In Citizen Sleeper 2, your crew is your survival – Polygon

It achieves a Cowboy Bebop-like sense of communityby Diego Nicolás ArgüelloTwo hundred and thirty cycles. Enough time to drift and wither away in an asteroid belt. To leave footprints, both big and small, in the places we visit and the people we meet. Amending past mistakes and carving a space for a better future at the cost of our own weariness, all for the sake of making a difference in the lives of the people around us.When we award the Polygon Recommends badge, it’s because we believe the recipient is uniquely thought-provoking, entertaining, inventive, or fun — and worth fitting into your schedule. If you want curated lists of our favorite media, check out What to Play and What to Watch.Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector sparks constant reflection on the way we interact with others and the philosophies we choose as our driving force. Much like with its predecessor, the team at Jump Over the Age explores themes around precarity, capitalism, and solidarity, among others, as pillars for the sequel. The addition of a crew and far more punishing mechanics for the use of dice, however, emphasize the stronger need for communion. Even if the ambition behind these additions can sometimes result in the game stumbling upon itself, the protagonist’s constant need to rely on others, and vice versa, heightens the foundation of the first game.The first Citizen Sleeper’s depiction of a far-future gig economy was both thematically strong and quite absorbing as a gameplay loop. In selecting from a set of randomly rolled dice for each day (referred to in-game as a “cycle”), the first game forced you to push your luck in a lite-RPG structure to satiate your hunger and survive. Tasks could involve anything from using a die to work a shift in a kitchen for money to exploring facilities and perilous bars looking for information or making crucial decisions that shape the lives of the characters around you, as well as yourself. It gradually turned into a routine that was hard to abandon, resulting in the equivalent of “one more turn,” only with cycles. At some point, it became less about the in-game rewards for me, though, and more about closing characters’ individual chapters, the satisfaction of having helped someone in need felt better than any amount of money people could muster.The sequel doesn’t aim for a new structure, but rather iterates on these existing ideas through the eyes of a new Sleeper. If you’re unfamiliar with the premise of the first game, which is the same here, you play as an android powered by the emulation of a human mind. The corresponding human, usually in debt, is put to sleep, and the Sleeper’s sole task is to work away their days until every last zero is paid off. Some of these Sleepers, due to spoiler-y reasons, manage to gain independence from the corporation running the program, as well as from a substance they need to keep their artificial bodies running. Such is the case for the new protagonist. A classic case of amnesia, as well as a bounty on their head, however, set up the stakes for the new story from the get-go.One of the main differences in the way you navigate these ongoing problems is having a crew. Alongside Serafin, a sidekick who’s with you from the start, you have the choice to recruit multiple characters throughout the story, either during main or side activities. Each crew member has different skills and aptitudes, meaning that their dice could work best for, say, engineering tasks rather than those that require endurance.Practically speaking, crew members seemed as mere commodities at first. Citizen Sleeper 2 introduces contracts, which are one-off missions located in separate areas from the main hubs you explore. It’s in those instances that your crew is most useful — you can only bring two characters on a contract with you, and sometimes a slot will be automatically occupied due to story reasons. But the extra dice, no matter the numbers rolled, come in handy. As such, my instinct was to recruit everyone I was able to and complement their stats and expertise with the class I picked for my Sleeper.Yet, it didn’t take long for crew members to become yet another narrative layer to contend with. I began to have second thoughts about who exactly I wanted to open the door of my ship to. Should I bring this freelancer with me, after they lied and manipulated the rest of my team, over the promise of some fantasy escape? Do I recruit the sister who’s striving for a shot at proving herself, or the overly protective, more experienced older brother?These questions are even more interesting in retrospect, having hit credits and knowing when I would have benefited from the presence of some of these characters. Not just mechanically, but also narratively. Choosing one particular crew member turned out to be a crucial decision for a late-game contract, as they happened to have a backstory with a key person we needed to ask for help. One remarkable feat is that, while I keep mulling over what-if possibilities, the plot always moves forward, regardless of whether or not you experienced the “ideal” chain of events. My failures, in a similar fashion to the likes of Disco Elysium, granted authenticity to my journey across this universe. Failing usually made return trips much more bittersweet, and the following routine cycles much quieter — blunt yet necessary reality checks that not everything works out.But at least you’re not alone. Over time, as characters stick around and you help them with their own problems, a sense of community settles in. It’s during these Cowboy Bebop-esque missions that the stress mechanic, another addition in the sequel, shines the most. As stress builds up, usually the result of a failed dice check while you’re starving, your dice health is affected. If you don’t mitigate this, you eventually start to lose access to each die, meaning that you have fewer actions, and therefore chances, to tackle contract objectives before time runs out. During contracts, there’s always a looming hazard or upcoming hostile response to your mission, each cycle getting you closer to a critical point at which the mission has failed. It’s crucial to take enough supplies for contracts. But in most cases, I always ran short of them, either due to not having time to prepare in advance nor the funds to do so, or the mission at hand running into complications and extending the expected time.Outside of contracts, you can recover stress by resting in your ship’s bunks and fix your dice using different supplies. Neither option is flawless. The first is dictated by dice. Sometimes you spend three out of five dice trying to recover from stress and fail every single time, and need to carry that on your shoulders to the next cycle. The supplies needed to repair your buddy are pricey — the least expensive option, which is also easier to find, is prone to result in a large number of glitches, which can, well, glitch your dice. A glitched die has an 80% chance of failure upon use, and in my experience, you can’t rely on the other 20%. The penalties for stress are dependent on the difficulty option you choose at the beginning of a playthrough. In the second option, called Risky, losing all of my dice resulted in a permanent penalty. I carried two penalties for the majority of the game, and that was being lucky.When you’re on a contract, you can’t recover stress or fix your dice. It’s as tough as it sounds, but the tension that comes from a bad cycle in which most of the dice fail sets the tone for contracts. Contracts always conclude in some way, just not always successfully. You can tell when the odds of a mission are against you and the crew you chose, and it’s rewarding to either see it through to success or take a few losses along the way. One contract had me setting up a trap for an enemy unit that required me to fulfill three steps. I failed one of them, which was immediately acknowledged by the crew once things got set in motion, and almost jeopardized the entire plan. When the stress mechanics work as intended, they bleed in seamlessly with the story to make for emergent narrative turns. Yet, there were instances in which I wasn’t sure if the game had registered a fail state properly, either due to a bug or for story reasons, giving me the item or result I was aiming for despite the fact that I didn’t get to complete an objective in time.While not as harsh as it is on contracts, stress does inform how you spend your days in Citizen Sleeper 2. As I alluded to earlier, everything has a monetary cost, from staying fed to fixing your broken dice. Some contracts can net enough of a reward to last for a dozen cycles, but smaller, everyday jobs usually pay like shit by comparison. The game is constantly adding commentary about gig work, sometimes in subtle ways, such as a failed die check saying “You swear you’ll never take another shift,” only for you to be back there the following cycle. Deciding how long to starve for and how much stress to keep up with becomes part of the routine as well. As if these conditions weren’t stressful enough, the bounty on your head is reflected in an ongoing hunt from a certain character. This addresses one of my qualms with the first game, in which, after a certain point in the story, you could pretty much navigate cycles completing tasks without any pressure on you. Here, it’s constant. It serves as motivation to explore other locations, as doing so reduces the hunt meter. It forces you to be on the run, not being able to call a place home or settle in for too long. A fitting fate for someone who lives contract by contract.Everything new in Citizen Sleeper 2 feels calculated to fill in gaps or improve the overall gameplay loop. When everything works as intended, each mechanic informs the story and your decisions, with ideas coexisting cohesively. The moments of respite are rare, and fleeting, once they come. And that makes them even more precious and hard to let go of. In some instances, a die can be more than just a mechanic to complete a task, but the intercommunicator for your intentions. During a contract, I had fulfilled the main objective and was free to return, but there was a second task, which involved rescuing someone, that I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford to spend time and resources on. And I used my last set of dice on it either way, so I could leave that place knowing that I had at least tried.When it was clear that I was approaching the end of Citizen Sleeper 2, I put off finishing it for a few days. As I said, moments of respite are fleeting, and a new threat had already settled in. When I finally returned to finish the game, I tried to close as many characters’ individual chapters as I could, and be proud of the future that they envisioned for themselves and the people around them. My crew had grown out from mere strangers who lent an extra hand to a community I could rely on. It was reassuring to commiserate on everyday issues, and understand that others shared similar hardships. I spent those 230 cycles making the effort for them. At its heart, Citizen Sleeper 2 is a gentle reminder that, together, we can even the odds.Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector will be released Jan. 31 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X. The game was reviewed on PC using a pre-release download code provided by Fellow Traveller. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. You can find additional information about Polygon’s ethics policy here.The best of Polygon in your inbox, every Friday.© 2025 Vox Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved