Nintendo Breaks Silence On ‘Switch 2’ Image And Video Leaks – Nintendo Life

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpNintendo LifeGuestLogin or Sign UpThe “official” announcement will take place this fiscal yearNintendo has responded to a question about the ‘Switch 2’ leaks popping up at CES 2025 this week.Speaking to Japanese outlet Sankei, a company representative mentioned how the spread of images and videos at the US consumer electronics trade fair was “not official” – here’s the machine translation, which is open to interpretation:A game peripheral manufacturer unveiled a model of the successor to the Nintendo Switch, a home video game console that Nintendo plans to announce within this fiscal year, at a US consumer electronics trade fair. In response to the spread of images and videos, Nintendo commented on the 9th that it was “not official.”It might not seem like much of a response, but Nintendo doesn’t always comment on matters like this.The peripheral manufacturer Genki kicked off the leaks earlier this week at CES, when its 3D-printed mockup of the ‘Switch 2′ went viral. On the manufacturer’s website, it’s also showcasing animated renders of the supposed system and controllers.Various other accessory makers have followed this up with a look at their new products for the Switch “successor”, while also seemingly teasing the system itself.VentureBeat senior writer Imran Khan has chimed in on all the leaks and rumours this week, claiming Nintendo’s plans for the Switch “successor” regarding an announcement and reveal “have not changed”.Nintendo’s “official” Switch successor announcement is scheduled to take place in the current fiscal year.Update: Reportedly best described as “Switch next model”It’s the notes you don’t playEverything about the “Switch successor”What do you make of Nintendo’s response here? Leave your thoughts in the comments.[source, via]About Liam DoolanLiam is a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox. He’s been writing about games for more than 15 years and is a lifelong fan of Mario and Master Chief.Comments 96Watch it ends up being official anyways and Nintendo was just saying it just because. lolFinally, Nintendo addressed that issue with thunderclap like Madame Morrible.
Basically it said “LISTEN!”
(turned around, walking slowly with wicked smile)Truly, Genki do what Nintendon’t.Choosing “not official” as the response of choice is definitely an interesting term because it’s not actually denying anything.I was wondering, couldn’t Genki be sued for doing this? Where is the legal line of keeping certain secrets?@Lizuka Yes this is what I was thinking. It likely gives more weight to the leaks being real.If they were out and out fake, Nintendo would have likely jumped at saying that.Still this fiscal year huh. I’ll wait.It is funny though, it seems that Nintendo is set on whatever reveal date they had planned and nothing is likely to change it. lol@Wordbonder There’s not really any reason for them to change their plan unless they were worried about stuff like the first party game lineup, price and launch date and all the other details also getting leaks. We’ve gotten a lot over the last few days but I don’t think any of it will really take much away from the official reveal when it comes. If anything it’s just free publicity until then.@Anti-Matter This is not at all what they said, though. They didn’t confirm the leaks, but they also didn’t deny them. To me, it sounds like they are real but will be announced officially later.I really hope we’re getting a direct sometime soon cause this silent is and lack of news is getting me.Mainly cause we didn’t get a fall direct”It’s not official.”So basically it’s a pointless statement. They didn’t confirm, nor did they deny that this is what the switch 2 looks like. It makes sense, given that if it is, they’re planning on revealing it anyways later down the line. If it isn’t, then they’re going to prove that wrong inevitably. To me though, too many companies are coming out and saying it’s real- so I feel like it’s more than likely real at this point.”Because of these leaks, we regret to inform you that the Switch 2 is now delayed to next fiscal year, March 2026. Please buy Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.”Bold move, Nintendo.This tells us almost nothing until they actually reveal the stupid thing already. I wish they’d just do us all a favor and show this thing off. The leaks and rumors are incredibly tiresome now.@Lizuka They did sort of confirm that Genki did, in fact, “unveil […] a model of the successor to the Nintendo Switch,” anyway, just not “officially.” I think if it had been fake or just a 3D printed mock-up or something they would’ve said something more like “the device was not the Nintendo Switch successor or any other Nintendo console” or whatever.Also interesting that they said “a model,” which sort of implies that it may be launching with more than one model. Although I guess multiple models could just mean there’s two color schemes, or a Mario themed one or something.”Not official”, of course, because published by 3rd party companies and not them. lolAnyway, about time to announce it. Officially.Just announce it already, Nintendo. At this point, the Switch successor is now an open secret.Lmao they flat out don’t care 🤣They don’t even deny that its the real system lmaoGee Nintendo, if you’re that mad about the leaks to the point where you’re opening your mouth how about you know, giving us the official reveal?So it’s officialI am convinced the reveal will be either a day or two after Donkey Kong release, or the following week.Within 2 1/2 months.Big N gonna wait until everyone else reveals everything, so when they finally say something, the “big reveal’, everyone’s gonna be like, “Yeah, we knew.”***runs translator***”It’s a cheap, third party knock off. We’ll tell you when we are ready.”Unofficially accurate to official hardware.The Switch 2’s resemblance to Switch 1 is now old news at this point. Software and firmware features are the only bits to look forward to, and they should be great@NinChocolate every time I see your avatar in the corner of my eye, I think it’s Courage the cowardly dog, then realize it’s Kirby. It’s almost exactly Courage colored and expressed.My cousin was walking past his local recording studio yesterday and says he saw Reggie out back, rehearsing a recording of the ‘Huh huh, huh huh, yeah’ song.@BenAV They were trending on a lot of sites, and that’s just the pre-hype! I feel this helps them wat more than hurts because everyone now wants to know what this hot new console looks like!Nintendo is going to remove the Switch 2 from sale on March 31st if these leaks keep happening.First image of S2 powered up.Come on Nintenslow you will have zero to reveal by the end of next week.They best have a couple of amazing NEW big AAA bangers to release with the console from in house studios else this is gonna be a release day let down.It looks like the console was unofficially announced XDInteresting they say that it’s not official rather than saying it’s not true. Maybe Nintendo are letting others do the hype for them and will do their own thing sometime before March 31st.There is a danger however that the hype becomes boredom and by the time it is officially revealed, people have moved on and can’t be bothered anymore. It’s a fine line for Nintendo to tread but I suspect their shareholders will be brutal with them and say they do not want another Wii U situation.So maybe a touch of caution is necessary.At this point we’ll be getting a Switch 3 with a brain wiping functionality before the Switch 2.@garfreek Plus now that the basic design is out in the open, there’s less chance of mixed reactions to how similar it looks to the original Switch overshadowing the hype for the new games and features.@BaldB3lper78 I don’t think that’s likely to be an issue. A lot of people are going to get pretty sick of the leak stuff, especially with sites like this milking them for all they’re worth, but hype should still go back into overload as soon as Nintendo makes an announcement.Yep it’s real. Nintendo wouldn’t even respond if it wasn’t.I just want a date already. Couldn’t care less about the hardware, but I’m excited to see what games they have to show off.Leaks from online random people are one thing, but Genki really pushed things over the edge. Very unprofessional for a company like that.Wait for us. Please understand”Announcement” does not mean revealChatting with a friend last night, we were discussing how Nintendo always have some innovation in new products. These leaks appears to have none other than minor improvements just like 3DS and Switch models.Will Metroid be the Zelda that spans generations like GameCube/Wii then Wii U/Switch? And will there just be one game cart for both consoles with the innovation being tech that scales up the graphics, textures etc. for the new console rather than being two different versions?Also, I suspect Nintendo will want you to specify a primary console for your existing library. Can’t imagine them letting you access your games on Switch 1 and 2 at the same time…@KBuckley27 nintendo always use the word “announcement” meaning reveal. Just look at the Directs.Are they waiting until the Switch’s 8th Birthday?Well, 80 days and counting, then.Officially official that it is unofficially official, officially.In other words, Nintendo didn’t even yawn in response to all this travesty until directly inquired about it. But by all means, keep feeding the “leakers” for all those juicy bezels.Does this mean Nintendo will announce the Switch 2 today at CES in Las Vegas? If that’s the case why bother making a statement at all…Is there any other electronics trade fair happening before April?I have a feeling if Nintendo leave it too long from now (another month or 2) the wind could be taken from their sails when they do eventually announce it, especially if what we’ve been seeing these last weeks are true. The big plus is we’ve seen no game footage yetWell what’s done is done. Nintendo can’t change this and they know the design is only a small thing of the reveal.We don’t know the deals Genki has with Nintendo, so maybe they were within their rights to do this. If this was against Nintendo restrictions, then I hope they enjoyed their five minutes of fame. Because then they showed they are not a reliable partner with this.@X68000 I’ve done my research when it comes to new generation hardware Nintendo has always stated when they plan to reveal the hardware, they have not said that once yet for “Switch 2”, to me announcement means you are talking about something but not showingNo one said the thing they showed is a real Switch, it’s a mockup 3d print. So of course it’s not “official”. But it’s pretty much confirmed that the Switch 2 will have these measurements etcNintendo thinking their lawsuits gave them complete control over the industry’s biggest secret lolI’ve kept it to myself but I don’t enjoy the leak culture very much. What I’m interpreting from Nintendo’s statement though is that is “not [the] official” reveal. I still think it’s the Switch 2«The “official” announcement will take place this fiscal year»We know that. In other news, sky is blue.Ah well, at least we know which companies won’t be getting the new console ahead of release to prepare their wonderful accessories next time XDSeriously … leaks coming from “accessories makers” … that’s a joke, isn’t it 😝Nothing to see. Nintendo not acknowledging or denying. Just clearly stating it’s not an official announcement/reveal by themThat is not breaking the silence.It’s obvious it’s not the official reveal but it’s seems you can’t stop an unofficial accessory manufacturerBring on the switch U! The U stands for Ultimate! Launch games will be Super Mario switcharoo, Legend of Zelda:Tears of the fanboys and Donkey kong country: going Bananas! that is of course in reference to the Ninty freaks going Bananas for some information on the Switch successor. 😉Oh and get your checkbooks out cause you’ll be foaming at the mouth for overpriced PS4 ports of games everyone else already played 4 to 8 years ago!The retail price will be 699.99Happy gaming! 😝These companies seem to need Nintendo more than vice versa, so how do they not lose privileges when this happens?Its like Official Nintendo Magazine and N64 magazine if you lived in the UK in the 90s, official doesn’t mean better or more accurate #GoTeamGenkiOn a more serious point, Nintendo are lapping up the free marketing so of course they are happy to wait for the reveal to build anticipation. Genki are doing them a favour.These leaks seem to be coming from unofficial accessory makers, enjoying their 15 minutes of fame. I don’t think we’ll see any leaks from the likes of Hori.Anyway, these leaks are doing Nintendo a favour, because they get the boring parts of the official announcement out of the way. “Here’s the New Switch and it’s bigger.”Love it, thumbing right in the face of all the entitled people constantly whining that Nintendo needs to just reveal it.If your holding on to April for release, I wouldn’t!Nintendo seems in no hurry to announce this system and as a result they could very well announce in March, which makes April impossible for them.Yeah, as others have already said “not official” only states the obvious (of course it isn’t official if it isn’t coming from Nintendo) while neither confirming nor denying the contents… so it’s more likely than not that those are true even though we’ll know for sure only when the official announcement happens – really hope it’s happening sooner rather than later at this point and not just because of this!Is no one debating the name anymore? Are we taking for granted it’s Switch 2? How dull!Neither a denial or affirmation. High probability these leaks are legit. I’m not getting a Switch 2. Not as portable as the previous iteration and it looks the same for me.@Everythingnotsaved Dull maybe, but effective. Sony and Apple seem to be doing alright with a simple numbering scheme.@marck13 Genki never agreed to keep any secrets.@BenAV @garfreek And with the recent leak of the motherboard, it has cooled down the expectations of some people who wanted it to be more powerful than it is.Thanks, Nintendo. I wait patiently for the official reveal.I just want to have it revealed so that I can try to get one and then fail because of all of the scalper bots.@Dirty_CrocThere will likely be a Switch Lite version that I am sure will be slick as heck, with a smokin’ screen, and a beast overall with a handheld form factor that’ll be hard to avoid, especially with that perfect D-Pad that had on the current Lite.@marck13 It all depends on what they’re NDA said. With all the accessory manufacturers going for it at once, I’m wondering if their NDAs expired due to the system being delayed.@BenAV No I agree, assuming they also plan on revealing something on the launch lineup too, if it’s just news of the console first, I still think the thunder is already a bit stolen. (Not that it will matter sales-wise in the end.)I never expected them to change the date, I just find it funny how big companies have to be so secretive and official about stuff down to the end, even when it’s already out in the open.What does that mean? Obviously it suggests that Nintendo did not give them permission to share info on the new console, but I’m still curious as to whether they also meant that Genki didn’t even have an official console to base these models and information off of.It seems to me Nintendo don’t really care too much about the leaks. Possibly because the hardware is going to “look and feel” very similar to the Switch anyway.The reason to keenly await Nintendo’s announcement is not really for the hardware at this point… it’s for the software.What is the follow up to Mario Odyssey? What is the follow up to Mario Kart 8? When can we play Metroid Prime 4?And in terms of 3rd Party… what are Rockstar bringing to the table?”not official” means nothing in this situation. We know it’s a mockup and not a real system but based on the actual thing. I still feel confident the mockups and images we’ve already seen are what the system will look like, aside from minor cosmetic stuff like colorsI think Nintendo would have denied the legitamacy if it weren’t the real design. Instead they just said that the reveal isn’t official. (Which I interpret as “They showed off the design without our blessing”)So most likely the design being shown is the actual real design.However, if these leaks and 3D prints are all based on the leaked CAD files from back in September then who knows..Anyone thinks the leaks will be forgotten once the real thing gets revealed?It isn’t official because Ninty hasn’t released images, videos or specs yet.They didn’t say it wasn’t real.So, that’s it then guys, this is really what Switch Successor looks like!Hope to hear from them soon, just so the articles start being more interesting than ‘Here’s Another Shot of the Switch 2’s Backside! Allegedly!’ or ‘Switch 2 Case Manufacturer Reveals Indentation Required to Accommodate L4 and R4 Buttons!’As long as all the games don’t get leaked, the full reveal should still be fun, but damn, do ya’ll peak into your Christmas presents early, too?@Vyacheslav333 Technically, the sky is clear!It’s all the dust, gases and other particulates in it reacting with the sunlight and water reflections why it is Blue.Look up at night. That’s what the sky really looks like.@Zaruboggan It’s more like Daddy Nintendo is witholding our presents long past Christmas day.Genki admitted they haven’t seen the hardware. How about that! Liars gonna lie.It’s obvious.Nintendo itself is leaking this information.It’s all an authorized marketing ploy.And it’s smart.Nintendo failed with the Wii U because, although both the Wii and Wii U are similar in some aspects, people got confused by the marketing communication about the new controller. There was a gap between Nintendo’s communication and the public’s perception.This time, Nintendo is leaving the Switch 1, a huge success (as was the Wii), for a new console.Now it is contractually allowing orchestrated leaks in the marketing labs, so that this goes viral and people have absolutely no doubt about the Switch 2. Even the name of the new console “Switch 2” is to leave no room for doubt among the public.It’s pretty obvious. But people like these little mystery games behind the launch of the new console.It’s part of the magic. A magic planned by marketing, of course. It´s not organic.@Porky lol I guess that’s one way to put it@msvt prolly. Nintendo comes out with many iterations.@Spider-Kev Okay. 😅Does anyone have any thoughts on post 32. The first image of a switch 2 actually powered on? I’m surprised nobody has commented on that.Yeah most of these “leaks” are crap and just clickbait so people can visit their site, profile, etcUsers here really forgot this is exactly how the “Switch Pro” leaks turned out.Also the constant theme of “Nintendo silence = “It must be real!” and “Nintendo not silent = “It must be real!” for the hunt of leak validation. Love how neutral responses are now considered verification when that has been the industry norm for a long time.@LavaTwilight “at a US consumer electronics trade fair.” Yes, no one but you seems to comment on this. Although this is a great clue.@schweinebrot thanks, I also noticed no one else talking about it… are there other electronic trade fairs these next couple of months (I’m outside of the US so I only know the ones in the Summer)It’s okay, not official, but that doesn’t mean it’s not legit… blah blah.What I’m worried mostly is if what they said about it being already “avaliable on the black market” turns out to be true, I mean, buying a console that wasn’t even revealed yet sounds crazy enough Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Nintendo Breaks Silence On ‘Switch 2’ Image And Video LeaksThe “official” announcement will take place this fiscal yearRumour: New ‘Switch 2’ Photos Show Off A Very Legit-Looking Joy-ConBlack and blue, not white and goldIs This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?Update: Genki backtracks on claimsNintendo Highlights Multiple Switch Games Launching In 2025It’s going to be an action-packed yearDigital Foundry Weighs In On ‘Switch 2’ Motherboard – Just How Powerful Is It?Expect lots of PS4 ports 2News Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom Has Been Nominated For Another Award 25Random Metroid Prime 4 ‘OG’ Amazon Pre-Orders Are Being Cancelled 81Round Up ‘Switch 2’ Renders Suggest A Sleek, Classy Successor 102Rumour Insider Claims That Halo: Master Chief Collection Will Come To ‘Switch 2’ 29Reminder Splatoon 3’s ‘Frosty Fest’ Splatfest Kicks Off This WeekendNews Nintendo Breaks Silence On ‘Switch 2’ Image And Video LeaksNews Is This Our Best Look Yet At ‘Switch 2’?Rumour New ‘Switch 2’ Photos Show Off A Very Legit-Looking Joy-ConNews Nintendo Highlights Multiple Switch Games Launching In 2025News Digital Foundry Weighs In On ‘Switch 2’ Motherboard – Just How Powerful …News Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Tops Rolling Stone’s 50 Best Games Of All TimeNews Switch’s First ‘Rebootless Update’ Of 2025 Is Now Live, Here Are The Det…Rumour New ‘Switch 2’ Leak Suggests Console Will Require A 60W ChargerNews Nintendo and Lego Are Collaborating On A New Game Boy SetReview Freedom Wars Remastered (Switch) – A Fair Reprieve For One Of PS Vita’s …Popular Right NowShow More Join 1,468,188 people following Nintendo Life:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information