James Woods Says ‘Miracle’ Saved His Home From Los Angeles Wildfires – HuffPost

Actor James Woods says his house in Pacific Palisades has survived the Los Angeles wildfires that had devastated much of his neighborhood.“A miracle has happened,” Woods posted Friday on X. “We managed to get to our property and our home, that we were told is gone forever, is still standing.”Woods added: “In this hellish landscape ‘standing’ is relative, but smoke and other damage is not like the utter destruction around us.”Earlier this week, Woods was among hundreds of thousands around Los Angeles who were forced to evacuate as the fires spread and intensified.He has posted regular updates on X, showing charred ruins of homes near his, and had been convinced his house would fare no better.A miracle has happened. We managed to get to our property and our home, that we were told is gone forever, is still standing. In this hellish landscape “standing” is relative, but smoke and other damage is not like the utter destruction around us. The view from our deck area: pic.twitter.com/JZU2kTJC52“So many beautiful messages from all of you,” he posted later Friday. “I’m so happy and grateful, but honestly the entire area looks like the dark side of the moon.”Earlier in the week, Woods told CNN he believed his house was likely lost in the blaze.He later accused California Democrats, Gov. Gavin Newsom and LA Mayor Karen Bass, of mismanaging the natural disaster.“This fire is not from ‘climate change,’ you ignorant asshole,” he wrote in a Wednesday reply to a user on X. “It’s because liberal idiots like you elect liberal idiots like Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass.”Numerous celebrities, from Paris Hilton to Billy Crystal, have confirmed their homes were lost or sustained damage in blazes burning in and around Los Angeles.Other news outlets have retreated behind paywalls. At HuffPost, we believe journalism should be free for everyone.Would you help us provide essential information to our readers during this critical time? We can’t do it without you.Can’t afford to contribute? Support HuffPost by creating a free account and log in while you read.You’ve supported HuffPost before, and we’ll be honest — we could use your help again. We view our mission to provide free, fair news as critically important in this crucial moment, and we can’t do it without you.Whether you give once or many more times, we appreciate your contribution to keeping our journalism free for all.You’ve supported HuffPost before, and we’ll be honest — we could use your help again. We view our mission to provide free, fair news as critically important in this crucial moment, and we can’t do it without you.Whether you give just one more time or sign up again to contribute regularly, we appreciate you playing a part in keeping our journalism free for all.Already contributed? Log in to hide these messages.At least 10 people have died, and thousands of structures and vehicles have been destroyed.By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you’re agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.