‘Little House On The Prairie’ Star Fires Back At Critics By Showing She Doesn’t Understand What ‘Woke’ Means – Outkick

For those worried about the Netflix reboot of Little House on the Prairie going woke … you may still have to worry. Yes, I know. Sad. And that’s even AFTER Melissa Gilbert tried to ease tensions earlier this week. For those who missed it, Netflix – for literally no reason at all – has decided to reboot the beloved classic. Now, for me, Little House died when Michael Landon died way back in 1991. You ain’t replacing the GOAT. Leave it alone and let syndication carry it for generations. TV Land, baby!And it did. Until, of course, Netflix decided to take it on earlier this week. Now, your first thought is probably the same as mine – “They’re gonna make all the Ingalls hate white people, aren’t they?” It’s a fair thought, because Netflix is generally garbage and caters to the insufferable Libs out there. Megyn Kelly came right out and said it – daring Netflix to “wokeify” Little House – and that prompted little Laura Ingalls herself to fire back …… sort of:Sadly, it appears little Laura Ingalls is an idiot. Breaks my heart, but Melissa here is also a Lib, so it doesn’t surprise me. Oh, you didn’t know she was a Lib? Come on! Of course she is! It’s 2025, and we’re talking about a Hollywood elite here. You think she voted Trump? Come on. You know better. Exhibit A:She never said last year who she was voting for, but when they say they’re “voting for reproductive rights” we all know what that means. It’s dumb and literally makes no sense, but we know. Anyway, back to her comments on wokifying Little House … yeah, I don’t think Melissa here understands what “woke” means. Going woke does not mean tackling issues like racism and addiction and antisemitism. That’s funny, though. And cute. No, Melissa. Woke means taking those very serious issues and, incorrectly and unnecessarily, injecting them into a conversation. Like, I don’t know … if Netflix has an episode of Little House where Charles and Laura are having a classic heart-to-heart about some sort of bullshit that happened that day on the farm, and then he goes on a random tangent about how awful white people are … THAT would be woke. Or – again, just spit-balling here – if one of blind Mary’s boyfriends becomes a farm girl at some point and gets a period.THAT would would be woke. Racism is not woke. Racism is awful and was awful. Discussing racism is not woke. INJECTING racism – and the surrounding discussion – into a conversation where it doesn’t belong? That is woke. See the difference? It’s the whole “identity politics” argument. The left loves it, and that’s why they are woke. Also, Melissa – Little House is a show about a Christian family. It was literally the opposite of “woke.” I mean, the complete opposite. And here’s another thing: Spousal abuse? Not a woke topic. Neither is antisemitism, rape, nor addiction. Those are just … awful things that nobody likes. So, sadly, it appears tiny Laura is dumb. Oh well. As is life in 2025. Here’s the Little House opening to get us all back on track:Thanks for signing up!You are agreeing to OutKick’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, but don’t worry we don’t spam.DISCLAIMER: This site is 100% for entertainment purposes only and does not involve real money betting. Gambling related content is not intended for anyone under the age of 21. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call 1-800-GAMBLER.