People Are Sharing Wild Medical Facts Most People Don’t Know About, And You Should Probably Read These – BuzzFeed

BRB, scheduling my yearly check-up.BuzzFeed Contributor—u/GuitarEvening8674″They’re not dead until they’re warm and dead.”—u/Hot-Data686″Anna Bågenholm comes to mind. She survived a body temperature of 13.7°C (56.7°F) and made an almost full recovery.”—u/OMG_A_CUPCAKE”Also, they transplant the new kidney into your abdomen and it sits on top of your pelvis/hip area. If you get multiple transplants, they just keep adding new kidneys in. I’ve known of patients who’ve had six kidneys. I learned a lot about this during my kidney transplant six years ago.”—u/Traveling_mustang”You press them down, and then they open back up a little. Then you have to press them closed again and press a little harder.I know. I was bedside when my Dad passed away. If he was still in the room, I bet he had a good chuckle.Miss him.”—u/Ludwig_Vista2—u/Midnite06″I’m a NY Rescue Medic for the [Fire Department]. [This is] actually something we check for. People who don’t know and see it probably think we’re a bunch of pervs.”—u/rroberts3439″It’s the reason thyroid cancer patients need to be on a high dose of replacement hormone to suppress the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone that could trigger regrowth. It was wild to learn that removing the gland doesn’t always solve the issue.”—u/trizer81—u/NoSwimmers45—u/cat_prophecy”I only learned about it when reading about Catherine O’Hara (Home Alone, Schitt’s Creek) — apparently, her organs, like her heart, lungs, etc., are flipped to the opposite sides of her body.”—u/katasoupie”My grandfather had this! Made his doctors very confused when he had appendicitis, and the pain was on the wrong side.”—u/shaarlock—u/Swimming_Treat3818″Those breaks are often not easy to distinguish from muscle or tendon strain without imaging, and the patient[might be] acting completely normal. I used to think breaking anything would have someone on the floor in agony, but a lot of them are like, ‘Yeah it hurts when I bend it.’If you want nightmare fuel: sometimes your spine can spontaneously break under its own weight. This is called a compression fracture.”—u/Halospite—u/mckqllguddy”The SFW image on that site (an entirely woman-run nonprofit) literally saved my life: my doctor did a physical exam, didn’t feel a lump, and tried to send me packing, dismissing the weird allergic-reaction-looking patch of skin on my chest. Any change in your chest — dimples, dents, skin texture, itching, dry skin, anything — run it by your doctor and trust your gut.In my year of treatment and monthly checkups for the last few years, I always make a point to ask one nurse or doctor if they know there are 12 symptoms, and they don’t know. The point is not that doctors suck (there’s a lot to learn, women’s health is secondary in med school, etc.) but that you have to dial in and fight for yourself.”—u/lizlemonista”Unsurprisingly, this is agonizingly painful. Something like 1 in 10 women have it. And apparently, it’s still not worth doing research into.”—u/LegalFox9″My spouse is a gynecologist surgeon. She had a patient with endometriosis in her lungs that caused life-threatening pulmonary issues.”—u/i_am_voldemort”I do medical deep dives regularly as a morbidly curious freak and endometriosis is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. It can grow anywhere. People have had it in their brain and on their skin. And it can go through menses. Awful, scary, terrifying stuff.”—u/CannibalAnn”I developed a thyroid disease and an autoimmune disease during my first pregnancy. It’s been great.”—u/PublicProfanities”It can also make your eyesight worse, cause cavities and loose teeth, cause or exacerbate bone loss/osteoporosis, make moles or angiomas grow or appear, make subsequent periods heavier, temporarily reduce grey matter in the brain, cause pelvic organ prolapse, cause skeletal structure changes, cause abdominal muscle separation, new-onset diabetes (usually from gestational diabetes), and increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.The number of side effects, complications, and possible permanent effects of pregnancy would fill a book, yet people still try to pretend it’s a perfectly normal and harmless process and women are just complaining.”—u/Inwint”It’s called feculent vomiting.”—u/EitherChannel4874—u/nsmith0723″Fecal transplants have transmitted clinical depression from donor to recipient.”—u/garrettj100″This leads to a chain reaction where other proteins around it are misshaped and basic body functions break down. When it attacks the brain it causes irreversible brain damage and death. There’s no way to target a rogue protein. In diseases like Mad Cow Disease it’s acquired by consuming meat, but it can also just happen randomly.”—u/Junior_Sginificance9″Iron affects literally every part of your body, from how cold your feet are to whether you exhibit symptoms of bipolar disorder. Seriously consider looking into it if you have any unexplained symptoms.”—u/314159265358979326—u/kiwidale—u/ChanSungJung”For example, if you are a male and your donor is a female and you do a blood DNA test your results will show that you are a female. Since the rest of your cellular structure is your own, a DNA mouth swab test would show you are a male. This is known as chimerism.”—u/dadamax—u/No-Object-294—u/cownowbrownhow—u/spicytotino”I had a cyst removed that had been growing on my ovary: I was told it had hair, teeth, and brain matter. I called it my cyst-er.”—u/coors1977″It’s called a teratoma.”—u/RoutineOther7887—u/jocosely_living—u/flinger_of_marmots—u/suddenspiderarmy—u/AnnoyedOwlbear—u/Solelbis—u/wilderlowerwolves