Kimmel Calls Out Trump and ‘Gaggle of Scumbags’ for Politicizing Wildfires, Praises Heroes of Natural Disaster — Including Steve Guttenberg – TVLine

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We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.A teary-eyed Jimmy Kimmel was the first Los Angeles-based late-night host to return to air Monday — and while he took a moment to call out President-elect Donald Trump and “his gaggle of scumbags,” his monologue was primarily focused on the real-life superheroes who have emerged during a “very scary, very stressful, very strange week” in the Golden State. “We are back in our studio, which we had to evacuate on Wednesday,” Kimmel began. After showing just how close the wildfires came to reaching the El Capitan on Hollywood Blvd., he added: “Many of us had to leave our homes in a hurry. Some of our coworkers lost their homes. It has been terrible.
“As of tonight, the winds are back, and I think I speak for all of us when I say it has been a sickening, shocking, awful experience,” he remarked. “But it has also been, in a lot of ways, a beautiful experience. Once again, we see our fellow men and women coming together to support each other. People who lost their own homes were out volunteering in parking lots, helping others who lost theirs — and tonight, I don’t want to get into all the vile and irresponsible and stupid things our alleged future president and his gaggle of scumbags chose to say during our darkest and most terrifying hour. The fact that they chose to attack our firefighters who currently aren’t ‘white enough’ to be out there risking their lives on our behalf is disgusting, but it’s not surprising. Instead, I want to focus on thanking those men and women — our firefighters from L.A. were the first on the scene. Without hesitation, they were out there putting out the fires as best they could. And then we had firefighters from other states coming in…. We have firemen and women from Mexico, from Canada… and to our police, our National Guard, our rescue workers, doctors, the nurses, EMTs, the pilots working 12-hour shifts. Thank God for all of you and these brave individuals… and I also want to thank our local news reporters who reminded us how important local television and newspapers are.”Kimmel told his audience that he and his wife currently have 19 people (and four dogs) living with them as a result of the devastation. A somber Guillermo, who nearly came to stay with Kimmel, thanked God that his home was still standing after he and his family nearly evacuated.
What followed were check-ins with chefs Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken, who are working with José Andrés’ World Central Kitchen to provide free meals to firefighters, as well as Police Academy star and “national treasure” Steve Guttenberg, an unlikely hero in his fire-ravaged town.Watch Kimmel’s full monologue below:Comments are monitored, so don‚Äôt forkin’ curse and don‚Äôt bore us with how much your coworker‚Äôs sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV! Comment * Name * Email * Your email address will not be published. We will notify you when someone replies.
ΔInteresting. When democrats politicize shootings he doesn’t complain.It’s actually heartbreaking that shootings ARE political, since only one side of the aisle seems to truly care about the lives of innocent victims as opposed to the other side that’s so busy appeasing the big money of the NRA. I find it despicable that every single aspect of our lives, especially tragedies, have become political ammunition, but it’s the GOP’s insistence on using lies and misinformation that make their motivations so much more disgraceful.68,000 Americans die every year from simply lacking health care. And that was in 2019. Democrats had fifty years to codify Roe and didn’t. I don’t know why people think that democrats care, they don’t. As George Carlin said, it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.I just don’t think they really thought what happened would really happen. There have clearly been Republican Presidents but none have done what he did.Stop lying Kimmel. No one is blaming firefighters. They are blaming leadership of California who have been incompetent Dems for decades. Liars are Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass and Kimmel.It is Dems trying to get everyone health care. And Roe wasn’t codified because everyone thought it already was. It isn’t republicans trying to do it. And republicans are trying to get rid of the ACA. You can’t try to blame one party, but ignore the other party completely,.You do not speak for every democrat out there.Sophie,,,, üíØ I agree with you!!!Your comment that the “other side” is only interested in “appeasing the big money of the NRA” is a perfect example of the classism that caused the democrats to lose the election. The vast majority of people on the “other side” couldn’t care less about the NRA or its money and simply have views that are different from yours. Instead of thinking about these people as individuals with a right to their own opinions, you lump them into a group (the “other side”), assume they are all the same and all shills for the NRA, and you lost the election because of it.There are 20,000 gun laws on the books but oh wait liberal da‚Äôs would rather coddle criminals then enforce the laws and oh most of the recent shootings happened in states where they have strict gun lawsIt’s okay when they do itAt least the Democrats actually care about the people who have lost their lives to the shootings and those that have lost their homes, property and
more to the suspicious
LA area fires!!!
Prayers üôè to everyone that has been affected by such
tragedies….What? We are asking for change. At what point is it ok to do so?Just stop. This isn’t about politics, this is about what has happened. Don’t add to the devastation by adding a political view you clearly know nothing about.Michael, your sanctimonious drivel is as transparent as your understanding of the situation. When Rob points out the hypocrisy in politicizing tragedies, your ‘just stop’ comment is the real devastation. You’re not adding to the conversation; you’re just showing everyone how little you grasp about the political games played by both sides. Maybe if you knew something about politics, you wouldn’t be so quick to tell others to shut up. But hey, keep pretending this isn’t about politics ‚Äì your ignorance is showing, and it’s not a good look.Gun violence is ridiculously low in other developed countries. Ask yourself why US policies are not addressing the reasons for mass shootings and the efforts of many to ease if not correct such atrocities? Conversely, the obvious climate change that is causing increased temperatures and droughts is not political (unless you count the resistance of the right wing to deny human influence upon the climate). Putin’s choice for our president is merely trying to divide us as usual.Jimmy Kimmell is the TRUE scumbag.As are you, standing by someone who knows nothing about politics and the government. Trump makes it easy for anyone to be presidentYour comment is as shallow as a kiddie pool. Sarah nailed it; Kimmel’s the real scumbag for attacking Trump. If you think standing by someone who knows nothing about politics is a bad look, you should take a look at yourself. Trump’s making it look easy because he’s surrounded by critics like you who can’t see the forest for the trees. Maybe try supporting someone with some actual sense, or at least learn to read the situation before you make yourself look even more foolish.If this were a Republican administration responsible for this kind of disaster, he would spend weeks tearing them apart. But since it‚Äôs led by a Democrat who is the frontrunner for the party‚Äôs 2028 nomination, he‚Äôs letting it slide. He‚Äôs simply not funny anymore, and it‚Äôs no surprise that his audience continues to dwindle.Regardless of whether you agree with Kimmel or not, this is no longer a comedy show. It has devolved to a political commentary program and probably should be labeled that way.How is any administration responsible for this disaster? He is talking about Trumps response. Basically he’s saying Trump should think about the people going through such heartbreak before playing the blame game. There’s plenty of time to do that later but right now they should only be thinking of HELPING.You people who keep defending Trump should grow a pair. HE is insulting the firefighters, blaming democrats for the fires. You forget every thing he’s done including January 6th.
Thank you Jimmy Kimmel.No, he‚Äôs insulting their leadership and the state‚Äôs policies. The government does not care about their citizens (unless you‚Äôre of a specific donor class)and this really comes out in tragedies like this. Democratic policies are mostly to blame for this. They are the ones that rerouted the water and refuse to clean up the underbrush. Jan 6 was a set up by the democrats as one more way to try to keep Trump out of power. Well it, and the other attempts failed.Democratic policies didn’t create the La Nina system that contributed to the dry conditions or the strong winds that they have been dealing with. Democratic policies had nothing to do with the type of building materials people used in building their homes.
Democrats did not set tr*mp up to do anything. The people who he chose to surround himself did.
You’re kidding yourself if you think the former reality show host cares about you. You mean nothing to him if you couldn’t donate over $100,000 multiple times to his campaign or any other time he asked for it.
Take your blinders off & remove your ear plugs.There’s also the fact that climate change is a large part of why things like these devastating fires, or the destructive hurricanes that hit the southeastern U.S. last year, or so forth, keeping happening.
Yet one party continues to refuse to acknowledge climate change is a thing and refuses to listen to the scientists on this matter.
And that party ain’t the Democrats.What Trump did on January 6th is not the point here. But calling elected officials out for being apparently unprepared for an event that was forecasted and – to some extent – expected, is justifiable. The elected officials of LA and California should not get at pass simply because they are Democrats. They should he held accountable and forced to answer tough questions, too.Judy Snell,,, Thank you!!To Judy Snell – And you forget that Trump won a convincing re-election by a solid majority in the electoral college, a 2 million+ vote plurality in the popular vote, a convincing sweep of ALL the battleground states, and a sweep of both houses of Congress. Funny how you and Kimmel conveniently like to ignore that fact.Such a hypocrite! If there were republicans in office there, they‚Äôd be tearing them apart. This is an absolutely terrible situation no matter who is in office.Yet he never mentioned when FEMA had a policy to not assist houses that were flying a Trump banner.I live in an area that was ravaged by Hurricane Helene and FEMA showed up and helped absolutely everyone who applied for assistance equally. I know because I have friends (who I disagree with) who support the orange one and they received help just as quickly as anyone else. Unfortunately, Trump’s disgusting lies about FEMA riled up some of his followers who began roaming the woods looking to kill any FEMA worker who stepped onto their property. Needless to say, those workers backed off temporarily, but eventually resumed going door to door. Apparently not long after that, following Hurricane Milton, ONE supervisor in Florida took it upon herself to tell workers not to go to houses flying a Trump flag. It was obviously NOT FEMA’s policy and she was fired immediately after another worker reported her.If a FEMA supervisor writes a policy that tells people to skip houses flying a Trump sign, that becomes official FEMA policy, albeit only in a certain area.and where is the proof that happened? Please supply the policy saying such a thing. That seems like it would be illegal. That seems more of something Trump would want to do. Those who aren’t flying my flags forget about ’em.You can Google “FEMA fired employee policy” click on the Daily Wire website and they have a screenshot of the written instruction.It was on four different news channels. Even FEMA responded by firing the woman to give that disgusting order. Try going to government websites for answers. Most people who do real fact checking do that.She didn’t “write policy.” She told the people working under her. It was obviously the wrong thing to do, but in no job in the world can an area supervisor “write policy” that then becomes the official policy of a company or an organization. How the heck was FEMA supposed to know she was doing that until someone turned her in? At that point, they DID fire her. Pitch a fit about her doing something so stupid, but blaming FEMA in general is ridiculous.Kimmel is a very weak person! He hates Trump because he fears him!
Kimmel doesn’t have the stones to endure all the crap the media and government did to Trump!Tr*mp is to blame for what has happened to him in the legal system. He has contempt for the rule of law.
Jimmy Kimmel isn’t afraid of him either.Trump isn‚Äôt even in office, yet you seem to blame him for everything. What about the wars going on and the wars that are threatening the US by China and Russia. I know, silly me, it must be Trumps fault too.It was ok to politicize COVID tho, right?That came after the fact. During the height of it people were helping people unless Trump was making bonehead comments then it was addressed real time.Not going to defend Trump, he really dogged COVID response But that was one in a generation emergency, that no one really knew how to handle. According to the dems, he’s solely responsible for the crisis, like he literally killed people. These fires happen like clockwork. Nah, how dare you criticize the way this was handled (over and over again) people are dying!? Double standards at bestMonday marked the holiday formerly known as Columbus Day, now Indigenous Peoples‚Äô Day ‚Äì a fitting occasion for Trump to declare himself Covid-free, as the president and the 15th-century explorer ‚Äúactually have a lot in common‚Äù, said Kimmel. ‚ÄúThey both spread disease, and they both failed spectacularly at what they were hired to do.‚Äù
I’m sure he was just helping people. The quote us from 13 Oct 2022 smack in the middle of the COVID crisisI would say the height of it was from March 2020 to May 2021. Again during the height of it Trump was saying stupid stuff. I’m sure that’s what most people were responding to.Thank you Jimmy for your coverage. My home area 1946-1980. Thanks to thousands helping, you too by bringing inside news. The loss unimaginable, choking us up in grief. Good to hear about donations, people helping with a smile. I was glad to receive your input from people on the ground.
At 78, female, sorry Steve, I don’t have Y-fronts.People who have a problem with Jimmy Kimmel don’t like the way he says things the way they are. It is called the truth something trump knows nothing about and never will, he is the most disrespectful President the US has ever had. There is no way to spin things it is a fact that the US is ok with trump who is a Convicted Felon, being President again how sad the US is fine with it. Now back to Jimmy Kimmel he has such Beautiful Expressive Eyes he is a very Good Looking man, he is aging very very nicely.If Trump were currently president, or if California were run by Republicans, Kimmel would definitely be blaming him for the fires. But because democrats are in charge in California and in the White House, we shouldn‚Äôt politicize this. You all know it‚Äôs true even if you downvote my comment. I don‚Äôt even like Trump, but the hypocrisy is nauseating.Trump isn’t hearing you, he’s too busy slamming everyone who isn’t 100% loyal to him. Utter scum, both you and Trump.I‚Äôm scum because I call out hypocrisy and don‚Äôt blindly adhere to either side of the political aisle? Grow up, Marco. Resorting to name calling with someone who disagrees with you is childish. You‚Äôre more like Trump than I am and you just proved it.Geez!!!!! You don‚Äôt seem to know what civility is. Name calling you‚Äôre real good at though. Congrats!You are correct if Trump were to do what Trump loves to do and put conditions on the help then you’re correct he would blame him.
I doubt if the governor were a Republican (well from the old Republican Party) he’d blame them especially if there were doing the best they could to help people. But if he were a maga Republican and acting like a Trump loyalist then yeah he probably would blame him for lack of leadership because he’d be right.People who have a problem with Jimmy Kimmel don’t like the way he says things the way they are. It is called the truth something trump knows nothing about and never will, he is the most Disrespectful and Slefish President the US has ever had. Jimmy Kimmel has such Beautiful Expressive Eyes he is a very Good Looking man, he is aging very very nicely.Some people are just garbage humans and a completely lost cause. Most of the commenters here for example…“Steve Guttenberg, an unlikely hero”. We all know The Gutte was a hero before the fire.It`s amazing how insensitive and callous Trump can be.
But I guess that`s what you get with a demented lunatic like him.
So sad.At least Kimmel acknowledged the ongoing disaster in his first show back. Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show” — which used to be based in L.A.! — had its usual party atmosphere, and barely even acknowledged the fires until a well into the show, when a guest insisted on bringing them up.Thank you Jimmy for this wonderful monologue “of thanks” to everyone, meaning everyone, including the “Man Upstairs”. The link to donate is especially useful for those of us Californians, now living in other states, due to financial pressures. The Golden State – will always be the “Place of Gold” in our hearts. Our sincere support goes out to all of those who are in harm’s way at this most difficult time. We look for our government to support and assist all of those who are in difficulty right now… I know what fires can do and during the big blaze of Lake Arrowhead, flames climbed up over the hill on way to Big Bear Lake, CA, and most of those homes were destroyed in moments. We were evacuated with minutes to spare by our fire marshal. My desire is that the government officials running the beautiful state of the Golden Gate Bridge, will search out “solutions” to never allow this to happen, ever again. Just like we all tend to or should “clear up the garbage in our homes”, we should allow the forests to be cleared of underbrush, like combing and raking our hair, to keep wildfires from having a source to create combustion and quickly become devastation before our eyes. I wish Jimmy had writers who could at least ask the question about why the state of California has had a stable barometric pressure that has hardly moved, in six months. Impossible in nature but why does it happen in odd places throughout the world. I know a friend who has kept barometric pressure values for the past 40 years. This never happened throughout history, according to his copious well-kept records. Those in the “know”, know exactly what is going on… I guess the writers and not in the need to know…. Gigs up.Thank you for speaking so well about a terrible situation! Politalizing this situation is irresponsible and sickening!I thought he said he was moving out of the country if Trump was elected? When are the movers coming? I’d rather hear that noise than his whiningBesides all those Trumpy scumbags, being a Canadian what really makes me angry is that Canadian scumbag Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank saying “I think every taxpayer in America, including those in California, would like to tie this aid to removing Newsom and Bass. Now. Gone,” O‚ÄôLeary said on a “Varney & Co.” panel Tuesday.
“Part of the deal would be, and I know Trump likes new ideas, here’s one: not a dime until those two are whacked from their jobs immediately,” he continued. “They are so incompetent, and all of the decisions they’ve made led to this, and they’re still making mistakes. They’re horrific managers. Whack them.”
Kevin O’Leary is just another fascist like all the rest of the Trumpers out there and now they are saying stuff like this. No surprise!O’Leary & Danielle Smith, premier of Alberta. Both Maga like scum. Unfortunately, we have our share of selfish scum too.Good old Jimmy of hate and divide still at it, using a crisis to support his hate.Another liberal crybaby blaming Donald Trump for the fires in California‚Ķ.ignorant insignificant jerk ‚Ķ. LOOK AT YOUR GOVERNOR!!! LOOK AT THE MAYOR!!! Look at the MULTIPLE DECISIONS THEY MADE CARELESSLY!!! THERE IS NO WATER BECAUSE OF A FISH!!!!!! YOUR GOVERNOR AGREED WITH INSURANCE COMPANIES AND CANCELLED THOUSANDS OF POLICIES‚Ķ. KNOCK OFF THE CHEAP SHOTS AT TRUMP – GROW UPFake tears! Your hate for the man that is our 45th and 47th President is juvenile! You could care less about what is happening to people. You are so set in taking likes and disrespecting the man, that it alphas blinded you. You have no character or class! Seems the Dems have forgotten about NC and Tennessee disaster that happened! You may think you’re funny, but you fail as a man!FYI‚Ķ‚Ķ.no one has said anything against our fantastic, heroic fire fighters we have all applauded them and lifted them up. Who we are angry at is California‚Äôs so called leaders who have put these great men and women and their citizens in harms way by not doing their jobs and who are pushing the blame on everyone but themselves.Stop lying Kimmel. No one is blaming firefighters. They are blaming leadership of California who have been incompetent Dems for decades. Liars are Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass and Kimmel.By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy.
We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.