I Just Spent The Past Two Hours With My Jaw On The Floor After Seeing All These Fascinating Pictures And Now I Need You To See Them – BuzzFeed

The best of the internet, delivered straight to your inbox!Just incredible stuff.BuzzFeed StaffWeather looks nicer than New York City, not going to lie.Well, one of the final few. Goodnight, sweet prince.Specifically, this is what it looked like during the filming of the Seinfeld reunion episode during Season 7 of Curb Your Enthusiasm.William and Ernest Renshaw of England defeated Clarence M. Clark and J.S. Clark of the USA in the match.Look at that window! Delightful!Looks like the dorm room of a dude who would corner you and talk to you about chemtrails for way too long.This picture, captured in 1933, showcases a range of “Hoovervilles,” makeshift settlements created by the unemployed and named after President Herbert Hoover.Read more about how this image was made here.Call me when it’s the world’s largest Icebreak Wintergreen mint.Has technology gone too far?Cow dentists must make a killing.She was buried there so the water could “act as a buffer against the interventions of the insane and ghoulish” and any other curious people.I’m sure the mood in that room if very calm.Really, really big!!!Definitely some valuable advice in there.The gorilla skeleton would make a fantastic offensive lineman, I think.Flight? Invisibility? Nah. Gimme the smoking eye power.I wish to touch it.It looks like you’d need railroad tracks to move that thing.A bunch of these homes are still standing. Check them out here.This does not make me feel good.Now, I know we stan Joey G.It fact, it would often give your rear end SPLINTERS.I wish to chomp it.
Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/fun-facts-interesting-pictures-feb-4-2025