real story here is basically “Project G.G. is seemingly cancelled, and Platinum has trimmed down its portfolio while leaving pages to their other games on its company history.”I don’t believe we’ll ever get the full story but I would really like to know whats been going on within Platinum lately.I can maybe understand the removal of licensed games from non-gaming IPs (Legend of Korra, TMNT, and Transformers) but all the others I don’t get. Like, why Sol Cresta for example? This game was not only rereleased not that long ago but its one of the extremely few games that Platinum fully owns (I think).Looks like they only want to acknowledge the games were well received or were financial successes. Low sale games and bad ones helped them too. But who knows why they did it. I hope it is not cause they are making themselves look good for a sale. But after the certain people they lost they may have to do it.I will always contend that Zero was a pretty fun game in co-op. I think it says something about the controls that you need two pilots to intuitively play the game, but if you can find someone to play with, it’s a decent time, even if it’s very derivative of 64.Man, I really liked TF Devastation, and friend of mine loves it as well. That game’s worth remembering…..But from what I’ve heard, TMNTMIM isn’t as much. Still weird to do this. Still need to play Zero (and Guard).Star Fox Zero was amazing. I liked it even more because of the original control scheme.I’m very glad I had the chance to enjoy a game which broke the conventions like that. It will probably not happen anytime soon again.As someone who needs to regularly update my design portfolio with my best work, this is pretty par for the course.Transformers Devastation is a great and short game for anyone lookingDidn’t they co-develop Star Fox Guard as well?@1UP-HUSKY The controls work better in two player co-op. Where one guy has the gamepad as like a rotating turret, and one guy plays traditional starfox flying the arwing.Star Fox 64 just needs a simple remake with motion controls.THAT IS ALL@MJF That was what Star Fox Zero basically was hehehhe.Star Fox Zero is a fantastic game! If you couldn’t get used to the controllers, that only took until you reach the last part of the first level, then, you’re too white to dance, dude.@rjejr what does Elon have to do with any of this?Still kind of sad we never got that Mysterious Murasame Castle revival game back then when Kamiya wanted to work on either Star Fox or that if given the chance. We got Star Fox Zero.@Lizuka I do think there is an audience for an open world space game in the style of Starlink or No Man’s Sky. Starlink itself didn’t do too well, but the Switch version did slightly better, so that implies that they didn’t like Starlink itself but were intrigued by the possibility of a Star Fox game in this style. I say they try a full Star Fox game in this style and see what happens. Nintendo will probably come up with a polished, fun take on this style, and open world games tend to sell, so they should put this out there and see if it’ll spark more interest in Star Fox. If that fails then I think you could say there’s no audience for Star Fox.License probably lapsed. Individual devs can likely still reference on their resumes.Project G:G may have been a reference to Astral China 2 with the G:G representing the linked aspects of the gameplay. There was a rumor floating last week on Reddit that its development was in complete disarray and may have been cancelled entirely.Guys, you know you can like a game and still say some parts are objectively not good, right? It’s not always the fault of the person complaining, you don’t need to defend it that hard, SFZ will not call you in the morning to personally thank you.@Smithicus I guess so? If I’m being honest, companies shouldn’t try to hide these games just because they failed. They worked on those games, so they should take responsibility and accept they made those games and learn from the mistakes. That might sound like a weird take, but it’s just what I think.I’m not really liking what is going on at Platinum Games lately. Seems to be a massive shift in leadership over there. Its not surprising some of the big players of the company have parted ways now.I’d be interested in knowing why they “erased” their history, but we’ll likely never know.@siavm This.Platinum are DESPERATE for investors and collaborations (i.e. outside funding) at this point and don’t want to acknowledge any of their past works that poorly performed either critically or financiallyThat’s really dumb, even with their low points devs should stand by every project they were a part of.Besides, Madworld, Anarchy Reigns, Infinite Space and Transformers Devastation are 100% games to be proud of@nhSnork Not surprising, it was a sort of “niche” game that only a specific audience really heard of or played. Think it hasn’t been listed on there for a while now.Now I got the itch to play it again. I really need to do a playthrough where I go Zenito for the Absoluta.@Megas75 Yeah, but some of them didn’t meet sales goals or were produced in such limited quantities that they aren’t appealing to investors. Infinite Space, while I love the game, was too niche and not as widespread. It’s also not the type of game that would normally attract investors or capital. It was more or less a love letter to space operas, big shoulder pads, etc. it was very much a game targeting a specific audience and not quite AAA material a company wants in a portfolio to attract money.I guess they weren’t too proud of Babylon’s fall either. They should harass square enix until they agree to let them make NieR: Manualata, the game no one can play in the US.@TimelessJubilee “ what does Elon have to do with any of this? “He has something to do with everything, just ask him. 😝’m guessing they plan to continue the remaining titles with another director on the sequels, similar to how the DMC series went for Kamiya.Which, if so, that sucks for Wonderful101. I feel like W101 and Viewtiful Joe had a specific feel that only Kamiya and his team could create.@Mariotag Man something weird is happening at platinum games, I just hope they still have good talent to make a great ninja gaiden 4 game.Sad that Star Fox Zero is going to be one of the few games that remains a Wii U exclusive. It might not be the best in the series, but it still has value. For several years I had hopes they would port it to the Switch with modified/improved controld, but alas, don’t think it is ever going to happen as we are now at the very end of the Switch’s lifecycle.Mad World was one of my favorite Wii games. I think it would easily do much better on the Switch. I feel like Sega missed the ball by not updating that and “House of the Dead:Overkill” for the Switch. There isn’t anything really like Mad World on the Switch. Maybe make it even more over the top and even add cartoon boobies to it to make it it’s own thing. I mean HotD:Overkill had grandma boobs hahaI’d also like a re-do of Eternal Darkness and Conduit.My condolences for the licensed titles they straight up wiped and stuff like Madworld and Sol Cresta, but good riddance to Star Fox Zero. It’s everything currently wrong with the Star Fox franchise, from being STILL a guinea pig IP to constantly rebooting amd retreading the first Star Fox game and still trying to salvage the second game again, a trend started by Star Fox 64.If, and only IF, those rumors are true, Star Fox is not only still stuck in the remaster/remake/reboot/”””reincarnation””” purgatory but is going to be pushed as a TV show IP to fill in the wait for the next guinea project.and when that happens, there’s no reason to look forward for anything in this franchise for this generation. They even lost the guy who made the original designs including redesigning that one off-series character at one point, so who’s gonna be there to breathe some life to the series?Also kudos for Ubisoft for trying to salvage what was left of Zero for their little failure, though i still can’t trust them enough to handle the franchise better than current Nintendo atm.@Edu23XWiiU not at all.just the N64 with motion controlsnothing else.the wii u game had a bunch of other crap going was in the Warioware Smooth Moves game. you just held the wii remote like you’re flying a plane and you aimed to shoot at the screen. the best star fox experience ever made right there. 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