Nintendo Expands Switch Online’s GBA Library Next Week With Wario Land 4 – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpThe perfect Valentine’s Day giftNintendo’s been pretty consistent so far this year with the Switch Online game updates, and joining the service next week is the Game Boy Advance title Wario Land 4.This game originally made its debut on the handheld platform in 2001 and follows on from the first three games as well as the Virtual Boy entry. You can see it in action via the Switch Online service in the new trailer. Here’s the official description:”Wario Land 4 is coming to Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack on 2/14! Loot-loony Wario has discovered his biggest score yet! It’s a fabulous golden pyramid filled with riches! Trouble is, its denizens don’t want to give up the treasure easily, but that hasn’t stopped Wario before! In Wario Land 4, the greedy hero finds himself no longer invincible, as in his previous platform adventures. He can, however, undergo amazing transformations that aid him in his quest—like becoming Vampire Bat Wario, Bouncy Wario, and even Zombie Wario!”Once again, Wario Land 4 will be added to the Switch Online + Expansion Pack service next week on 14th February 2025. You’ll need to have an active subscription to this premium tier if you want to relive this Wario-themed adventure.Japan’s Switch Online library will also be receiving Wario Land 4 next week. This latest addition to the service follows the arrival of Ridge Racer 64 last week, and some Super Nintendo titles earlier in the year.Every retro game available with an NSO sub (plus the Expansion Pack)It’s Ridge Racer!Including a special Super Famicom release…Will you be checking out this Wario platformer when it returns? Have you played this on GBA? Tell us in the comments.About Liam DoolanLiam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He’s been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief.Comments 85I know there are people that really love WL 4, but I always found it a major disappointment after the absolute gems that were WL2 and 3.His greatest achievement.@JackieCMarlow well, this one did give us Pizza Tower and Antonblast.It feels like Nintendo in this era likes Wario a lot and that’s a wonderful thing.For someone who will die single, let alone be single on Valentine’s weekend, this is good news to me.This game has a real unique vibe. You could tell the sound designers were allowed to go crazy in this game.The “Hurry up!” theme is so effective at setting the frantic mood for the escapes.And I find it so funny how the unlockable sound CDs are just… weird experimental sound performance art things, rather than a more “normal” unlockable like the game’s ost or something. It’s so peculiar, you can’t help but appreciate it….would be nice to get Wario Land 1 and 2 on here too, it’s weird that just Wario Land 3 was on the service right away, and we waited THIS long to get 4. The dripfeed is painful sometimes.Awesome! One of my favourite GBA games when I was young. I’ve not played it in years, so I can’t wait to play it again. I remember it being great!Wario Land 2 better. But this one is pretty decent, I’ll take itWhat? That was unexpected. But a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.Maybe the best game on the GBA app so far. I’ve been waiting for this so I could replay it.Such a great game and a nice addition to the NSO library, but why just one game???@syrupdash Someone’s been watching one too many goomba’s!It’s about time they hurry up with GBA support. Wario Land 4 is an excellent way to pick it up again. Now this makes me want it on Nintendo Music, too. It’s a cool soundtrack that didn’t get a music player, instead getting a bunch of weird sound effect reels…Meh. Another Pizza Tower ripoff? Wasn’t Antonblast enough?THIS IS A JOKE THIS IS A JOKE THIS IS A JOKECan we also get the other Wario Lands, please??My most played GBA game. I’m so happy to be able to replay itPlease be a Donkey Kong Land on NSO situationWould be awesome to see a brand new Wario Land game for Switch.I got so excited when I saw the trailer drop on YouTube! I never played this game back on the GBA but have heard nothing but great things… Technically that’s not true, I actually did own this game as a kid but for some reason didn’t know what I was doing and only got past maybe one level? I dunno. Regardless, it’s essentially a brand-new game, and I can’t wait!And it’s dropping on Valentine’s Day, no less! Wario has finally acknowledged my unrequited love!! 🥰❤️🧄I don’t really have a lot of desire for a new Wario Land game (and really I get why they stopped making them, the return to form of 2D Kirby games kind of filled the same niche better), but putting 4 up on NSO feels incredibly overdue.YYYEEESS!!!! Well, I know what I’m playing next!Unbelievable how long they sat on this one.Wonderful! One of my first GBA games, and I look forward to re-experiencing it. Wario was my go-to character for all party games on the N64, but it was the GBA and GC games that made him a star for me.already own the cartridge but good to see some love for my brotherI think the only Wario Land I will ever truly love is the original. But I’ll give 4 another shot. I didn’t get very far playing it on 3DS.Cool…but still waiting on Donkey Kong 94.Wario Land 4 is certainly a worthy entry in the series. I hope they bring Wario Land II to the service as well since it’s still my favorite installment. Seems weird they skipped it and went straight to Wario Land 3.Gotta agree, Wario Land 2 is still the best oneStone cold classic. Nothing negative to say, personally.@BASEDSAKRI Wario being Dick Dastardly’s brother works really well.Look guys look! It’s one of his greatest achievements: Wario Land 4 on the Game Boy Advance!(I really hope they add Wario Land 1 & 2 as well since we already have 3. I also hope they rerelease VB Wario Land, Wario World, and Shake It! at some point too but it might not happen.)@Yoshi3 Now I’m of the opinion the best one is tied between 3 and the Virtual Boy title but I know a lot of people haven’t played that one so we’re not really for that conversationNice. Will play it on the weekend.Wario and Waluigi as the main antagonists for the next Mario movie, perhaps? As well as the stars of their own TV series?I beat Wario Land 4 while ago on 3DS. Such a cool game visually, but the gameplay never fully clicked with me.Antonblast looking a bit yellowI still wonder why part 1 and 2 are not on here yet. I’ve beaten part 1. At the moment I have to fire up my 3DS just to play part 2, so I’m trying to hold off for an inevitable release. Still glad to see 4 and I still plan to play it through to the end.I’ve been waiting a while to see this one on NSO, an absolute gem and a must-play.I’m so curious to see what they’ll do with this service on Switch 2.Does this mean there won’t be a direct soon?A garlic bulb does kinda look like a heart upside down, depending on your angle. Maybe.Eh, I have it on 3DS…didn’t really play it much…only Wario Land games I liked was 3 and Shake It.@JackieCMarlow
The first game I got on GBA, I was really disappointment in how short it was! It’s like 12 levels and 5 bosses if I remember correct? 13 if you count the tutorial!But I learned to appreciate being able to clear this in a weekend! Got me to speedrun this one and get the perfect money count thing etc.But I should have gotten Pokemon Sapphire with it, which I never owned because other games came along! 😂The first Wario Land game I ever played and what led me to becoming a Wario fan. I’m happy. Still a shame that this series stopped so abruptly. Why didn’t they port Wario Land Shake It instead of Donkey Kong Country Returns, at least? Wario Land needs the love harder, to be honest.In any case, good to see Wario Land 4 arrive here.@Yosher you’re not seriously expecting the return on a remaster of shake it to outperform a donkey Kong game?@AnonyQ They weren’t saying it would perform better, they’re saying it needs the attention more than DKCR does. More people know about the DK games over the Wario ones.Finally, the best GBA game on SwitchFor those who ask they went straight for 3 because the general consensus is that either 3 or 4 are the best in the eye of the fans. They chose 3 first. I’m sure 1 and 2 will come. I’m in the 3 team but 4 left a very big impression on the series with shake it doing the same escape thing and other games taking that aspect in particular and calling it Wario inspired.@N00BiSH I played the Virtual Boy one just recently (hacked my 3DS to install the emulator in all its 3D glory) … it was quite good actually… not the best (maybe because I didn’t play it in its era) and the third one was a bit too much but such a great game. I think 2 stroke the balance with its simplicity. But let’s add another one to the conversation…. Shake Dimension could be the best one.I know people like it when lesser known games are added to NSO, but I am glad they are adding popular 1st party titles like this one.Wario Land 4 is one of the best platformers ever made. Everyone needs to play it.My very first gba game. I love it!@Yoshi3 Good Feel’s swing at a Wario Land was admirable, with wonderful hand-animated sprites and decent level design. However, it’s missing the off-kilter weirdness that other Warios have in spades. Makes it less unique as a result. Fun, but not too remarkable.NL users (that’s you and me) rank Wario Land 4 the #22 Best Game Boy Advance Game of All Time.@TheBigK Is Wario Land 2 on Switch?
That was my first Game Boy game. It has a special place in my heart.IT’S HAPPY HOUR!Honestly, it really softens the reality that many of these franchises are likely dead once the classics are accessible.Such a great addition to the GBA lineup on Switch Online. Wario Land 4 had amazing level design and fun transformations. Definitely one of the best GBA games out there!Love to see Wario Land 4 finally coming to NSO (I’m also among those who prefer 2 and especially 3, but all the other games in the series absolutely including 4 are great as well) – funnily enough Valentine’s Day is appropriate for it in a way considering its ending!Wow this looks pretty good. I’m tempted to resub to play I love Wario Land 4! Played this one a ton as a kid.The best Wario Land, hands down! Gonna play it some! Ridge Racer 64, Super Mario World soundtrack and now Wario Land 4! Not a bad couple of weeks at all.What next? DKR? 😂@Elitepatriot No, sadly. I’ve been waiting for them to add that one. The first one, too. 3 is on there, which is a great game, but 2 is the best one.Feb 14th. They love us guys, they really do!
Well, that’s Valentines day sorted.Would have loved a physical Wario Land collection…sniffWario deserves so much more love than he’s been getting (though I’m still super grateful that we got two WarioWares on Switch).I seriously hope this means we get Wario Land and Warioa Land II… WL4 is my least favorite in the seriesI was given Wario Land 4 when it was released for GBA. I never loved it and I never knew why. All I know is that Wario Land 1 is still my favourite and has a terrific 8-bit soundtrack. Wario Land Virtual Boy is very nice, too. I played that rare one on New 3DS. The Shake Dimension is great.I’m a WarioWare fan, but I do miss Wario Land even though I only seriously played this one and Shake It. I loved it when Cractus appeared in WarioWare: Move It in Kat & Ana’s story! The two series should overlap more like that.Uncanny, just started playing the first one again the other dayOh right, forgot about Virtual Boy Wario Land. I played it on emulator, and it was actually pretty good. The final boss is a huge difficulty spike though!
The emulator I used had settings for 3D support with the classic blue/red 3D glasses, so I was able to play with the Virtual Boy’s 3D effect intact, though it did actually give me a headache.
I was always hoping that the 3DS would get a Virtual Boy collection one of these days, as it was the perfect platform for such a thing. but instead we got 3D Urban Champion. …@EarthboundBenjy The funny thing is that (New) 3DS is perfectly capable of running them in stereoscopic 3D thanks to Red Viper. I chose the black and white colour setting.Ah, Wario Land 4. The 3rd best WL game…Although, it’s trailing far behind ‘Shake it’ & WL1.
WL2 was a big step down after coming from the original, but it was still some what decent-ish…But 3? I like to pretend that one doesn’t even exist. But ya, WL4 has stellar Boss design, and presentation-wise, it’s easily the quirkiest & wildest in the franchise, no doubt.All these years later and that title screen music STILL slaps.@JackieCMarlow I still like Wario Land 4, but I do agree with you. The fourth one is different, it’s much less original when it comes to the concept. Wario Land 4 is pretty standard platformer, very well done game in my opinion, but it lacks the spark of Wario Land 2 & 3, which were much deeper game ideas. I completed Wario Land 4 two or three times and I still enjoy watching the walkthroughs of it, because it relaxes me, but I kind of find this game a bit boring if that makes sense. I love the smoothness of it, but I also dislike that smoothness when playing it, as it feels too smooth. I think the biggest downgrade was the heart system, compared to being immortal in 2 & 3. I probably don’t make sense anymore, but these are my feelings towards Wario Land 4.Cool, another good update to the NSO Expansion Pack. Looking forward to revisiting this gem.I loved Shake It! I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a sequel on Switch. I guess Wario Land is another Nintendo franchise needing a new entry, along with Chibi-Robo, F-Zero, Wave Race, Star Fox…More Wario is good. We need Ware Twisted thanks to the gyro.Where’s the remake of the VB one?@AnonyQ What squidduforeal said. Besides, with that logic, why even make anything else that isn’t Mario, Zelda, Pokémon or Splatoon these days to begin with?OHMYGODHOMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! YES! I played this on my 3DS because of the ambassador thing they did years ago and they added it to NSO? God I’m so happy!Wow! I am genuinely delighted by this. Good call, Nintendo.@Hank_ScorpioWe already got Donkey Kong Country Returns….Oh, you meant Diddy Kong Racing…yes, I hope we get that and maybe Donkey Kong 64 and Conker’s Bad Fur Day. Also, I already post this but Donkey Kong 94 and now I can stop saying “Kong” for some reason.I don’t think I ever played this, and I loved the other GB and GBC Wario Land games.Not a fan of the newer minigame/chaos Wario games.This one never landed for me – Wario Land 1 was more my speed – but from what I’ve seen of its gameplay, it was a technical and game design marvel, and really showed off what the GBA was capable of while being a spectacular play experience. Glad it’s being made (officially) available once again!Great news. This is a really good game, one of the first I bought for my OG GBA. Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Nintendo Reconfirms Release Windows For Major Upcoming Switch Games… and the Switch 2!Ex-PlayStation Boss On Switch 2’s Name: Nintendo Created So Much “Brand Value””Why would you mess with that?””Nintendo Is Probably The Easiest To Scam” – Devs Discuss The Current State Of The eShopThe rise of “eSlop”PlatinumGames Wipes Several Games From Its Website’s PortfolioIncluding Star Fox Zero and ‘Project G.G.’Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games And Accessories For February And March 2025They keep on comingGame ProfileTitle:Wario Land 4System:Game Boy AdvancePublisher:NintendoDeveloper:Nintendo R&D1Genre:PlatformerPlayers:1Release Date:Game Boy Advance3DS eShopWii U eShopSeries:Wario Land, WarioReviews:Review: Wario Land 4 (Wii U eShop / GBA)Where to buy:Buy on eBay
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