New Dino Crisis-Like Game Is PS5-Exclusive Because You’re All Sickos – GameSpot

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This is why we can’t have nice things.By
Claire Lewis
on January 21, 2025 at 5:32AM PSTThe upcoming Dino Crisis-inspired horror game, Code Violet, will not be coming to PC. Its developers at TeamKill Media say the game will be a PS5 exclusive to prevent modders from modding X-rated dino-based weirdness into their game.”For those asking us about a PC version of Code Violet… The reason we are not bringing it to PC is we do not want anyone modding vulgar versions of the main character as well as other characters in the game,” TeamKill Media explained in a recent tweet.But it’s not just the game’s characters TeamKill aims to protect–the studio said that ensuring their game’s voice talent felt safe played a part in the decision, too.”We hold our voice actresses and actors with high regard, as well as our artistic vision for the game and story, and reject any form of destroying that with sexual mods,” TeamKill wrote. “Making a joke out of our art and possibly tarnishing the reputation of our voice actresses and actors is not worth the extra money we can make [on PC].”TeamKill hasn’t made any comments regarding their stance on fan art, but one can assume that any NSFW Code Violet art won’t be met with enthusiasm from the game’s creators.Code Violet launches on PlayStation 5 sometime in July. For more upcoming releases, check out our list of all the games set to launch in 2025.Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news@gamespot.comUse your keyboard!Log in to comment