“Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should”: 30 Awful Ideas Executed Flawlessly (New Pics) – Bored Panda

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On the other hand, an attractive appearance can only get us so far. An item that is unusable but looks pretty serves no purpose. Meanwhile, an object that is functional but has an unattractive appearance often deters us from using it. To make your decision easier, we have a whole list of creations that lack taste but have great e*******n. Scroll down to find them, and make sure to let us know if the lack of aesthetic appeal would put you off from using or purchasing them.This post may include affiliate links. Share icon brunetteheadbb Report I love it Share icon abaganoush Report I love it! Share icon BaronVonBroccoli Report That’s gorgeous, though!In the battle of aesthetics vs. function, visually pleasing appearance seems to be winning. As the theory of the aesthetic-usability effect suggests, users tend to see attractive products as more usable. People are inclined to think that aesthetically appealing items will work better, even if they are actually more defective or inefficient. Pretty appearance also makes cosnumers more tolerant of minor errors in design. Share icon MallCopsXXL Report A cake and a prophesy all in one Share icon fishbethany Report At first I thought they were sprouts and so wondered what the joke was. Share icon dedly_auntie Report I really don’t like cigarettes, they smell bad, they’re expensive, and they’re very unhealthy. However, the execution of this project is quite well done! Especially the “ashy” part.In fact, it was found that around 75% of users would trust a website that is pleasing to the eye. This, of course, goes beyond digital pages. Applications, dashboards, and physical designs also have better user perception if they look attractive. This proves that user experience can’t be just functional. Attractive design shouldn’t be just a ‘nice’ addition, it plays a big role in how consumers perceive products. Share icon Wonkypubfireprobe Report I like it!! Very unique Share icon CalmScientist Report That’s awesome!!! I want one… Share icon joecooool418 Report If you were around in 1979 EVERYBODY smoked. Especially accountants.Such consumer behavior was first observed by researchers Masaaki Kurosu and Kaori Kashimur in the 90s who were studying human-computer interaction at the Hitachi Design Center.They tried testing 26 variations of an ATM user interface (this usually involves screens and other elements that create a connecting point between humans and computers), asking 252 participants to evaluate their aesthetic appeal as well as ease of use. They found that the influence of aesthetics was stronger in their ratings of user experience than the actual ease of use. Share icon ish0uldn0tbehere Report Serious Baba Yaga vibes. Don’t know if that’s what they were going for, but if they were they succeeded. Share icon Leading-Occasion4886 Report Drunk when he bought it, drunk when he lost it. Share icon yellowpurplezebra Report 2zj33m-678…6d71d2.jpg However, even though a pretty design can make people blind to minor usability problems, it can’t cover up the large ones. Let’s say you’re entering a website and you’re met with large, visually appealing pictures throughout the entire page. Initially, you might appreciate the photos. However, as you start to browse through, you begin to notice the site’s low information content, and it becomes hard to look for the things that interest you. Frustrated, you might exit the page and never come back. Share icon ProphetMuhamedAhegao Report That’s actually really impressive! I wouldn’t want it, but I don’t care about King Charles, either. Share icon britishDDs Report I hope she is not marrying a prick. Share icon doginthewindow123 Report McD-Day?That’s why it’s important that function and form work together. When products aren’t easy to use or functionality is sacrificed for aesthetics, users can lose patience, and companies can say goodbye to returning customers. Share icon DAN4O4NAD Report Somebody has some nice woodworking skills Share icon Voi_Quincy Report That is so absolutely hideous, that I’m actually impressed. Share icon OriginalLu Report You might be a red neck if…..Another reason why product designers shouldn’t rely only on aesthetics is its subjective nature. Beauty is personal to each individual’s culture and demographic. So color schemes, fonts, and symbols can be evaluated differently depending on the user’s experiences and background. A Korean person might find a bright red interface inviting, while someone from the US might find it too loud and distracting. Share icon NexusRaven7 Report Ctrl Alt Del. Share icon PadawanPineapple Report I’ll take the squishy end, does someone else want the end with more backrest? Share icon bimbobbygirl Report my sanity was also never found after seeing this pictureSo how can creators achieve the balance between function and aesthetics? Experienced product manager and innovator Chris Kalaboukis recommends starting with the user. “Understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors. This ensures that both the aesthetic and functional design cater to the end-user.” Share icon maybesteveo Report Take off the ugly fake fur, and I think it would be a pretty cool chair. The skeleton is very well drawn. Share icon parbarostrich Report BURN IT!!!! Share icon TokenStraightFriend Report Needs banana for scale.After the designer has thought about their audience, it’s important to continually refine the product based on user feedback, which ensures a balance between form and function. A few other strategies that can help balance form and function are collaboration with other disciplines (e.g., engineers, marketers) and technology usage. All of these can improve the product while maintaining a sleek look. Share icon fishbethany Report I would absolutely wear this. But not very often. Share icon IsakAronV Report I wonder how many Oscar the Grouches they had to bag to make that. Share icon VooseLagina Report So… a conversation pit?Lastly, Kalaboukis reminds creators not to forget sustainability. “Factor in sustainability as an element of design. Eco-friendly designs that are both beautiful and functional resonate with environmentally conscious consumers.” Share icon rosebushes_ Report Someone binge watched Lucifer too many times Share icon LatteMeowCatto Report Anyone got some 1990’s inflatable couches? Share icon anastasia_dedonostia Report Salami vibes.Note: this post originally had 54 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing! Follow Bored Panda on Google News! Follow us on Flipboard.com/@boredpanda! Add Your Photo To This ListPlease use high-res photos without watermarksOoops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB. Not your original work? Add source Ooops! Your image is too large, maximum file size is 8 MB.Error occurred when generating embed. Please check link and try again. 95 15 95 15Link copied!ShareLink copied!Share Writer, BoredPanda staff Hi, glad you swung by! My name is Austėja, and I’m a writer at Bored Panda. With a degree in English philology, I’m interested in all aspects of language. Being fresh out of university, my mission is to master the art of writing and add my unique touch to every personal story and uplifting article we publish. In my time here, I’ve covered some fun topics such as scrungy cats and pareidolia, as well as more serious ones about mental health and relationship hiccups. When I’m not on my laptop, you’ll probably find me devouring pastries, especially croissants, paired with a soothing cup of tea. Sunsets, the sea, and swimming are some of my favorite things. Writer, BoredPanda staff Hi, glad you swung by! My name is Austėja, and I’m a writer at Bored Panda. With a degree in English philology, I’m interested in all aspects of language. Being fresh out of university, my mission is to master the art of writing and add my unique touch to every personal story and uplifting article we publish. In my time here, I’ve covered some fun topics such as scrungy cats and pareidolia, as well as more serious ones about mental health and relationship hiccups. When I’m not on my laptop, you’ll probably find me devouring pastries, especially croissants, paired with a soothing cup of tea. Sunsets, the sea, and swimming are some of my favorite things. Author, BoredPanda staff Greta is a Photo Editor-in-Chief at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication.In 2016, she graduated from Digital Advertising courses where she had an opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals. In the same year, she started working at Bored Panda as a photo editor.Greta is a coffeeholic and cannot survive a day without 5 cups of coffee… and her cute, big-eared dog.Her biggest open secret: she is a gamer with a giant gaming backlog. Author, BoredPanda staff Greta is a Photo Editor-in-Chief at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication.In 2016, she graduated from Digital Advertising courses where she had an opportunity to meet and learn from industry professionals. In the same year, she started working at Bored Panda as a photo editor.Greta is a coffeeholic and cannot survive a day without 5 cups of coffee… and her cute, big-eared dog.Her biggest open secret: she is a gamer with a giant gaming backlog. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, crafting captivating visual content to enhance every reader’s experience. Sometimes my mornings are spent diving into juicy dramas, while afternoons are all about adding extra laughs to the world by editing the funniest memes around. My favorite part of the job? Choosing the perfect images to illustrate articles. It’s like imagining a story as a movie in my mind and selecting the key shots to tell the story visually. Author, BoredPanda staff I’m a Visual Editor at Bored Panda, crafting captivating visual content to enhance every reader’s experience. Sometimes my mornings are spent diving into juicy dramas, while afternoons are all about adding extra laughs to the world by editing the funniest memes around. My favorite part of the job? Choosing the perfect images to illustrate articles. It’s like imagining a story as a movie in my mind and selecting the key shots to tell the story visually. I’m still trying to get over the fact that BP censored the word “execution.”And it is their own content too, it is not as if they are censoring reposted content. At least they are consistentOMG THEY DID lolBut not in the main title!!I think I quite like some of theseYes, and I’m not ashamed 😅This comment is hidden. Click here to view.run!boredpanda put back the comment notifications?? slay??THEY DID! Thank you a thousand times, a thousand and one BP powers that be!Char, So it wasn’t just me. I wondered.I’m still trying to get over the fact that BP censored the word “execution.”And it is their own content too, it is not as if they are censoring reposted content. At least they are consistentOMG THEY DID lolBut not in the main title!!I think I quite like some of theseYes, and I’m not ashamed 😅This comment is hidden. Click here to view.run!boredpanda put back the comment notifications?? slay??THEY DID! Thank you a thousand times, a thousand and one BP powers that be!Char, So it wasn’t just me. I wondered.We’re also on Instagram and tumblr 5comments 28 points 4comments 26 points 18comments 27 points 10replies 19 points 0comments 16 points 1comment 22 points 3comments 21 points 0comments 14 points 12replies 17 points 10comments 29 points
Source: https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-awful-taste-great-execution-pics/