I Am Weeping After Watching These Kids Lose It When Their Mom Passes The Bar – BuzzFeed

The best of the internet, delivered straight to your inbox!*grabs a box of tissues*BuzzFeed StaffI PASSED!!!! #barexam #barexam2024 #attorney #blackattorney #singlemom #singlemomlife #singlemomsoftiktok #lawyer #blacklawyer #blacklawyers #blacklawyersoftiktok #joy #blackgirlmagic #blackmoms #blackmomsoftiktok #lawyerbae #shedidit #ididit #tearsofjoy #happytears #cabar #cabarexam #california “It was a big adjustment… There was a lot riding on the results of this test. We were ALL ready to put law school and the Bar behind us!” she said.”She spent the following two and a half years fighting for her life, finding the strength to keep dancing between radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Her passing showed me that time is of the essence, and we have to find the things we’re passionate about and pursue them while we can.””I also want them to know that excellence is in their blood, and I hope other little Black children will see me and know that being an attorney is a possibility for them, too.”
Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleyholt1/kids-lose-it-when-mom-passes-the-bar