Hyperkin Is Going Full-PS5 With Its New ‘Competitor’ Xbox Controller – Pure Xbox

GuestGuestLogin | Sign UpPure XboxGuestLogin or Sign UpDualSense in disguiseWe’ve seen a few PS5-style Xbox controllers over the years, but this must be the most similar of all! As part of CES 2025, Hyperkin has announced a new Xbox controller called “The Competitor” that very much resembles the DualSense.As you can see, this controller drops the left thumbstick down to the bottom of the controller and moves the PS5-style d-pad up to the top, while even the colour scheme is very reminiscent of the PlayStation controller design.The Competitor is actually a wired controller for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC, but one of the big benefits compared to standard Xbox controllers is that it comes with Hall Effect sticks, helping to eliminate stick drift. It apparently comes with Hall Effect triggers as well.We’re still waiting on release date and price details for The Competitor, so we’ll let you know when more information rolls in. Something tells us this could end up being a pretty popular controller in the Hyperkin lineup later this year!First the Duke, now the DuchessJust like the real thingWhat do you make of this? Like the idea? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below.About Fraser GilbertFraser is the News Editor at Pure Xbox, where he spends his time reporting on the biggest stories in the world of Xbox and beyond.Comments 25Well a ps5 is an Xbox after all!Some Playstation owners have an Xbox as a second console. This is perfect for them.The stick placement wouldn’t work for me the normal Xbox controller works perfectly for me.Would be super interesting if this also worked on a PS5 but I guess neither Green or Blue would be happy about that.I still don’t understand why Hall Effect sticks are only now becoming standard. Sega had them in the Saturn and Dreamcast!Funny but not really want I wanted to see from Hyperkin, I was REALLY hoping for a refresh of their 360 pad, the current one doesn’t have hall effect sticks (Something their Duke and Duchess pads do)Not offset, yucky! But yeah, for PS owners who grabbed an S or something there’s prob a market for it.@__jamiie Right?!?! A scam to make more money on controller replacements I think. At least 3rd parties are starting to meet the demand of hall effect in theirs. My Dreamcast controllers are still smooth as butter.So close. All I really want is the PS5 Dualsense controller with Xbox’s signature offset sticks layout, then we would have the truly perfect controller.Hello there fellow gamers.I am one of those PS users that also have an Xbox, so this is perfect for me. Now before anyone starts to flip, I really enjoy the Xbox controller for shooters, racers and some action adventure games. But for fighting games???No, not really. At all. Thats why I got the 8BitDo Pro 2 Wired Controller, with Hall Effect joysticks. Just so I could play my fighting games properply…… And some other games on my PC.It´s a pretty good controller, but this one looks even better.Definitely considering this as a 2025 purchase for my Xbox.Cheers and happy gamingThis is pretty good. Having tried a PS5, and it took a while to get used to the layout, and so I guess there’s people who’d prefer that layout.Shame it lacks the other features, but then again there’d not be any games to support them.I’m not a fan of the ps5 controller but it’s nice to have an additional option.Symmetrical sticks, SOLD!! Hope we can get them in different colors@cragis0001 I have both, but never felt the need for an identical controller! Now, a Switch controller with the buttons the other way round, that would be handy…Is it wired only?I assumed that the layout on PlayStation thumb sticks was something that was copyrighted or something, because I can’t see any reason not to make them offset nowadays. It always feels a bit of a hangover from the 90s when many people preferred to use the d-pad and the sticks were an optional extra.Symmetrical sticks?? Nah, not for me I’m afraid.@PapaGlitch it’s not for me either as I prefer the Xbox controller over the PS5s. But I have to admit that the PS5 is an improvement over the PS4’s as It used to hurt my hands after a while playing. So I used a 3rd party back then. So could be a similar situation for a PlayStation user using the Xbox’s.All these wired controllers make no sense. There are almost no wireless options.No offset analog sticks is an automatic pass for me with Xbox controllers.Ew gross ***** the ps controllerThey name it “The Competitor”.That is either very appropriate, or it is intended as irony.I wonder if Sony will complain, as it is possible that Hyperkin violated trademarks and such things.There seem to be a few PlayStation fans throwing “shade” at Microsoft for this. Despite Microsoft not being responsible.As some with both consoles, I love that Sony upgraded their controllers. That said, I just enjoy the Xbox controller more so.hmm it look so terrible. Never ever want to buy a conroller like this one….Offset analog sticks is better!Ah good to see the discourse about stick placement is alive and well. How about whatever works for the individual? It’s their own comfort surely. I’ve only ever known symettrical sticks since the original dual shock. Only been gaming with a xbox pad for about 10 months and didn’t think i would ever get used to it, but i have. And i can appreciate the design of both controllers. This on my coffee table would confuse the hell out of me haha. I’d be picking up the wrong pad for both. At least with the normal pads there is no confusing them if you pick them up blind.Which one do i think is better? if you must know. Dualsense. personally it feels more well made to me. BUT the xbox controller feels like a quality product as well. So no shade. And i had a LOT of crappy 3rd party controllers as a kid…. i can still remember that mega drive style SNES pad. **shudders** Show CommentsLeave A CommentHold on there, you need to login to post a comment…Six Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early January 2025Including a fantastic FPS30 Xbox Series X|S Games To Look Forward To In 2025Hey, backlog, suck on thisXbox’s First Major Sale Of 2025 Begins, 300+ Games Reduced In AllIt’s called the “Last Chance” saleAll New Xbox Games Coming Out In January 2025Star Wars, Dynasty Warriors, Sniper Elite & much more!Xbox Game Pass: All Games Coming Soon In January 2025We already know of quite a few! 9News MGS3 Remake Dev Rumoured To Be Working On Oblivion Remastered In Unreal Engine 5 8News Indie Dev Questions Whether Xbox One Is Worth Developing For In 2025 20News These Six Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (January 8-14) 49Guide Next Xbox Console: Everything We Know So Far About Microsoft’s Next-Gen System 5News New Nvidia Ray Tracing Footage Gives Us A Fresh Glimpse Of DOOM: The Dark AgesNews Six Games Will Leave Xbox Game Pass In Early January 2025Feature 30 Xbox Series X|S Games To Look Forward To In 2025News Xbox’s First Major Sale Of 2025 Begins, 300+ Games Reduced In AllFeature All New Xbox Games Coming Out In January 2025Guide Xbox Game Pass: All Games Coming Soon In January 2025Feature These Games Are Coming To Xbox Next Week (January 6-10)News Two More Xbox Game Pass Additions Seemingly Leaked For January 2025News Here’s What Might Be Leaving Xbox Game Pass In February 2025Feature Xbox Release Dates In 2025: A List Of New Games Coming Out This YearGuide All Xbox Games With Mouse & Keyboard SupportPopular Right NowShow More Join 109,390 people following Pure Xbox:© 2025 Hookshot Media, partner of IGN Entertainment | Hosted by 44 Bytes | AdChoices | Do Not Sell My Personal Information