Karen Gets Suspicious About Men Wearing Face Masks; She Learns The Hard Way Why They Have To – Bored Panda

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The two men in today’s story had to deal with a nosy Karen who seemed to have a problem with them wearing respiratory masks. They gave their reasons for doing so, but the woman remained persistent in her badgering. The two had no choice but to deliver petty revenge, putting an end to the issue. Read the text below, along with its satisfying ending. Share iconCredits: Fellipe Ditadi (Not the actual photo)Share iconCredits: krisprahl (Not the actual photo)Credits: ZZZ-TopMany nosy behavior stories you’ve read on this site happened in neighborhoods, and this one is no different. According to NeuroLaunch, places that emphasize community and shared spaces foster interaction among people. In some cases, it leads to undesirable encounters. People also define unacceptable behavior differently. In the story, the woman deemed it justifiable to confront the men, ignore their explanation, and continue bothering them. This taught her a harsh lesson about respecting other people’s boundaries. Of course, not every situation warrants petty revenge. You would want to avoid any form of retaliation, as it could escalate into a much more problematic situation. When dealing with an intrusive person, psychology professor Dr. Susan Krauss Whitbourne suggests stating your discomfort about their actions. In an article for Psychology Today, she pointed out that people may not realize they are acting inappropriately, and subtle reminders may help send a clear message. Dr. Whitbourne also advises deflecting. In settings like social gatherings, shifting the focus, such as engaging in a conversation with someone else, may help. Ultimately, it’s about realizing that others may fail at social interactions. But if these scenarios become highly uncomfortable, Dr. Whitbourne advises conveying your message through nonverbal cues. “You need not be forced to listen to their chatter if it becomes burdensome,” she wrote. In the story, the two men had to slightly escalate the situation to deal with the woman’s pestering. Their actions, while drastic, were ultimately harmless, and they got their message across.Share iconCredits: cottonbro studio (Not the actual photo)Share iconShare iconBy entering your email and clicking Subscribe, you’re agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. You are also agreeing to our Privacy Policy. Thank you! You’ve successfully subscribed to newsletters!Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing! Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on Flipboard.com/@boredpanda! 11 19 11 19Link copied!ShareLink copied!Share Writer, BoredPanda staff Struggling writer by day. Frustrated jazz drummer by night. Space Cowboy 24/7. Writer, BoredPanda staff Struggling writer by day. Frustrated jazz drummer by night. Space Cowboy 24/7. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m the Visual Editor at Bored Panda, responsible for ensuring that everything our audience sees is top-notch and well-researched. What I love most about my job? Discovering new things about the world and immersing myself in exceptional photography and art. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m the Visual Editor at Bored Panda, responsible for ensuring that everything our audience sees is top-notch and well-researched. What I love most about my job? Discovering new things about the world and immersing myself in exceptional photography and art. “She definitely got a dose of asbestos” – You can’t do that sһit to people, no matter how rude.Yeah, I have to agree. That sounds disproportionate to her meddling.Absolutely, that’s not petty revenge but potentially serious assault.It was done to a leech, not a personThis comment is hidden. Click here to view.Stop caring about wealthy peopleThe comments make an excellent point that didn’t occur to me at first – if you see people wearing respirators, why on God’s green Earth would you just walk up to them before you found out why? If they were cooking meth, you’ve just wandered into the cloud of toxic chemicals with no protection.Charles Darwin answered your question.I get that there are some situations that call for intervention but we’d all be a lot better off if we just minded our own goddamn business more often.”She definitely got a dose of asbestos” – You can’t do that sһit to people, no matter how rude.Yeah, I have to agree. That sounds disproportionate to her meddling.Absolutely, that’s not petty revenge but potentially serious assault.It was done to a leech, not a personThis comment is hidden. Click here to view.Stop caring about wealthy peopleThe comments make an excellent point that didn’t occur to me at first – if you see people wearing respirators, why on God’s green Earth would you just walk up to them before you found out why? If they were cooking meth, you’ve just wandered into the cloud of toxic chemicals with no protection.Charles Darwin answered your question.I get that there are some situations that call for intervention but we’d all be a lot better off if we just minded our own goddamn business more often.We’re also on Instagram and tumblr 0comments 37 points 3comments 41 points 1comment 29 points 3comments 25 points 4comments 32 points 3comments 23 points 1comment 20 points 14replies 19 points 0comments 21 points 6comments 39 points
Source: https://www.boredpanda.com/karen-asks-why-people-wear-masks-petty-revenge/