Lunar Remastered Collection Brings Two Classic RPGs to PS4 in April – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpLunar phasesPublisher GungHo Online Entertainment has announced that Lunar Remastered Collection will release on the 18th April for PS4.The collection was announced back in September of last year, targeting a spring 2025 launch. But now that we’ve got an official date, it’s worth pointing out that there’s no mention of a PS5 version in the press release — which is weird, since PlayStation itself had the collection down for PS4 and PS5. A mistake, we assume.Anyway, this package includes both Lunar: Silver Star Story and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue — two classic Japanese RPGs from the 90s. The collection features “all-new English voiceover”, the ability to switch between original and remastered visuals, and the option to speed up combat.Will you be adding Lunar Remastered Collection to your schedule? Embark on an old-school adventure in the comments section below.About Robert RamseyRobert (or Rob if you’re lazy) is an assistant editor of Push Square, and has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Persona, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Trails, Tales — he’s played ’em all. A little too much, some might say.Comments 33A physical edition with a steelbook and manual would be appreciatedThese games had so much heart, combat was pretty unforgiving, too! Classic JRPGs through and through. I’ll never forget spending so much time in the post-game of Eternal Blue scouring every inch of the map.The year of jrpg remasters for me. My Ys oath in felghana copy came yesterday. Gonna pick up Tales of Grace soon. Then the Suikoden and Lunar remasters when they’re out. Can’t waitLooking forward to the Japanese voice acting the most. And not having to spend $150-200 for each game anymore!Sure if it does come out on PS5. I don’t have a PS4 anymore so if it’s limited to that platform, no go for me.Literally launches on my birthday. <3333So excited to revisit these games!Christ so many RPGs, so little time. I played a remake? I think on the PSP of one of those games, loved it! So looking forward to this collectionT o o m a n y r p g sIf there’s a physical release, absolutely.Digital only? I’ll wait for a sale.All new voice overs… I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing.The trailer has a PS4 and PS5 logo at the end.@nyr2k2 You'll be able to play the PS4 version on PS5 thanks to backwards compatibility — it's all good!I might get it, but it’ll depend on if anything else actually releases in the first half of the year. I’m not committing to any games til we get some Directs, SOPs, release schedules out there.But if it’s quiet in April for new releases, I’ll gladly get this one.Pretty sure I still have my Star Story Complete PS1 discs but don't think I've ever even heard of the sequel. I will not live long enough to play these but it's nice to see.@Czar_Khastik I’m willing to be LRG will do it. Amazon is getting physical copies for ps4 (maybe switch I hope too) but it’s just the standard release.Love the Dark Songstress cinematic! So many parts on the original game had me tearing up.Physical edition please but not by LRGno physical release huh? i'm currently playing lunar 1 at this very moment since it was in my backlog for years and the remaster announcement pushed me to finally play it. after 20 hours of gameplay: fun game and very charming, but it can be a grind fest at times (even with the re-tooled "unworking designs" balance mod). the sprites look great running on ps3 via 4k tv... i don't see how a remaster will improve the experience unless they made some QoL changes which i highly doubt (the menu UI needs an overhaul, especially when it comes to equipping and sharing items with the party). this remaster makes the games more acessible? yes, but it's not like my ps1/ps2/ps3 were ever innaccessible to begin with haha. if you are a retro gamer, remasters really don't have a lot to offer other than speeding up the combat which is a god send feature.Clear River Games have announced they’re releasing a physical version. Not sure if that’s available in UK/Europe though.@Angelus3K I think clear river are based in Europe. LRG will probably do NA. Both are owned by Embracer.I can’t wait for this. The game(s) also release four days before my birthday, so this should be a great birthday gift to myself.Never heard of these until other month when they got announced but my looks like my kinda RPG deffo gunna grab em 😎Well the value of my CIB Lunar 2 will be going down.Of course I'm going to buy them,two of the greatest rpgs and games that got me into the love of rpgs!But yeah like @Czar_Khastik says a Steelbook physical would be great..and I could almost forgive myself for selling the Working Designs Special Edition.@nyr2k2 you can play ps4 games on the ps5?Alex. Oh, Aaaaalex!@BlueLobster yes! but they are changing the dub with this one Lunar Silver Star Story was so good. I still remember playing it as a kid. I remember some moments that made me shed a tear back then too.Some of my favorite PS1 RPG memories were spent with these games. This is a day one purchase for meNever played these but heard nothing but love. Cannot wait to preorder a physical version. Play Asia has a PS5 listing for NA and EU.The Sega CD version had me hooked a lifetime ago. That prompted me to buy the complete versions of the games when they released on PS1. No steel books (steel jewel cases?) back then but they did include a cloth map and mini hardcover instruction book. Challenging (if not repetitive) battles as someone else pointed out. Those early level conflicts weren’t always automatic wins. I couldn’t get into the Vita version, for some reason. Hopefully, the developers are treating this one with care.I love the games, as long they include japanese VoiceOver i'm good. I'm really happy to see so many of my PS classic favorits to get a remaster. Would love to see remaster of Xenogears and Breath of Fire ~wishfull thinkingHere I am trying to finish Fantasian but not enjoying it anymore because Oath in Felghana is lurking. 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