PC Gaming Brought In Significantly Higher Revenue Than Consoles in the Last Decade – Wccftech

PC gaming has dominated the mainstream markets over the past decade, as revealed in this new report by Epyllion. Traditionally, video game markets have always favored console platforms in terms of product launches, given that the PC version often comes years after the mainstream release, but despite this disparity, it seems like PC gaming has managed to compete in the gaming segment tremendously. Epyllion’s newest report has revealed that PC gaming consumer revenue share has grown by up to 20% in years, while console revenue has “stagnated,” showing the interest around both platforms.The data reveals that while both platforms have seen exponential growth over the years, it seems like PC gaming has seen a stronger momentum, which has certainly been reflected in the revenue figures. Since the last decade, PC gaming has been said to bring in up to 220% higher revenue than the console platform, which is indeed astonishing, considering how the general notion is that consoles have contributed more to the gaming industry in general.Epyllion claims that the platform’s growth over the years is due to its “compounding advantages” over the console platform and a more interactive environment, which means backward compatibility and greater control over the gaming performance of the respective systems. Along with this, the sluggish selling momentum of consoles has also been attributed to the figures, which is why PC gaming has seen accelerated progress over the past few years, especially after 2021.Whatever platform emerges at the top, it’s safe to say that this progress is ultimately healthy for the gaming markets since the revenue figures rising over the years mean we are witnessing sustainable growth. Let us know which platform you prefer, PC or console, and why.Some posts on wccftech.com may contain affiliate links. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC
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