How I exposed my friend’s cancer fraud (and what Netflix got wrong) – The Times

Given the well-known link between sunbeds and skin cancer, Belle Gibson’s trips to a tanning salon in Melbourne always struck her friend Chanelle McAuliffe as odd.The two young women hit it off when they met more than a decade ago. She was warm and charming,” said McAuliffe. “She makes you feel really special.” At the time McAuliffe was in the midst of a writing internship. Gibson was one of the hottest stories in town.In the early days of Instagram she had established herself as a trailblazing “wellness” influencer, one who claimed to have beaten terminal brain cancer through clean eating, exercise and positivity.Under the name Healing Belle, this young mother who said she had been given “six weeks, four months tops” to© Times Media Limited 2025.Registered in England No. 894646. Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, SE1 9GF.