Hikers Scream In Disbelief As Giant Spider Shows Off Her Swimming Skills – The Dodo

Ju Vilanova and her partner live near a pristine forested area in Garopaba, Brazil. The region is chock-full of natural wonders that they love nothing more than experiencing.“This is a magical place,” Vilanova told The Dodo. “Lots of nature, trails, waterfalls and animals of all kinds — birds, snakes, spiders, lizards … everything!”But as acquainted as they are with local wildlife, nothing could have prepared them for this recent encounter.While on their daily hike to a nearby waterfall, Vilanova and her partner happened upon a large tarantula strolling by the water’s edge. Curious, they moved in for a closer look.“We were enchanted by her size and how beautiful she was,” Vilanova said.However, the pair were about to be even more impressed.As Vilanova and her partner looked on, the giant spider began dipping her long, furry arms into the pool of water beneath the waterfall.Then, in a flash, the spider began to swim — showing off a skill Vilanova was unaware these spiders possess.She caught the moment on video:“I screamed, ‘My God, she’s swimming!’” Vilanova said. “We were amazed by how fast she was. It’s surreal to describe! It was really beautiful.”Putting all eight legs to use, the spider deftly paddled across the water until she reached the other side.The hikers were stunned.“We kept watching, and she climbed the rocks [on the opposite shore] and continued on her way,” Vilanova said, adding that she was left filled with wonder having learned something new about what these spiders can do:“I felt like a happy 7-year-old child. The connection with animals is very strong here, like living a dream. It’s always full of surprises.”