Is Starfield Coming to PS5? ‘Keeping Games Off Other Platforms Is Not the Path for Us,’ Says Xbox Boss – Push Square

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPush SquareGuestLogin or Sign UpIt’s probably happeningBethesda’s space opera Starfield, famously cancelled on the PS5 after Microsoft’s multi-billion-dollar acquisition of the publisher, could still release on Sony’s console in the future.Speaking with reporter Destin Legarie, Xbox bigwig Phil Spencer was asked if the intergalactic RPG would be “staying put for the time being”.“No,” Spencer said, after a dramatic moment’s deliberation.“There is no reason for me to put a ring fence around any game and say this game will not go to a place that it would find players, where it would have business success for us,” he continued.“What we find is we’re able to drive a better business that allows us to invest in great game line-up like you saw [during the Developer Direct].“Our strategy is to allow our games to be available. But to keep games off other platforms […] that’s not a path for us. It doesn’t work for us.”Things could have been very differentDespite assurances from the Microsoft hierarchy that more hardware is on the way, Xbox has been struggling with rapidly vanishing sales of its Xbox Series X|S console line. In the US, the product is trending 18% behind the Xbox One, itself considered a failure compared to the Xbox 360.Having spent close to $100 billion on developers and publishers, with game costs rising and Game Pass struggling to get anywhere close to the 100 million subscribers coveted, it seems the giant is realising it now needs to transition to third-party publishing to balance the books.[source]About Sammy BarkerAs the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.Comments 123″Come on Phil Spencer, give us Gears of War on PlayStation!”
note: this can also apply for Halo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Ori, Fable, Hellblade, Age of Empires, all of the Bethesda-Microsoft exclusives, you get the darn point.Can we say – whilst it may make entirely good business sense (this seems to be the official end to the Sony vs Microsoft console wars), this is a sad day for XBox, it’s gamers, and the idea of a competitive business that benefits all – including PS users). Of course, if you’re a XB gamer, and you’re on GP, then it doesn’t make any difference. They still get to play the same games. But this sounds like one of those “It’s not you, it’s me” moments… and I can understand a lot of confusion amongst the XB user base.Edit – and when I say sad day… I think Microsoft is likely breathing easier today, now that the bandaid has been pulled off. If you’re a PS gamer – well, I guess you can enjoy a crap-tonne more games. So it’s not all bad news. I do (strangely) feel like we’re going to miss something special… even if we get more games.while I’m still early, please bring Blinx back, Microsoft. I know that it’s very unlikely, but the damn cat deserves another chance! LAlso Ori on PlayStation would be nice. Ori is the best Xbox franchise (lol), and it’s incredible on Nintendo Switch, so I think that my fellow gamers (lol) at PlayStation deserve those masterpiece games as well.where’s sneakers 2The shock of Microsoft becoming a third-party publisher is going to come full circle when PlayStation finally receives Halo and Gears of War. Not that I’d play either again.Having been an Xbox owner in previous generations, I’d only be interested in games exclusive to the Series X/S, Starfield being one such game. But only at a budget price, so it’ll likely be a while.I tried it 3 times and every time I had to stop within the first hour because, typically Bethesda, it’s so effin awful. Everything about itPhil’s lost a bit of weight.@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare I’m not worried about PlayStation really.Xbox is offering next to no competition as it is, and Sony cannot sh*t the bed with PC growing and Switch 2 coming.They need to work just as hard as ever, if not harder.They can keep that one…Personally I couldn’t give a monkeys about Starfield.Please just port the Forza games over and I’ll be happy@get2sammyb Just imagine the PS6 is a hybrid console and Sony needs to compete with Nintendo directly. THAT would be interesting.Great, another platform I won’t play it on@get2sammyb I don’t disagree… but the belief in competition is one of the things that pushes us (or corporations) forward. It’s never been an entirely healthy thing – but it DOES push us to try harder. The PS3 generation was defined by the dominance of PS2… we already can feel the lack of hunger in Sony in PS5 (thanks to the dominance of PS4)… I actually worry about Sony’s desire to push things for PS6… in a time when console gaming is actually starting to struggle quite signficantly for all sorts of reasons.I don’t think we need to cry “the sky is falling”… but having competition has always been a good incentive to be better. I don’t know what a competition with PC gaming would look like (for Sony)… but I don’t think Sony is going to win it, without kick-arse games. Edit – and that’s something that has been a struggle of late. Don’t get me wrong – I dislike the tribalism… but I think there’s a deep seated need to compete (in the console realm)… as a way of pushing forward in the entire ecosystem.(so many edits) I really don’t think Sony CAN compete on equal basis with with Nintendo or PC… because they are losing the ability to discriminate. I’ll try and comment later.Game of the Generation y’all 🤣Give us Avowed!Couldn’t care less about Starfield, same can be said for most Xbox exclusives. Indiana Jones is the first game since Forza 5 that I’ve been really pleased that I got an Xbox for.There is a stark shift in the gaming industry right now:This growing market power of Xbox will also have a strong impact on the PC market. Microsoft will get special rates for Steam, a big discount on the 30% share of Valve.Microsoft now starts flexing its muscles!@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare Competiton with Xbox worked for PS5:Are we supposed to be grateful that we are finally getting the game that he snatched away from us all those years ago? And that goes for all the other games they tried to deprive of us too. Yeah thanks Phil.@DonkeyFantasy That’s the little extra spice though. Spencer’s grubby grand plan not only failed it forced Xbox to pull a SEGA. He now has to sit through interviews confirming just how badly he mismanaged Xbox.I think Microsoft make one more console before moving out of the console market.@Max_the_German I think you totally summed up the current situation at Sony and Microsoft very well there. Unfortunately the amazing PS4 AAA game production has not reached the PS5 due to Sonys GAAS decisions. And probably won’t return to full form until PS6.As for Microsoft yes there console sales are low we know that but now with all those studios they will have some serious publishing power and deals to make.I think they will still release a next generation home Xbox console, because they can. A lot on here forget just how massive and powerful Microsoft are. Yes they make mistakes like the USA do, but like the USA they are seriously powerful and do their own thing.@OldGamer999 no one forgets how big and powerful Microsoft is… there have been gazillions of articles dedicated to acquisitions that only Microsoft could make due solely to their size and power. No wonder you guys choose Xbox, your perception of things is like living in the upside-down.What you guys choose to forget though is, Microsoft didn’t make those acquisitions with the intention of becoming third party, becoming third party is a result of things not panning out as they planned.@OldGamer999 I also believe in a 10th gen Xbox, because Game Pass is here to stay, and the other platform holders won’t allow GP on their systems. Microsoft needs an affordable and convenient platform for GP, which PC can’t be.Really love this game, it’s so engaging to step in your spaceship and visit this endless list of planets. Feels a bit sour though if it comes to PS5, since it’s the one reason I bought a Series X next to my PS5.@graymamba And even if the Xbox Series X/S and PC Game Pass were very successful, Microsoft would go third party:It’s no surprise to see Sony bringing its games to PC and testing the ground for Switch games with Lego Horizon Adventures. I wouldn’t be surprised at all by Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered coming to Switch 2 in 2026.Some of you people here acting like Sony got no more games to release or announce this gen 😂. We didn’t even see raw gameplay of Wolverine yet.@Jay767 Constant hype to feed the cycle is needed. It is like every month is already insanely crowded post 2022 but people still want more games.@Max_the_German yes game production cost are rising and yes live service games thrive on high player counts but no… if Gamepass numbers were in line with their predictions and Xbox and PlayStation unit sales were the other way around, no… no they would not be releasing games on PlayStation.It makes no difference though, you’ll keep telling yourself whatever you need to to preserve what little grip you have on your sanity.@graymamba I choose Xbox, PS5 and Switch.The hard choice is now what to keep maybe or more so what to do in the future, next generation.@graymamba Yup this is Plan B aka salvaging a 70 billion dollar blunder (I think up to Bethesda Xbox was fine 8 bil is a literal rounding error for MS). 70 billion and being in the cross hairs of every single major anti-competiton agency is not a good look.Even worse, hardware is still falling off a cliff an Gamepass has had no meaningful increase in subs until COD and even now they’re nowhere close to 100 mil.@OldGamer999 that’s the lie you tell yourself, you own all systems so youre platform-agnostic. But you play yourself on a daily basis. We all see your posts on here and pure Xbox… you hold a massive bias, which is fine just be honest about it 🤷♂️@graymamba I totally agree of course Xbox games would not be releasing games on PlayStation or Switch if Xbox console sales were at PS5 or Switch levels.My frustration with Xbox is they are now studio wise in a good position to have a good battle with Sony and should not release Xbox games on PlayStation or Switch and promote Xbox consoles, game pass and Xbox studio games as Xbox console exclusives.Even if gamers don’t like that, one thing it would do is keep Sony on alert more PlayStation.@graymamba I wouldn’t say I’m totally Xbox preferred. But I’m frustrated with Sony recently with the whole GAAS situation. Such wasted time and money. When the PS5 could have been more like the PS4 days, probably my favourite PlayStation era, what an amazing big AAA campaign Sony studio era.Hopefully they bring avowed and fable over, we know we are getting the outer worlds 2, which is now owned by xbox.@OldGamer999 They literally cannot afford to fight anymore. Nadella has a growth at all cost mentality and Xbox cannot constantly be losing money or barely making a profit. Xbox needed 100 million subscribers to even be comfortable. They are nowhere near that amount, they are losing around 100-200 usd on each hardware unit they sell (playstation makes profit on it).Sea of Thieves not doing well on Playstation would’ve given Xbox a pause to think if it was a good direction but it did extremely well and that ended the topic in Microsoft’s eyes.Starfield always looked interesting to me in the build up to its release and then….To be honest I’ll take no man’s sky over it any day.@breakneck That’s one thing I don’t totally understand but I guess it’s because of the amount sold of PS5. How Microsoft loose money on a console sale and Sony don’t. They probably cost around the same to produce.@OldGamer999 in answer to your question about Sony making money on consoles and Microsoft not… it would come down to bargaining power. When Sony approach AMD for chips they are coming with far bigger orders, so can demand a far more beneficial price-to-chip deal than what Microsoft can.@OldGamer999 To add to @graymamba’s reply, they changed the design of the PS5 after a year or so to be cheaper, they have a better relationship with AMD and even now they’re working even more closely with Cerny’s new partnership with AMD. Also with the quantities of consoles Sony produces and sells, the economies of scale favor them.Also, very technically the company sells in USD and converts to Yen which is very weak so it improves profits in FX.@breakneck Well makes great business sense to do that to make your console profitable.@graymamba Wish they had done that with my new Sony A95L 65” TV, cost me lots of UK pounds. But is worth it, what a TV. And goes well with me Sony Atmos sound bar and sub woofer and rear speakers. The best overall set up I’ve ever had. See I do like Sony overall, I’ve spent enough money with them 🤣@OldGamer999 they do make good tv’s, I used to work a twilight-shift at a Sony plant in South Wales making tv’s while studying for my a-levels back in the 90’s. They were incredibly proud of their tv’s and the features they offered over their competitors. Also, Sony made the decision around a decade ago that their TV’s would no longer be mass-market and become more of a niche high-end product. So their TV’s don’t sell as many as say LG but are better and cost a fair bit more. Hence they wouldn’t have the bargaining power for tv components that they do with PlayStation.🤣 and I don’t care if you (or anyone else) likes Sony… I just like people being authentic. I find most Xbox-centric gamers aren’t.@DonkeyFantasy that is a fair comment but they also were trying to block Sony getting exclusivity for Starfield in the first place. Sony wanted to do the exact same thing; just like they did with Deathloop and Ghostwire. Also people seem to forget Spiderman used to be multiplatform too…Back to the article; I really want all 3 console makers to succeed but I wanted them to succeed without taking away from eachother. They all do it to some extent but Nintendo definitely takes the least from the other two.Imagine how bad the numbers generated from Starfield must have been that this is considered. Starfield was supposed to be their system seller. Good luck with this one.That day 1 excitement has gone. Sales would have been massive if this was multiplatform on release. I was hyped and looked into upgrading my PC for it, until realistic reviews started rolling out. That fomo has gone now and I’ll probably wait for a sale or even PS+ extra down the line.It just confirms what most have seen coming a mile away.The Xbox hardware business is spiralling. The sell less consoles so will have less revenue and less third party support. This drives people to playstation which in turn reduces sales and third party support and so the spiral goes on.There will be a point where being a platform holder is not as profitable as just being a third party publisher and when that happens Xbox will be no more and just Microsoft studios will be left.Appreciate I’m one of the few, but constantly go back to my current 219 hour Starfield play through, I think it’s brilliant. Since the 120fps patch came out last year and vehicles the gameplay has improved significantly.@UK_ around 480h for me over two characters, I absolutely loved it, and once it comes across to PS5 and people actually give it a chance, I’m sure opinion will soften a little.Not touched it since I got a PS5 in October, as I’ll double dip if it comes to PS5 If I had space I’d have a series x or s so could use it as a gamepass machine but I don’t and got so many games on PS4 and 5 that it was best fit for me.It’s a shame Xbox as a brand is becoming a 3rd party publisher rather than a rival console trading blows with PS5. It’s not good for the industry or consumers in long termKeep it, give us Forza Horizon@graymamba I think that is where maybe just maybe Microsoft might end up with their next Xbox. Publishing games on all consoles. But make their own Xbox console very top end and skip the mass market. Of course it will be attached to game pass as well. Similar to Sony top TVs strategy.Forget to say I’m a PS5 Pro owner not PS5. Not sure about the switch 2 though being honest. Will be same as switch a bit more powerful, Nintendos own AAA will be a bit better but new third party games won’t touch the level of PS5 or Pro or series x. And switch 2 will get a load of old PS4 third party games that I’ve already played.@Darude84 I’m in the same boat, finally caved in last year and got a series X to play starfield so too little too late for me but it payed off though because of the infamous “dev” mode makes it appealing for me plus I don’t think the PS5 version would support full mods anyways so I don’t think I would double dip for this reason, I’m good 👍🏾 👍🏾To be honest – reading through the comments… I actually don’t know what world many of you are living in. Microsoft could burn Xbox tomorrow and not care… they just want to make money, and they are changing strategy.Sony’s great innovation is to put out a half-gen model without a disc-drive, and not have enough supply to meet anticipated demand (apparently, it woud seem, they anticipated NO ONE wanting a drive on their premium system). That doesn’t feel like market knowledge. It feels like… er.. who cares… “let them eat cake”.My real point is – it doesn’t help the PS community to not have strong competition. It never has, and never will. I dislike the GP model intensely, and was disappointed that Sony followed suit. I really don’t think GaaS is a full spectrum business model (even though Sony has invested a lot – too much – into it). It is perhaps necessary, but it won’t make them anything other than a 3rd party GaaS publisher.The real issue is – who is Sony competing with? The reality is – it’s their investors interest. If Sony can’t generate enought ROI, then it will follow on a lot of other corporations – into the pile of “I thought they were too big to fail” grave-yard. Sony has four choices:(1) create something different – so that Sony games are worth buying a console over (as compared to Switch2 and a PC). Edit – or they become the only console manufacturer… and we all know how that will end.
(2) Follow MS’s lead and become a software-based company (which they don’t have the teams/money to do).
(3) Sony just become a consoles manufacturer – if MS soft-departs the hardware industry, then there’s almost no reason to have exclusives… and no reason to have first party.
(4) Sony just becomes irrelevant… won the war – but it turns out it was the wrong war.Starfield coming to PS5 or SW2 isn’t a sign of victory of Sony – or defeat of MS – it’s a sign of adaptation for survival. There’s a very good reason why MS is doing this… and looking at short term sales of consoles – that are at best matching a console that is 5+ years back in terms of inflation – is just misguided.This feels very much like everyone is still happily living in yesterday, when the canary has stopped singing. I hope I’m wrong; but this isn’t a story about XBox – it’s a story about gaming in general.@OldGamer999 who can keep track with your flip-flopping… I’m sure I read you returned your Pro a couple of weeks after buying it 🤣xbox lost the console war to sony so they will try and overwhelm sony with xbox games trying to control hem..@Max_the_German I think you misunderstand the PC market if you think Steam want’s to play with MS Store – or EG store… that’s why SteamOS is a thing. If anything, MS will want the Steam store-front with a percentage take. Not many PC players like or use the MS storefront – for a reason. Console owners tend to have a very warped sense of the MS power in PC gaming. Edit – and that’s likely the real reason for the ABK purchase… to make it more palettable for PC players. Begrudgingly.And also why MS wants to compete with SteamDeck (and all the other MS/Linux handhelds that are coming out now).@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare Completely agree, people cheering Xbox to fail or whatever, but everyone has got to be honest with them selves, Sony NEEDS competition otherwise they will become so arrogant, which you have already stated with PS5 pro lack of disc. I truly believe 90% of gamers have chose their platform now and won’t change and so the era of exclusive titles is done.@graymamba he has sold his series x at least three times by my count.@Oram77 people often mistake “being the best” as actually winning. No one wins if the games (console) industry fails. I know a lot of PC gamers are scoffing at consoles right now (due to the growth)… I look at the cost of a decent rig, and I just don’t understand how they think this is a mass market. Something is breaking – already.Still – at the end of the day – it’s ok to be celebrating less exclusivity… but that’s not what this is about. MS didn’t voluntarily go down this path… they just are better at accepting the reality, and shifting. IMHO.EDit – and yes – I agree it’s next to impossible for gamers to shift these days (I am 100% sure that was the goal of GP, to offer PS gamers an entire catalogue of games if they switched). Still, it’s also not a good sign when people have dug themselves so deeply down into their ‘sides’, that it starts to look like a grave.@K1LLEGAL Let’s not forget that while Spiderman used to be multiplatform, it was offered as exclusive to Microsoft to develop before Sony. An offer they declined. So it was offered to Sony and the rest is history.@Weebleman and this is why no one trusts a word he says… apart from his constant whining about British and European stores no longer stocking x-boxes, we all believed that 😉@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare PC gamers are a very strange beast aren’t they? To get the best graphics and frame rates they have spend X amount (sometimes in the thousands) and make it some kind of flex….?@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare who cares if Sony has no competition? PS2 was the undisputed champion in early 2000s, yet Sony released countless great exclusive games. Now I only have to worry about my gaming time, since I got to play Starfield, Avoud, Halo, Gears, Forza, Fable..etc all on PS5 Pro.I would get Poor Man’s Sky if it made it over. But only once it’s discounted, not paying full price for a game that came out two years ago.In terms of competition Sony still have Nintendo to compete with especially after being ousted in Japan by a huge margin. Also with the more powerful Switch 2 on the way which may play most newer games then that’s even more reason to consider them now Sony’s main competition. It’s why Sony released the Portal and are supposedly making a native handheld.In terms of Xbox, they haven’t been serious competition since the 360, their Series sales trajectory is somehow worse than the Xbox one sales which is not a good look, no matter who they buy they won’t turn this around and it’s why they are going all out on being multiplatform. It won’t make a blind bit of difference to Sony if Xbox leave the hardware market.Basically all of bethesda games sooner or later is coming to ps5.lies of p aka phil spencer is seeing the light.word up sonStarslop the most disappointing game of the generation. No thanks Phil you can keep it. Ofc there will still be loads of Bethesda fangirls who rush to buy it only to be massively disappointed.They should know by now the game sucks but it’ll still be funny when they learn that lesson the hard way.EDIT: The disappointment in Destin’s eyes when Phil said no was hilarious. Looked like he died a little inside lol.@MrMagic Are you pretending Concord didn’t exist ?@Rog-X Nah, that was slop as well but nobody was really hyped for that. It wasn’t being billed as the game of the generation either like Starslop which easily takes the crown as the most disappointing game of the generation.@Member_the_game You might be lucky and get FH5 (which is probably the weakest of the lot) as even the Xbox itself has had most of those games delisted due to licensing.How to say your console can’t take the competition without saying it@get2sammyb PC is not a threat to the consoles. Most families won’t buy a PC just to game either. For people like me the console experience is much more fun for most types of games. Sitting in front of a big screen with surround sound is great.Biggest mistake was paying £100 for the digital download of Starfield just to play it early. What a boring game – and I can’t even trade it in! Not finished it and doubt I ever will.Very disappointing they are going this route. It would be different if they said almost all Bethesda games will continue to be multi-platform just like they were before. The reality is that they are doing this because of their very weak position. Subsidized gamepass was created to remedy their position too but it didn’t help much. In fact much of their base complains about it being too expensive haha. Which is funny considering it’s the best deal in gaming. Microsoft really messed themselves up here and has tied their hands down and legs. As they must keep propping up subsidized gamepass otherwise people would really leave the brand if they went back to a normal more healthy model. Luckily they own COD otherwise it would be way more expensive to get it on S-GP. All in all I wish that Xbox can be turned around. I wish the ethos of the X360 era was still there. As they were really about gaming.@UltimateOtaku91 in my view Nintendo’s competition has been largely mobile (esp the Roblox style games)… not PlayStation. Increasingly PC want to muscle into the handheld domain (which is why Nintendo is worried about the emulation side of tings). I also don’t see much overlap between Sw2 and PS5… in our family, its more about the Switch is for taking on holidays or going away… but the sort of games we play on the PS5, we’re not likely to buy on the Switch (Minecraft is the only exception to that rule).I can see however, if the Sw2 can offer the portability and performance near the PS5 (on a smaller screen), then may be the Nintendo is likely to take $ from PlayStation… not the other way around.@Vaako007 Microsoft literally followed Netflix’s model – in terms of disruption… and eventual degradation of the thing that made the genre work… cinema is dying… it’s being replaced by a business that is measured in minutes eyes-on. Not quality.Sorry… didn’t mean to be so negative. I’m just really worried about the gaming industry… it’s not just the job-losses, but I just really worry about the lack of direction in the industry…. I loved when it was about fun games, not the monthly active users. That’s just the old-man-waving-fist-at-clouds talking… maybe. But Microsoft isn’t doing this because they dislike exclusives… they are doing this because they need to.Either way – yes, if you’re in the PS ecosystem, it’s sort of the best of both worlds. But I hope we don’t just look at success in such short-sighted ways.@Max_the_Germanthe PlayStation Studios can’t deliver their fantastic single player games like they did on the PS4This is lazy fake narrative. Please list all the big single player games released by Sony in the first 4 years of the PS4 and we’ll compare to:Demons Souls
Spider-man: miles Morales
Spider-man 2
God of War: Ragnarok
Horizon: Forbidden West
Astro Bot
Stellar Blade
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
Sackboys Big Adventure
Gran Turismo 7@MrMagic Destin so desperately wants to be seen separately from IGN these days (hence he left) and to be seen as an industry luminary. Every time I watched him (I actually watched a lot of Xbox news, because I like to see a broader perspective) he always came across as someone desperately wanting to be thought of as ‘technical’ – but without any actual skills. He talked a lot of rubbish…@ChrisDeku honestly they could have tons more games , and people would still find something they don’t like about every single game. people just like finding stuff to complain about.It’s maybe worth pointing out that Starfield is a ***** game. When it comes to PS5 these comments will be filled with people slamming it. How anyone could have missed the millions of videos doing just that, I’m not sure. Watch Jack Sather’s: I‘m not stupid, and while my statement was simplified, I think you get my point.Where are the announcements for new single player games from Bluepoint and Bend? When will Intergalatic release? Is there a chance for a another single player game from Guerrilla before the launch of PS6? In these cases, the development of cancelled Live Service games blocked resources. Media Molecule is also developing such a game, no single player game here to expect.The great thing about PS4 were the new experiences, like GoW reboot, Ratchet and Clank reboot, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider Man. The PS5 entries (with some also being released on PS4) are more of the same.@MrPeanutbutterzI’d be happy with that if I’m honest, I haven’t played the first 2 FH games so can’t comment on them but out of 3, 4 & 5 I genuinely liked them all…… 4 was my favourite but that could be partly because I’m from the UK.Long story short I’d still be happy with FH5 as there’s nothing else on PS that come close to it.The Crew Motorfest is probably the closest but just doesn’t quite hit the same as the FH games.You may have worked out from my comment that I did used to own an Xbox…. I sold it because I just didn’t use it….. that might have changed if I’d waited till Forza Motorsport released but I didn’t feel it was worth keeping just for one game alone lolLove my PS5 and love my Series X. Don’t even care anymore about “exclusives” on Xbox. On Xbox, it’ll continue to be all about GamePass for me the number of big first and third party games coming this year to GP has me hooked.Will keep going to PS for its great exclusives but Xbox isn’t dead to me as long as they keep doing what they’re doing with GP and keep it affordable (which I suspect selling games multiplatform will help with).Still room for both for me.MS, much like Zuckerberg and Bezos, has given up trying to fight and have fallen in line. Ready to give the keys to those they once opposed. In both instances it’s kind of embarrassing to see it happening.@ChrisDeku great post and great point! I’m a solo gamer for sure. And it’s so weird to meet that I see so many great single player games out there and also see constant complaints about the lack of great single player games. Then I realize the complaints are about 1st party single player games. But why does that matter? You want great solo games and you’re getting them. Why give a damn who’s publishing them?@graymamba This whole flip flopping is me and mate swapping consoles now and again for fun and my son returning for holiday from Uni sometimes. At the moment I have the PS5 Pro which actually is mine paid for. I’m enjoying it more this time round and this year should improve its status with better use from Sony and third parties with the tech. The switch and PS5 is at Uni at the moment and the Xbox round my partners. So currently just a PS5 Pro at my house.I just frustrated with all the big 3, there was such great AAA games and stabilisation last generation as compared to this generation after say the first two years seems cobbled together by the suits at each company. I think you will get what I mean.@Max_the_German You’re being disingenuous, platforms are not defined by what’s not released or what studios didn’t do, they’re defined by what is released. There’s been strong games released every year and next year there are already strong games we know of from their last known targeted release dates: Ghost of Yotei, Death Stranding 2, marathon, Venom: Lethal Protector, Lost Soul Aside. Sony have also released games the same year they’ve been revealed recently, they can have all sorts of games coming soon. A housemaque game could be this year.I wonder when we’ll start hearing about release dates for some of these Xbox games…?I would not get to excited about Starfield I put about 60 hours in series x, which does show you can get lost in its world for hours. But a good amount of those hours are just fanny about with old GUI inventory systems and some loading and sort of old tech systems and upgrading.Some planets and missions are great and the inside shooting systems are good. But there is a lot of packing drift wood with this game outside the mission and side mission structure. It’s a very much love / hate relationship type game.It’s an ok game but definitely not a big Sony AAA campaign standout overall type game.I’m still surprised Starfield wasn’t among the first Xbox games to make the transition, given that it was originally planned for PS5 anyway, and Bethesda obviously has a long history of releasing on PlayStation.Very excited to play this on PS! Have a couple hundred hours in and it’s a great game (if you know, you know). Also curious how it’ll look on the Pro.Starfield isnt rubbish its not great either its somewhere in-betweenits a 7/10 game which is fineIt is happening. Not just probably. We all know it, you know it. I personally don’t care, the game isn’t good anyway. But funny you keep mentioning whatever liar Phil said. We all know why their games are released on PlayStation, and Phil and some fans sound like they are doing a favor.@OldGamer999 oh I get what you mean bruh… even when you don’t 😉@Frmknst …wow you really gave the game a chance didnt ya ? Calling it “effing awful” after only an hour is ridiculous….its a 200 hr RPG which like most games really evolves and opens up as you play. The first hour is barely a tutorial – I’m presuming you’ve never played Skyrim or a Fallout gamePut Rare Replay and Gears 2 and 3 on Steam you coward lol.Microsoft going the way of publishing their first party titles on other platforms benefits everyone, even them.@trev666 totally agree. I’ve completed it and the expansion and enjoyed it a lot without calling it a masterpiece. The very definition of a 7/10 gameI think its great that MSFT is likely releasing Starfield on PS5.Im also of the opinion that exclusives only help hardware manufacturers, not the consumer. I am a consumer, not a manufacturer so from my perspective, the more the merrier on each platform. This puts a real choice in the hands of consumers as opposed to “I have to buy x for y and a for b”Put the onus on the hardware manufacturer to create unique and quality features for their platform as opposed to hoarding games.Side note: I buy all consoles and would likely do so even in a world where there were no exclusives. I like to change it up from time to time.@HotGoomba Preach!@Member_the_game Yeah that’s fair enough, and if it does come to PS5 I’ll probably pick it up at some point. FH4 is my favourite too. I actually bought a Series X just before FH5 launched for it, so was pretty bummed when I realised 4 was the superior game. Really enjoyed the seasonal mechanic in 4 too.Borrowed a mate’s Xbox One to play the other games (plus he wanted to play Bloodborne so it was an easy swap between us for a few weeks).@Runex2121 Yes and no about exclusives. Sony and Nintendo wouldn’t put the same effort/time/money into making some of the very best/popular games in the industry if it didn’t drive sales of their platforms.Your not missing much really your not it’s a boring game it really is@ChrisDeku I also don’t get this narrative that all of a sudden Sony doesn’t have any games coming out anymore.Also i feel like new narratives get created by the week now, and people blindly follow them even if they’re hardly based on anything, it’s so weird. Online discussion has devolved in to a myriad of cognitive biases talking to eachother.I thought that Starfield had its moments, there are some pretty good missions in the game and I loved building and exploring my own ships. Most of the companions are not very interesting though, in my opinion.There was no other path for Xbox but going multiplatform they more than doubled there employee count with acquisitions and there platform already wasn’t doing good which is y they were on pc already people need to remember it’s a business and they need money to keep going@LogicStrikesAgain Pretty much this. Exclusives didn’t help Xbox, so now they don’t help any company. “Sales numbers don’t matter,” used in the same sentence bragging about Microsoft’s (gross) revenue. “Who cares about plastic boxes?!” typed by someone who specifically chose a particular plastic box.I just want Gears of War 3. C’mon MS!i would replay halo and gears of war on the ps5 , make it happen.Starfield was a turd, Bethesda and BioWare are gonna be in side-by-side graves by the end of the decade. I will take Avowed, Flight Simulator, and that Oblivion remake that sounds really promising though please. Nothing else on Xbox really interests me or else I would have kept my Series console…@ButterySmooth30FPS Right! I don’t even care what box you prefer. People can dunk on Playstation and Sony all day if they want. Just make your arguments logical. All these biases and strawmaning is what irks me. People don’t know how to debate their views anymore without throwing red herrings and moving goalposts constantly. I’m just talking in general though, not necessarily this comment section or anything. Sorry i’m getting off topic, just ranting a bit over here.Regarding Starfield, i remember this was the first Xbox game that intrigued me seeing it at the developer direct, and I was practically sold. Until it came out… 😐Friendly advice for all: do not buy Starfield. Learn from my mistake. I even did the $99 early access version… ugh.The question is… do i even care at this point? 😅I will give Phil one thing. He communicates with the audience.I cannot imagine any higher up at Sony giving interviews like this.Ok I understand all what phil be saying BUT aren’t they still making another new console? Why make this decision…@Oz_Who_Dat_Dare 100% agree with you.If I had bought a series console this gen, I would have been pretty p***** at MS – they arent even trying to appear like they value their customers – quite the opposite really, and I would have felt cheated in buying their console over PS5. I cannot see this boding well for any future hardware they are planning.But, on the other hand I have concerns about what a lazy, overconfident Sony looks like. We have started to see this I think with Pro”s price being just a little higher than expected – dont get me wrong its a reasonable price (although varies by region) given the tech, just not as good as if MS had anything to compete with it.Though, as I have said elsewhere, if MS is really serious about being a proper 3rd party studio for PS, then they need to prove it with PS5 Pro versions being suitably superior to Series X versions consistently. For me, that will be the point I take them seriously.Microsoft going multiplatform is great for PS5 gamers but it is not good for the industry. Without competition, Sony will have the monopoly on big budget AAA gaming and there will be no competition to drive quality.Since MS failed, we have already seen Sony get greedy with their failed live service model with countless games cancelled.Competition is very healthy for the gaming industry.The question is, do PS5 players actually need Starfield.I played about 10 hours on Series X and I think it’s not a good game.While it looks impressive sometimes, it’s really boring.I hate to break it to him, but I don’t think Starfield is going to sell very well on PlayStation. The ship has sailed there, I believe.Starfield has been out well over a year now, I wonder if the will port it over if ever? Nintendo will be the ones that will really challenge Sony with the Switch 2. I only keep mu PS5 for the JRPG’s I can’t get on Switch so if now they start porting them all over to Switch 2 i’ll be skipping out until PS6 and I’ll play GTA 6 on my Series X.Removed – unconstructiveCool. So Avowed, when?So ironic for slimy Phil to say this when HE and NOBODY else, literally cancelled the PS5 version that was currently in development.And then at the same time said “oh, I know you are well into development of this but here is series s, the game has to run on this for launch now too, good luck with that, I’m on my way to tell the same thing to the State of Decay 3, Hellblade 2, Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild, Forza 8, etc developers”.Slimy slimy liar Phil.@CupidStunt Sony already do act like this since the start of the gen. You actually think Sony’s game quality will drop??? What, because of no Xbox console exclusive games like Crackdown 3 going forward?Funnily enough PlayStation is the leader yet done multiple Black Friday deals on all their SKUs last November. Xbox just gave up and gave 20% off a series s and nothing else.The fact is, nothing will change today if Xbox consoles go away….. and that’s a fact a lot of Xbox fans still won’t admit.It’s a shame it’s such a disappointing game. I bet it well sell lots though…. 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