Nintendo’s Share Price Reaches An All-Time High One Week After Switch 2 Reveal – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign Up1-UpIt was all doom and gloom last week as Nintendo’s share price took a slight tumble immediately after the long-awaited Switch 2 reveal. But, ever ones to hit the rebound hard, the Big N has bounced back in style, temporarily hitting the company’s highest recorded share price since listings began — mamma mia.As flagged by Automaton, Nintendo stock temporarily rose to a tasty 9,775 JPY on 23rd January, setting a new all-time high for the company and reportedly beating the previous record (immediately before the Switch 2 reveal) by 371 JPY. While things dropped a little throughout the day, the shares ended up closing at a 1.65% increase on yesterday’s figures.Naturally, these stock figures fluctuate all the time and things have generally been steadily on the rise since the start of 2025. But we think that all-time high figure is worthy of note all the same — even if we’re bound to see it be beaten with more Switch 2 anticipation over the coming months.Off the back of this week’s rise, Automaton reports that Toyo Securities has upped its forecast of Switch 2 sales from 14 million units to 16 million units, with the firm assuming that the console will hit shelves in early July. This is certainly within the release window outlined by publisher and accessory manufacturer Nacon earlier this week, which is also eyeing a launch in the first half of FY2025/26.Brace for more share price records, we guess.No need to panic, thoughWhile either Sony or Microsoft will “struggle mightily”Not bad going for one week on! What do you make of Nintendo’s new high? Let us know in the comments.[source]About Jim NormanJim came to Nintendo Life in 2022 and, despite his insistence that The Minish Cap is the best Zelda game and his unwavering love for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he has continued to write news and features on the site ever since.Comments 42So earlier this week there was a dip and now it’s at an all time high.This, people, is why you shouldn’t go by stock prices You’re telling me that the stock market closes during lunch, but remains open during brunch, afternoon tea, goûter, merienda, lanche…?Outrageous!Yeah, that’s the stock market for you… and is exactly why I despise how it works!@JohnnyMind You despise the stock market? 🤔Bit of a strong word lolIt was all doom and gloom from sensationalist “journalists”.@SabreLevant my own attitude is dismissive rather than resentful, but at the end of the day, we ARE talking a more societally glorified form of betting.😏All a load of imaginary money….It is all an illusion….What’s the opposite of doomed?! Nintenboomed? NintenSmashingIt? NintenTakeMyMoneyNOW@SabreLevant Not much more to say as @nhSnork has already said it.Seems reasonable.. last week money people thought S2 reveal was lackluster without surprises and stock took a bit of a hit. This week it became obvious steady and continuation of what was before is exactly what most of 150 million users wanted, so stock rebounded..They’re a fickle bunch those stocks n shares folks.Very up and down….. reminds me of the comments section over on Push Square when the free PS plus monthly games get announcedI haven’t seen a single reason why it should rise. I first have to see wich games they bring, price, power and release-date. And whether it actually takes off (if it doesn’t take off, stock-prices may go down again).Won’t somebody please think of the shareholders!@JohnnyMind I mean, invested over a long period of time, you can easily make a damn fortune in boring index funds….. Single stocks, obviously, riskier, but index/mutual funds, I think I’ll take the guaranteed returns on investmentPeople only bad mouth the stock market when they don’t understand investingHopefully we’ll see the real boom come April 02nd@Smithylfc2008 And that’s exactly my point, the goal of the stock market for most is “making a damn fortune”, not supporting companies!Yep. We should really stop factoring this in as being indicative for the gaming industry at all. Last week, releasing console info DOOMED them. This week they are better than ever because of it?Who decides what a share is worth! Lol. I will never understand this at all.It was all doom and gloom last week as Nintendo’s share price took a slight tumble.For who? Investors? Maybe. For the average consumer, it probably means nothing.@WheresWaveRace I consulted and apparently delight is the opposite of doom and gloom. So, even if it sounds longer, I’m gonna say Nintendelighted.Where’s Eurogamer and half of gaming media article on this? They were quick to say Nintendo was almost bankrupt last week lmao.@JohnnyMind I’ve never seen you get this heated.I tend to stick to index funds and other bundled ETFs because I just don’t have the time to be hands on, but I do tend to buy some Nintendo here and there when it dips, mainly just to fan out.@HammerGalladeBro Honestly no one other than gaming “journalists” who took one day dip as a validation of their opinion that the Switch 2 is “disappointing”.@TheSaneInsanity You missed my comments on certain topics then but yeah, as much as I’m overall positive, especially when it comes to games, I do get this heated when it comes to more serious matters – in this case because the approach most people have towards the stock market can have unfortunately more often than not negative consequences on others’ lives.@JohnnyMind I’m with you, too many people after a quick buck and not enough people supporting good ideas and practices. It would be nice if there wasn’t so much volatility in the market, but such is the world we live in :/Hence how the stock market works. Nothing really of note to see here, folks. The stock rollercoaster continues.Let’s see where it is in a year or so once the switch lands.As I still feel the rumoured price point will kill post fan sales.@Smithylfc2008 I’m on the long-term investment train myself, but it is certifiably untrue that the only people who complain about the stock market are those that don’t understand investments.The stock market is why companies chase profits to the point of damaging their products, undercutting their employees, and selling out their users.The stock market is why Google search has progressively gotten worse; AAA gaming is destined to crash; and social media has turned its users into the used.Investments are also why we got Henry Morgan, but that’s a story for another time.Got to love make-believe money and how we value it.@Smithylfc2008 No, we also bad mouth it when it leads to companies making horrible decisions just for the sake of trying to raise their stock price. It’s not a jealousy thing 95% of the time.NL is probably the only website who pretended this was a big deal last week when everyone knows how stock market works… I mean. This and last week’s article go against your editorial guidelines btw (alongside many other news failing your editorial, veracity and many other guidelines).To say you don’t actually care about them in the first place is a step I am obviously taking.But yeah folks, this is how stock market works 🤷Any positive news where Nintendo have more money to invest in making their unique brand of games is great news.@Astropez,Very true, nobody judges any stock on one days worth or trading.@JohnnyMind If you think the stock market is glorified betting, then you do not understand the stock market.@JohnnyMind That is to say, saying that is the economical equivalent of being an anti-vaxer (just because you can’t see the benefits doesn’t mean there are none)Are we going to report the share price every week now? It goes up, it goes down. I’m not sure we need a regular update.@Baker1000 I hope not, this is definitely not the website for this kind of information, and it mostly attracts the virtue signallers@SabreLevant Just look at what comment 14 said, that’s supposedly coming from someone who “understands” the stock market and has invested to “make a damn fortune”…@JohnnyMind I looked at comment 14, and I don’t get how that bolsters your despise for the stock market? You are conflating the very useful function of an exchange with social behaviour you personally don’t agree with.Stocks are my favorite lootboxes.Interesting results. It’s not a complete sign but maybe people buying them up for ebay later?Or people getting as many models to collect or replace before Switch 2?I wonder if a price cut on Switch 1 or just they discontinue it easily over time?Would they really care to discount it to get rid of remaining Switch 1 stock? I mean I get like 3DS they would go hmm keep it around a while but I mean who knows really it’s not a different name it is a like GBA another iteration with that brand name so who knows.I’m tempted to tell my dad about this as he is obsessed with the stock market, me, nah, I just want a huge backlog to play on the Switch 2 for backwards compatibility reasons & the (hopefully) end of the dreaded Joy-Con drift. I hadn’t even told him that the Switch 2 has been unveiled after years of leaks & endless speculation.@RetroGames I don’t get this. You’re on a site where those big scary journalists work…do you understand that? 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